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I am not a doctor, but that brown fuzzy stuff might be the acids from your stomach, which in turn could be heart burn, or which could be know as GERD. Just a heads up, after I ate I would get an asthma attack, I calld my doctor and explained my symptoms and he put me on Nexium and Aciphex, I have to be on these medicines all the time because the acid will come back almost immediately which causes me heart burn and asthma attacks.

Re: Questions

Terry, don't get me wrong, but I am THRILLED to hear of your situation because I am sitting in the same place. I introduced myself last week to this group while explaining that the HFA inhaler had pretty much given me pneumonia/bronchiti s/infection. I did not mention the major GI problems very similar to yours that I am having concurrently. My MD is refusing to recognize the link. The entire health issue happened 100% coincidentally for me -- the link is clear. I had no previous symptoms of any kind and my asthma had been extremely well controlled for more than a decade. (I am a ten mile per day hiker and runner!) So I am THRILLED to hear your GI guy has some sense. The HFA change to my inhalers is also 100% coincident. I'm certain it is the cause. It is the only change in my life and the anaphylaxis I finally had in response to using the HFA inhaler is pretty definitive.Between the GP

and the asthma specialist, I went through 10 days of Zithromax, 14 days of Avelox, and some kind of injectable antibiotics, all of which have not made a single dent in this system-wide infection. Neither MD will bother to culture what is in my lungs which is pretty much criminal negligence at this time. Both my asthma specialist and my GP are completely failing to handle this illness. The GP had an ultrasound of my upper GI tract done and says it is clear -- "nothing to worry about". However I am 'full' all the time, feel serious restrictions near my heart, and my gallbladder hurts big-time. I'm severely bloated all the time now after 9 weeks of this... I don't seem to be digesting food properly at all without supplements. I cough all the time, brown fuzzy crap comes up if I am lucky. I cannot breathe and am near hospitalization, AND I AM REALLY ******** PISSED OFF. At this point, I am

treating myself. To hell with these guys... I can't miss any more work and I'm going broke paying for worthless medical care and medicine. I went and ordered Sporanox myself. I think it will kill this *fungus* if I can keep the asthma from going completely insane. It's touch and go right now but in four days on Sporanox, the dark brown fuzz has lightened in colour considerably. Since I've had this for 9 weeks now, it will likely take time to get rid of... Terry, I would love to know what your GI person finally decides. I would also appreciate any serious referrals for a GP and a lung specialist/asthma specialist in the Los Angeles area.And -- I want Ventolin Rotacaps returned to the market NOW. (Is the FDA paying any attention?)->> I have a few this evening:> I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having trouble> getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it could be a> fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of the> esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that area due to> Inhalers?...

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I guess over time some sort of symptom would pop up, I have no clue this is all new to me. I'm learning as I go along with this stuff. I'll tell you guys if I get any answers I go back to see my asthma dr on 7-2 so I will ask him!

Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992

From: asthma [mailto:asthma ] On Behalf Of Cheryl BurtonSent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:07 PMTo: asthma Subject: Re: Re:Questions

What would the symptons of Thrush be if it got into your esophagus and stomach? That really scares me.

Cheryl Burton ncicheryl@...

Re: Re:Questions

You can get thrush from steroid inhalers, like advair. My dr told us to rinse our mouth out after use, He also said thrust can get into your esopogus(spelling) and stomach if left untreated. I have had it a few times(because I didn't follow doc instructions) . I believe you can get it from an antibiotic also...it is a yeast infection. ---- Siobhan Kai O Shea <kaikrishnayahoo (DOT) com> wrote: > That is interesting. I haven't heard about having a fungus from an inhaler. What did he prescribe to get rid of it? I have GI issues too. >

No viruses found in this incoming messageScanned by iolo AntiVirus No viruses found in this outgoing messageScanned by iolo AntiVirus

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See that's what I'm thinking it is, but my Mom had to have her's stretched twice in the past 8 years, go figure

Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992

From: asthma [mailto:asthma ] On Behalf Of Cheryl BurtonSent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:21 PMTo: asthma Subject: Re: Questions

Have they checked you for a hiatial hernia? My dad has that and his food will get stuck on the way down.

Cheryl Burton ncicheryl@...


I have a few this evening:I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having troublegetting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it could be afungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of theesophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that area due toInhalers?Also, I opened a new container of Symbicort last night and could taste itagain, where as the other container was getting low I couldn't taste itanymore, yet I saw the spray go in the Chamber, what's up with that? Is thatnormal?Thanks, I feel so bummed out today and don't know why.Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that Hedidn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992____________ _________ _________ _________No viruses found in this outgoing messageScanned by iolo AntiVirus com

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OH MY YES, GERD and Asthma do go hand in hand, I've had GERD for years then on Christmas Eve 2005 we were walking out of Church from Christmas Eve Mass, and it was COLD out, one breath and that's all she wrote, Yes, they tell us to swish our mouth really good after each use of the inhalers to prevent thrush, I prefer to brush my teeth, makes my mouth feel alot cleaner. The narrowing of the esophagus can be from several different things from what the GI told me, Inflammation, Hernia, scarring from ulcers, those are just a few things he told me about. When I do go for the test I will ask more questions and let you know what I'm told

Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992

From: asthma [mailto:asthma ] On Behalf Of M GSent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:18 PMTo: asthma Subject: Re: Questions

my doctor mentioned something about gargling is that to reduce the risk of a fungal infection? I take asephex for acid reflux and GERD disease, because I was getting asthma symptoms and finally noticed for my urge of dairy had been reduced, and the acid reflux stopped, aparently asthma and GERD go hand in hand. Can you explain to me the narrowing of the esophagus? I have to keep on adjusting my portions of food and liquid.

I see the medicine go into the chamber from my Symbicort sometimes if I am aware I can test it other times I can't.


I have a few this evening:I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having troublegetting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it could be afungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of theesophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that area due toInhalers?Also, I opened a new container of Symbicort last night and could taste itagain, where as the other container was getting low I couldn't taste itanymore, yet I saw the spray go in the Chamber, what's up with that? Is thatnormal?Thanks, I feel so bummed out today and don't know why.Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that Hedidn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992____________ _________ _________ _________No viruses found in this outgoing messageScanned by iolo AntiVirus com

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WOW, so I'm not crazy, this is happening to others! Maybe I need to put

having this annoying painful wisdom tooth taken out and have the Endoscope

test done first, I really need to consider this. My throat feels like a

fuzzy slipper all the time but I blame it on the inhalers and my allergy

meds. I MAKE my dr's take notice, I use to take what ever they say and go on

with life, but now I document every little thing and it's printed out when I

go in. I told one PCP 3 years ago, either you take me serious OR I'll find

someone who will. I left him and am with the PCP now that I use, had

everything written down and gave it to him. Had dates, etc and boy did he

sit up and take notice, I do this with all my dr's appts now. I'm so sorry

your having such a bad time of this!

I'm just curious and you do NOT have to answer this but what is your age?

I'm 38, and have had my gall bladder removed due to the symptoms your

describing, it wasn't functions at all, would take in the bil but wouldn't

spit it back out.


I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He

didn't trust me so much. ~Mother

Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program

Established August of 1992

Re: Questions

Terry, don't get me wrong, but I am THRILLED to hear of your situation

because I am sitting in the same place.

I introduced myself last week to this group while explaining that the HFA

inhaler had pretty much given me pneumonia/bronchitis/infection.

I did not mention the major GI problems very similar to yours that I am

having concurrently. My MD is refusing to recognize the link. The entire

health issue happened 100% coincidentally for me -- the link is clear. I had

no previous symptoms of any kind and my asthma had been extremely well

controlled for more than a decade. (I am a ten mile per day hiker and

runner!) So I am THRILLED to hear your GI guy has some sense. The HFA change

to my inhalers is also 100% coincident. I'm certain it is the cause. It is

the only change in my life and the anaphylaxis I finally had in response to

using the HFA inhaler is pretty definitive.

Between the GP and the asthma specialist, I went through 10 days of

Zithromax, 14 days of Avelox, and some kind of injectable antibiotics, all

of which have not made a single dent in this system- wide infection. Neither

MD will bother to culture what is in my lungs which is pretty much criminal

negligence at this time. Both my asthma specialist and my GP are completely

failing to handle this illness.

The GP had an ultrasound of my upper GI tract done and says it is clear --

" nothing to worry about " . However I am 'full' all the time, feel serious

restrictions near my heart, and my gallbladder hurts big- time. I'm severely

bloated all the time now after 9 weeks of this...

I don't seem to be digesting food properly at all without supplements. I

cough all the time, brown fuzzy crap comes up if I am lucky. I cannot

breathe and am near hospitalization, AND I AM REALLY

******** PISSED OFF.

At this point, I am treating myself. To hell with these guys... I can't miss

any more work and I'm going broke paying for worthless medical care and

medicine. I went and ordered Sporanox myself. I think it will kill this

*fungus* if I can keep the asthma from going completely insane. It's touch

and go right now but in four days on Sporanox, the dark brown fuzz has

lightened in colour considerably.

Since I've had this for 9 weeks now, it will likely take time to get rid


Terry, I would love to know what your GI person finally decides.

I would also appreciate any serious referrals for a GP and a lung

specialist/asthma specialist in the Los Angeles area.

And -- I want Ventolin Rotacaps returned to the market NOW. (Is the FDA

paying any attention?)



> I have a few this evening:

> I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having


> getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it

could be a

> fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of the

> esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that

area due to

> Inhalers?



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Age 42, never had a bad gall bladder day in my life until now, and it

is totally in sync with the lung infection and problems with HFA. I'm

pretty damn sure I've got candida system-wide, including the GI

tract. I also think that the HFA has forced this to blow up as large

as it has. (There is 'coincidence', and there is 'incidence'. This

case is a case of incidence - one and the same.)

I do keep up pressure on the MDs. My biggest problem is that I am too

much of a smart *ss for my own good usually -- I am a true rocket

scientist (an astrophysicist), and I know medical technobabble when I

hear it. So I pretty much go do the research and find my own

treatment at this point in time. I tried three times to get both MDs

to explore the fungus/mold end of things rather than just bacteria

and neither would do it. Yet, 8 weeks later with all their

antibiotics having zero effect, and here I am getting slowly better

with the removal of HFA and my own diagnosis and taking Sporanox.

Man, this makes me angry!

(Okay, calming down now...)

Need new MDs.

Need Albuterol Rotacaps (...which I am now ordering from India since

CIPLA still makes them (as Salbutamol Rotacaps)...)

Need a new health system in the USA, starting with the FDA.

Onward and upward,

> >

> > I have a few this evening:

> > I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having

> trouble

> > getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it

> could be a

> > fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of


> > esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that

> area due to

> > Inhalers?

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Hi Cheryl,

ck out this web site it has info on thrush. jean


---- Cheryl Burton wrote:

> What would the symptons of Thrush be if it got into your esophagus and

stomach? That really scares me.


> Cheryl Burton

> ncicheryl@...










> Re: Re:Questions



> You can get thrush from steroid inhalers, like advair. My dr told us to rinse

our mouth out after use, He also said thrust can get into your

esopogus(spelling) and stomach if left untreated. I have had it a few

times(because I didn't follow doc instructions) . I believe you can get it from

an antibiotic also...it is a yeast infection.


> ---- Siobhan Kai O Shea <kaikrishnayahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

> > That is interesting. I haven't heard about having a fungus from an inhaler.

What did he prescribe to get rid of it? I have GI issues too.

> >



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Also Cheryl I think Im wrong about it getting in your stomach, Jean

---- Cheryl Burton wrote:

> What would the symptons of Thrush be if it got into your esophagus and

stomach? That really scares me.


> Cheryl Burton

> ncicheryl@...










> Re: Re:Questions



> You can get thrush from steroid inhalers, like advair. My dr told us to rinse

our mouth out after use, He also said thrust can get into your

esopogus(spelling) and stomach if left untreated. I have had it a few

times(because I didn't follow doc instructions) . I believe you can get it from

an antibiotic also...it is a yeast infection.


> ---- Siobhan Kai O Shea <kaikrishnayahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

> > That is interesting. I haven't heard about having a fungus from an inhaler.

What did he prescribe to get rid of it? I have GI issues too.

> >



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According to that website you can actually end up with it in your stomach if

not treated when it's in the mouth or throat.


I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He

didn't trust me so much. ~Mother

Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program

Established August of 1992

Re: Re:Questions

Also Cheryl I think Im wrong about it getting in your stomach, Jean

---- Cheryl Burton wrote:

> What would the symptons of Thrush be if it got into your esophagus and

stomach? That really scares me.


> Cheryl Burton

> ncicheryl@...










> Re: Re:Questions



> You can get thrush from steroid inhalers, like advair. My dr told us to

rinse our mouth out after use, He also said thrust can get into your

esopogus(spelling) and stomach if left untreated. I have had it a few

times(because I didn't follow doc instructions) . I believe you can get it

from an antibiotic also...it is a yeast infection.


> ---- Siobhan Kai O Shea <kaikrishnayahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

> > That is interesting. I haven't heard about having a fungus from an

inhaler. What did he prescribe to get rid of it? I have GI issues too.

> >




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I have GERD, a hiatal hernia AND the little flap that keeps the acid

out of your esophagus has disintegrated! Can you eat salad?

Specifically, iceberg lettuce and/or raw veggies? That was the

biggest sign for me of the hiatal hernia. It made alot of sense when

they told me it was there and to avoid lettuce and raw veggies.

I'm not sure what the symptoms of thrush in the esophagus and/or

stomach would be. In the mouth and throat it becomes very painful

and sore. Especially the longer you let it go! I start getting

sores all over my mouth and throat and have even had them bleed.

Plus a white, thick coating everywhere.. yuck!

Asthma and GERD really do go hand in hand! I really think I got the

hiatal hernia from doing so much dang coughing!!!!!

Take care! Hope you feel better soon!



> See that's what I'm thinking it is, but my Mom had to have her's


> twice in the past 8 years, go figure



> Terry

> I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish

that He

> didn't trust me so much. ~Mother



> Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program

> Established August of 1992





> _____


> From: asthma [mailto:asthma ] On

Behalf Of

> Cheryl Burton

> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:21 PM

> To: asthma

> Subject: Re: Questions



> Have they checked you for a hiatial hernia? My dad has that and

his food

> will get stuck on the way down.


> <http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk572YYUS>

Kitty 7

> Cheryl Burton


> ncicheryl@...

> <http://www.myspace.com/furbabies4me>





> <http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb068_ZNxmk572YYUS>



> Questions




> I have a few this evening:

> I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having


> getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it

could be a

> fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of the

> esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that

area due to

> Inhalers?


> Also, I opened a new container of Symbicort last night and could

taste it

> again, where as the other container was getting low I couldn't

taste it

> anymore, yet I saw the spray go in the Chamber, what's up with

that? Is that

> normal?


> Thanks, I feel so bummed out today and don't know why.


> Terry

> I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish

that He

> didn't trust me so much. ~Mother


> Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program

> Established August of 1992


> ____________ _________ _________ _________

> No viruses found in this outgoing message

> Scanned by iolo AntiVirus

> http://www.iolo. <http://www.iolo.com/> com







> _____


> No viruses found in this incoming message

> Scanned by iolo AntiVirus

> http://www.iolo.com <http://www.iolo.com/iav/iavpop3>



> _______________________________________

> No viruses found in this outgoing message

> Scanned by iolo AntiVirus

> http://www.iolo.com


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Upper airway blockages are generally a very good sign that you are dealing with not only asthma, but VCD...vocal chord dysfunction.

Subject: Re: QuestionsTo: asthma Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 7:39 PM

I have GERD, a hiatal hernia AND the little flap that keeps the acid out of your esophagus has disintegrated! Can you eat salad? Specifically, iceberg lettuce and/or raw veggies? That was the biggest sign for me of the hiatal hernia. It made alot of sense when they told me it was there and to avoid lettuce and raw veggies. I'm not sure what the symptoms of thrush in the esophagus and/or stomach would be. In the mouth and throat it becomes very painful and sore. Especially the longer you let it go! I start getting sores all over my mouth and throat and have even had them bleed. Plus a white, thick coating everywhere.. yuck! Asthma and GERD really do go hand in hand! I really think I got the hiatal hernia from doing so much dang coughing!!!! !Take care! Hope you feel better soon!Kathleen>> See that's what I'm thinking it is, but my Mom had to have her's stretched> twice in the past 8 years, go figure> > > Terry > I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He> didn't trust me so much. ~Mother > > > Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program> Established August of 1992> > > > > _____ > > From: asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com] On Behalf Of> Cheryl Burton> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:21 PM> To: asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com> Subject: Re:

Questions> > > Have they checked you for a hiatial hernia? My dad has that and his food> will get stuck on the way down.> > <http://www.smileyce ntral.com/ ?partner= ZSzeb001_ ZNxmk572YYUS> Kitty 7> Cheryl Burton <http://us.i1. yimg.com/ us.yimg.com/ i/mesg/tsmileys/ m.gif> > ncicheryl@.. . > <http://www.myspace. com/furbabies4me> > > > > > <http://www.smileyce ntral.com/ ?partner= ZSzeb068_ ZNxmk572YYUS> > > > ----- Original

Message ----> From: Terry <soccer.mom@ ...>> To: AsthmaSupportPLUS@ yahoogroups. com; asthmayahoogroups (DOT) com> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 4:11:00 PM> Subject: Questions> > > > I have a few this evening:> I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having trouble> getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it could be a> fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of the> esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that area due to> Inhalers?> > Also, I opened a new container of Symbicort last night and could taste it> again, where as the other container was getting low I couldn't

taste it> anymore, yet I saw the spray go in the Chamber, what's up with that? Is that> normal?> > Thanks, I feel so bummed out today and don't know why.> > Terry > I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He> didn't trust me so much. ~Mother > > Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program> Established August of 1992> > ____________ _________ _________ _________> No viruses found in this outgoing message> Scanned by iolo AntiVirus> http://www.iolo. <http://www.iolo. com/> com> > > > > > > _____ > > No viruses found in this incoming message> Scanned by iolo AntiVirus> http://www.iolo. com <http://www.iolo. com/iav/iavpop3> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________> No viruses found in this outgoing message> Scanned by iolo AntiVirus> http://www.iolo. com>

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You can actually order that stuff from India, what about a prescription

don't you have to have one of those. I can hear your frustration and

understand it


I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He

didn't trust me so much. ~Mother

Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program

Established August of 1992

Re: Questions

Age 42, never had a bad gall bladder day in my life until now, and it is

totally in sync with the lung infection and problems with HFA. I'm pretty

damn sure I've got candida system-wide, including the GI tract. I also think

that the HFA has forced this to blow up as large as it has. (There is

'coincidence', and there is 'incidence'. This case is a case of incidence -

one and the same.)

I do keep up pressure on the MDs. My biggest problem is that I am too much

of a smart *ss for my own good usually -- I am a true rocket scientist (an

astrophysicist), and I know medical technobabble when I hear it. So I pretty

much go do the research and find my own treatment at this point in time. I

tried three times to get both MDs to explore the fungus/mold end of things

rather than just bacteria and neither would do it. Yet, 8 weeks later with

all their antibiotics having zero effect, and here I am getting slowly

better with the removal of HFA and my own diagnosis and taking Sporanox.

Man, this makes me angry!

(Okay, calming down now...)

Need new MDs.

Need Albuterol Rotacaps (...which I am now ordering from India since CIPLA

still makes them (as Salbutamol Rotacaps)...)

Need a new health system in the USA, starting with the FDA.

Onward and upward,

> >

> > I have a few this evening:

> > I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having

> trouble

> > getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it

> could be a

> > fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of


> > esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that

> area due to

> > Inhalers?


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Funny that you should say this. Tuesday at 3:00 in the morning, I woke out of a dead sleep to sit up straight in my bed and couldn't breathe. My mouth and throat felt like it was coated in acid. I was able to breathe through my nose, but of course when you are having an attack, you want to breathe through your mouth. I guess this means that it was my dinner coming back to get me? Thanks for the info. I just love this group.

Cheryl Burton ncicheryl@...

Re: Questions

Terry, don't get me wrong, but I am THRILLED to hear of your situation because I am sitting in the same place. I introduced myself last week to this group while explaining that the HFA inhaler had pretty much given me pneumonia/bronchiti s/infection. I did not mention the major GI problems very similar to yours that I am having concurrently. My MD is refusing to recognize the link. The entire health issue happened 100% coincidentally for me -- the link is clear. I had no previous symptoms of any kind and my asthma had been extremely well controlled for more than a decade. (I am a ten mile per day hiker and runner!) So I am THRILLED to hear your GI guy has some sense. The HFA change to my inhalers is also 100% coincident. I'm certain it is the cause. It is the only change in my life and the anaphylaxis I finally had in response to using the HFA inhaler is pretty definitive.Between the GP

and the asthma specialist, I went through 10 days of Zithromax, 14 days of Avelox, and some kind of injectable antibiotics, all of which have not made a single dent in this system-wide infection. Neither MD will bother to culture what is in my lungs which is pretty much criminal negligence at this time. Both my asthma specialist and my GP are completely failing to handle this illness. The GP had an ultrasound of my upper GI tract done and says it is clear -- "nothing to worry about". However I am 'full' all the time, feel serious restrictions near my heart, and my gallbladder hurts big-time. I'm severely bloated all the time now after 9 weeks of this... I don't seem to be digesting food properly at all without supplements. I cough all the time, brown fuzzy crap comes up if I am lucky. I cannot breathe and am near hospitalization, AND I AM REALLY ******** PISSED OFF. At this point, I am

treating myself. To hell with these guys... I can't miss any more work and I'm going broke paying for worthless medical care and medicine. I went and ordered Sporanox myself. I think it will kill this *fungus* if I can keep the asthma from going completely insane. It's touch and go right now but in four days on Sporanox, the dark brown fuzz has lightened in colour considerably. Since I've had this for 9 weeks now, it will likely take time to get rid of... Terry, I would love to know what your GI person finally decides. I would also appreciate any serious referrals for a GP and a lung specialist/asthma specialist in the Los Angeles area.And -- I want Ventolin Rotacaps returned to the market NOW. (Is the FDA paying any attention?)->> I have a few this evening:> I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having trouble> getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it could be a> fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of the> esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that area due to> Inhalers?...

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My heart goes out to you. It is tough enough to deal with being sick

without adding all the other terrible stresses on top of it. Sometimes

you do " just need to cry " and get the emotions out. There is no magic

prescription to avoid grieving for terrible sickness and death in the

family. (I so wish there was.) But as you've noted, the emotions and

stress can make the asthma flare.

Be as kind to yourself as you can. Don't expect too much out of

yourself when you are so overwhelmed. Try to take things like your

father's illness one day at a time. Don't focus on the worries of

tomorrow (like the funeral when he dies), just deal with today. When

the funeral comes, your spouse can help you get through all the things

associated with it, but for today, just deal with today.

With so many difficult stresses in your life right now, you might think

about an anti-depressant or anti-aniexty medication. While they don't

take away any of the problems in your life, they might be helpful in

getting through this period of time and allow you to control your worry.

And you may already be taking something. I think I would be depressed

if dealing with all you are dealing with.

The high dose of prednisone you are taking for the flare should help

your asthma get better, but may make your emotions more labile. I know

I am an emotional wreck and cry or get irritated very easily on a 60 mg

dose. So be extra patient with yourself. It sounds like the attack in

the resturant was scary, so staying close to home for a few days is

probably a good idea. I saw Noah had posted something about VCD and

that might be something to ask your doctor about too.

Wishing you a better day today,


> Hi Terry, Kathleen and everyone,

> My asthma has been getting back to normal for about a week now.

Saturday and Sunday my father had me crying. He is very ill and is

horribly verbally abusive. This morning I woke up all wheezing, my peak

flow had dropped down to 350, normal for me is 420 and last week I was

reaching 450. I called the doctor and had to go see her. I'm now on

Leavuqin for the sinus drainage that's headed right for my chest. She

said my left lung was completely full. She's changing me from Flovent to

Symbicort. I have the 60 mgs of prednisone again. UGH! Gee Thanks Dad!

When I started taking the Flovent. I think I was allergic to the HFA

because for 5 days I had some very nasty side effects: a migraine,

dizziness, low blood pressure etc. etc.

> After going to the doctor, my husband and I went to meet my mom,

sisters, niece and nephew for dessert. Terry, what happened to you the

other day happened to me in the restaurant. I was talking and doing

alright, the next thing I know my chest locked up. I couldn't get air in


restaurant could hear me. I started coughing. My poor mother who is 72

and has rheumatoid arthritis was terribly upset. I didn't have my Pro

Air HFA inhaler on me because it was being cleaned and I had just had a

breathing treatment. It took us 35 minutes to get home to my enbellizer.

I will never leave the house again without my mini neb. I knew how you

felt Terry, when that happened to you at the GI doctor's office because

it happened to me in the past. I never expected it to happen today. The

HUMIDITY, as all of you discussed, is HORRIBLE here in LOUISVILLE, KY. I

guess the heat, humidity and already being sick from crying caused this

episode. I am staying in bed and around the house again for the next few



> I wish the rain would come too, Terry. We keep getting storms

forecasted but they never appear. No bad storms though.


> Terry, I have never heard of a swollen esophagus or fungal infection.

How did the doctor diagnose it? What do you have to do for it? Is it

just like a yeast fungus?


> I'm with you today, I'm totally bummed out. I know the reasons why

though, it is all the stress of my family, my husband's work schedule,

me not being well enough to continue my career/work etc. etc.


> I have a question for all of you? WHAT DO YOU DO TO STOP CRYING WHEN

YOUR HEART IS BROKEN AND YOU NEED TO CRY? I have always gotten sick

after I cried. I did try to compose myself. What will I do when he does

die? How will I handle that stress and grief?

> Funeral homes with the flowers ALWAYS MAKE ME SICK. The incense at the



> The doctor told me today to stop worrying and get well. That my asthma

has been out of control since Oct 2007. I know it has and I agreed with

her. I don't know what to do.

> I would appreciate any suggestions at all.


> Thank you to each and everyone of you for being in this group.

> I pray we all make it through this hot humid summer without many

asthma symptoms.

> Lou


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Great Advise , I've been sitting on this one trying to figure out

how to word what I wanted to say but you just said it all!


I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He

didn't trust me so much. ~Mother

Teddy Bear's Early Learning Program

Established August of 1992



My heart goes out to you. It is tough enough to deal with being sick

without adding all the other terrible stresses on top of it. Sometimes you

do " just need to cry " and get the emotions out. There is no magic

prescription to avoid grieving for terrible sickness and death in the

family. (I so wish there was.) But as you've noted, the emotions and

stress can make the asthma flare.

Be as kind to yourself as you can. Don't expect too much out of yourself

when you are so overwhelmed. Try to take things like your father's illness

one day at a time. Don't focus on the worries of tomorrow (like the funeral

when he dies), just deal with today. When the funeral comes, your spouse

can help you get through all the things associated with it, but for today,

just deal with today.

With so many difficult stresses in your life right now, you might think

about an anti-depressant or anti-aniexty medication. While they don't take

away any of the problems in your life, they might be helpful in getting

through this period of time and allow you to control your worry.

And you may already be taking something. I think I would be depressed if

dealing with all you are dealing with.

The high dose of prednisone you are taking for the flare should help your

asthma get better, but may make your emotions more labile. I know I am an

emotional wreck and cry or get irritated very easily on a 60 mg dose. So be

extra patient with yourself. It sounds like the attack in the resturant was

scary, so staying close to home for a few days is probably a good idea. I

saw Noah had posted something about VCD and that might be something to ask

your doctor about too.

Wishing you a better day today,


> Hi Terry, Kathleen and everyone,

> My asthma has been getting back to normal for about a week now.

Saturday and Sunday my father had me crying. He is very ill and is horribly

verbally abusive. This morning I woke up all wheezing, my peak flow had

dropped down to 350, normal for me is 420 and last week I was reaching 450.

I called the doctor and had to go see her. I'm now on Leavuqin for the sinus

drainage that's headed right for my chest. She said my left lung was

completely full. She's changing me from Flovent to Symbicort. I have the 60

mgs of prednisone again. UGH! Gee Thanks Dad!

When I started taking the Flovent. I think I was allergic to the HFA because

for 5 days I had some very nasty side effects: a migraine, dizziness, low

blood pressure etc. etc.

> After going to the doctor, my husband and I went to meet my mom,

sisters, niece and nephew for dessert. Terry, what happened to you the other

day happened to me in the restaurant. I was talking and doing alright, the

next thing I know my chest locked up. I couldn't get air in or out. I JUST


hear me. I started coughing. My poor mother who is 72 and has rheumatoid

arthritis was terribly upset. I didn't have my Pro Air HFA inhaler on me

because it was being cleaned and I had just had a breathing treatment. It

took us 35 minutes to get home to my enbellizer.

I will never leave the house again without my mini neb. I knew how you felt

Terry, when that happened to you at the GI doctor's office because it

happened to me in the past. I never expected it to happen today. The

HUMIDITY, as all of you discussed, is HORRIBLE here in LOUISVILLE, KY. I

guess the heat, humidity and already being sick from crying caused this

episode. I am staying in bed and around the house again for the next few



> I wish the rain would come too, Terry. We keep getting storms

forecasted but they never appear. No bad storms though.


> Terry, I have never heard of a swollen esophagus or fungal infection.

How did the doctor diagnose it? What do you have to do for it? Is it just

like a yeast fungus?


> I'm with you today, I'm totally bummed out. I know the reasons why

though, it is all the stress of my family, my husband's work schedule, me

not being well enough to continue my career/work etc. etc.


> I have a question for all of you? WHAT DO YOU DO TO STOP CRYING WHEN

YOUR HEART IS BROKEN AND YOU NEED TO CRY? I have always gotten sick after I

cried. I did try to compose myself. What will I do when he does die? How

will I handle that stress and grief?

> Funeral homes with the flowers ALWAYS MAKE ME SICK. The incense at the



> The doctor told me today to stop worrying and get well. That my asthma

has been out of control since Oct 2007. I know it has and I agreed with her.

I don't know what to do.

> I would appreciate any suggestions at all.


> Thank you to each and everyone of you for being in this group.

> I pray we all make it through this hot humid summer without many

asthma symptoms.

> Lou



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Thank you Jean.

Cheryl Burton ncicheryl@...

Re: Re:Questions> > > You can get thrush from steroid inhalers, like advair. My dr told us to rinse our mouth out after use, He also said thrust can get into your esopogus(spelling) and stomach if left untreated. I have had it a few times(because I didn't follow doc instructions) . I believe you can get it from an antibiotic also...it is a yeast infection. > > ---- Siobhan Kai O Shea <kaikrishna@ yahoo. com> wrote: > > That is interesting. I haven't heard about having a fungus from an inhaler.

What did he prescribe to get rid of it? I have GI issues too. > > > >

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Cheryl that is what I call acid reflux. I tried about everything to

get rid of mine. The best thing is not to eat anything for about two

hours before bedtime. After having a colonostpy I was told " If you

are going to eat something that you know will bother you to take a

Zantac 75 before you eat and if you didn't...take if after eating.

Also elevate you head when you go to bed. I like to lay flat, but its

better than waking up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I take a

Zantac just to make sure I get to sleep. Hope this helps. I am

learning a lot from this group and I love this group too.


-- In asthma , Cheryl Burton wrote:


> Funny that you should say this.  Tuesday at 3:00 in the morning, I

woke out of a dead sleep to sit up straight in my bed and couldn't

breathe.  My mouth and throat felt like it was coated in acid.  I was

able to breathe through my nose, but of course when you are having an

attack, you want to breathe through your mouth.   I guess this means

that it was my dinner coming back to get me?  Thanks for the info.  I

just love this group.


>   Cheryl Burton 

>                     ncicheryl@...  










> Re: Questions



> Terry, don't get me wrong, but I am THRILLED to hear of your

> situation because I am sitting in the same place.


> I introduced myself last week to this group while explaining that


> HFA inhaler had pretty much given me pneumonia/bronchiti


> I did not mention the major GI problems very similar to yours that


> am having concurrently. My MD is refusing to recognize the link.


> entire health issue happened 100% coincidentally for me -- the link

> is clear. I had no previous symptoms of any kind and my asthma had

> been extremely well controlled for more than a decade. (I am a ten

> mile per day hiker and runner!) So I am THRILLED to hear your GI


> has some sense. The HFA change to my inhalers is also 100%

> coincident. I'm certain it is the cause. It is the only change in


> life and the anaphylaxis I finally had in response to using the HFA

> inhaler is pretty definitive.


> Between the GP and the asthma specialist, I went through 10 days of

> Zithromax, 14 days of Avelox, and some kind of injectable

> antibiotics, all of which have not made a single dent in this


> wide infection. Neither MD will bother to culture what is in my


> which is pretty much criminal negligence at this time. Both my


> specialist and my GP are completely failing to handle this illness.


> The GP had an ultrasound of my upper GI tract done and says it is

> clear -- " nothing to worry about " . However I am 'full' all the


> feel serious restrictions near my heart, and my gallbladder hurts


> time. I'm severely bloated all the time now after 9 weeks of


> I don't seem to be digesting food properly at all without

> supplements. I cough all the time, brown fuzzy crap comes up if I


> lucky. I cannot breathe and am near hospitalization, AND I AM


> ******** PISSED OFF.


> At this point, I am treating myself. To hell with these guys... I

> can't miss any more work and I'm going broke paying for worthless

> medical care and medicine. I went and ordered Sporanox myself. I

> think it will kill this *fungus* if I can keep the asthma from


> completely insane. It's touch and go right now but in four days on

> Sporanox, the dark brown fuzz has lightened in colour considerably.

> Since I've had this for 9 weeks now, it will likely take time to


> rid of...


> Terry, I would love to know what your GI person finally decides.


> I would also appreciate any serious referrals for a GP and a lung

> specialist/asthma specialist in the Los Angeles area.


> And -- I want Ventolin Rotacaps returned to the market NOW. (Is the

> FDA paying any attention?)


> -



> >

> > I have a few this evening:

> > I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having

> trouble

> > getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it

> could be a

> > fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of


> > esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that

> area due to

> > Inhalers?


> ...


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Really good point Noah! I have VCD too.. They can determine it with

a scope (it's actually kinda cool to watch them do it on the little

tv screen).

> & gt;

> & gt; See that's what I'm thinking it is, but my Mom had to have


> stretched

> & gt; twice in the past 8 years, go figure

> & gt;

> & gt;

> & gt; Terry

> & gt; I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just

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, Kathleen (thanks for reply) and Terry,

I sincerely appreciate your caring, sensitive, thoughtful comments. I really appreciate it. I will talk to my dr about anti anxiety and anti depressants. That is a good idea. Especially when prednisone amplifies everything!

The reason his funeral was on my mind, my Mom is prearranging the funeral. I had to help write the obituary because she said I was the oldest. That's just great, Mom.

Does crying effect anyone else's asthma?

I was checked for VCD and no problems. Thank God. I don't need another illness to already add to my list. But, thanks to the person who posted it. I need all the help and support I can get right now.

Hugs and Prayers to all of you!


And again, Thank You from the bottom of my heart! If I tell someone that doesn’t have asthma about the restaurant episode, they get concerned, but they really can't feel, like each of you can feel what happened to me because they don't have asthma.

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SUre I think most of us have problems when we cry. Your situatation could have caused an attack without crying.....just the upset that he caused would have caused your body to react in such a way heart beating faster.....shallow breathing......then add crying .... of course you had problems and of course many don't understand...... i would imagine the worst of all is "he" probably didn't care that he was hurting you so much....we have become a very selfish, hurtful nation. so sorry you have to go through all of this....i had a verbally and physically abusive mother............. Lou Dempler wrote: , Kathleen (thanks for reply) and Terry, I sincerely appreciate your caring, sensitive, thoughtful comments. I really appreciate it. I will talk to my dr about anti anxiety and anti depressants. That is a good idea. Especially when prednisone amplifies everything! The reason his funeral was on my mind, my Mom is prearranging the funeral. I had to help write the obituary because she said I was the oldest. That's just great, Mom. Does crying effect anyone else's asthma? I was checked for VCD and no problems. Thank God. I don't need another illness to already add to my list. But, thanks to the person who posted it. I need all the help

and support I can get right now. Hugs and Prayers to all of you! Lou And again, Thank You from the bottom of my heart! If I tell someone that doesn’t have asthma about the restaurant episode, they get concerned, but they really can't feel, like each of you can feel what happened to me because they don't have asthma. annehttp://www.dogster.com/dogs/621460http://www.catster.com/cats/629724

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I just get treated with a pill every day Nexium or Asaphex, it seems that almost anything comes back to me, so I stay on the medicine as an every day treatment plan. This helps my ashtma and heartburn.

Re: Questions> > >

Terry, don't get me wrong, but I am THRILLED to hear of your > situation because I am sitting in the same place. > > I introduced myself last week to this group while explaining that the > HFA inhaler had pretty much given me pneumonia/bronchiti s/infection. > I did not mention the major GI problems very similar to yours that I > am having concurrently. My MD is refusing to recognize the link. The > entire health issue happened 100% coincidentally for me -- the link > is clear. I had no previous symptoms of any kind and my asthma had > been extremely well controlled for more than a decade. (I am a ten > mile per day hiker and runner!) So I am THRILLED to hear your GI guy > has some sense. The HFA change to my inhalers is also 100% > coincident. I'm certain it is the cause. It is the only change in my > life and the anaphylaxis I finally had

in response to using the HFA > inhaler is pretty definitive.> > Between the GP and the asthma specialist, I went through 10 days of > Zithromax, 14 days of Avelox, and some kind of injectable > antibiotics, all of which have not made a single dent in this system-> wide infection. Neither MD will bother to culture what is in my lungs > which is pretty much criminal negligence at this time. Both my asthma > specialist and my GP are completely failing to handle this illness. > > The GP had an ultrasound of my upper GI tract done and says it is > clear -- "nothing to worry about". However I am 'full' all the time, > feel serious restrictions near my heart, and my gallbladder hurts big-> time. I'm severely bloated all the time now after 9 weeks of this... > I don't seem to be digesting food properly at all without > supplements. I

cough all the time, brown fuzzy crap comes up if I am > lucky. I cannot breathe and am near hospitalization, AND I AM REALLY > ******** PISSED OFF. > > At this point, I am treating myself. To hell with these guys... I > can't miss any more work and I'm going broke paying for worthless > medical care and medicine. I went and ordered Sporanox myself. I > think it will kill this *fungus* if I can keep the asthma from going > completely insane. It's touch and go right now but in four days on > Sporanox, the dark brown fuzz has lightened in colour considerably. > Since I've had this for 9 weeks now, it will likely take time to get > rid of... > > Terry, I would love to know what your GI person finally decides. > > I would also appreciate any serious referrals for a GP and a lung > specialist/asthma specialist in the Los Angeles

area.> > And -- I want Ventolin Rotacaps returned to the market NOW. (Is the > FDA paying any attention?)> > -> > > >> > I have a few this evening:> > I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having > trouble> > getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned it > could be a> > fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of the> > esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in that > area due to> > Inhalers?> > ...>

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<<Does crying effect anyone else's asthma?>>

Not me - I cried for about 5 hours solid last night, again when I got up this morning, and although I've calmed down a little now, I'm still really upset. It doesn't seem to have affected my asthma - my chest has felt a bit tight and sore, but so is my throat so I think I migth be coming down with something. I swallowed a mouthful of manky swimming pool water on Sunday...


Sent from Yahoo! Mail.

A Smarter Email.

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Oh yeah! Crying's a HUGE trigger! If you think about all the extra

mucuous your body makes when you're crying, it totally makes sense!

I'm very glad you're going to talk to your dr about the anxiety and

depression. Steroids really do make you feel wacky, but with all the

added stress it might just become unbearable!

Take care and keep us posted!


> , Kathleen (thanks for reply) and Terry,

> I sincerely appreciate your caring, sensitive, thoughtful

comments. I really appreciate it. I will talk to my dr about anti

anxiety and anti depressants. That is a good idea. Especially when

prednisone amplifies everything!

> The reason his funeral was on my mind, my Mom is prearranging the

funeral. I had to help write the obituary because she said I was the

oldest. That's just great, Mom.

> Does crying effect anyone else's asthma?

> I was checked for VCD and no problems. Thank God. I don't need

another illness to already add to my list. But, thanks to the person

who posted it. I need all the help and support I can get right now.

> Hugs and Prayers to all of you!

> Lou

> And again, Thank You from the bottom of my heart! If I tell

someone that doesn't have asthma about the restaurant episode, they

get concerned, but they really can't feel, like each of you can feel

what happened to me because they don't have asthma.








> anne

> http://www.dogster.com/dogs/621460

> http://www.catster.com/cats/629724


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Protonix is my very dear friend! Really helps me with the GERD. And

I totally agree about sleeping propped up. That helps with both GERD

and Asthma!


> > >

> > > I have a few this evening:

> > > I was at the GI's office yesterday and we spoke about me having

> > trouble

> > > getting food to go down past where the heart is, He mentioned


> > could be a

> > > fungal infection from the inhalers and of course a narrowing of

> the

> > > esophagus. Has anyone ever dealt with a Fungal infection in


> > area due to

> > > Inhalers?

> >

> > ...

> >


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Hi Lou,

Have you tried L-Theanine for the anxiety,

and SAMe for the depression?

Of course, always talk to your Doctor before supplementing with




> , Kathleen (thanks for reply) and Terry,

> I sincerely appreciate your caring, sensitive, thoughtful

comments. I really appreciate it. I will talk to my dr about anti

anxiety and anti depressants. That is a good idea. Especially when

prednisone amplifies everything!

> The reason his funeral was on my mind, my Mom is prearranging the

funeral. I had to help write the obituary because she said I was the

oldest. That's just great, Mom.

> Does crying effect anyone else's asthma?

> I was checked for VCD and no problems. Thank God. I don't need

another illness to already add to my list. But, thanks to the person

who posted it. I need all the help and support I can get right now.

> Hugs and Prayers to all of you!

> Lou

> And again, Thank You from the bottom of my heart! If I tell

someone that doesn't have asthma about the restaurant episode, they

get concerned, but they really can't feel, like each of you can feel

what happened to me because they don't have asthma.


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