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Maxine has never been diagnosed AZ.

She does take Aricept which is a drug used for AZ a lot but also for Parkinsons


I did research this morning on her meds so that I have thorough info regarding

those when we see dr. tomorrow.

THANKS so much.


Re: intro


Welcome, we don't have professional caregivers here and it is good to

see you here and looking for info.

My Mom passed away Oct '02 and I had her with me for 3 years and in a nh

the last year. I also was a lone caregiver. My daughter did help out

with her and listen to me vent and get me my web tv so I could talk to

others. I don't know what I would have done without her. People really

pull away, {I lost all my friends even} and it is a lone job.

I have heard a lot of people talk about conflict of meds. I never had

mom to Neurologist and when I did, it put her in a nh. He just handed

her to anther specialist who medicated her and it was a mess. I didn't

care if Mom sounded " crazy " because I knew she didn't tolerate drugs. I

think the MDs goals are different than mine were. Her GP did the best

at working with me. Mom couldn't take, and didn't like any drugs. She

took one in am for BP and a thyroid pill. And toward the end of her

time at home with me, I gave her 1/4 of a .50 mg Xantac, 3 x's a day.

ANd I came by that by accident when she started to get really nervous

about everything. That is not a drug recommended for any one with LBD,

but it just levelled her out and she was 87 years old and things were

getting worse, so I thought whats the difference, if it helped. Mom

never had a lot of the Parkinson symptoms. Her biggest problem, or I

should say mine, was that every other night for 3 years, she did not

sleep and that was when she would even lay down.

I never got the diagnosis of LBD officially. The MD said AD from the

beginning and I just didn't believe it after while. She was different

than those in her day care group. That was when I found LBD and it fit

much better. She had been falling for a long time and I just never put

it together with all this. ANd she had always been sensitive to drugs.

She never even liked OTC for headaches.

I do think MDs have goals but I don't know what they are. Mine was to

keep her as comfortable as I could, under the circumstances. I knew she

was dying but I didn't know how long that would take. My goal was to

keep her as comfortable as long as I could and to live the rest of her

living time with as much quality as I could provide. I fed her what she

wanted and except for the sleep issue, she was encouraged to go to day

care and she went 4 times a week. She said she hated it, but the day

care people said she was just fine until I got there.

I think who ever is working with the person, knows that person best and

is the most qualified to handle problems. Hope this helps.


PS I don't think Doctors are successful in getting rid of all the

symptoms. It often causes more problems. Especially with this group of

people and meds.

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Maxine was on Seroquel for a short time and I talked doc into taking her off of

it because it made her sleep CONSTANTLY................



Re: intro


I am not the best to tell you about the drugs, I worked with them a very

short time. My dad got Aricept and Seroquel for the hallucinations and

aggressiveness, but it only worked for a few days. Good luck with your DR's

appointment. Josie

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Donna, just reading your story, I think you did really well at helping

your Mum, I just wanted to say that and I am sure what you have written

will help a lot of others.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: mido101@...

> Date: Mon Nov 3, 2003 12:04:36 AM Australia/Melbourne

> To: LBDcaregivers

> Subject: Re: intro

> Reply-To: LBDcaregivers


> Kathy,


> Welcome, we don't have professional caregivers here and it is good to

> see you here and looking for info.


> My Mom passed away Oct '02 and I had her with me for 3 years and in a

> nh

> the last year. I also was a lone caregiver. My daughter did help out

> with her and listen to me vent and get me my web tv so I could talk to

> others. I don't know what I would have done without her. People really

> pull away, {I lost all my friends even} and it is a lone job.


> I have heard a lot of people talk about conflict of meds. I never had

> mom to Neurologist and when I did, it put her in a nh. He just handed

> her to anther specialist who medicated her and it was a mess. I didn't

> care if Mom sounded " crazy " because I knew she didn't tolerate drugs.

> I

> think the MDs goals are different than mine were. Her GP did the best

> at working with me. Mom couldn't take, and didn't like any drugs. She

> took one in am for BP and a thyroid pill. And toward the end of her

> time at home with me, I gave her 1/4 of a .50 mg Xantac, 3 x's a day.

> ANd I came by that by accident when she started to get really nervous

> about everything. That is not a drug recommended for any one with LBD,

> but it just levelled her out and she was 87 years old and things were

> getting worse, so I thought whats the difference, if it helped. Mom

> never had a lot of the Parkinson symptoms. Her biggest problem, or I

> should say mine, was that every other night for 3 years, she did not

> sleep and that was when she would even lay down.


> I never got the diagnosis of LBD officially. The MD said AD from the

> beginning and I just didn't believe it after while. She was different

> than those in her day care group. That was when I found LBD and it fit

> much better. She had been falling for a long time and I just never put

> it together with all this. ANd she had always been sensitive to drugs.

> She never even liked OTC for headaches.


> I do think MDs have goals but I don't know what they are. Mine was to

> keep her as comfortable as I could, under the circumstances. I knew

> she

> was dying but I didn't know how long that would take. My goal was to

> keep her as comfortable as long as I could and to live the rest of her

> living time with as much quality as I could provide. I fed her what

> she

> wanted and except for the sleep issue, she was encouraged to go to day

> care and she went 4 times a week. She said she hated it, but the day

> care people said she was just fine until I got there.


> I think who ever is working with the person, knows that person best and

> is the most qualified to handle problems. Hope this helps.


> Donna


> PS I don't think Doctors are successful in getting rid of all the

> symptoms. It often causes more problems. Especially with this group

> of

> people and meds.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Kathy and thanks for making such efforts to help someone who is not

a relative. I am very impressed. What city do you live in? It seems that

this is one lucky family to have such a caring person to take care of their


My mother is on Reminyl for the memory problems and the hallucinations. She

still has them but not so often. She ran out of meds one Sunday and didn't

have them for a day and a half and the world caved in. She was talking to

people kids and animals, couldn't finish a sentence and had such memory

problems. This was on the day she was to be tested by the Occupational

Therapist. We had to call it off as she was so different than the week

before. She recently had the same test after being on an increased amount

of Reminyl 12 mg now up from 8mg two times a day, and she did amazingly well

on those same questions that she couldn't answer before. When asked for her

phone number she rattled off mine and then said oh, that's Kathy's and then

proceeded to tell her's after only a moment's pause, and preceded it with " I

never call myself so I have trouble remembering it " Ha! Overall she did

the same as last fall, but even maintaining what she has is better than the

progression and it is clear it is working well, and going off it would be


Kath in Toronto

Re: intro

> >

> >

> > Kathy:

> >

> > I am not the best to tell you about the drugs, I worked with them a


> > short time. My dad got Aricept and Seroquel for the hallucinations


> > aggressiveness, but it only worked for a few days. Good luck with


> DR's

> > appointment. Josie

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Joanna and welcome to the group. I live in Seabrook too. I just drove last Wednesday to to see a doctor there. My experience with local doctors was not to great either.


Hi, I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live inSeabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto'sthyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules keptgrowing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did notwant to have to have the other half out later and most of my researchshowed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancyfound was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour andLevoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so mygynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willingto prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston. Glad to be a part of this group.Joanna

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Hansen in Webster will not Rx Armour together with synthetic T4.joanna4132001 wrote:

Hi, I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live inSeabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto'sthyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules keptgrowing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did notwant to have to have the other half out later and most of my researchshowed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancyfound was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour andLevoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so mygynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willingto prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston. Glad to be a part of this


Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Glad to have you part of this group, it's very informative and supportive.joanna4132001 wrote:

Hi, I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live inSeabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto'sthyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules keptgrowing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did notwant to have to have the other half out later and most of my researchshowed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancyfound was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour andLevoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so mygynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willingto prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston. Glad to be a part of this


Imelda Macias

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Joanna-It was good that you had the entire thyroid gland removed. Completion thyroidectomies carry a much higher risk for complications than does an initial TT.Had the endo been keeping your TSH suppressed below 0.1 to keep the cancer from coming back?My follicular cancer was found in the lobe that was only partially removed. I was not given good information at the time (1992), so I had neither a completion thyroidectomy nor RAI. I just discovered this last year. Up until then I had been under the impression that the cancer was found in the right lobe which was completely removed.Furthermore, I had been told every year that my sonogram was "clear". . .until one new radiologist let the cat out of the bag and mentioned that I have nodules in my remaining partial left lobe. That is when I dug up my records and started reading. On top of all that, I found that two docs had failed to keep my TSH suppressed for five years!Always get hard copies of all lab reports. Do not trust the doctors to monitor your care. Most of them have a cavalier attitude toward thyroid cancer.There is never a time when we can cease to monitor for the recurrence of the disease. Dr. Ain at University of Kentucky is the expert on thyroid cancer. (He is also a paid spokesman for $ynthroid, so we don't pay any attention to his opinions on thyroid medications.) He says he considers a patient to be free of thyroid cancer when he hears that they have died from some other cause. . . .jan >> Hi, > > I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live in> Seabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.> I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto's> thyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules kept> growing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did not> want to have to have the other half out later and most of my research> showed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancy> found was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour and> Levoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so my> gynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willing> to prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston. > > Glad to be a part of this group.> > Joanna>

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My experience with local Clear Lake doctors is very good. Hi Joanna, I

am in Clear Lake and have a recommendation depending on your situation.

Contact me via email. Seems there are a lot of us who live in the Bay

area. A couple of us are planning to meet soon. Let me know if you want

to be included. Part of what we do when we meet is discuss how to

approach a doctor with our concerns. Nev, you are invited too. Did you

ever see the doc I recommended? I never heard back from you.


Zuljana5@... wrote:

Hi Joanna and welcome to the group. I live in Seabrook too. I

just drove last Wednesday to to see a doctor there. My

experience with local doctors was not to great either.


In a message dated 11/11/2005 3:20:51 PM Central Standard Time,

juce@... writes:


I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live in

Seabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.

I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto's

thyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules kept

growing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did not

want to have to have the other half out later and most of my research

showed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancy

found was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour and

Levoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so my

gynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willing

to prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston.

Glad to be a part of this group.


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My experience with local Clear Lake doctors is very good. Hi Joanna, I am in Clear Lake and have a recommendation depending on your situation. Contact me via email. Seems there are a lot of us who live in the Bay area. A couple of us are planning to meet soon. Let me know if you want to be included. Part of what we do when we meet is discuss how to approach a doctor with our concerns. Nev, you are invited too. Did you ever see the doc I recommended? I never heard back from you.Carole

Hey Carole,

I called her on the phone and she sad that she wouldn't be able to help me in my situation. I went to doc in . He was very kind, and he recommended DHEA to me. he sad that I have adrenal fatigue and that my ACTH test was not good. That is what I had suspected all along, but my endo kept telling me otherwise. I just afraid now to take it.

Thank you for inviting me. It would be nice to meet you all. Let me now when it is.


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Ok thanks for the information concerning her. I'd like to hear the details. You are afraid to take the DHEA? Why?


Because so many time I had terrible reaction to the meds and vitamins. Even before, thruout my life, but a lot more since I became intolerant to the thyroid medications. I am just too afraid.


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When you get your meeting scheduled, let me know and I will put it on the calendar and on the home page. We can use one of my yahoo addresses for contact, and I can forward the emails to you or give out your email address by private email to the folks who are interested.henningc50 wrote:

My experience with local Clear Lake doctors is very good. Hi Joanna, I am in Clear Lake and have a recommendation depending on your situation. Contact me via email. Seems there are a lot of us who live in the Bay area. A couple of us are planning to meet soon. Let me know if you want to be included. Part of what we do when we meet is discuss how to approach a doctor with our concerns. Nev, you are invited too. Did you ever see the doc I recommended? I never heard back from you.CaroleZuljana5@... wrote:

Hi Joanna and welcome to the group. I live in Seabrook too. I just drove last Wednesday to to see a doctor there. My experience with local doctors was not to great either.


Hi, I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live inSeabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto'sthyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules keptgrowing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did notwant to have to have the other half out later and most of my researchshowed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancyfound was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour andLevoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so mygynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willingto prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston.

Glad to be a part of this group.Joanna

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Ok thanks for the information concerning her. I'd like to hear the

details. You are afraid to take the DHEA? Why?

Zuljana5@... wrote:

In a message dated 11/12/2005 1:50:15 AM Central Standard Time,

carole_henning@... writes:

My experience with local Clear Lake doctors is very good. Hi

Joanna, I am in Clear Lake and have a recommendation depending on your

situation. Contact me via email. Seems there are a lot of us who live

in the Bay area. A couple of us are planning to meet soon. Let me know

if you want to be included. Part of what we do when we meet is discuss

how to approach a doctor with our concerns. Nev, you are invited too.

Did you ever see the doc I recommended? I never heard back from you.


Hey Carole,

I called her on the phone and she sad that she wouldn't be able

to help me in my situation. I went to doc in . He was very

kind, and he recommended DHEA to me. he sad that I have adrenal fatigue

and that my ACTH test was not good. That is what I had suspected all

along, but my endo kept telling me otherwise. I just afraid now to take


Thank you for inviting me. It would be nice to meet you all. Let

me now when it is.


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Sure, I will let you know.

Jan wrote:

When you get your

meeting scheduled, let me know and I will put it on the calendar and on

the home page. We can use one of my yahoo addresses for contact, and I

can forward the emails to you or give out your email address by private

email to the folks who are interested.

henningc50 wrote:


experience with local Clear Lake doctors is very good. Hi Joanna, I am

in Clear Lake and have a recommendation depending on your situation.

Contact me via email. Seems there are a lot of us who live in the Bay

area. A couple of us are planning to meet soon. Let me know if you want

to be included. Part of what we do when we meet is discuss how to

approach a doctor with our concerns. Nev, you are invited too. Did you

ever see the doc I recommended? I never heard back from you.




Hi Joanna and welcome to the group. I live in Seabrook too.

I just drove last Wednesday to to see a doctor there. My

experience with local doctors was not to great either.


In a message dated 11/11/2005 3:20:51 PM Central Standard

Time, juce@...



I just found out about this group and was approved today. I live in

Seabrook so was very interested in the thread about doc's in Clear Lake.

I had my thyroid removed three years ago due to Hashimoto's

thyroiditis. I had treated it for several years and the nodules kept

growing. I had the surgeon remove the whole thing because I did not

want to have to have the other half out later and most of my research

showed that as the norm. Good thing I did because the only malignancy

found was in the half not scheduled for removal. I take Armour and

Levoxyl in combination. I still think I am a little hypo so my

gynecologist prescribed more Levoxyl for me than my endo was willing

to prescribe. Hence my unhappiness with the endo in downtown Houston.

Glad to be a part of this group.



FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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  • 1 year later...


My name is Danni and I live in North port , florida. Welcome to the group. I

was diagnosed in May 2005. I can understand all the frustration that Larry must

be feeling. I know how this illness can change your life. I am glad you joined

are group and I hope Larry will too. This group has been a lifeline to me. I

have met some wonderful friends here. My brother just recently passed away and

the people in this group have helped me get through this rough time. I am

greatful to everyone in this group for all their support and love. I could not

imagine getting through this difficult time without them. I hope you can find

the support and knowledge that I have found with this group. If there is ever a

time you need to talk to someone anytime, feel free to contact me at




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My name is Danni and I live in North port , florida. Welcome to the group. I

was diagnosed in May 2005. I can understand all the frustration that Larry must

be feeling. I know how this illness can change your life. I am glad you joined

are group and I hope Larry will too. This group has been a lifeline to me. I

have met some wonderful friends here. My brother just recently passed away and

the people in this group have helped me get through this rough time. I am

greatful to everyone in this group for all their support and love. I could not

imagine getting through this difficult time without them. I hope you can find

the support and knowledge that I have found with this group. If there is ever a

time you need to talk to someone anytime, feel free to contact me at




Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security

tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free

AOL Mail and more.

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome Aylwin,

I am new also and have really enjoyed your posts. I too feel like the

cognitive issues are getting worse and worse as the years go by. I would

love to know what other groups you belong to and how you like them. I

stumbled on this one and agree about the blend. But I think I would like to

add one or two others also.

Hope to day is a good one for everyone,



Well I've been so chatty I thought I'd better introduce myself! I'm

Aylwin, I live on the west coast of Canada, and I've had ME for over 20

years. I was 30, recently separated with 2 small kids, and living in

Vancouver and wham. One morning (Nov. 1st/86 to be precise) I woke with a

fever of 104 deg. that never left me for 3 years. Ups and downs, the usual

story, quite a severe case all around.

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Hi , I enjoy your posts too...how long have you been ill (you may have said

but...who remembers anything)? The cognitive stuff is very frustrating I know.

Well, if you're still doing the NY Times xword you are doing better than me! I

used to do them but lost it over the relapse last May...I was getting pretty

good at Sudoku too (I thought it was a good cognitive ecercise for someone not

too spatially oriented, so to speak!), but totally lost it overnight with said

relapse. I am getting that one back slowly though.

BTW, your experience with your mum is classic... So, to hear that announcement

in the Dr.'s office is a big shock...anything like that will trigger an instant

crash because of the brain stuff...ooh I can't come up with the words this

morning! (I sure can't speak science-talk like I used to be able to.) Stressors

are stressors, whether emotional, toxic, exertional, and so on. They ALL affect

cognitive function, and for many of us the effect is IMMEDIATE. I call it a

" whack " , cuz it feels like you've been whacked in the head! I'm sorry that your

family has this added stress and I hope your Mum will be OK.

I actually (and unpopularly) take 1 mg Ativan sl for these experiences, also for

overstimulation. I say unpopularly, because it is a Benzo like valium, so can be

habituating and not great (depends on dosage, I only take a little) for

cognitive as we get older...but it is an old and simple drug, one of the rare

ones that I do not have paradoxical or dosage related or allergic reactions to.

If it were me, I would have taken one before the appointment, knowing it was

likely to be intense with a strong potential for whacking. Even a positive shock

(good news) can have the same effect!

As to groups, there's actually only one other that I just love (that I've found

so far) but it's for lesbians (take it or leave it!) with chronic illnesses,

invisible disabilities and so on. It's in Yahoo, amazon lifeline. The folks are

thoughtful, warm, and intelligent, and although it's no pity-party we give each

other a LOT of support. We deal with a lot of similar stuff. I'd like to find

more too, though one could spend all day typing! - not my strongest suit, I'm

getting DragonSpeak for my 'puter to ease my problems that way. IF I can learn

to use it! So, if you find a good'un, pass it along.

I am finding that a lot of my friends have drifted off since this relapse (they

really just don't get it, despite my best efforts and even giving some people

good articles to read) and I'm mostly housebound, so I really need the social

contact to keep me from getting glum...This is not me feeling sorry for myself

(well mostly anyway!) but problem-solving how to fill the social quadrant of my

life, now that I can't get out much.

Okay, the dog needs " walking " , and I can't type anymore just now! So g'day and

thanks for the friendly connection. Aylwin

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Thanks Aylwin,

I think it has been over 20 years now, but never so bad as in the last year.

I have had long periods of wellness in-between bouts. I do find that I

don't have many friends. I just don't have the energy to keep up with more

than a few. I have to have friends that understand that I cant be constantly

talking on the phone. It is just too exhausting. Speaking of which, I'm

tanking right now. So I'd better sign off.

Well, if you're still doing you find a good'un, pass it along.

I didn't understand that one. Don't know if it is your typing or my brain



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  • 11 months later...

Hi ,

Who is the person organizing support for that bill, do you know? I love

the name of it,and we might use that in TN. I would also love

to see the language of the actual bill. Can you put me in touch with that






> Hi everyone! I'm , from Vermont, who has recently learned the wonders of


dairy. I

> made my first raw milk purchase today, and I'm so psyched. Vermont's got a

great bill

in the

> works - the Farm Fresh Milk Restoration Act of 2008 - which will make it much

easier to


> and buy raw dairy in the state! lets get it passed!


> on another note, does anyone have any advice on how long raw milk takes to

sour in


> fridge?


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If the milk is from today, it will take good 25 days before it will start to turn.


Hi everyone! I'm , from Vermont, who has recently learned the wonders of raw dairy. I made my first raw milk purchase today, and I'm so psyched. Vermont's got a great bill in the works - the Farm Fresh Milk Restoration Act of 2008 - which will make it much easier to sell and buy raw dairy in the state! lets get it passed!on another note, does anyone have any advice on how long raw milk takes to sour in the fridge?

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Rural Vermont, an advocacy group for farmers, is spearheading the bill. Their

website is

www.ruralvermont.com Contact info is on the site.

The full text of the bill can be found at



The names in the first paragraph are all of the co-sponsors that have already

signed on with

their support of the bill. 66 right now. It is going to be difficult to get it

passed- we are up

against some huge opposition from the Dairy industry, etc. but there is

definitely a chance.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Esther! My daughter is named for my grandfather - we were

very close and I miss him terribly, so naming Caroline after him keeps him

somewhat close to my heart on a daily basis...although on some days when it is

10:00 AM and I feel as though I have already said her name out loud 200 times

(ex: " Caroline,please come down from there; Caroline, please stop bouncing

that ball inside; Caroline, please stop jumping; Caroline,please go to the

bathroom and stop hopping, etc- lol), on those days I think I could do with a

few less reminders!! " Esther " is a part of my Hebrew name, too!

I am looking forward to being a part of this group.


In a message dated 2/26/2008 7:50:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

mike_esther_smith@... writes:

Welcome Karin and Caroline!

I love the name Caroline by the way. It is lovely. We

have already been talking a little and I hope to talk

much more, but just wanted to say an official welcome.


--- _klrenard@..._ (mailto:klrenard@...) wrote:

> Hi Everyone,


> Since I've been yakking away freely for a week or so

> I figured it might be a

> better idea to introduce myself before any more

> time passes.


> My name is Karin and my daughter's is Caroline.

> Caroline is dx'd with

> PDD-NOS and AD/HD. We live just outside of

> Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania. I am a

> single mom...Dad lives in San Diego,California.

> Caroline just turned 7 this

> month and she is in 1st grade in a typical classroom

> without an aide or TSS

> of any sort, which would normally be fine if she was

> getting the in-class

> support and awareness of ASD that she needs- but she

> isn't. Her teacher is

> probably the worst choice for a " dumped " child in

> this entire school- she doesn't

> have a drop of nurturing ability and her knowledge

> of Asperger's/HFA is nil.

> Caroline has had an extremely intensive course of

> private intervention

> since her diagnosis because we always had

> difficulty getting appropriate

> intervention from the city/state/etc, although she

> was in Early Intervention from 9

> months of age on. This private intervention

> continues to this day, and my

> daughter is in amazing shape- but at great cost.

> This is our first year in

> public school and it has been a huge disappointment

> since the beginning, mainly

> because of the teacher but at some point the

> principal has to shoulder some of

> the blame for not providing the correct training to

> her teacher. This

> principal is known far and wide- she is revered as

> is the entire SD, but once we

> arrived we discovered that sped is not a factor in

> these reviews of this SD.


> I belong to many online groups but I didn't know

> about this one until so

> recently, and I was so happy to hear about it!!!

> There are significant

> differences in the way many girls present from the

> way boys present, and I have

> wished for so long that I knew of more girls and

> their families, so I am really

> happy to be here.


> Is anyone else from our area? We are in Lower

> Merion Township and we would

> love to meet more female friends. My daughter is

> extremely social and very

> pleasant- she loves to do pretty much everything

> (with the correct

> preparation) and loves to meet new friends.


> We are heading off to Brownies now- one of the

> therapists in my daughter's

> social skills class recommended that we join because

> she felt it would be

> beneficial for Caroline, and she LOVES it! Thank

> you for reading.


> Karin




> ************ ************<WBR>**Ideas to plea

> video on AOL Living.






> 2050827?NCID= 2050827?NCI



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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Thank you Esther! My daughter is named for my grandfather - we were

very close and I miss him terribly, so naming Caroline after him keeps him

somewhat close to my heart on a daily basis...although on some days when it is

10:00 AM and I feel as though I have already said her name out loud 200 times

(ex: " Caroline,please come down from there; Caroline, please stop bouncing

that ball inside; Caroline, please stop jumping; Caroline,please go to the

bathroom and stop hopping, etc- lol), on those days I think I could do with a

few less reminders!! " Esther " is a part of my Hebrew name, too!

I am looking forward to being a part of this group.


In a message dated 2/26/2008 7:50:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

mike_esther_smith@... writes:

Welcome Karin and Caroline!

I love the name Caroline by the way. It is lovely. We

have already been talking a little and I hope to talk

much more, but just wanted to say an official welcome.


--- _klrenard@..._ (mailto:klrenard@...) wrote:

> Hi Everyone,


> Since I've been yakking away freely for a week or so

> I figured it might be a

> better idea to introduce myself before any more

> time passes.


> My name is Karin and my daughter's is Caroline.

> Caroline is dx'd with

> PDD-NOS and AD/HD. We live just outside of

> Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania. I am a

> single mom...Dad lives in San Diego,California.

> Caroline just turned 7 this

> month and she is in 1st grade in a typical classroom

> without an aide or TSS

> of any sort, which would normally be fine if she was

> getting the in-class

> support and awareness of ASD that she needs- but she

> isn't. Her teacher is

> probably the worst choice for a " dumped " child in

> this entire school- she doesn't

> have a drop of nurturing ability and her knowledge

> of Asperger's/HFA is nil.

> Caroline has had an extremely intensive course of

> private intervention

> since her diagnosis because we always had

> difficulty getting appropriate

> intervention from the city/state/etc, although she

> was in Early Intervention from 9

> months of age on. This private intervention

> continues to this day, and my

> daughter is in amazing shape- but at great cost.

> This is our first year in

> public school and it has been a huge disappointment

> since the beginning, mainly

> because of the teacher but at some point the

> principal has to shoulder some of

> the blame for not providing the correct training to

> her teacher. This

> principal is known far and wide- she is revered as

> is the entire SD, but once we

> arrived we discovered that sped is not a factor in

> these reviews of this SD.


> I belong to many online groups but I didn't know

> about this one until so

> recently, and I was so happy to hear about it!!!

> There are significant

> differences in the way many girls present from the

> way boys present, and I have

> wished for so long that I knew of more girls and

> their families, so I am really

> happy to be here.


> Is anyone else from our area? We are in Lower

> Merion Township and we would

> love to meet more female friends. My daughter is

> extremely social and very

> pleasant- she loves to do pretty much everything

> (with the correct

> preparation) and loves to meet new friends.


> We are heading off to Brownies now- one of the

> therapists in my daughter's

> social skills class recommended that we join because

> she felt it would be

> beneficial for Caroline, and she LOVES it! Thank

> you for reading.


> Karin




> ************ ************<WBR>**Ideas to plea

> video on AOL Living.






> 2050827?NCID= 2050827?NCI



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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Welcome Karin:

I am pretty new too... How do you get intervention at such a young age? That

sounds awesome....

Darby's mom

klrenard@... wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Since I've been yakking away freely for a week or so I figured it might be a

better idea to introduce myself before any more time passes.

My name is Karin and my daughter's is Caroline. Caroline is dx'd with

PDD-NOS and AD/HD. We live just outside of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania. I am a

single mom...Dad lives in San Diego,California. Caroline just turned 7 this

month and she is in 1st grade in a typical classroom without an aide or TSS

of any sort, which would normally be fine if she was getting the in-class

support and awareness of ASD that she needs- but she isn't. Her teacher is

probably the worst choice for a " dumped " child in this entire school- she


have a drop of nurturing ability and her knowledge of Asperger's/HFA is nil.

Caroline has had an extremely intensive course of private intervention

since her diagnosis because we always had difficulty getting appropriate

intervention from the city/state/etc, although she was in Early Intervention

from 9

months of age on. This private intervention continues to this day, and my

daughter is in amazing shape- but at great cost. This is our first year in

public school and it has been a huge disappointment since the beginning, mainly

because of the teacher but at some point the principal has to shoulder some of

the blame for not providing the correct training to her teacher. This

principal is known far and wide- she is revered as is the entire SD, but once we

arrived we discovered that sped is not a factor in these reviews of this SD.

I belong to many online groups but I didn't know about this one until so

recently, and I was so happy to hear about it!!! There are significant

differences in the way many girls present from the way boys present, and I have

wished for so long that I knew of more girls and their families, so I am really

happy to be here.

Is anyone else from our area? We are in Lower Merion Township and we would

love to meet more female friends. My daughter is extremely social and very

pleasant- she loves to do pretty much everything (with the correct

preparation) and loves to meet new friends.

We are heading off to Brownies now- one of the therapists in my daughter's

social skills class recommended that we join because she felt it would be

beneficial for Caroline, and she LOVES it! Thank you for reading.


**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.



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