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Re: RE: peak flow monitors was change in weather trigger

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Hi ,

I am glad that you decided to sound like a broken record, because I am

not familiar with peak flow monitors. I just did a search on them, and

the site I found said they are inexpensive, you can chart your flows,

and you can adjust your medicine accordingly. It might be something I

would be interested in. Here is the site I am reading:

http://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E & b=22586

there are more listed such as a site from the Mayo Clinic, etc. Do you

or anyone else here know of an interactive site that lets you chart your

peak flows in it online?



Radachy wrote:

> Yep, the change in the weather trigger always gets me, and since the

> systems seem to be stronger in the winters here in Ohio, so does the

> problems with my asthma. I know this sounds like a broken record

> because we've all heard it many times, but it's really, really, really

> important to monitor your peak flows. Most of the time, they're going

> to predict asthma trouble, so when they start slipping a bit, I found

> it's helpful to go into the " yellow zone " treatments on my asthma

> action plan. This helps to level off the symptoms I'm having and,

> while it's still sometimes difficult for me to do anything (depending

> on the severity of the low pressure system, the winds, etc.), I can at

> least head it off a bit.


> I think it's also really important to be in tune with your body. I

> notice I start breathing deeper when I'm going to have asthma trouble,

> and it almost feels like a little hiccup each time I breathe. I

> sometimes do get unstoppable hiccups, too. I also feel pains in my

> sides, and my chest gets tight. I know when I start feeling these

> things that I should do a breathing treatment (one of my " yellow zone "

> things) to head off a full-fledged attack.


> Hope this helps!







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