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By B. Schachter, MD


One of the most under diagnosed and important conditions in the United States

has been called the " unsuspected illness " and accounts for a great number of

complaints in children, adolescents, and adults. This condition is an

underactive thyroid system.

What kinds of complaints characterize an underactive thyroid system? Low energy

and fatigue or tiredness, especially in the morning, is frequent in these

patients. Difficulty losing weight, a sensation of coldness--especially of the

hands and feet, depression, slowness of thought processes, headaches, swelling

of the face or fluid retention in general, dry coarse skin, brittle nails, and

chronic constipation are also common. In women, menstrual problems--such as PMS

and menstrual irregularities including heavy periods and fertility problems are

further signs and symptoms. People with an underactive thyroid may also have

stiffness of joints, muscular cramps, shortness of breath on exertion, and chest

pain. Be aware that a person with a low functioning thyroid doesn't have to

have all of these symptoms; he may have only a few.

Where is the thyroid located in the body and what does it do? The thyroid gland

consists of two small lobes connected together. It is located in the front of

the neck, just below the voice box. The thyroid gland is responsible for the

speed of metabolic processes in the body and therefore affects every organ and

organ system. It is the metabolic stimulator, analogous to the accelerator of a

car. Normal growth requires normal thyroid functioning. When the thyroid is

not functioning properly, organs become infiltrated with metabolic wastes and

all functions become sluggish.

When the thyroid gland is working properly, it uses the amino acid tyrosine and

the element iodine to make the thyroid hormone called thyroxine or T4.

Thyroxine is called T4 because it contains 4 iodine atoms. If a person is

deprived of iodine in his diet, he develops an enlarged thyroid gland, called a

goiter and symptoms of an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. The other

important thyroid hormone is triiodothyronine or T3, which has three iodine

atoms. T3 is actually the major active thyroid hormone, being much more active

than T4. T4 is produced within the thyroid gland and is later converted to the

active T3 outside the thyroid gland in peripheral tissues. Under certain

conditions, such as stress, the thyroid gland may produce sufficient amounts of

T4 to obtain normal thyroid blood tests, but its conversion to T3 may be

inhibited, causing a relative insufficiency of active T3. Under this

circumstance, the patient will have hypothyroid symptoms in spite of normal

thyroid blood tests. As you will see, this fact results in many missed

diagnoses of an underactive thyroid system.

Conventional Diagnosis

In the Introduction, I discussed the production of thyroxine (T4) in the thyroid

gland and its conversion to T3 outside the thyroid gland in peripheral tissues.

A hormone from the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain,

controls the production and release of T4 from the thyroid gland. This

pituitary hormone is called thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH. When the level

of T4 in the bloodstream is low, the pituitary increases TSH production and

release, which in turn stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and release more

T4. The T4 then feeds back to the pituitary, reducing the secretion of TSH in a

negative feedback loop. When a person has difficulty making T4 due to iodine

deficiency or for some other reason, one would expect to find an elevated TSH.

In this case, the pituitary's TSH is trying to get the thyroid gland to produce

more T4. If both T4 and TSH are low, this may indicate a pituitary problem with

a low TSH secretion resulting in the lower production and secretion of T4.

How is hypothyroidism diagnosed today by conventional medicine? Unfortunately,

the diagnosis by conventional physicians, including thyroid specialists called

endocrinologists, is made almost exclusively from blood tests. Generally, T4

and TSH are measured in the bloodstream. Additionally, a protein that binds T4

is also measured. From this protein and T4, the free, or unbound, T4 is

calculated. If a patient has a normal TSH and a normal free-T4, the

conventional physician tells him that he does not have hypothyroidism, no matter

how many signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism he has. I believe that this mode

of thinking is incorrect and that the thyroid blood tests miss many cases of

hypothyroidism that would respond favorably to thyroid hormone treatment.

If most hypothyroid cases cannot be diagnosed by the usual blood tests, how can

they be diagnosed? Prior to the extensive use of blood tests, astute

clinicians, who obtained careful medical histories, including family histories

from the patient, and who performed a complete physical examination were able to

diagnose hypothyroid states. Later, basal metabolic rates were measured in

patients using special equipment. Then came the blood tests--the protein bound

iodine or PBI, T4, TSH and even T3 by special radioactive studies. Instead of

using the blood tests as adjuncts to diagnosis, many physicians soon relied upon

the tests exclusively. To properly diagnose hypothyroidism, the clinician must

go back to a careful medical history, physical examination, and measurement of

the basal temperature of the body.

Complete Diagnosis

What in the medical history suggests the likelihood of hypothyroidism? With

regard to infancy and childhood, a high birth weight of over 8 lbs. suggests low

thyroid. During childhood, early or late teething, late walking or late talking

suggests a low functioning thyroid in the child. Also, frequent ear infections,

colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, or other infections may be signs. Problems in

school including difficulty concentrating, abnormal fatigue--especially having

difficulty getting up in the morning and poor athletic ability all suggest a low

thyroid. Keep in mind that a person with low thyroid functioning may have only

a few of these characteristics. You don't have to find all of them to suspect a

low thyroid.

During puberty, we see the same types of problems in school and with fatigue,

which is often worse in the morning and gets a little better later in the day.

Often, adolescent girls suffer from menstrual irregularity, premenstrual

syndrome, and painful periods. Drug and alcohol abuse is common.

Throughout life, disorders associated with hypothyroidism include headaches,

migraines, sinus infections, post-nasal drip, visual disturbances, frequent

respiratory infections, difficulty swallowing, heart palpitations, indigestion,

gas, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, frequent bladder infections,

infertility, reduced libido and sleep disturbances, with the person requiring 12

or more hours of sleep at times. Other conditions include intolerance to cold

and/or heat, poor circulation, Raynaud's Syndrome, which involves the hands and

feet turning white in response to cold, allergies, asthma, heart problems,

benign and malignant tumors, cystic breasts and ovaries, fibroids, dry skin,

acne, fluid retention, loss of memory, depression, mood swings, fears, and joint

and muscle pain.

With regard to the family history, all of the above disorders can be checked in

family members. Particular emphasis should be placed on hypothyroid conditions

in parents or siblings. Also, a family history of tuberculosis suggests the

possibility of low thyroid.

The physical examination often reveals the hair to be dry, brittle and thinning.

The outer third of the eyebrows is often missing. One often finds swelling

under the eyes. The tongue is often thick and swollen. The skin may be rough,

dry and flaky and show evidence of acne. The skin may also have a yellowish

tinge due to high carotene in it. Nails tend to be brittle and break easily.

The thyroid gland may be enlarged. The patient is more often overweight, but

may also be underweight. Hands and feet are frequently cold to the touch.

Reflexes are either slow or absent. The pulse rate is often slow even though

the patient is not a well-trained athlete.

The Basal Temperature Test

As I stated in the Complete Diagnosis section, to better diagnose a low thyroid,

the physician should carefully evaluate the patient's medical history, family

history, physical examination, and the basal body temperature.

Instructions for taking basal body temperatures are relatively easy. Use an

old-fashioned, oral glass thermometer. I think it is more accurate than the

digital kind. Shake the thermometer down before going to bed, and leave it on

the bedside table within easy reach. Immediately upon awakening, and with as

little movement as possible, place the thermometer firmly in the armpit next to

the skin, and leave it in place for 10 minutes. Record the readings for three

consecutive days. Menstruating women should only take the basal temperature

test for thyroid function on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th day of menses (preferably

beginning on the 2nd day) to get the most accurate readings. Males, pre-puberty

girls, and post-menopausal or non-menstruating women may take basal temperatures

any day of the month. However, women using oral or topical progesterone should

not take progesterone the day before or on the days that the basal temperatures

are taken. In summary, to perform the temperature test:

1.. Shake the thermometer down before retiring

2.. Upon awakening, place it in your armpit and leave it there for 10 minutes

before getting out of bed.

3.. Record the temperature

4.. Take the average of 3 days of temperatures

Most of the information on the manifestations of hypothyroidism, its diagnosis,

including the technique for measuring and interpreting basal temperatures, and

the treatment were compiled and described by the late Dr. Broda O. , M.D.

He is the author of the book Hypothyroidism: the Unsuspected Illness. His work

is disseminated to physicians and the public by the foundation bearing his name,

the Broda Foundation, which is located in Trumbull, Connecticut.

How does one interpret the results of the basal body axillary temperature test?

If the average temperature is below 97.8 Fahrenheit, then the diagnosis of a low

functioning thyroid system is likely. An average temperature between 97.8 and

98.2 is considered normal. An average temperature above 98.2 is considered high

and might reflect an infection or a hyperthyroid condition.

Once a pattern of hypothyroid symptoms is established and the basal body

temperatures are found to be low, the next step is a therapeutic trial of

thyroid hormone. Dr. , his physician followers, and many patients have

found that the most effective thyroid medication is Armour Desiccated Thyroid

Hormone. This medication, which requires a physician's prescription, is derived

from the thyroid gland of the pig. It most closely resembles the human thyroid

gland. It is dried or desiccated and processed into small tablets. This

desiccated thyroid contains T3 as well as T4, and other associated factors that

may be helpful.

In contrast, most conventional physicians prefer to use the synthetically

produced thyroxine or T4. The most common brand name of this medication is

Synthroid. The reason some physicians prefer this form is that the variability

of dosage from tablet to tablet is virtually non-existent because it is produced

synthetically, whereas there may be some slight variability in the dosage of

desiccated thyroid because the processing of an animal product is not as

precise. Another reason for using synthetic T4 is the general failure of

conventional clinical medicine and endocrinology to recognize the importance and

clinical relevance of a person having trouble converting T4 to T3. Such a

person would benefit from a hormone preparation containing T3.

Interestingly, in recent years, there has been some recognition of the value of

T3 in psychiatry, as several studies on depression have shown that response

rates to an anti-depressant medication are often improved when T3 is added to

the protocol. Furthermore, a recent study in The New England Journal of

Medicine (Vol. 340, No. 8, pp.424-29, 469-70, Feb. 11, 1999) comparing the

treatment of hypothyroid patients using either T4 or a combination of T3 and T4

showed that the group receiving the combination exhibited better results,

particularly with regard to hypothyroid associated mental and emotional

symptoms. Nevertheless, most hypothyroid patients receiving conventional

treatment usually receive only T4. Occasionally, conventionally treated

patients are given T3 or triiodothyronine, frequently in the form of the

medication Cytomel. Unfortunately, this form of T3 is short-acting and should

be given a few times a day, in contrast to T4. Still, because of its

short-acting activity, the patient may experience a roller coaster type of

response to the treatment with mood and energy swings during the day. This

problem may be circumvented by the use of long-acting T3, which is available

from compounding pharmacies, but not commercially in most drug stores. I'll

discuss this further when I explain 's Syndrome in a subsequent section.

In my experience and the experience of many other physicians using Dr. '

protocol, the synthetic T4 is not as effective as the desiccated thyroid.

Therefore in treating most patients with a hypothyroid system, I generally

prescribe Armour Desiccated Thyroid or its equivalent.


How can we monitor the results of treatment if the conventional blood tests are

inadequate to do the job? We do this by asking how the person feels, whether or

not the low thyroid signs and symptoms have improved or disappeared, whether or

not symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland have developed, and by monitoring

the basal body temperature as I described under the section on the Basal

Temperature Test.

Generally, the dosage of Armour thyroid is best started at a low dose; with a

gradual increase every week or two, until the optimal therapeutic dosage is

reached. It may take four to six weeks at the optimal dosage to feel the full

therapeutic benefits. In my practice, I generally start the patient on 1/4

grain or 15 milligrams daily. Every week or two, I increase the dosage by 1/4

grain per day until 1 to 2 grains daily are reached. Usually, the optimal

dosage is in this range, provided that the patient is doing the other necessary

adjunctive things, which I will discuss shortly. Occasionally, the dosage may

need to be 2 and 1/2 grains daily or more. Full therapeutic benefits many not

be fully realized for months and the basal temperatures may not come up to

normal for a year or more. The dosage for infants is usually 1/8 to 1/4 grain

daily. For one to six years old, the dosage is usually 1/4 grain. From 7 years

to puberty, 1/2 grain is usually used, but it may need to be increased.

There are a few special cases that need to be discussed in the context of this

treatment. If a person has recently had a heart attack, treatment should not

begin for at least two months following the heart attack. After that, the

protocol discussed above can be used.

If a person has evidence of weak adrenal function, as discussed in my article on

Stress and Adrenal Insufficiency, the adrenal gland problem must be treated

first or simultaneous to the thyroid treatment. The reason for this is that

hydrocortisone is necessary for the conversion of T4 to the active T3. If the

weak adrenals are not addressed, the patient may actually feel worse and/or

develop symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland, such as palpitations, a rapid

heart beat, and increased sweating. Clues to low adrenal functioning include a

low blood pressure (less than 120/80), allergies, asthma, breathing

difficulties, skin problems (such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, dry flaky

skin), joint or muscle pains, as in arthritis, and emotional problems, such as

mood swings, weeping, fears and phobias. Using low physiologic doses of

hydrocortisone along with Armour thyroid, when the patient shows evidence of

both low adrenal and low thyroid functions will help to assure the desired


Another consideration when treating low thyroid conditions is the necessity of

treating the whole person and dealing with whatever is out of balance. In

particular, thyroid hormone is essential for efficient oxidative

phosphorylation, the process the body uses to store energy when oxygen is used

to burn or oxidize foodstuffs. This process requires several B vitamins

(vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5), coenzyme Q10, minerals, such as magnesium, and other

substances. If a person is either frankly deficient or does not have optimal

amounts of these substances, then a prescribed thyroid hormone will not work

optimally and may even cause side effects. Additionally, other hormones may be

out of balance and require attention as well. Consequently, it is necessary to

try to supply whatever else is needed when treating thyroid conditions.

's Syndrome

In the section on Treatment, I discussed the general treatment protocol using

Armour Desiccated Thyroid including how to treat patients with low thyroid who

have recently suffered a heart attack and those low thyroid patients who are

also suffering from low adrenal functioning. Here, I shall elaborate on the

important process of converting the relatively inactive T4 to the active T3

thyroid hormone.

As I've previously mentioned, frequently low thyroid function is not due to the

low production of thyroxine, T4, by the thyroid, but the failure of conversion

of T4 to T3 by peripheral tissues. What nutrients are necessary to help with

this conversion? In addition to sufficient quantities of the adrenal hormone

cortisol, the minerals iron, zinc, copper, and selenium are also necessary for

this conversion. Deficiencies of any of these minerals can prevent the

conversion of T4 to T3 and should be corrected if present. Sufficient protein

and especially the amino acid tyrosine and the element iodine are necessary to

make T4 in the thyroid gland.

A young physician, E. Denis , M.D., has proposed another approach to the

problem of conversion failure of T4 to T3. He has found that the body often

adapts to various stressful situations by switching to a conservative mode in

order to preserve energy. For example, when a famine occurs, an excellent

adaptive change that the body can make in order to use less energy (because food

calories are scarce) is to stop converting T4 to T3. However, this response

appears to occur in response to a wide variety of stressors and sometimes this

mode is not reversed, even after the stress is removed. This can lead to all of

the signs and symptoms of a low thyroid that I've discussed.

Dr. has suggested the therapeutic use of a special long-acting T3

preparation to reset the conversion of T4 to T3 process. Dosages of T3 are

given exactly every 12 hours in increasing amounts with close monitoring of oral

temperatures during the day. High doses of T3 may be given in order to

normalize the oral temperature to 98.6 F. After the optimal temperature is

reached and maintained for approximately three weeks or if the patient develops

an intolerance to the particular dosage of long-acting T3, the dosage is tapered

down to zero.

When the treatment is successful, the temperature will remain optimal with the

loss of hypothyroid symptoms, even after the medication is tapered to zero. In

other words, the thyroid system is reset at a higher temperature. This process

may take several cycles of going up and down on the T3. This treatment requires

a lot of discipline from the patient and often leads to symptoms during the

treatment. However, it does seem to be useful in some patients. If the patient

is stressed significantly and again enters the low thyroid system mode, the

entire process can be repeated again. Usually, the treatment is easier at each

subsequent episode.

Nevertheless, for most patients, especially if there are adrenal problems or

other medical complications, the use of Armour Desiccated Thyroid on a

continuous basis is probably easier and preferable.

Duration of Treatment

Recent studies indicate that patients who have been treated with excessive doses

of thyroid hormone over long periods of time may be at increased risk for

developing osteoporosis. This may be due not only to too much thyroid hormone,

but also to an imbalance between the anabolic and catabolic endocrine hormones.

The catabolic hormones are those that help to break down dead tissues and rid

the body of metabolic waste. These would include thyroid hormone and

hydrocortisone. The anabolic hormones are those that help to rebuild the body

and would include DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. A physician

who is trying to balance a person's thyroid system must also look at all of the

other hormones and also all aspects of the person's lifestyle, including diet,

nutritional supplements, exercise patterns, and stress coping mechanisms.

How long should patients take thyroid hormone? When using the desiccated

thyroid protocol, patients often remain on the thyroid for life. However, there

may be times when the patient can be weaned off the thyroid as all other

functions improve, as long as the patient is carefully monitored for the

development of low thyroid signs and symptoms as well as low basal temperatures.

When a person's basal temperatures are low, many of the enzymes of the body

function in a suboptimal way, which leads to all of the problems I've discussed.

On the other hand, well-treated hypothyroid patients should enjoy a vibrant life

with lowered risks of all of the degenerative diseases including arthritis,

cancer and heart disease. I personally have seen a number of patients whose

arthritis pains have completely cleared when treated with proper doses of

thyroid. With regard to cancer, the well-known alternative cancer treatment

developed by Max Gerson, involves the use of Armour Desiccated Thyroid in

virtually all of his cancer patients. High serum cholesterol and the

development of atherosclerosis are well known effects of hypothyroidism.

Therefore, all patients with coronary artery disease and other atherosclerotic

conditions should be checked carefully for evidence of a low functioning thyroid

condition and treated cautiously and appropriately if a low thyroid condition is

found. Psychiatrists have found that the addition of thyroid hormone to

treatment of patients suffering from refractory depression is often helpful,

even when the blood tests are normal, as previously explained.

The proper appreciation of low thyroid conditions and their subsequent treatment

should aid greatly in reducing the morbidity and premature mortality of

virtually all degenerative diseases.


, Broda, M.D. and Galton, Lawrence, Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected


New York: Harper Publishers, Inc., 1976.

, E. Denis, M.D. 's Syndrome: The Miracle of Feeling Well (2nd Ed.)

Orlando: Cornerstone Publishing Co., 1991.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Full Text: http://www.cma.ca/jpn/vol-24/issue-2/0103.htm)

Because we believe that autism is closely related to hypothyroidism,


Actually I think a more complete factor is general hormonal

imbalances; if you check I think you'll find imbalances of pituitary,

hypothallamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands, which really messes up a lot

of stuff since these control just about all functions.

Mercury and toxic metals selectively accumulate in these glands and

cause the same kinds of problems with the hormones as they do to

cellular enzyme processes, by bonding with SH radicals which are

everywhere. There is documentation and references on this in my big

paper on mercury. And these can be measured, tested and treatment

should be addressing it. When you detox this can get better, but


There are supplements/hormonal extracts that help with these problems

till detox is far enoght along to deal with it. I can supply my paper

to anyone interested, and similar info can be found in Huggins/Levy's

Uninformed Consent.


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Yes please Berniel, I would be very grateful if you would send me your




[ ] re: hypothyroidism

>Full Text: http://www.cma.ca/jpn/vol-24/issue-2/0103.htm)

>Because we believe that autism is closely related to hypothyroidism,



> Actually I think a more complete factor is general hormonal

>imbalances; if you check I think you'll find imbalances of pituitary,

>hypothallamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands, which really messes up a lot

>of stuff since these control just about all functions.

>Mercury and toxic metals selectively accumulate in these glands and

>cause the same kinds of problems with the hormones as they do to

>cellular enzyme processes, by bonding with SH radicals which are

>everywhere. There is documentation and references on this in my big

>paper on mercury. And these can be measured, tested and treatment

>should be addressing it. When you detox this can get better, but


>There are supplements/hormonal extracts that help with these problems

>till detox is far enoght along to deal with it. I can supply my paper

>to anyone interested, and similar info can be found in Huggins/Levy's

>Uninformed Consent.






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me, too.

[ ] re: hypothyroidism



> >Full Text: http://www.cma.ca/jpn/vol-24/issue-2/0103.htm)

> >Because we believe that autism is closely related to hypothyroidism,

> >Kathy

> >

> > Actually I think a more complete factor is general hormonal

> >imbalances; if you check I think you'll find imbalances of pituitary,

> >hypothallamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands, which really messes up a lot

> >of stuff since these control just about all functions.

> >Mercury and toxic metals selectively accumulate in these glands and

> >cause the same kinds of problems with the hormones as they do to

> >cellular enzyme processes, by bonding with SH radicals which are

> >everywhere. There is documentation and references on this in my big

> >paper on mercury. And these can be measured, tested and treatment

> >should be addressing it. When you detox this can get better, but

> >slowly.

> >There are supplements/hormonal extracts that help with these problems

> >till detox is far enoght along to deal with it. I can supply my paper

> >to anyone interested, and similar info can be found in Huggins/Levy's

> >Uninformed Consent.

> >Bernie

> >

> >

> >

> >

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is your paper something you could put on the list for all to behold?

[ ] re: hypothyroidism

> >

> >

> > >Full Text: http://www.cma.ca/jpn/vol-24/issue-2/0103.htm)

> > >Because we believe that autism is closely related to hypothyroidism,

> > >Kathy

> > >

> > > Actually I think a more complete factor is general hormonal

> > >imbalances; if you check I think you'll find imbalances of pituitary,

> > >hypothallamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands, which really messes up a


> > >of stuff since these control just about all functions.

> > >Mercury and toxic metals selectively accumulate in these glands and

> > >cause the same kinds of problems with the hormones as they do to

> > >cellular enzyme processes, by bonding with SH radicals which are

> > >everywhere. There is documentation and references on this in my big

> > >paper on mercury. And these can be measured, tested and treatment

> > >should be addressing it. When you detox this can get better, but

> > >slowly.

> > >There are supplements/hormonal extracts that help with these problems

> > >till detox is far enoght along to deal with it. I can supply my


> > >to anyone interested, and similar info can be found in Huggins/Levy's

> > >Uninformed Consent.

> > >Bernie

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Bernie, I would greatly appreciate your paper. My daughter has optic nerve

hypoplasia and low growth hormones due to what the doctors say didn't

develop properly in the pituitary " area of the brain, " yet MRIs all are

normal. She has a warm body temperature and yet her little feet are like

ice cubes. Her daddy is the same way. I realize I'm sending all these

messages out again, but just wanted you to see the votes. Many, many

thanks. I'd sure like to unlock the secret inside my little one.

Carol in Florida

Re: [ ] re: hypothyroidism


is your paper something you could put on the list for all to behold?

[ ] re: hypothyroidism

> >

> >

> > >Full Text: http://www.cma.ca/jpn/vol-24/issue-2/0103.htm)

> > >Because we believe that autism is closely related to hypothyroidism,

> > >Kathy

> > >

> > > Actually I think a more complete factor is general hormonal

> > >imbalances; if you check I think you'll find imbalances of pituitary,

> > >hypothallamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands, which really messes up a


> > >of stuff since these control just about all functions.

> > >Mercury and toxic metals selectively accumulate in these glands and

> > >cause the same kinds of problems with the hormones as they do to

> > >cellular enzyme processes, by bonding with SH radicals which are

> > >everywhere. There is documentation and references on this in my big

> > >paper on mercury. And these can be measured, tested and treatment

> > >should be addressing it. When you detox this can get better, but

> > >slowly.

> > >There are supplements/hormonal extracts that help with these problems

> > >till detox is far enoght along to deal with it. I can supply my


> > >to anyone interested, and similar info can be found in Huggins/Levy's

> > >Uninformed Consent.

> > >Bernie

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I think that is what this paper was suggesting, the combination however was

even more widened in my mind, to alumium and mercury AND flouride (remember

the chemical name they gave for it?). I believe the hefty soup of these

metals, flouride, endotoxins in foods, selectivity of foods that leads to

malnutritional states/nutritional imbalances, leaky gut and allergies and

elusive candida infections, parasitical creatures, oxidative stress on all

cells which leads to mitochondrial exhaustion as well as apotosis and energy

metabolism problems, and the viral aspects of the viruses seen in the gut

and the brain , the myelin eating epitopes, make a lovely thing we all are

fighting to remedy, AUTISM. This is such a hefty mix, I am afraid that

getting the mercury out is only part of the solution (though key), but it

might involve getting the child detoxed from the world at large. These are

bombarding our kids at every chance, becuase their immune system, their

sulphar detox system, the liver function, the pancreatic insufficiency is

not allowing for the body to detox them. Having an inaffective thyroid

surely can't help matters! My children particulaly do not encode a protein

that handles correctly virals toxins and fungals, which cannot be

eliminated properly or timely or succincly. (c4b anulle-common). Some say

that is a preponderance of genetic autoimmune problems, ok, maybe I can

sorta kinda buy that. But on the other hand, it reminds me of a poisined

generation passing down their poisins to the next, that the parents are at a

critical sublevel of toxicity that is inherited by their children,

unfortunately mutating to a greater degree (remember mom with fillings,

toxin exposure etc). Let alone what was told me that possibly even

proteins and enzymes are so turned off, they may never, no matter what you

do, be turned on again, or they are simply missing! We must learn how to

unpeel every layer, layer by layer, this involving some kind of

orthomolecular interventions, like chelation, homeopathic intervention, some

kind of intervention, but beyond that, learning how to turn on the enzymes,

supply the enzymes, or supply the protein or turn on the protein. This is

being done in a lot of diseases as you know. Perhaps gene therapy may also

be our only hope? Stem cell therapy too? The problem seems to be that

people are unwilling to look at the bigger picture. Every mom and dad I met

are willing to do that (of course we are not the handlers of research

dollars), but I find the researchers are also limited by who is paying for

their research! Usually these monies come from the very people who want to

squelch information. It's not like I don't think every parent would line

their kid up to get a blood or urine sample...and that we wouldn't have

controls? Unfortunately, the research is going way too slow, and AIDS and

Breast Cancer are more concerning to our government than our babies

(realizing some have AIDS too). It is my opinion that the trigger is

vaccines, but on top of that a preponderance of people who are heavily

poisined by the environment at large! What makes us think we are SOO far

removed from 3 eyed creatures, or missing limbs!? Yeah, and along those

lines, let's call something really devastating here, that perhaps even

STRUCTURALLY there is brain damage becuase of the things that happend in

utero (as they float in pesticide residuals and endocrine disruptors AND

heavy metals?). Not to put a damper on the exciting fervor we feel, I am

afraid that too many parents are going to be highly dissapointed when their

kids do not respond? Give that, I also know, that any response is good, so

that is why I personally go on, even with older children, to see if this is

their connection? I believe the theories are correct in the book " Our

Stolen Future " , that we will look back upon this century as the century of

maiming our children by our own deciet, neglect and undiligence to find out

the truth of how nature balances itself, both in the world and in our own


Please send me your big mercury paper?


[ ] re: hypothyroidism

>Full Text: http://www.cma.ca/jpn/vol-24/issue-2/0103.htm)

>Because we believe that autism is closely related to hypothyroidism,



> Actually I think a more complete factor is general hormonal

>imbalances; if you check I think you'll find imbalances of pituitary,

>hypothallamus, adrenal, and thyroid glands, which really messes up a lot

>of stuff since these control just about all functions.

>Mercury and toxic metals selectively accumulate in these glands and

>cause the same kinds of problems with the hormones as they do to

>cellular enzyme processes, by bonding with SH radicals which are

>everywhere. There is documentation and references on this in my big

>paper on mercury. And these can be measured, tested and treatment

>should be addressing it. When you detox this can get better, but


>There are supplements/hormonal extracts that help with these problems

>till detox is far enoght along to deal with it. I can supply my paper

>to anyone interested, and similar info can be found in Huggins/Levy's

>Uninformed Consent.






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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Thyroid problems - usually hypo are one of the most

common complaints of implant women. . .

One friend whose toxic exposure was through a chemist

ex-husband (came home with chemicals on clothing) was

taking mega-thyroid supplentation. After detoxing for

years, and getting two abscessed teeth removed, she

gradually recoved normal thyroid function.



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  • 7 years later...
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Why would make you think there is a similarity? One is an endocrine disorder/illness and the other is a conscious decision to eat nutritionally dense/low calorie food for better health! Perhaps if you could explain why you’re confused, the question might be easier to answer.

If you haven’t yet done so, read Dr W’s book “Beyond the 120 Year Diet”. Read all our files and links, If you’ve not yet done so. Those readings a requirement here before posting, and might clear up your questions

From: Childs <mikespin@...>

Reply-< >

Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:25:00 +1000

< >

Subject: [ ] Hypothyroidism

I was just wondering if anyone knew the difference between CR and




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Hypothyroid patients gain weight as their metabolism is

slower. If they lose weight with a thyroid problem, one thinks always

of hyperthyroidism. I am an MD and thus can go further but this is

an obvious difference and could not be confused with CR.



On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Childs<mikespin@...> wrote:



> Hypothyroidism has some of the following symptoms: hypotension, lowered

> pulse,

> metabolism is slower and thus can't gain weight, as well as other symptoms.

> All

> of the above mentioned hypothyroid symptoms also occur in CR

>  to some extent.

>   Childs.


> ________________________________


> From: fskelton@...

> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 07:43:44 -0400

> Subject: Re: [ ] Hypothyroidism




> Why would make you think there is a similarity?  One is an endocrine

> disorder/illness and the other is a conscious decision to eat nutritionally

> dense/low calorie food for better health!  Perhaps if you could explain why

> you’re confused, the question might be easier to answer.


> If you haven’t yet done so, read Dr W’s book “Beyond the 120 Year Diet”.

> Read all our files and links, If you’ve not yet done so.  Those readings  a

> requirement here before posting, and might clear up your questions



> ________________________________

> From: Childs <mikespin@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:25:00 +1000

> < >

> Subject: [ ] Hypothyroidism







> I was just wondering if anyone knew the difference between CR and

> Hypothyroidism?

>   Thanks.

>    Childs.


> ________________________________

> Let us help with car news, reviews and more Looking for a new car this

> winter?




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