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Here's all the commonly used ones I can think of:

ABA- Applied Behavior Analysis

OT- Occupational Therapy

SLP- Speech and Language Pathologist

ASD- Autistic Spectrum Disorder

AS- Asperger's Syndrome

PDD or PDD-NOS- Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Not Otherwise Specified)

IEP- Individualized Education Plan

SDC- Special Day Class

I'm sure I left some out...I saw someone answered RDI and NT.

Just ask if there are any others you don't know!



> I keep seeing these on here, and I don't know what they mean.



> NT


> There are a couple of other ones that I've seen that I can't think

of right

> now.


> Does someone have the Rosetta Stone of Autism Acronyms?


> Thanks! :-)


> Lynn Shoop


> www.mycmsite.com/lynnshoop





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Here's all the commonly used ones I can think of:

ABA- Applied Behavior Analysis

OT- Occupational Therapy

SLP- Speech and Language Pathologist

ASD- Autistic Spectrum Disorder

AS- Asperger's Syndrome

PDD or PDD-NOS- Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Not Otherwise Specified)

IEP- Individualized Education Plan

SDC- Special Day Class

I'm sure I left some out...I saw someone answered RDI and NT.

Just ask if there are any others you don't know!



> I keep seeing these on here, and I don't know what they mean.



> NT


> There are a couple of other ones that I've seen that I can't think

of right

> now.


> Does someone have the Rosetta Stone of Autism Acronyms?


> Thanks! :-)


> Lynn Shoop


> www.mycmsite.com/lynnshoop





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This is an old list that I have, I am sure that there are more...Jodi

AANE Asperger's Association of New England

ABA Applied Behavioral Analysis

ABC Autism Behavior Checklist

ABI Adaptive Behavior Inventory

AC Autistic Cousin (see " COUSIN " )

AC Autistics and Cousins

ACCESS Autistic Continuum Connections, Education, and Support Site

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADVISE [definition needed]

AFAIK " As Far As I Know "

AFGO " Another Fine Growth Opportunity " (sarcastic: means a difficult

problem to solve)

AGUA Adult Gathering, United and Autistic

AIT Advanced Individual Training

AIT Auditory Integration Therapy

ALE Alternative Learning Experience

ALJ Administrative Law Judge

ANI Autism Network International

ANI-L The listserv (mailing list) for Autism Network International

APD Auditory Processing Disorder

APE Adaptive Physical Education

ARD Admission, Review, Dismissal (used in Texas)

AS Asperger's Syndrome (DSM IV 299.80)

AS Autistic Spectrum

ASA Autism Society of America

ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder

ASI Autism Society of Illinois

ASPEN ASPEN of America - Asperger Syndrome Education Network, Inc.,

National advocacy/support organization

ASPEN ASPEN of New Jersey (not affiliatied with ASPEN of America)

ASPEN Asperger Syndrome Parent Education Network

ASPIE A person with Asperger's Syndrome (informal, don't use unless

sure it won't offend)

ATI [definition needed]

BBRS Burks' Behavior Rating Scale

BD Behavioral Disorder

BD/ED Behavior Disordered / Emotionally Disturbed

BIC Behavior Improvement Class

BIP Behavior Improvement Plan

BMP Behavior Management Plan

BOCES Board Of ative Educational Services

BP Bi-Polar (formerly called " manic-depressive " )

BTW " By The Way "

CAN Cure Autism Now - advocacy organization

CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder

CARD Center for Autism and Related Disorders (used in land)

CARD Committee for Admission, Review, Dismissal (used in Texas)

CARD Committee for Autism and Related Disabilities (used in Florida)

CARS Childhoold Autism Rating Scale (diagnostic and evaluation tool)

CD Conduct Disorder

CNS Central Nervous System

CO Conference

COSAC Center for Outreach and Services for the Autistic Community

(New Jersey)

COTA Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant

COUSIN Someone who has some autistic-spectrum characteristics to the

extent that he/she can identify with autistic folks even if not

formally diagnosed

CP Cerebral Palsy

CPS Canadian Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialities

CPS Child Protective Services

CSE Committee for Special Education (called " MDT " in some states)

CST Child Study Team

CV Curriculum Vitae (a resume)

CVPD Central Vision Processing Disorder

CYA California Youth Authority

DAN Defeat Autism Now! (organizational site at


DAS Differential Abilities Scales

DCD Development Coordination Disorder (DSM IV 315.4)

DD Development Disorder

DD Developmental Disabilities

DH Developmentally Handicapped

DHS Department of Human Services

DMG Dimethyl Glycine

DPT A triple inoculation given to kids: Diptheria, Pertussis

(whooping cough), Tetanus

DR Disability Rights

DREDF Disability Rights Education Defense Fund

DSM Diagnostic Statistical Manual - enormous industry-standard

catalogue of medical diagnoses

DSM-IV Diagnostic Statistical Manual (edition IV) - the current

version of this publication

DSMR Diagnostic Statistical Manual (Revised) - preceded DSM-IV

DTVMI Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration

DX Diagnosis

EBD Emotional Behavioral Disorder

ECSE Early Childhood Special Education

ECT ElectroConvulsive Therapy (electroshock)

ED Emotionally Disturbed

EEG ElectroEncephaloGram (basically, a graph of brain-wave activity)

EFD Executive Functioning Disorder

EI Emotionally Impaired

EI Early Intervention

EIBI Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention

EKG ElectroCardioGram (basically, a graph of the heart's electrical


EPD Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (say this one right the first

try & win a prize!)

EPSDT Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment

ESD Educational Service District

ESE Exceptional Student Education

ESL English as a Second Language

ESY Extended School Year

EYSD Extended Year Special Ed

F2F " Face to Face "

FADD Feline Attention Deficit Disorder -- High-dysfunctioning

autistic cat can't get enough attention

FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (an info sheet in Q & A format)

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FBA Functional Behavior Assessment

FDA Food and Drug Administration

FERPA Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FNS Fuzzy Neuron Syndrome (associated with FADD)

FOIA Freedom Of Information Act

FWIW " For What It's Worth "

GAF Global Assessment of Functioning scale

GT Get Together

HFA High Functioning Autism (defined as autism occurring without

mental retardation, e.g. w/ IQ 70 or higher)

HH Hard of Hearing

HH HouseHold

HHM [definition needed]

HMO Health Medical Organization

HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Organization

IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome

ICDM A book (used by health insurors for billing purposes) which

classifies diseases by numbers

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEP Individual Education Program

IFLACA " I Feel Like A Complete Ass " (used as an apology)

IIRC " If I Recall Correctly "

IME Independent Medical Examination

IMHO " In My Humble Opinion "

IMMV " Individual Mileage May Vary " (meaning " your experiences might

be different " )

IMNSHO " In My Not So Humble Opinion "

IMO " In My Opinion "

IMVHO " In My Very Humble Opinion "

InLv Independent Living (support group)

IOW " In Other Words "

IQ Intelligence Quotient

IRB Institutional Review Board

IRCA Indiana Resource Center for Autism

ISD Intermediate School District

ISP Internet Service Provider

IU Intermediate Unit (used in PA)

JA Just Average (phrase is widely disliked and may offend)

LD Learning Disability

LEA Local Education Agency

LEA Local Education Authority

LEAP [definition needed]

LEP Limited English Proficiency

LFA Low-Functioning Autism (defined as autism occurring with mental

retardation, e.g. w/ IQ lower than 70)

LLD Language-based Learning Disability

LMK " Let Me Know "

LOL " Laugh Out Loud "

LOL " Laughing Out Loud "

LOL " Lots Of Love " (used as a closing phrase in correspondence)

LOLROF " Laughing Out Loud, Roll On Floor "

LRE Least Restrictive Environment (phrase used in IDEA)

M-D Manic Depression (now called bipolar depression)

MAAP More Able Autistic Persons (support group)

MAP McGill Action Plan

MBD Minimum Brain Dysfunction

MDLC land Disability Law Center

MDO Major Depressive Disorder

MDT Multi-Disciplinary Team (called " CSE " in some states)

MFC Marriage and Family Counselor

MFCC Marriage, Family, and Child Counsellor

MFE Multi-Factored Evaluation

MI Mentally Impaired

MIL Mother-In-Law

MMR Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination

MPD Multiple Personality Disorder

MR Mental Retardation, Mentally Retarded (IQ less than 70)

MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NAAR National Alliance for Autism Research

NACD National Academy of Child Development

NBAC National Bioethics Advisory Commission

NBD Nazi Band Director

NDA Not Diagnosed with Anything (informal usage)

NICHCY National Information Center for Children and Youth with


NIH National Institute for Health

NOD Moving your head up and down in agreement with what you are

reading (blame this on on Judy!)

NOD Not Otherwise Diagnosed

NORD National Organization for Rare Disorders

NOS Not of Specific Origin

NOS Not Otherwise Specified, usually seen as PDD-NOS

NP " No Problem "

NPD Normal Person Disorder (used jokingly)

NPND National Parent Network on Disabilities

NS Noonan's Syndrome

NT Neurologically Typical (no diagnosible neurological disorder)

NT Neurotypical (no diagnosible neurological disorder)

NVLD Non-Verbal Learning Disability

NYD Not Yet Diagnosed (informal usage)

NYS New York State

OAAC Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children

OASIS On-line Asperger's Syndrome Information and Support

(organizational site at http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger)

OB Obligatory

OB Specific to

OCB Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCR Office of Civil Rights

ODD Oppositional-Defiant Disorder

ODE Oregon Department of Education

OHI Other Health Impaired

OIC " Oh, I See "

OPM Other People's Money

OPM Over-Protective Mom

ORS Office of Rehabilitation Services

OSEP Office of Special Education Programs (located Washington, DC)

OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

OT Occupational Therapist

OT Occupational Therapy

OTOH " On The Other Hand "

OVR Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

P & A Protection & Advocacy

PA Parents' Auxiliary

PANDAS Pediatric Autoimmune Neurological Disorder Associated with


PAVE Parents Are Vital in Education

PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder

PDR Physician's Desk Reference

PET Positron Emission Tomography

PITA " Pain In The Ass "

PK Psychokinesis (moving things with the mind, a form of ESP)

PKU Phenylketonuria

PLEP Present Level of Educational Performance

PLOP Present Level of Performance

POHI Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired

PI Physically Impaired

POV Point Of View

PPL People

PPO Preferred Physician Organization

PPO Preferred Provider Option

PPS Poor Parenting Syndrome

PPS Pupil Personnel Services

PQ Performance IQ

PRT Pivotal Response Training

PT Physical Therapist

PT Physical Therapy

PTIC Parent Training and Information Center

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PwD People with Disabilities

Q & A Question-and-Answer, generally referring to a document format

RL Real Life

ROFL " Rolling On Floor Laughing "

ROFLMAO " ROFL My Arse Off "

ROFLSHCT " Rolling On the Floor Laughing So Hard Can't Type "

RPITB " Royal Pain In The Butt "

S & LP Speech and Language Pathologist

SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka " Wintertime Depression " )

SAH Mom Stay-At-Home Mom

SBH (?) Severe Behavior Handicap

SD School District

SDI Specially Designed Instruction

SED Severe Emotional Disorder

SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed

SELPA Special Education Local Plan Area (used in CA)

SERRC Special Educational Regional Recourse Center

SI Sensory Integration

SIAT Society for Integrative Auditory Training

SIB Self-Injurious Behavior

SIPT Sensory Integration and Praxis Text

SLK Severely Labeled Kid

SLP Speech and Language Pathologist

SM Selective Mutism

SNT Special Needs Trust

SSD Social Security Disability

SSI Supplemental Security Income

SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (class of meds, incl.

Prozac, Zoloft, Praxil, Luvox)

SST Student Study Team (used in CA)

STRANS Survey of Teenage Readiness And Neurodevelopmental Status

SULP Social Use of Langauge Programme

SVSU Southern Vermont Supervisory Union

TAN Tangentially

TEACCH Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication


TIC " Tongue In Cheek "

TKD Tae Kwon Do (a martial arts discipline)

TLA Three-Letter Acronym

TLS Transitional Living Services - sort of a halfway-house


TLS Turbocharged Lycoming Saber (if you're an aviation buff)

TOM Theory of Mind

TOPL Test of Pragmatic Language

TS Tourette's Syndrome

TSS Therapeutic Support Staff

TTFN " Ta-Ta For Now! "

TTYL " Talk To You Later "

TTYS " Talk To You Soon "

UK United Kingdom ( " England, " to Americans)

USPDI United States Prescription Drug Information

VAERs Vaccine Adverse Experience Reports (published by FDA)

VCF syndrome Vera-Cardio-Facial syndrome

VP Virtual Party

VPIC Vermont Parent Information Center

VQ Verbal IQ

VR Vocational Rehabilitation

WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (an IQ test)

WDW Walt Disney World (Orlando, FL)

WIIA Work Incentives Initiative Act

WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (an IQ test)

WNA Word Nitpickers Anonymous

WOMBAT Waste of Money, Brains, and Time

WTG " Way To Go! "

Y2K Year 2000 (If the people who made up this panic knew what they

were talking about they'd also understand that " Y2K " is actually 2048


Y2K Bug Potential computational problem caused by some software

using 2-digit numbers for year. Enormously overhyped.

YMMV " Your Mileage May Vary " (meaning, individual experiences could

be different)

YO Year Old


> I keep seeing these on here, and I don't know what they mean.



> NT


> There are a couple of other ones that I've seen that I can't think

of right

> now.


> Does someone have the Rosetta Stone of Autism Acronyms?


> Thanks! :-)


> Lynn Shoop


> www.mycmsite.com/lynnshoop





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That is AWESOME! Thankyou!

My fave is NPD Normal person Disorder! LOL!



> >

> > I keep seeing these on here, and I don't know what they mean.

> >

> > RDI

> > NT

> >

> > There are a couple of other ones that I've seen that I can't


> of right

> > now.

> >

> > Does someone have the Rosetta Stone of Autism Acronyms?

> >

> > Thanks! :-)

> >

> > Lynn Shoop

> >

> > www.mycmsite.com/lynnshoop

> >

> >

> >

> >

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