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Re: A Discouraging Day

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Sorry to hear that you and your daughter had such a rough day. Is she being

treated for depression as well as OCD? They often go together, and if she is

seriously depressed, she will have a much harder time working on anything. When

I was depressed 20 years ago, my mom said " there's always another day. " My

response was that that was the problem! But here I am many years later with

their ups and downs, but very glad I did not end it. Hope she gets the help she

needs soon.

(mom w/OCD, 11 yo dd w/OCD, 8 yo dd w/Tourette's and/or OCD?)

A Discouraging Day


This was a really frustrating day. We fought traffic taking my dd to her

appointment with her new therapist. I'd been waiting for an appointment with

this lady for a while, because she seems to be the only person in the area who

uses CBT/ERP techniques for patients with OCD.

The therapist talked to S about her low self esteem and self loathing. I had

suggested that would be a good thing to explore -- unlike her intrusive

thoughts, her negative self image is not affected by medication. S describes

herself as " ugly, " " mean, " " lazy, " and " cruel. "

She told the counselor she can't change and she sees no hope for her own future.

She has said she expects to end up killing herself in the next year or so (she's

not suicidal right now, but since her hospitalization last year, she thinks it's

only a matter of time). Or at best she'll live at home indefinitely,

unemployable and lonely.

S sat passively on the couch, unengaged and refusing to make any effort on her

own behalf. My heart breaks for her, but I'm also frustrated. I feel like I've

been working hard as heck and we've just run into a brick wall. Sometimes I'm

afraid there's no hope. :-(

Thanks for listening,

Steph (dd with OCD, anxiety/depression, Asperger's & NVLD)


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I am so sorry.  That has to be hard to hear your child say.  :(  I hope the

new therapist can help.



Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 8:40 PM

Subject: A Discouraging Day



This was a really frustrating day. We fought traffic taking my dd to her

appointment with her new therapist. I'd been waiting for an appointment with

this lady for a while, because she seems to be the only person in the area who

uses CBT/ERP techniques for patients with OCD.

The therapist talked to S about her low self esteem and self loathing. I had

suggested that would be a good thing to explore -- unlike her intrusive

thoughts, her negative self image is not affected by medication. S describes

herself as " ugly, " " mean, " " lazy, " and " cruel. "

She told the counselor she can't change and she sees no hope for her own future.

She has said she expects to end up killing herself in the next year or so (she's

not suicidal right now, but since her hospitalization last year, she thinks it's

only a matter of time). Or at best she'll live at home indefinitely,

unemployable and lonely.

S sat passively on the couch, unengaged and refusing to make any effort on her

own behalf. My heart breaks for her, but I'm also frustrated. I feel like I've

been working hard as heck and we've just run into a brick wall. Sometimes I'm

afraid there's no hope. :-(

Thanks for listening,

Steph (dd with OCD, anxiety/depression, Asperger's & NVLD)

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Awww, Steph, well it was only the 1st session. These things take time, that's

what the therapy is for.

I wonder if they went ahead an tackled some OCD things though, if she'd start

feeling a bit better, a boost that she beat something? Though as always, I

think go with mom's gut unless the child is saying different to the therapist

during sessions.

Is the next appt soon, hope it's not another month!?


> Hi,


> This was a really frustrating day. We fought traffic taking my dd to her

appointment with her new therapist. I'd been waiting for an appointment with

this lady for a while, because she seems to be the only person in the area who

uses CBT/ERP techniques for patients with OCD.


> The therapist talked to S about her low self esteem and self

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Thank you, Sharon. I appreciate your positive thoughts. :)

Steph in Virginia (17 y/o dd with OCD, anxiety/depression, Asperger's, and NVLD)


> I am so sorry.  That has to be hard to hear your child say.  :(  I hope the

new therapist can help.

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