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Re: paradoxical reaction to SSRI's

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You might want to take a look at thebalancedmind.org to read up on pediatric

bipolar disorder: it doesn't follow the exact same patterns as the adult version

of bp. Many doctors are reluctant to " label " a child with bp. But if an SSRI

med makes things worse and a mood-stabilizing med helps, it doesn't really

matter what you call it. My son has bp and we spent many anguishing years

searching for the " right " mood-stabilizing med for him. Finally we found it.

What emerged after his mood was stabilized was OCD. OCD was probably there all

along, but masked by the other more dramatic symptoms. Anyhow, as you probably

know, a person with BP who can't tolerate an SSRI alone can often tolerate an

SSRI once a mood stabilizing med is in place. My son is able to take Zoloft in

addition to mood stabilizers. In addition to Zoloft, he needed (and continues

with) CBT with ERP. He's made good progress thanks to an excellent

psychologist. (And thanks to his own determination.) Hope this helps.

> The only thing that worked for my son - without side effects is Luvox...



> >

> > I am new to the listserve and really struggling. I, myself, have OCD which

is managed with meds...but one of my 8 year old sons (I have triplets) has been

recently diagnosed and has been really suffering. Unfortunately, he seems to be

having a paradoxical reaction to SSRI's. First we tried zoloft and he became

hypomanic. Now we have switched to a very tiny dose of liquid prozac (2mg) and

he is still very " activated. " I know that there is research that says that if a

child is having this kind of reaction to SSRI's that there may be some

underlying bi-polarity, but the doctor and I just do not see any flags that

would suggest that. I really am hesitant to put him on a mood stabalizer when

the only time his mood is labile is when he is on medication. We are losing hope

and becoming despondent over here. It feels like my family is unraveling. We

also are trying to get him a 504 plan at school, which looks like it will

happen, but I don't think the school has ever had a kid on a 504 with OCD before

so it just makes me feel like I am treading water and asking for accommodations

that I hope will work (timed tests and work shut him down and trigger him). If

there is anyone who has any suggestions or experience in this area, please...my

husband and I feel so alone and isolated in this. I certainly know my share of

children who are on the autism spectrum or have ADHD...but we seem hopelessly

alone with pediatric OCD.

> >



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You might want to take a look at thebalancedmind.org to read up on pediatric

bipolar disorder: it doesn't follow the exact same patterns as the adult version

of bp. Many doctors are reluctant to " label " a child with bp. But if an SSRI

med makes things worse and a mood-stabilizing med helps, it doesn't really

matter what you call it. My son has bp and we spent many anguishing years

searching for the " right " mood-stabilizing med for him. Finally we found it.

What emerged after his mood was stabilized was OCD. OCD was probably there all

along, but masked by the other more dramatic symptoms. Anyhow, as you probably

know, a person with BP who can't tolerate an SSRI alone can often tolerate an

SSRI once a mood stabilizing med is in place. My son is able to take Zoloft in

addition to mood stabilizers. In addition to Zoloft, he needed (and continues

with) CBT with ERP. He's made good progress thanks to an excellent

psychologist. (And thanks to his own determination.) Hope this helps.

> The only thing that worked for my son - without side effects is Luvox...



> >

> > I am new to the listserve and really struggling. I, myself, have OCD which

is managed with meds...but one of my 8 year old sons (I have triplets) has been

recently diagnosed and has been really suffering. Unfortunately, he seems to be

having a paradoxical reaction to SSRI's. First we tried zoloft and he became

hypomanic. Now we have switched to a very tiny dose of liquid prozac (2mg) and

he is still very " activated. " I know that there is research that says that if a

child is having this kind of reaction to SSRI's that there may be some

underlying bi-polarity, but the doctor and I just do not see any flags that

would suggest that. I really am hesitant to put him on a mood stabalizer when

the only time his mood is labile is when he is on medication. We are losing hope

and becoming despondent over here. It feels like my family is unraveling. We

also are trying to get him a 504 plan at school, which looks like it will

happen, but I don't think the school has ever had a kid on a 504 with OCD before

so it just makes me feel like I am treading water and asking for accommodations

that I hope will work (timed tests and work shut him down and trigger him). If

there is anyone who has any suggestions or experience in this area, please...my

husband and I feel so alone and isolated in this. I certainly know my share of

children who are on the autism spectrum or have ADHD...but we seem hopelessly

alone with pediatric OCD.

> >



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He really has not manifested any symptoms of bipolar disorder...even the

psychiatrist is a bit perplexed at his intense reaction to the SSRI's. That

said, we started him on the trileptal this morning and hoping that if there is a

depressed mood component to the OCD that this will help that and the OCD will

settle a bit. If he tolerates this and the OCD does not settle, then we will

try adding another SSRI again. I am feeling somewhat defeated at the moment and

sort of waiting for the shoe to drop in terms of him having yet another adverse

reaction to the new med. If you don't mind me asking, what mood stabilizer is

your child on?

> > >

> > > I am new to the listserve and really struggling. I, myself, have OCD which

is managed with meds...but one of my 8 year old sons (I have triplets) has been

recently diagnosed and has been really suffering. Unfortunately, he seems to be

having a paradoxical reaction to SSRI's. First we tried zoloft and he became

hypomanic. Now we have switched to a very tiny dose of liquid prozac (2mg) and

he is still very " activated. " I know that there is research that says that if a

child is having this kind of reaction to SSRI's that there may be some

underlying bi-polarity, but the doctor and I just do not see any flags that

would suggest that. I really am hesitant to put him on a mood stabalizer when

the only time his mood is labile is when he is on medication. We are losing hope

and becoming despondent over here. It feels like my family is unraveling. We

also are trying to get him a 504 plan at school, which looks like it will

happen, but I don't think the school has ever had a kid on a 504 with OCD before

so it just makes me feel like I am treading water and asking for accommodations

that I hope will work (timed tests and work shut him down and trigger him). If

there is anyone who has any suggestions or experience in this area, please...my

husband and I feel so alone and isolated in this. I certainly know my share of

children who are on the autism spectrum or have ADHD...but we seem hopelessly

alone with pediatric OCD.

> > >

> >

> >





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Keep in mind, though, there are many with bipolar who can't tolerate any SSRI's,

even with multiple mood stabilizers. This is true of my dd. She takes 3 mood

stabilizers, Lithium, Lamictal and Geodon and still can't tolerate SSRI's

without becoming manic. So, she takes Neurontin for some relief of anxiety. She

has true bipolar, though. There are some people who only have a problem while on

SSRI's and aren't truly bipolar. According to the DSM a person doesn't meet the

criteria for bipolar if the symptoms are due to a medication. Stormy

Sent from my iPad

> Anyhow, as you probably know, a person with BP who can't tolerate an SSRI

alone can often tolerate an SSRI once a mood stabilizing med is in place. My

son is able to take Zoloft in addition to mood stabilizers.


> ------------------------------------


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> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//files .

> Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D.(http://www.ocdawareness.com ), and

Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.( http://www.worrywisekids.org )

> You may ask a question of any of these mental health professionals by

inserting the words " Ask Dr.(insert name) " in the subject line of a post to the

list. Our list moderators are Castle, BJ, and Barb Nesrallah. You may

contact the moderators at -owner .

> OCDKidsLoop membership may be accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdkidsloop/ .

> Our group and related groups are listed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdsupportgroups/links . IOCDF treatment

providers list may be viewed at

http://www.ocfoundation.info/treatment-providers-list.php .

> NLM-NIH Drug Information Portal may be viewed at



l . IOCDF recommended reading list may be accessed at

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may be accessed at http://www.ocfoundation.net/membership/ . Drugs.com pill

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Mayo Clinic Drug and Herb Index may be accessed at

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/drug-information/DrugHerbIndex .Yahoo! Groups





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Everyone is indeed different. Neurontin, for example, didn't help my son. As

to what mood stabilizer he's on, bear in mind, again, that everyone is

different. He was tried on everything. Finally he was tried on Clozapine,

which is apparently a last-resort kind of med. It carries the risk of bone

marrow suppression, so the patient has to get frequent blood tests. Has to, as

in can't get the next refill until your blood test is done and normal. Blood

tests are every week x 6 months, then every 2 weeks for the next 6 months, then

every month forever after. As I'm sure you all know, if your child is

suffering, risks are all relative. He's also on Lamictal.

> Keep in mind, though, there are many with bipolar who can't tolerate any

SSRI's, even with multiple mood stabilizers. This is true of my dd. She takes 3

mood stabilizers, Lithium, Lamictal and Geodon and still can't tolerate SSRI's

without becoming manic. So, she takes Neurontin for some relief of anxiety. She

has true bipolar, though. There are some people who only have a problem while on

SSRI's and aren't truly bipolar. According to the DSM a person doesn't meet the

criteria for bipolar if the symptoms are due to a medication. Stormy


> Sent from my iPad




> > Anyhow, as you probably know, a person with BP who can't tolerate an SSRI

alone can often tolerate an SSRI once a mood stabilizing med is in place. My son

is able to take Zoloft in addition to mood stabilizers.

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Our list archives feature may be accessed at:

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group// by scrolling down to the

archives calendar . Our links may be accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//links . Our files may be

accessed at

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//files .

> > Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D.(http://www.ocdawareness.com ),

and Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.( http://www.worrywisekids.org )

> > You may ask a question of any of these mental health professionals by

inserting the words " Ask Dr.(insert name) " in the subject line of a post to the

list. Our list moderators are Castle, BJ, and Barb Nesrallah. You may

contact the moderators at -owner .

> > OCDKidsLoop membership may be accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdkidsloop/ .

> > Our group and related groups are listed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdsupportgroups/links . IOCDF treatment

providers list may be viewed at

http://www.ocfoundation.info/treatment-providers-list.php .

> > NLM-NIH Drug Information Portal may be viewed at

> >


l . IOCDF recommended reading list may be accessed at

http://www.ocfoundation.org/Books.aspx . IOCDF glossary of terms may be accessed

at http://www.ocfoundation.org/glossary.aspx . IOCDF membership link may be

accessed at http://www.ocfoundation.net/membership/ . Drugs.com pill

identification wizard may be accessed at http://www.drugs.com/imprints.php .

Mayo Clinic Drug and Herb Index may be accessed at

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/drug-information/DrugHerbIndex .Yahoo! Groups


> >

> >

> >


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