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Seeing a neurologist...

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One more question...

Wondering if any of you feel it is important to regularly see a pediatric

neurologist, and if so, why?

We took my daughter to a neuro 2 years ago when she was dx ADHD, but he said she

presented so " normally " that they would never find anything by doing further

testing, (EEG, scans, etc.)

Now that my daughter has developed OCD I am wondering if we should revisit the

ped. neuro or if it would just be a waste of our time.

Any thoughts?

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We see a neurologist but that started because our son had a grand mal seizure.  

 He was actually the one that diagnosed the OCD first.  He has also diagnosed

Tourettes, but that is not ever noticeable to us or others so it is very mild.  

The problem w/at least this neurologist is he does not think therapy is helpful

and only meds are and does not believe diet is of any value, even though when we

took corn and dyes out of our ds's diet his ocd improved dramatically.  So we

see the neurologist for the seizure stuff but still take ds to a therapist and

still stick w/the diet that has proved helpful.  I imagine not all neurologist

are like that but it is something to to look



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Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:40 PM

Subject: Seeing a neurologist...

One more question...

Wondering if any of you feel it is important to regularly see a pediatric

neurologist, and if so, why? 

We took my daughter to a neuro 2 years ago when she was dx ADHD, but he said she

presented so " normally " that they would never find anything by doing further

testing, (EEG, scans, etc.) 

Now that my daughter has developed OCD I am wondering if we should revisit the

ped. neuro or if it would just be a waste of our time. 

Any thoughts?   


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Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D.(http://www.ocdawareness.com ), Tamar

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question of any of these mental health professionals by inserting the words " Ask

Dr.(insert name) " in the subject line of a post to the list.  Our list

moderators are Castle, BJ, and Barb Nesrallah.  You may contact the

moderators at -owner .  OCDKidsLoop membership

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I'm taking my 7-year-old son to a neurologist this Friday. So far, he's been

diagnosed with OCD and ADHD using only a couple of tests and based on some of

the behaviors he displayed during the appointments. I'm hoping the neurologist

can give me reassurance regarding the diagnoses. He also has Sensory Integration

Dysfunction, so I'm not sure which of his behaviors can be attributed to that.

We tried meds briefly, but had such a bad experience with them (and the

psychiatrist) that we took him off so that new doctors can see him with fresh

eyes. Aside from hyperactivity and occasional rage, he actually seems like he's

doing better without the meds. He does see a psychologist, but I'm not sure

she's the best fit from an OCD perspective. I would also like to try dietary

changes to see how that impacts him.

Seeing a neurologist...

One more question...

Wondering if any of you feel it is important to regularly see a pediatric

neurologist, and if so, why?

We took my daughter to a neuro 2 years ago when she was dx ADHD, but he said she

presented so " normally " that they would never find anything by doing further

testing, (EEG, scans, etc.)

Now that my daughter has developed OCD I am wondering if we should revisit the

ped. neuro or if it would just be a waste of our time.

Any thoughts?


Our list archives feature may be accessed at:

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group// by scrolling down to the

archives calendar . Our links may be accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//links . Our files may be

accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//files .

Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D.( http://www.ocdawareness.com ), Tamar

Chansky, Ph.D.( http://www.worrywisekids.org ), and Dan Geller, M.D. (

http://www.massgeneral.org/doctors/doctor.aspx?ID=18068 ). You may ask a

question of any of these mental health professionals by inserting the words " Ask

Dr.(insert name) " in the subject line of a post to the list. Our list moderators

are Castle, BJ, and Barb Nesrallah. You may contact the moderators at

-owner . OCDKidsLoop membership may be accessed

at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdkidsloop/ . Our group and related

groups are listed at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdsupportgroups/links

.. IOCDF treatment providers list may be viewed at

http://www.ocfoundation.info/treatment-providers-list.php .

NLM-NIH Drug Information Portal may be viewed at


l . IOCDF recommended reading list may be accessed at

http://www.ocfoundation.org/Books.aspx . IOCDF glossary of terms may be accessed

at http://www.ocfoundation.org/glossary.aspx . IOCDF membership link may be

accessed at http://www.ocfoundation.net/membership/ . Drugs.com pill

identification wizard may be accessed at http://www.drugs.com/imprints.php .

Mayo Clinic Drug and Herb Index may be accessed at

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/drug-information/DrugHerbIndex .Yahoo! Groups


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I agree with your idea of looking into dietary issues with sensory processing

dysfunction or sensory integration

dysfunction.   My two sons had sensory issues and the diary gluten free diet

definetly helped concentration

and adding magnesium oxide also relaxed them.  I attached some info on

different sites for you to review.



Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:10 AM

Subject: Re: Seeing a neurologist...


I'm taking my 7-year-old son to a neurologist this Friday. So far, he's been

diagnosed with OCD and ADHD using only a couple of tests and based on some of

the behaviors he displayed during the appointments. I'm hoping the neurologist

can give me reassurance regarding the diagnoses. He also has Sensory Integration

Dysfunction, so I'm not sure which of his behaviors can be attributed to that.

We tried meds briefly, but had such a bad experience with them (and the

psychiatrist) that we took him off so that new doctors can see him with fresh

eyes. Aside from hyperactivity and occasional rage, he actually seems like he's

doing better without the meds. He does see a psychologist, but I'm not sure

she's the best fit from an OCD perspective. I would also like to try dietary

changes to see how that impacts him.

Seeing a neurologist...

One more question...

Wondering if any of you feel it is important to regularly see a pediatric

neurologist, and if so, why?

We took my daughter to a neuro 2 years ago when she was dx ADHD, but he said she

presented so " normally " that they would never find anything by doing further

testing, (EEG, scans, etc.)

Now that my daughter has developed OCD I am wondering if we should revisit the

ped. neuro or if it would just be a waste of our time.

Any thoughts?


Our list archives feature may be accessed at:

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group// by scrolling down to the

archives calendar . Our links may be accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//links . Our files may be

accessed at

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group//files .

Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D.( http://www.ocdawareness.com ), Tamar

Chansky, Ph.D.( http://www.worrywisekids.org ), and Dan Geller, M.D. (

http://www.massgeneral.org/doctors/doctor.aspx?ID=18068 ). You may ask a

question of any of these mental health professionals by inserting the words " Ask

Dr.(insert name) " in the subject line of a post to the list. Our list moderators

are Castle, BJ, and Barb Nesrallah. You may contact the moderators at

-owner . OCDKidsLoop membership may be accessed

at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdkidsloop/ . Our group and related

groups are listed at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocdsupportgroups/links

.. IOCDF treatment providers list may be viewed at

http://www.ocfoundation.info/treatment-providers-list.php .

NLM-NIH Drug Information Portal may be viewed at


l . IOCDF recommended reading list may be accessed at

http://www.ocfoundation.org/Books.aspx . IOCDF glossary of terms may be accessed

at http://www.ocfoundation.org/glossary.aspx . IOCDF membership link may be

accessed at http://www.ocfoundation.net/membership/ . Drugs.com pill

identification wizard may be accessed at http://www.drugs.com/imprints.php .

Mayo Clinic Drug and Herb Index may be accessed at

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/drug-information/DrugHerbIndex .Yahoo! Groups


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