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Re: Maybe I am wrong but dont think so

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Is it that comet, Elenin that he is talking about?

If so, have him read the part that says " Reality check " . This is from

Discovery, rather than some sensationalistic source. Maybe it will give him

another point of view to consider and calm some of his fears about it all.

Maybe you could explain the difference between a reliable, known source and one

that is speculation. Kids can get confused by that. Even some adults do. lol




> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako? Dont

know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible dwarf star

is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or september my son wants

me to know because its possible it could shut down all the power grids, I said

OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right away NOW he claims this is

not OCD because he showed me the facts, he claims because he has a scientific

mind he knows more of whats going on than most people and that he is not

obsessing over this just wants me to be informed so if we have to I can take

action. I told him this sounds a tad like OCD even though he showed me the

facts, there insued a argument which he insisted its not OCD and that he is

disappointed in me ect Any opinions on this? I left out the part where we have

to rent a uhaul truck have months of supplies on hand a firearm because people

will riot and we have to go to a cavern where he knows certain people from one

of his conspiracy theorist websites are going tp provide a safe haven ...OK I am

oficially about to lose my own mind completely and entirely Luckily we see his

doctor Tuesday and get HER take on this!


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No, you are not wrong about this. This is OCD because he is blowing the

risks and potential developments completely out of proportion, to the point

where it is impairing his daily functioning. He is obsessively stuck on the

disaster scenario. There are many scientifically minded people in this

world who are not taking this anywhere close to the same extreme that he is.


> **



> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako?

> Dont know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible

> dwarf star is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or

> september my son wants me to know because its possible it could shut down

> all the power grids, I said OK he said if that happens we have to relocate

> right away NOW he claims this is not OCD because he showed me the facts, he

> claims because he has a scientific mind he knows more of whats going on than

> most people and that he is not obsessing over this just wants me to be

> informed so if we have to I can take action. I told him this sounds a tad

> like OCD even though he showed me the facts, there insued a argument which

> he insisted its not OCD and that he is disappointed in me ect Any opinions

> on this? I left out the part where we have to rent a uhaul truck have months

> of supplies on hand a firearm because people will riot and we have to go to

> a cavern where he knows certain people from one of his conspiracy theorist

> websites are going tp provide a safe haven ...OK I am oficially about to

> lose my own mind completely and entirely Luckily we see his doctor Tuesday

> and get HER take on this!




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Guest guest

No, you are not wrong about this. This is OCD because he is blowing the

risks and potential developments completely out of proportion, to the point

where it is impairing his daily functioning. He is obsessively stuck on the

disaster scenario. There are many scientifically minded people in this

world who are not taking this anywhere close to the same extreme that he is.


> **



> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako?

> Dont know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible

> dwarf star is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or

> september my son wants me to know because its possible it could shut down

> all the power grids, I said OK he said if that happens we have to relocate

> right away NOW he claims this is not OCD because he showed me the facts, he

> claims because he has a scientific mind he knows more of whats going on than

> most people and that he is not obsessing over this just wants me to be

> informed so if we have to I can take action. I told him this sounds a tad

> like OCD even though he showed me the facts, there insued a argument which

> he insisted its not OCD and that he is disappointed in me ect Any opinions

> on this? I left out the part where we have to rent a uhaul truck have months

> of supplies on hand a firearm because people will riot and we have to go to

> a cavern where he knows certain people from one of his conspiracy theorist

> websites are going tp provide a safe haven ...OK I am oficially about to

> lose my own mind completely and entirely Luckily we see his doctor Tuesday

> and get HER take on this!




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Hi.  I am new here.  My dd is 10 yo and this sounds just like her.  She gets one

thought stuck in her head (something like the asteroid, but usually more

specific to just her) and says the same thing - it COULD happen, it HAS

happened, so it MIGHT happen to her.  In theory, the topic could be true, but is

so unlikely, that I tell her it is not something worth taking up space in her

mind to worry about.  She still obsesses over the topic, just doesn't tell me as

much about it.



Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:23 PM

Subject: Re: Maybe I am wrong but dont think so

No, you are not wrong about this.  This is OCD because he is blowing the

risks and potential developments completely out of proportion, to the point

where it is impairing his daily functioning.  He is obsessively stuck on the

disaster scenario.  There are many scientifically minded people in this

world who are not taking this anywhere close to the same extreme that he is.


> **



> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako?

> Dont know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible

> dwarf star is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or

> september my son wants me to know because its possible it could shut down

> all the power grids, I said OK he said if that happens we have to relocate

> right away NOW he claims this is not OCD because he showed me the facts, he

> claims because he has a scientific mind he knows more of whats going on than

> most people and that he is not obsessing over this just wants me to be

> informed so if we have to I can take action. I told him this sounds a tad

> like OCD even though he showed me the facts, there insued a argument which

> he insisted its not OCD and that he is disappointed in me ect Any opinions

> on this? I left out the part where we have to rent a uhaul truck have months

> of supplies on hand a firearm because people will riot and we have to go to

> a cavern where he knows certain people from one of his conspiracy theorist

> websites are going tp provide a safe haven ...OK I am oficially about to

> lose my own mind completely and entirely Luckily we see his doctor Tuesday

> and get HER take on this!



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You can say once that it is not a danger to us or him, and tell

him it is anxiety that is getting to him. If you keep trying

to explain it to him, it will be a reinforcement that there

is something to worry about.

Your son sounds very smart and probably can be very convincing

sounding. Just last night my daughter was worried she may be

poisoned by an experiment she was doing at her special

needs summer school. She looked up the chemicals they used

and was trying to convince me that they caused cancer, and

was worried she was going to die? She takes prozac so thank

goodness there was no panic attack as there has been in the

past. She worried last night but seems to have forgetten it


If your son is panic stricken over thoughts like this,

he may really benefit from an anti-depressant. My

daughter use to get so scared by thoughts like this

it would trigger an OCD episode that would last

for weeks on end.

Take care,



> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako? Dont

know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible dwarf star

is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or september my son wants

me to know because its possible it could shut down all the power grids, I said

OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right away NOW he claims this is

not OCD because he showed me the facts, he claims because he has a scientific

mind he knows more of whats going on than most people and that he is not

obsessing over this just wants me to be informed so if we have to I can take

action. I told him this sounds a tad like OCD even though he showed me the

facts, there insued a argument which he insisted its not OCD and that he is

disappointed in me ect Any opinions on this? I left out the part where we have

to rent a uhaul truck have months of supplies on hand a firearm because people

will riot and we have to go to a cavern where he knows certain people from one

of his conspiracy theorist websites are going tp provide a safe haven ...OK I am

oficially about to lose my own mind completely and entirely Luckily we see his

doctor Tuesday and get HER take on this!


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Michio Kaku talks A LOT and actually talks TOO much about too much. He

really needs to take a chill pill sometimes. GEE! I think he has OCD.

In a message dated 7/16/2011 12:50:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

@... writes:

Hi, I looked around and found him talking (article) about solar flares in

2012 and power grids, etc. But it's a worst case scenario. I imagine there's

lots of possibilities between solar flares and asteroids, etc.

_http://bigthink.com/ideas/19371_ (http://bigthink.com/ideas/19371)

And I found this about a November 2011 asteroid, but no worries about it:





I think his concerns, science interest, has just had OCD grab on to it.

It's a real event, facts, but OCD is obsessing about it.

If we notice the government or Kaku packing up, mysteriously

" unavailable, " then I'll start worrying!


> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako?

Dont know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible

dwarf star is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or

september my son wants me to know because its possible it could shut down all


power grids, I said OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right

away NOW he claims this is not OCD

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Michio Kaku talks A LOT and actually talks TOO much about too much. He

really needs to take a chill pill sometimes. GEE! I think he has OCD.

In a message dated 7/16/2011 12:50:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

@... writes:

Hi, I looked around and found him talking (article) about solar flares in

2012 and power grids, etc. But it's a worst case scenario. I imagine there's

lots of possibilities between solar flares and asteroids, etc.

_http://bigthink.com/ideas/19371_ (http://bigthink.com/ideas/19371)

And I found this about a November 2011 asteroid, but no worries about it:





I think his concerns, science interest, has just had OCD grab on to it.

It's a real event, facts, but OCD is obsessing about it.

If we notice the government or Kaku packing up, mysteriously

" unavailable, " then I'll start worrying!


> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako?

Dont know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible

dwarf star is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or

september my son wants me to know because its possible it could shut down all


power grids, I said OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right

away NOW he claims this is not OCD

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Hi, I looked around and found him talking (article) about solar flares in 2012

and power grids, etc. But it's a worst case scenario. I imagine there's lots

of possibilities between solar flares and asteroids, etc.


And I found this about a November 2011 asteroid, but no worries about it:



I think his concerns, science interest, has just had OCD grab on to it. It's a

real event, facts, but OCD is obsessing about it.

If we notice the government or Kaku packing up, mysteriously " unavailable, " then

I'll start worrying!


> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako? Dont

know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible dwarf star

is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or september my son wants

me to know because its possible it could shut down all the power grids, I said

OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right away NOW he claims this is

not OCD

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Guest guest

Hi, I looked around and found him talking (article) about solar flares in 2012

and power grids, etc. But it's a worst case scenario. I imagine there's lots

of possibilities between solar flares and asteroids, etc.


And I found this about a November 2011 asteroid, but no worries about it:



I think his concerns, science interest, has just had OCD grab on to it. It's a

real event, facts, but OCD is obsessing about it.

If we notice the government or Kaku packing up, mysteriously " unavailable, " then

I'll start worrying!


> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako? Dont

know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible dwarf star

is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or september my son wants

me to know because its possible it could shut down all the power grids, I said

OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right away NOW he claims this is

not OCD

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This sounds just like my dd.  Her ocd used to be mostly about germs and

physical things.  But the last several months it has almost all turned into bad

thoughts, with some inpending doom on her.  She wants constant reassurance from

me (probably 100+ times a day right now, all day long, all night long, every

day).  She is seeing a new therapist, but does not like her and says she will

not tell her about her worries.  So I am trying to find someone new again (last

time she was in therapy was a couple of years ago, her WONDERFUL therapist was

let go due to budget cut backs).



Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:55 AM

Subject: Re: Maybe I am wrong but dont think so


You can say once that it is not a danger to us or him, and tell

him it is anxiety that is getting to him. If you keep trying

to explain it to him, it will be a reinforcement that there

is something to worry about.

Your son sounds very smart and probably can be very convincing

sounding. Just last night my daughter was worried she may be

poisoned by an experiment she was doing at her special

needs summer school. She looked up the chemicals they used

and was trying to convince me that they caused cancer, and

was worried she was going to die? She takes prozac so thank

goodness there was no panic attack as there has been in the

past. She worried last night but seems to have forgetten it


If your son is panic stricken over thoughts like this,

he may really benefit from an anti-depressant. My

daughter use to get so scared by thoughts like this

it would trigger an OCD episode that would last

for weeks on end.

Take care,



> My son came down tonight to show me a video with physicist Michio Kako? Dont

know if thats spelled correctly. Anyway, a large asteroid or possible dwarf star

is going to be traveling close to the earth in august or september my son wants

me to know because its possible it could shut down all the power grids, I said

OK he said if that happens we have to relocate right away NOW he claims this is

not OCD because he showed me the facts, he claims because he has a scientific

mind he knows more of whats going on than most people and that he is not

obsessing over this just wants me to be informed so if we have to I can take

action. I told him this sounds a tad like OCD even though he showed me the

facts, there insued a argument which he insisted its not OCD and that he is

disappointed in me ect Any opinions on this? I left out the part where we have

to rent a uhaul truck have months of supplies on hand a firearm because people

will riot and we have to go to a

cavern where he knows certain people from one of his conspiracy theorist

websites are going tp provide a safe haven ...OK I am oficially about to lose my

own mind completely and entirely Luckily we see his doctor Tuesday and get HER

take on this!


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