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Re: 20/20 episode with diane sawyer

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i completely agree, however on the 3 year old note the doctors did want to

prescribe my daughter on meds. I flat out said NO, at 7 they wanted her in

therapy, I was in denial and said NO, my daughter is gifted, talented and has

all the gifts every parent wishes their children are born with. At the age of 9

my daughter was so bad they wanted her hospitalized and I was told by leading

doctor world known, parents from Europe send their childern to him and he said,

as a parent you normally don't have the perfect child, your average child is not

gifted yet has no quirks, your gifted child is not average but has quirks.

With the right therapy most gifted child with OCD do not need medication.

Prior to entering the program my daughter was on 5 different meds. Now NONE. I

PRAISE JESUS DAILY for the CBT program and PRAISE God for my gifted child and

realize every child is gifted in their own way and no longer feel the extra

talent is necessary. NOR do I brag that I have a gifted child, I just say my

child is normal........


> " When is too young do you think for a child to start on medication.? "


> Well, I'm not sure. We turned to medication when my daughter's compulsive

> behavior interrupted her ability to enjoy life and our family life revolved

> around her meltdowns. This is after 9 months of sometimes bi-weekly

> cognitive therapy. It was never just, " Oh, she's a bit wonky, let's spin

> the Wheel 'o Medication. " She's seven.


> Medication of children is such a hot button issue. I feel very defensive

> about it, personally. It was a last resort for us, but I feel judged by

> other parents if it comes up that she's medicated. It clearly helps, she's

> not on ten different meds, she's happier and functional and thank heavens.

> But then you have these reports about three year old children on all these

> different meds and it creates a generally negative public opinion.




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