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Students with OCD - A Handbook for School Personnel

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With school beginning, thought this was a good time to remind everyone that Dr.

Gail (who helps advise this group) has the above book out. This would be

a great book for parents and/or to give school personnel.

The website for the book is: http://ocdhandbook.com/

There's also lots of information in our FILES section regarding school and OCD,

some things on IEPs and 504 Plans.

I haven't yet read this book, but if it's like the OCD & School Personnel info

we have in our FILES section (which I think is also by Dr. ) then it'd be

great to have that info in an actual copy/book.

And the OCD Chicago website also has a lot of great information regarding

school: http://www.ocdchicago.org/

Hope school begins easily for all after they get by those initial first couple


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't recommend Dr. ' book highly enough--I bought it in June, it really

helped me outline what we needed for my son's 504 (the guidance counselor REALLY

did not want to do an IEP) and what to present to his teachers. I met with 4 out

of 6 of them yesterday.  It was mostly a positive experience, although I do

think they are wary of him now, that unfortunate side effect of being open about

the diagnosis.  His Video Production teacher asked me if he could be " trusted

with the very expensive equipment. "   I reassured him that should be fine, as far

as I know he's never had a compulsion to steal or break equipment!  So far this

school year my son seems less anxious, actually taking notes and determined to

work....hoping it continues.   Best wishes for a good school year for everyone


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I can't recommend Dr. ' book highly enough--I bought it in June, it really

helped me outline what we needed for my son's 504 (the guidance counselor REALLY

did not want to do an IEP) and what to present to his teachers. I met with 4 out

of 6 of them yesterday.  It was mostly a positive experience, although I do

think they are wary of him now, that unfortunate side effect of being open about

the diagnosis.  His Video Production teacher asked me if he could be " trusted

with the very expensive equipment. "   I reassured him that should be fine, as far

as I know he's never had a compulsion to steal or break equipment!  So far this

school year my son seems less anxious, actually taking notes and determined to

work....hoping it continues.   Best wishes for a good school year for everyone


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