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OCD , ASD, SPD Oh my!

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Asperger's Syndrome

Sensory Processing Disorder

Can anyone help me understand the difference between these disorders? The

internet sources confuse me.

My 8 yr old definitely has sensory difficulties with touch, sound, taste and


He has been diagnosed OCD, but most of his obsessions he seems to enjoy which

does not fit the profile for OCD.

OCD does not " bother " him, so is it Asperger's?

I dislike labeling anybody, but I need to know how to help him. Also, to get

help in schooling they need to have a label.

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Jillian, I started to reply to this last night but confused myself. It can be

difficult with these 3 " things " going on to determine which is the cause for

some behaviors. Trying to be a bit simple -

If it's tags in clothing, or clothes aren't tight enough, or they hate certain

clothing material; or hating some odors/smells, being a picky/limited eater,

maybe gagging; or a lot of sound, activity, or loudness around bothers

them...then I'd go with the sensory issues on this. They can be evaluated by

an Occupational Therapist for this, and the OT helps with this. If a problem at

school, you could request an occupational therapy evaluation from the school to

see if he qualifies for OT through them. A lot of children have sensory issues

and this includes those with OCD or on the spectrum.

Trying to deterine some behaviors that are really similar with OCD and with

Aspergers/autism can be difficult too. My 22 yr old son has both. Most of the

time his OCD was so obviously OCD, that was easy. Other times not. Both can

have their " routines " . Where with OCD it is more a " ritual " than routine.

Those on the spectrum (Aspergers) can need structure to their days, at home and

at school, which means " routine. " And with either OCD or AS, they could each

get upset if something messes it up.

Generally I think with OCD there is an illogical reason they may be doing it,

though sometimes they can't say " why " they do it. If it doesn't seem to stress

him (like with having to repeat, repeat; or taking up a LOT of time doing it),

I'd see if it fits on the Aspergers side. See if it falls in with some of their

" habits/needs. " With OCD there's usually always anxiety that they are trying

to stop by doing the compulsion/ritual. With Aspergers...well, lol, I would say

" not so with Aspergers " but sometimes if they are upset/anxious, they could have

a routine that helps calm them. (See what I mean, it gets confusing for me too,

trying to explain!) Generally I went with my " gut " for when I was


I think some behaviors, whether caused by OCD or by Aspergers, can be helped by

the same methods if they're interfering with daily life. Except where the

Aspergers person may need their routine/structure each day. Luckily

wasn't strong in this trait, but he did sometimes have a problem (I felt) if

something changed and he was unsure what to do, how to respond - that

decision-making response seemed hard in some situations.

Just some very quick thoughts & typing, feel free to ask more specific

questions. Others here also deal with " both " diagnoses and can offer some

thoughts. Group has been quiet this month of August!


> Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

> Asperger's Syndrome

> Sensory Processing Disorder


> Can anyone help me understand the difference between these disorders? The

internet sources confuse me.


> My 8 yr old definitely has sensory difficulties with touch, sound, taste and



> He has been diagnosed OCD, but most of his obsessions he seems to enjoy which

does not fit the profile for OCD.


> OCD does not " bother " him, so is it Asperger's?


> I dislike labeling anybody, but I need to know how to help him. Also, to get

help in schooling they need to have a label.


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I am so glad you asked this question. I am on the fence about a lot of things

going on with my DS, who is 10. I am on a waitlist for him to be evaluated for

SPD, which I am almost positive he has. He has problems with his clothing and

shoes and things itching, etc. If his shoes are not tight enough - he has a

fit. This always causes problems in the morning when getting ready for school.

I am hoping some OT will help him.

He was never officially diagnosed with OCD, but he was diagnosed with both TS

and Pandas, which can also have OCD as part of both.

His OCD does not usually bother him too much, unless something he is working on

goes " wrong " in his eyes. If something does not meed HIS expectations, he gets

very upset. He is currently seeing a therapist to help with these issues.

My biggest puzzle is if meds will help, and if so, which ones.

He has tried Tenex for his tics - did not work. Tried it a 2nd time with a

higher dose - did not work.

Tried Clonazapem for his anxiety - did not work. Dr. wanted him to go on a

higher dose, but I don't want to do that as I think it caused him to have rages.

He was on an antibiotic for the Pandas and it did help, but now he can't take

the pills as they upset his stomach, so I am waiting to go see the Pandas doc

for another recommendation.

Anyway, I feel your pain, and I wish I had more info for you, but I am right

there with you. All I can tell you is what we have gone through and you can

always contact me with any questions, and I can give you my perspective. Good

luck and keep us posted :)

> >

> > Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

> > Asperger's Syndrome

> > Sensory Processing Disorder

> >

> > Can anyone help me understand the difference between these disorders? The

internet sources confuse me.

> >

> > My 8 yr old definitely has sensory difficulties with touch, sound, taste and


> >

> > He has been diagnosed OCD, but most of his obsessions he seems to enjoy

which does not fit the profile for OCD.

> >

> > OCD does not " bother " him, so is it Asperger's?

> >

> > I dislike labeling anybody, but I need to know how to help him. Also, to

get help in schooling they need to have a label.

> >


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Hey , how long was your son on the antibiotics? Was just wondering if one

of those cases where on it long and then begins to upset stomach or if it was

just a few weeks (short). Isn't there that " yeast " buildup (or whatever) with

abx sometimes, wondering if that is the upset stomach part? Shame he can't

take the same one if it helped before. I know some need to stay on a low dose

long-term with PANDAS.

Did the sensory stuff get worse after PANDAS or has he always had a bit of it?

One of my sons had sensory when real young, still a bit of it with certain

materials (he's 22 now). And then even my OCD/AS son had different sensory

stuff than his twin, he was able to get OT due to fine motor skill problem and

they worked on his " whole body " which helped with sensory too.


> I am so glad you asked this question. I am on the fence about a lot of things

going on with my DS, who is 10. I am on a waitlist for him to be evaluated for

SPD, which I am almost positive he has. He has problems with his clothing and

shoes and things itching, etc. If his shoes are not tight enough - he has a

fit. This always causes problems in the morning when getting ready for school.

I am hoping some OT will help him.


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Hi - he has been off and on for almost a year. I am hoping the Pandas doc

can give him something that is easier for him to take since I am sure he will be

more exposed to strep once school begins. I do think the yeast can build up,

but I am not sure if that is the case or not. My son has always had sensory

issues that began with loud noises. He did not like it when he heard any loud

noise. Now, it is more a problem with clothing, etc.

I am really hoping I can get him some OT, either at school or outside of school.

I am waiting to hear back from an OT that I am on the waitlist for. He also

sees a clinical social worker every other week. At school, he sees the school

social worker for lunch bunch and some other social skills. He is not at the

maturity level as most of his class mates, but he has friends.

My biggest concern is going to be once school gets into full swing and the

anxiety levels increase. We met with the neurologist yesterday and decided

against started any new meds. I am not sure if medication will help or not with

his OCD and anxiety.

Anyways - thanks for sharing your story. I hope as he gets older, it gets


> >

> > I am so glad you asked this question. I am on the fence about a lot of

things going on with my DS, who is 10. I am on a waitlist for him to be

evaluated for SPD, which I am almost positive he has. He has problems with his

clothing and shoes and things itching, etc. If his shoes are not tight enough -

he has a fit. This always causes problems in the morning when getting ready for

school. I am hoping some OT will help him.

> >


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