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Re: Bedwetting and great new OCD autobiography

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My 12 ds (13 in Nov) still wets and wets enough that it is not contained in a

pull up many nights.  He really wanted to do camp this year and we wanted it for

him.  I got a prescription for a nasal spray that is supposed to stop wetting

(crazy expensive, I did not think to ask the price when I was asking the doctor

for it).   We used it for 2 nights before he left for camp.  He wet a little but

totally contained those nights.   Do not know what is going on at camp right now

but I did tell adult in charge about it.   It has been so frustrating for him to

still be wetting and I feel bad about it but there does not seem to be a lot to

do about it.  We have been using an alarm for a while now which gets him up when

he wets but does not stop the wetting.   Open to


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Subject: Bedwetting and great new OCD autobiography


Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 7:53 AM

Hello Fellow OCD Warrior Parents,

I have been enjoying your vacation stories - especially the hand sanitizer for

rock climbing! We have many similar wacky  (and yes frustrating) camping & food


Anyhow just wanted to do a quick survey - how many of your kids have bedwetting

challenges? We have done all sorts - meds, midnight toilet trips, alarms and

still, at 10.5 years old,  bedwetting to a degree that son won't go to

sleep-away camp - even though he loves the rest of it.  I know this can be a

PANDAS indicator but in any case, hands up, how many bedwetters out there?

I am currently reading " Nowhere Near Normal - A Memoir of OCD " by Traci Foust,

published this year by Gallery Books. Don't know how it ends yet but some great

scenes so far. Parents of OCDers may enjoy it and also there may be parts to

share with relatives who don't " get " it. I will be passing along to my parents.

Hope everyone in North America is managing to keep cool,


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My dd does not have bedwetting problems at all.  I don't think she ever wet her

bed, even when she was potty training.  She has a bladder made of steel!



Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 7:53 AM

Subject: Bedwetting and great new OCD autobiography


Hello Fellow OCD Warrior Parents,

I have been enjoying your vacation stories - especially the hand sanitizer for

rock climbing! We have many similar wacky (and yes frustrating) camping & food


Anyhow just wanted to do a quick survey - how many of your kids have bedwetting

challenges? We have done all sorts - meds, midnight toilet trips, alarms and

still, at 10.5 years old, bedwetting to a degree that son won't go to sleep-away

camp - even though he loves the rest of it. I know this can be a PANDAS

indicator but in any case, hands up, how many bedwetters out there?

I am currently reading " Nowhere Near Normal - A Memoir of OCD " by Traci Foust,

published this year by Gallery Books. Don't know how it ends yet but some great

scenes so far. Parents of OCDers may enjoy it and also there may be parts to

share with relatives who don't " get " it. I will be passing along to my parents.

Hope everyone in North America is managing to keep cool,

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Thanks for the book recommendation, , I will be looking for it.

My 17 y/o dd, with OCD, never had betwetting issues. However I was a bedwetter

up until the age of 9 or so. It was very frustrating for me and my mom. I didn't

have OCD, but I did have anxiety and definite Asperger's traits.

I tend to think bedwetting, and toilet learning isues in general, are related to

sensory issues. If you aren't getting clear messages from your body, you won't

get the signal in time to make it to toilet (or at least not strongly enough to

wake you up). Of course sensory dysfunction isn't linked to OCD/anxiety as it is

to Asperger's, but it seems like all these things tend to travel in packs.

Has your son's doc offered any advice?


> Hello Fellow OCD Warrior Parents,


> I have been enjoying your vacation stories - especially the hand sanitizer for

rock climbing! We have many similar wacky (and yes frustrating) camping & food



> Anyhow just wanted to do a quick survey - how many of your kids have

bedwetting challenges? We have done all sorts - meds, midnight toilet trips,

alarms and still, at 10.5 years old, bedwetting to a degree that son won't go

to sleep-away camp - even though he loves the rest of it. I know this can be a

PANDAS indicator but in any case, hands up, how many bedwetters out there?


> I am currently reading " Nowhere Near Normal - A Memoir of OCD " by Traci Foust,

published this year by Gallery Books. Don't know how it ends yet but some great

scenes so far. Parents of OCDers may enjoy it and also there may be parts to

share with relatives who don't " get " it. I will be passing along to my parents.


> Hope everyone in North America is managing to keep cool,




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Sounds like he's always had this problem. Just want to note that sometimes this

can be caused with an SSRI. Don't quote me, but seems like Zoloft has had this

problem start with some children.

I've always read kids seem to grow out of this, I hope it's soon for your son!


> Hello Fellow OCD Warrior Parents,


> I have been enjoying your vacation stories - especially the hand sanitizer for

rock climbing! We have many similar wacky (and yes frustrating) camping & food



> Anyhow just wanted to do a quick survey - how many of your kids have

bedwetting challenges? We have done all sorts - meds, midnight toilet trips,

alarms and still, at 10.5 years old, bedwetting to a

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