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Re: any parents in nyc here?

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I live in NJ, but have used practitioners in NYC. Someone once recommended

Columbia Pres to us and you might also check NYU. There's supposed to be a good

doc at NYU as well (Coffey), and we see Dr. Hollander. Hope that helps



> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told day

treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc to

contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.



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These are the websites......


> >

> > I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told day

treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc to

contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.

> >

> >


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Thanks we had an eval at columbia they wouldnt treat her. Mt sinai center for

excellence in ocd in children wouldnt take her. They say she has no insight. But

how can she get treated if only kids eith insight get help!

Sent from my Samsung Captivate on AT & T

bhamelburg wrote:

>I live in NJ, but have used practitioners in NYC. Someone once recommended

Columbia Pres to us and you might also check NYU. There's supposed to be a good

doc at NYU as well (Coffey), and we see Dr. Hollander. Hope that helps






>> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told day

treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc to

contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.





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I don't know what's worse, those who say they can help and don't, or those who

could help and aren't willing because it's too much work. How old is she?

> >>

> >> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told day

treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc to

contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.

> >>

> >>

> >

> >


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She is twelve. I am glad you understand. I thought it was only me. You are

correct.The psychiatrist dr. Hopperstadt, a young man who did the eval at mt

sinai then preferred us to a service agency who got us an eval at columbia with

an msw who said columbia couldnt treat her but she thought the best thing was

day treatment at belleview. Now i am waiting for an iep from dept of education

to.get the program started yet i am in dire need of psych help for her. She has

had therapists before who told me they thought she needed better help.

This.process is almost as irrational as her hoarding trash! Sorry for run on

sentences. I am beyond frustrated.

Sent from my Samsung CaptivatAT & T

bhamelburg wrote:

>I don't know what's worse, those who say they can help and don't, or those who

could help and aren't willing because it's too much work. How old is she?



>> >>

>> >> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told day

treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc to

contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.

>> >>

>> >>

>> >

>> >




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My son is also twelve. Is your daughter taking any meds? I hope that all goes

well with the DOE ...I 've had many battles there too. Hoarding can be tough

to treat, but it can be treated very successfully too. She needs a real

specialist in OCD. Our psychiatrist doesn't take insurance and he is expensive,

but he specializes in OCD and anxiety and autism and is well known as an

expert. I have found over the years (having had too many ineffective

therapists) that sometimes it's money well spent.


> >> >>

> >> >> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told day

treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc to

contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >>

> >

> >


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I tried calling Dr. Hollander a few times,but his office.never returned my call.

Should I try again? Another thing that bothers me is that belleview daytreatment

doesnt specialize in ocd!I think they are suggesting she go there becausr she

also has odd and doenst comply with any ideas.or.plans i want us to do. She

rarely leaves the house. I dont know anymore. I want to cry Im losing my ability

to.cope at times.


Sent from my Samsung Captivate on AT & T

bhamelburg wrote:


>My son is also twelve. Is your daughter taking any meds? I hope that all goes

well with the DOE ...I 've had many battles there too. Hoarding can be tough

to treat, but it can be treated very successfully too. She needs a real

specialist in OCD. Our psychiatrist doesn't take insurance and he is expensive,

but he specializes in OCD and anxiety and autism and is well known as an

expert. I have found over the years (having had too many ineffective

therapists) that sometimes it's money well spent.




>> >> >>

>> >> >> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told

day treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc

to contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.

>> >> >>

>> >> >>

>> >> >

>> >> >

>> >>

>> >

>> >




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Dr. Hollander is also working at Montefiore. We were referred by our therapist,

I don't know if it must be that way. Also, he likes e mail.

Dr. coffey at NYU was also highly recommended. She specializes in OCD and


Have you looked into this place?


If your dd had some relief from her anxiety, she would likely demonstrate some

insight and less oppositional behavior. does she have any autistic spectrum

concerns? My son is likely on the spectrum. He too has been homebound and

oppositional at times but I truly believe that it was a function of his anxiety

and his immaturity and lack of coping skills. Kids demonstrate distress in very

extreme ways and I think that many practitioners are too quick to make more out

of it. A therapist should be helping your daughter to know that she will be

able to confront her obsession in small steps that she can define and can


It also was our experience that when I put my son in a very clinical school

environment, he really did poorly. He is in a spec Ed school right now that is

a warm and caring environment, but also a " real school " as per my son. There's

a sense of community there and for the first time in his entire life, he looks

forward to going to school to be with the other kids and to study his favorite

subjects. I think it has been a combo of the right care and school, ect....that

has helped him so much over the past 6 months

I really hope that you can find some meaningful help. I know a lot about what

you're going through.... It can get better and she is young enough to enjoy some

childhood and get caught up.


> >> >> >>

> >> >> >> I live in nyc and have a child with severe hoarding.I have been told

day treatment is one of my only options. I would lile to.ask anyone here in nyc

to contact me.and tell.me.how they found help. Im losing my marbles here looking

for help. Nami didnt offer any assistance.

> >> >> >>

> >> >> >>

> >> >> >

> >> >> >

> >> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >>

> >

> >


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