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Re: connection with OCD and stomach problems/food allergy/intolerance???

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There is a blood test for ciliac disease, the only reason to go gluten free.

Stomach pains due to anxiety aren't unusual. My son has always had this.

People seem to have a particular body area of weakness where anxiety hits them.

My daughter has lots of food aversions, so I know what you are talking about,

and I wouldn't have him eliminate foods unnecessarily if he doesn't have ciliac


connection with OCD and stomach problems/food



has anyone any info on this connection....a natural health practioner mentioned

trying gluten free,and food allergy testing, my son has constant stomach pain,

diarheoa but not losing weight, and complains of stomach pains when anxious, I

also have digestive problems and my dad did too, so feel there is some kind of

connection with the anxiety, my doc not keen to do food allegy testing on both

of us....says it shows up you are allergic to everything and they are not

acurate at all.....im in UK so any thoughts on getting an accurate intolerance

test as well?

the other big problem is my son is very resistant to change his diet, and has

some OCDs over textures/look of food, i have tried myself to cut down on gluten

foods with no real results but didnt do this strictly,just be very interested to

hear if others see this connection and/or results in changing to gluten free


thank you maree

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There is a theory about the gut-brain connection. Many people who have gut

issues (stomach cramps, diarrhea) are not breaking down protein properly because

of an overgrowth of candida or the growth of bad bacteria in the gut outpacing

the growth of good bacteria. So whole protein enters the bloodstream and

adversely affects brain function. Eliminating gluten is often a remedy for this

condition, along with other dietary changes.

There has been a lot of discussion about the GAPS Diet (Gut & Psychology

Syndrome). With the GAPS diet, you starve the bad flora and feed the good flora.

It's very restrictive (anything that turns quickly to sugar like like

carbohydrates, fruit is prohibited), so you're left with veggies and meat. For

more details, you can read Natasha -McBride's book, The Gut and

Psychology Syndrome, or read about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Ive talked to conventionally trained M.D's and other health professionals about

this diet, and they aren't convinced that it'd be effective. Many naturalpath's

and wholistic care practioners promote this diet. It can't hurt to try it by

very slowly introducing these dietary changes.

Hope this helps,


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My Dan doc said we don't have to do gluten free unless my son tests positive for

celiac which he doesn't so we r checking if there is yeast in the gut. My son

has the same issues so I couldn't change his diet anyway, that would cause more

anxiety for all.

Sent from my iPhone

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Maree, my son and I get stomach pains/diarrhea when anxious. I read that there

are serotonin receptors throughout the body, not just in the brain like I

thought. So taking the SSRIs help calm the diarrhea caused by the anxiety. The

meds. do help roy and I with the diarrhea/stomach pains. I can tell the diarrhea

in our cases is tied to anxiety just by when it happens. Mornings before

school,before/after any stressful event.

We also have had trouble with blood, with the diarrhea. After colonoscopy,

determined not colon related but just from pushing when constipated. So he does

get both problems, both related to anxiety and diet. We have used imodeum when

the diar. was so bad, he couldn't get to school or sit in class. That causes

constip. so tried to hold off. When he was really bad, he did lose a ton of

weight, but much better now.

There might be issues with the food sensitivity/gluten (with your son) but prob.

more with the anxiety. For myself, if I am really stressed, I eat oatmeal or

rice and eat a really mild diet (applesauce, soups, plain yogurt) to calm

everything down. Also caffeine, choc., spicy foods can trigger the diarhhea. I

make good meals for Roy but with the OCD stuff, he doesn't eat alot of it.

Seems to go for cold cereal,pasta, fruit, some salads, lots of chips/salsa.

Another older son was very picky and didn't have the best diet but now at 20,

eats much better. It is hard when they are teenagers and I heard that unless you

know for sure they have celiac disease, going gluten free is no picnic for

anyone, especially teenagers.

It can be really stressful on my part when he is sitting on the toilet before

school or social event and I need to get going but I try to be patient. We also

have written in 505 accom. for that (late for school, leave class to go to

b-room). Taking the preassure off him around a potentially embarrassing issue is

important. It prob. helps that I have a similiar issue so understand somewhat.

Hope this helps.



> Hi,

> has anyone any info on this connection....a natural health practioner

mentioned trying gluten free,and food allergy testing, my son has constant

stomach pain, diarheoa but not losing weight, and complains of stomach pains

when anxious, I also have digestive problems and my dad did too, so feel there

is some kind of connection with the anxiety, my doc not keen to do food allegy

testing on both of us....says it shows up you are allergic to everything and

they are not acurate at all.....im in UK so any thoughts on getting an accurate

intolerance test as well?

> the other big problem is my son is very resistant to change his diet, and has

some OCDs over textures/look of food, i have tried myself to cut down on gluten

foods with no real results but didnt do this strictly,just be very interested to

hear if others see this connection and/or results in changing to gluten free


> thank you maree


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Hi Maree, maybe this article will help. Tho basically it says to try

eliminating certain foods yourself, tho talks about the tests re " intolerance. "


I do know parents have had tests done and got results that they used to

eliminate and that worked well, so don't want to say testing isn't good. We had

allergy tests done for one of my sons, so they tested for more common allergies.

Did find out he is allergic to tree nuts, but also showed he was sensitive to

some other things, but no severe reaction to. The tree nuts was what we were

looking for in our case, as he was having extreme reactions to some foods

(emergency room trips and Benedryl) and we couldn't figure out what was setting

it off. He now carries an Epi-Pen for his tree nut allergy.

Each of my sons can get " itchy heads " with a tomato sauce type food, but they

still eat spaghetti and pizza and ketchup.

There are many food additives and perhaps food intolerances that have been shown

to cause reactions in children like behavior problems. Remove a certain food

that contains some food additive " dye " for instance and the child's behavior

(mood or hyperness) improves.

There are none specific to causing OCD that I've read, but parents over the

years have noticed OCD improving in their particular child when testing some

additive/food elimination. Or I recall one parent just saying that obsessive

tendencies improved after starting fish oil with their child! So, just never

know so far as " diet. " Just that there is not *one* thing that would hold true

for all with OCD. Similar to not one SSRI med for OCD works well for everyone

(different reactions).

I used to hear/read that sometimes a " favorite food " was actually what someone

was intolerant to (wheat/grain, dairy...); like a person LOVED milk or pasta but

actually had an intolerance for, so the " favs " may be one to start with

eliminating a food type.

Just some thoughts.


> Hi,

> has anyone any info on this connection....a natural health practioner

mentioned trying gluten free,and food allergy testing, my son has constant

stomach pain, diarheoa but not losing weight, and complains of stomach pains

when anxious, I also have digestive problems and my dad did too, so feel there

is some kind of connection with the anxiety, my doc not keen to do food allegy

testing on both of us....says it shows up you are allergic to everything and

they are not acurate at all.....im in UK so any thoughts on getting an

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thank you all...........i sure think it is very much anxiety related, with some

sensitivities, def worth doing the celiac blood test just to rule that out, and

start some dietary changes, just good to hear that other children with high

anxiety have the same problems, jordana i do believe that we both have the

stomach is out sensitive area,

jill...I will loook up info on GAPS, it sounds fascinating, and the Natasha

book, i do think with my sons issues that he is definately not breaking down his

food properly,so good to have a look at this, wondering if there is a test to

find out if whole protein is present in the blood? or if GPs can test

this....will have to ask docs here and see...thanks

Debbie....yes we have resistance to changing diet too...more anxiety...will look

into getting yeast and celiac testing then look at diet issues...thanks

...my sons always go straight to the bathroom running when he gets home fr

school, i think he holds on as he doesnt like the school toilets,too

dirty/smelly....and has bad stomach pains all day because of this, I will talk

to school as well and see if more time can be given, also i find myself eating

oats and rice when my stomach is upset,they are soothing.....and yes going

gluten free would be very difficult, as food issues and dislikes already there,

it would make mealtimes quite tricky....will try some oats/rice for a day or 2,

see how that helps, thanks again to all of you, much to learn about this

food/eating/anxiety connection!


> Hi,

> has anyone any info on this connection....a natural health practioner

mentioned trying gluten free,and food allergy testing, my son has constant

stomach pain, diarheoa but not losing weight, and complains of stomach pains

when anxious, I also have digestive problems and my dad did too, so feel there

is some kind of connection with the anxiety, my doc not keen to do food allegy

testing on both of us....says it shows up you are allergic to everything and

they are not acurate at all.....im in UK so any thoughts on getting an accurate

intolerance test as well?

> the other big problem is my son is very resistant to change his diet, and has

some OCDs over textures/look of food, i have tried myself to cut down on gluten

foods with no real results but didnt do this strictly,just be very interested to

hear if others see this connection and/or results in changing to gluten free


> thank you maree


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Jordana, I also do this. Only thing I do away from home is pee. Always been

this way.


> Okay, confession here....I have struggled with OCD all my life and though it

isn't apparent to the outside world, I hate using public restrooms and unless it

is a dire emergency, I wait to poo until I get home and can sit down on our own

toilet seats. Sometimes this does lead to stomach problems and needing to run

right to the toilet.




> Re: connection with OCD and stomach problems/food




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yep, dont like using public loos myself......only realising i have some quite

hidden but strong OCDs myself!!


> >

> > Okay, confession here....I have struggled with OCD all my life and though it

isn't apparent to the outside world, I hate using public restrooms and unless it

is a dire emergency, I wait to poo until I get home and can sit down on our own

toilet seats. Sometimes this does lead to stomach problems and needing to run

right to the toilet.

> >

> >

> >

> > Re: connection with OCD and stomach problems/food


> >

> >


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