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My dd is 10, this has been our worst summer ever.  As summer goes on, she is

doing better.  She has been taking horse back riding lessons and that has helped

so much!  My sister gave her lessons for her bday, therapy was not the intent,

but it has done a lot.  One huge thing is she can ride a 2 wheeler now, without

training wheels.  She could not do it before, was scared to try.  But if she can

ride and control a huge horse and be ok, she should be able to ride a bike.  And

the bike riding has given her more confidence, as well.  She is tackling some of

her worries on her own, coming up with solutions and ways to quit worrying about

them.  She is doing great dealing with this.  We have 3 more horse back riding

lessons this fall, then it ends.  She is biking all over the place and it has

given her confidence to not have to be in my sight at all times.

School starts Tuesdays, she is very nervous about it - worried she wont have

friends, but we have plans for that.  She is sure she is going to throw up and

is going to hide and not go.  We will see how it goes.  I have the day off, so I

can spend time with her dealing with her worries.  Hope everyone's first day has

gone well, or does go well.


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