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I just read the e-mails about homeschooling and had a flashback to junior high.

I mentioned in my previous message that my son had a very negative experience in

junior high in terms of peers. I recall him begging me to homeschool him. I

ignored it and didn't take him to serious on the subject. NOW, as I look back at

all the RED FLAGS that went up, I'm sorry I didn't pay closer attention. His

grades have never suffered and currently is an A/B student so I gguess my point

of bringing this up is pay attention to what they are saying. Even though the

public school has him in a 504 plan, I can tell you that it doesn't change the

behavior or fix his OCD.What will become of him as an adult out in the real

world is yet to be known. I just pray for a happy and healthy young man.

Pam L.

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