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Inositol and my 10 yr old son

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Just wondering what is the highest dose for a 10 yr old, 63 lbs. He is in the

autism spectrum, OCD, ADHD, and sensory intergration dysfunction. Right now his

OCD is through the roof. He won't even touch his toast to eat- he has to use a

fork to hold it. He also won't touch other things like door knobs and uses his

shirt or napkins all the time. He has many issues at school, for example got

very upset and out of control when the teacher tried to set up his work and the

page was't perfectly smooth so he wouldn't do the work and become increasingly

agitated. His hands are raw from all the washing, just as they are every winter.

There are so many other examples of what is going on that I can write pages and


He takes a variety of medications, Concerta, clonidine, seroquel, and melatonin.

I am also supplementing him with inositol, multivitamin, and GABA. The inositol

has been working for him at 15 grams a day, 5 grams 3 times a day)but lately

with his OCD worsening and him not being on any other meds specific for OCD (he

was taking Zoloft, but was agitated all the time on it so he hasn't been on it

for months and other meds he tried had negative effects as well)I was wondering

if I could increase him to the 18 grams per day. (which I thought is the adult

dose for OCD).

Has anyone else gone to 18 grams a day for a young child for inositol dosing?

Again, he is only 10 yrs old and 63 pounds.

Thank you.

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