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Re: How am I going to help my child, im so confused.

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Hi Liz, good news that dad is coming around!

Had to look up Faverin - so that's what I know of as Luvox or fluvoxamine. Hope

it works well for him. Give it time. My son was on Celexa (citalopram) and it

was the 16th week that I could say it was starting to kick in and work; others

have seen improvement earlier in their children. Hope the Faverin works much

sooner for her!

Time for other children - that can be a big topic here at times. I would try to

just have at least a few minutes with each of your other children each day, even

just to ask about their day, share a snack...just that 5 or 15 minutes where

they are your focus. Sigh, I have 3 sons. And having to help my OCD son with

his homework did leave little time for my other 2. Luckily they didn't need

help with their's but the odd times they did want some help, it was difficult

for me and them, and stressful to find the time. Are your other children older

or younger than NK?

(North Carolina/USA)

single mom, 3 sons!

, 22, with OCD, dysgraphia, Aspergers

graduated college in August, yay!


> Dear all

> Hope you are all well. I wrote in a couple of weeks ago telling you about my

husband not accepting that NK had OCD. He has started to accept it and Nk has

started as of today taking FAVERIN. As ive explained unlike all of you im on a

small Greek island where OCD exists but no one talks about it. There are no

support groups, just loads of doctors who havent even heard of STREPS.


> When NK took his meds today I felt so helpless, so broken that his innocent

little body was going to be filled with these drugs...and guilty that its my

family gene that gave him this. I feel so lost, im reading everything all of

you are writing and learning from you all THANK YOU.

> Im trying to keep him busy with sports and hobbies, but i also feel im not

giving enough to my other two children...the guilt gets worse. Does anyone else

feel like this, how do you cope, i dont know where to start.


> Liz


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I totally know where you are coming from with all the guilt about meds. I think

a huge part of this disease for parents is giving up their own issues around

failure and doing what is right for the child. Obviously, it is best to be able

to handle it with CBT/ ERP alone, but sometimes that is just not possible. Give

the meds time and then try to begin therapy. If there is no therapy available

there, I would look into some of the SCYPE studies going on around the country 9

see the research link on the OCF website - there are several going on in

different places in the US, and you can live ANYWHERE with access to the


Other kids do take a huge hit- hard to see a way around it, but trying to make

time for them alone to address theri concerns and hear their anger and

frustration too without making excuses. Hang in there. Things will improve.

Also, there are worse genetic cards to be dealt and we have no control over our

genes, so try to let it go.

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I totally know where you are coming from with all the guilt about meds. I think

a huge part of this disease for parents is giving up their own issues around

failure and doing what is right for the child. Obviously, it is best to be able

to handle it with CBT/ ERP alone, but sometimes that is just not possible. Give

the meds time and then try to begin therapy. If there is no therapy available

there, I would look into some of the SCYPE studies going on around the country 9

see the research link on the OCF website - there are several going on in

different places in the US, and you can live ANYWHERE with access to the


Other kids do take a huge hit- hard to see a way around it, but trying to make

time for them alone to address theri concerns and hear their anger and

frustration too without making excuses. Hang in there. Things will improve.

Also, there are worse genetic cards to be dealt and we have no control over our

genes, so try to let it go.

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Thank you for your support. Feeling more positive today.

I also have three sons (sigh) NK is my eldest 12 and I noticed that one of

your children has dysgraphia as does my middle son ZK whos 11 and AK is 5. I

read through the email i sent you yesterday and realised i sounded so

selfish..me me me. I have to stop feeling sorry for us and get on with it :)

your right with internet access guess I should count myself lucky, dont

know what i would have dont without access to al this info.

NK seems happy to take the meds, i guess its about getting used to a new way of

life. We've found a good therapist who NK smitten with..I'll let you know whats


Thanks again

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Yes, I feel that way at times.  It is not your fault, you wouldnt give this to

anyone, even your worst enemy!  No one wants OCD.  As for my other child, I

make sure to have one on one time with her when I can tell she is needing it. 

I also, on a regular basis, thank her for being her, for being patient and

understanding about her sister.




Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:46 PM

Subject: How am I going to help my child, im so confused.


Dear all

Hope you are all well. I wrote in a couple of weeks ago telling you about my

husband not accepting that NK had OCD. He has started to accept it and Nk has

started as of today taking FAVERIN. As ive explained unlike all of you im on a

small Greek island where OCD exists but no one talks about it. There are no

support groups, just loads of doctors who havent even heard of STREPS.

When NK took his meds today I felt so helpless, so broken that his innocent

little body was going to be filled with these drugs...and guilty that its my

family gene that gave him this. I feel so lost, im reading everything all of

you are writing and learning from you all THANK YOU.

Im trying to keep him busy with sports and hobbies, but i also feel im not

giving enough to my other two children...the guilt gets worse. Does anyone else

feel like this, how do you cope, i dont know where to start.


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Not selfish at all, very human!




Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 2:13 PM

Subject: Re: How am I going to help my child, im so confused.


Thank you for your support. Feeling more positive today.

I also have three sons (sigh) NK is my eldest 12 and I noticed that one of

your children has dysgraphia as does my middle son ZK whos 11 and AK is 5. I

read through the email i sent you yesterday and realised i sounded so

selfish..me me me. I have to stop feeling sorry for us and get on with it :)

your right with internet access guess I should count myself lucky, dont

know what i would have dont without access to al this info.

NK seems happy to take the meds, i guess its about getting used to a new way of

life. We've found a good therapist who NK smitten with..I'll let you know whats


Thanks again

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Thanks for your support Sharon, I Spoke to ZK about his brother and he kept

nodding, I didnt push too much though because at 11ys theres only so much you

can take in. Everyone has to adapt to a new way of living together and the

change is hard.

Re: How am I going to help my child, im so confused.

Yes, I feel that way at times. It is not your fault, you wouldnt give this to

anyone, even your worst enemy! No one wants OCD. As for my other child, I make

sure to have one on one time with her when I can tell she is needing it. I also,

on a regular basis, thank her for being her, for being patient and understanding

about her sister.


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I did want to clarify that it is not just information available on the computer.

There is actual THERAPY available too! It is all being done under study

protocols, but you could get therapy from real experts in the field by scope,(

there area several studies going on in the US- look at the research button on

the OCF website and they are listed as videophone studies). Good luck

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