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Well I think milk prices will start to drop, seems

really good milk prices has caused an over supply. A

friend I have that manages a large 3000 cow dairy was

asked to dump milk 100,000 pounds a day because DFA

had to much milk and could not process it. Not a good

sign of things to come.

--- dewittlinger wrote:

> Dont blame the farmer for the increasing

> cost of raw dairy,

> besides we probably can not compensate them enough

> for what they do

> for us the comsumer.

> Look inside the beltway thats where the

> Federal Reserve and

> those who have spent, are spending and will spend

> like drunken

> sailors reside. The Federal Reserve prints their

> bank notes out of

> nothing supplying these spenders, and with no

> limits. We the tax

> payer then pay interest on the loans and pay back

> the phantom

> princple as well, unbeleivable is it not? It even

> gets worse the mega

> finincal houses on Wall St. over the last few years

> have created a

> world wide monetary train wreck, now the Federal

> Reserve is bailing

> them out and vastly increasing the money supply,

> therefor the value

> of the dollar drops, milk prices rise.

> Most of us did a lot of research before

> becoming raw dairy

> comsumers and to our dismay found that our food

> supply was uneatable

> and toxic. So to is our monetary system totally

> toxic.

> Who and what is the Federal Reserve? The

> Silver Bear Cafe

> web site posts a list of who owns controlling stocks

> in the Federal

> Reserve and half are foreign banks, thats not good.

> I hope this wasnt to off topic, raw

> dairy and the value

> of the dollar seems directly linked to me. If

> something I said here

> is incorrect please say so.

> Don







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