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Go Son

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To my son today who starts a 2 week outpatient program. May he stick with this

program and get through the 2 weeks so that we can all begin the healing and

treatment process. He has been so resistant to any help to-date. I believe in

him and the program. May we all send him love, support and encouragement. Thank


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Go son!! The first day would seemingly be the most difficult (anxious, not

knowing what to expect, new people...). So hopefully the remainder of it goes

very well. Do let us know what he thinks of it! Fingers crossed too.


> To my son today who starts a 2 week outpatient program. May he stick with this

program and get through the 2 weeks so that we can all begin the healing and

treatment process. He has been so resistant to any help to-date. I believe in

him and the program. May we all send him love, support and encouragement. Thank



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Sending all good thoughts and prayers your way! Keep us posted!


> Go son!! The first day would seemingly be the most difficult (anxious, not

knowing what to expect, new people...). So hopefully the remainder of it goes

very well. Do let us know what he thinks of it! Fingers crossed too.





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Sending lots of good wishes that he does well and that this is the start of

better things for him!

Go Son

To my son today who starts a 2 week outpatient program. May he stick with this

program and get through the 2 weeks so that we can all begin the healing and

treatment process. He has been so resistant to any help to-date. I believe in

him and the program. May we all send him love, support and encouragement. Thank


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I add my heartfelt wishes to the rest!!! How did the first day go???

Sometimes the resistance is about not believing anyone can help, and having

someone " expert " enough be able to lay out the plan and show the way, makes all

the difference. Hope this is the case for your son. We've been in the

treatment resistant phase too, know how painful and wearing this is.

Keep us posted!




> >

> > To my son today who starts a 2 week outpatient program. May he stick with

this program and get through the 2 weeks so that we can all begin the healing

and treatment process. He has been so resistant to any help to-date. I believe

in him and the program. May we all send him love, support and encouragement.

Thank you.

> >


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Thanks everyone for your support and wishes. The great news is that he is

getting there each day so far, although begrudginly. It is a two week adolescent

outpatient program from 8-4 Mon-Fri. The primary focus is with CBT and reviewing

the basic skills. Those that are attending all have either a mood or anxiety

disorder. He has recognized that there are others who have it worse off (e.g.

severe depression, suicidal, etc.) which has helped him. Last night was the

multi-family therapy session where the parents of the kids in the program, along

with anyone interested in continuing to attend these session, meet to go over

basic parenting skills. I really enjoyed yesterday's session since it focused on

what is and what is not the role of the parent. It also emphasized the need to

discipline along with a structure to exchange communications when emotions are

involved. Tomorrow we have a counseling session for just our family. In the

past, it was impossible to

have these communications with our son. They are very hard to say the least,

but we are starting. A long way to go, but a great start.


For me, my tendency is to be accomodating which I realize now has only made the

situation worse. Learning how to discipline and hold fast with consequences is a

new language and behavior for me. Starting to do this now is not easy, for

either of us. Fortunately we are all exposed to the training, including my son,

so we can reference this when these issues arise. It has been difficult at home

since his anxiety level is high just by attending the program. I am so proud of

him for being there, and at the same time beginning to put into practice the

much needed discipline that was missing.


The director of the program stated that no matter what the origin of the

anxiety, CBT is a major part of the solution. This would have taken a long time

to get where we are today, if we simply relied on an hour meeting with a

therapist each week. I strongly suggest parents see if this type of resource

exists in their areas. This program is a part of a hospital.


Many thanks again everyone and I will keep you updated.

- San Diego, CA

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, sounds wonderful, so glad you are all getting something out of this


I think what is good about this too, is that your son knows he has OCD, that

things have been " difficult " at home, etc.; and is seeing the others in the

program, he's not alone; and also that with what he is learning and with the

" family " type sessions, he will know where the parents are coming from with the

discipline, what parents are expected to do, etc. Which shows him, too, that,

gee, even the parents are in sessions and learning what they are to do (though

about him/kids), not just *him* being the only family member that needs

" guidance. "

Anyway, so glad you all are finding it a great program, begrudingly or not!


> Thanks everyone for your support and wishes. The great news is that he is

getting there each day so far, although begrudginly. It is a two week adolescent

outpatient program from 8-4 Mon-Fri. The primary focus is with CBT and reviewing

the basic skills. Those that are attending all have either a mood or anxiety

disorder. He has

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, sounds wonderful, so glad you are all getting something out of this


I think what is good about this too, is that your son knows he has OCD, that

things have been " difficult " at home, etc.; and is seeing the others in the

program, he's not alone; and also that with what he is learning and with the

" family " type sessions, he will know where the parents are coming from with the

discipline, what parents are expected to do, etc. Which shows him, too, that,

gee, even the parents are in sessions and learning what they are to do (though

about him/kids), not just *him* being the only family member that needs

" guidance. "

Anyway, so glad you all are finding it a great program, begrudingly or not!


> Thanks everyone for your support and wishes. The great news is that he is

getting there each day so far, although begrudginly. It is a two week adolescent

outpatient program from 8-4 Mon-Fri. The primary focus is with CBT and reviewing

the basic skills. Those that are attending all have either a mood or anxiety

disorder. He has

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I am so happy for your son and your family that you are finding this program to

be so helpful. Here's to much continued success!

Re: Go Son

Thanks everyone for your support and wishes. The great news is that he is

getting there each day so far, although begrudginly. It is a two week adolescent

outpatient program from 8-4 Mon-Fri. The primary focus is with CBT and reviewing

the basic skills. Those that are attending all have either a mood or anxiety

disorder. He has recognized that there are others who have it worse off (e.g.

severe depression, suicidal, etc.) which has helped him. Last night was the

multi-family therapy session where the parents of the kids in the program, along

with anyone interested in continuing to attend these session, meet to go over

basic parenting skills. I really enjoyed yesterday's session since it focused on

what is and what is not the role of the parent. It also emphasized the need to

discipline along with a structure to exchange communications when emotions are

involved. Tomorrow we have a counseling session for just our family. In the

past, it was impossible to

have these communications with our son. They are very hard to say the least,

but we are starting. A long way to go, but a great start.

For me, my tendency is to be accomodating which I realize now has only made the

situation worse. Learning how to discipline and hold fast with consequences is a

new language and behavior for me. Starting to do this now is not easy, for

either of us. Fortunately we are all exposed to the training, including my son,

so we can reference this when these issues arise. It has been difficult at home

since his anxiety level is high just by attending the program. I am so proud of

him for being there, and at the same time beginning to put into practice the

much needed discipline that was missing.

The director of the program stated that no matter what the origin of the

anxiety, CBT is a major part of the solution. This would have taken a long time

to get where we are today, if we simply relied on an hour meeting with a

therapist each week. I strongly suggest parents see if this type of resource

exists in their areas. This program is a part of a hospital.

Many thanks again everyone and I will keep you updated.

- San Diego, CA

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- you mention that it is a CBT program for all kinds of things ( not just

OCD). I just want to be sure that you address with them that they will be doing

ERP for your son as well. The meat of OCD treatment IS the exposures. The CBT

alone will not work. Again, many people say they treat OCD because they do CBT,

but keep on them about the ERP. If you have to push them to do DAILY exposures

( within about 3-5 visits they should start) then you should be looking

elsewhere. I know you are happy you found something, and it may well be the

right thing, and I am sure the parenting skills and CBT are good skills, but if

there is not a ERP component, you will not get very far and will be frustrated.

Just be clear about what they are doing. Question them specifically about their

treatment for OCD. If they dont have a specific plan for OCD that is different

than for generalized anxiety or deperssion, then it is not a good program for

your son for recovery from OCD ( but may be for other reasons- ie depression,

family dynamics etc). I hope you have in fact found a CBT/ ERP program and i

just misunderstood your post. Good luck

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