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Re: Glenn Beck, Savage, Autism

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Guest guest

Yes there are 2 petitions that i know of that are going around and

here is the link to one of them and if I can find the other I will

post it as well

http://www. thepetitionsite. com/1/fire-michael-quotautism-is-a-



> Wow! If you haven't heard about this already - be prepared.

While, I am

> outraged by Savage's comments, at least people are taking


> autism. I am pleased by all the medical doctor's that have spoken

up in

> regards to Mr. Savage's comments and, obvious, lack of knowledge.


> When future generations of his family are struck by autism, he will


> the truth first hand.


> Does anyone know if there is a petition going around? We need to do

> something!


> Please watch these clips.


> Jessie











> *Protesters Decry Radio Commentator Savage's Remarks About

Autism, *




> " In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told

to cut

> the act out, "


> " He said greedy doctors and drug companies were creating

a " national

> panic " by overdiagnosing autism, a mental disorder that inhibits a


> ability to communicate. "


> " What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't

have a

> father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get

nowhere in

> life. Stop acting like a putz.

> Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and


> you idiot.' "


> " My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents


> children to the medical community's attempt to label too many

children or

> adults as " autistic. " Just as

> some drug companies have overdiagnosed " ADD " and " ADHD " to


> dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age,


> cartel of doctors and drug

> companies is now creating a national panic by

overdiagnosing " autism "

> for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis! "


> *

> http://video.aol.com/video-detail/radio-host-michael-savages-


> *<http://video.aol.com/video-detail/radio-host-michael-savages-










> _______________________

> Jessie Beauvais




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The above links are the 2 petitions going around.



> >

> > Wow! If you haven't heard about this already - be prepared.

> While, I am

> > outraged by Savage's comments, at least people are taking

> about

> > autism. I am pleased by all the medical doctor's that have


> up in

> > regards to Mr. Savage's comments and, obvious, lack of knowledge.

> >

> > When future generations of his family are struck by autism, he


> learn

> > the truth first hand.

> >

> > Does anyone know if there is a petition going around? We need to


> > something!

> >

> > Please watch these clips.

> >

> > Jessie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/12710/>

> >

> >

> > *Protesters Decry Radio Commentator Savage's Remarks


> Autism, *

> >



> s.com/story/0,2933,387662,00.html>

> > " In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been


> to cut

> > the act out, "

> >

> > " He said greedy doctors and drug companies were creating

> a " national

> > panic " by overdiagnosing autism, a mental disorder that inhibits


> person's

> > ability to communicate. "

> >

> > " What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't

> have a

> > father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get

> nowhere in

> > life. Stop acting like a putz.

> > Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and

> screaming,

> > you idiot.' "

> >

> > " My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken


> and

> > children to the medical community's attempt to label too many

> children or

> > adults as " autistic. " Just as

> > some drug companies have overdiagnosed " ADD " and " ADHD " to

> peddle

> > dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of


> this

> > cartel of doctors and drug

> > companies is now creating a national panic by

> overdiagnosing " autism "

> > for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis! "

> >

> > *

> > http://video.aol.com/video-detail/radio-host-michael-savages-

> controversial-remarks-about-autism/3080303916

> > *<http://video.aol.com/video-detail/radio-host-michael-savages-

> controversial-remarks-about-autism/3080303916>

> >

> >



> schoolblogger.com/KarlaKAkins/563970/>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________

> > Jessie Beauvais

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

I had received a list of advertisers for the show.  I contacted them along with

some of the radio stations.  SEARS states that they DO NOT advertise on his show

and radio shack stated that their contract with the station was violated when a

commercial was aired during his show...others like anhieser-bush have not yet

responded...so we will see where it goes.  I had also emailed a sample letter to

everyone I know to make it easier for them to show their disapproval.

Subject: Glenn Beck, Savage, Autism

To: advocacy@..., akarkows@..., amigofamcounsel@...,

asagreaterakron , asimpson@..., atem.2@...,

autism-aspergers , Autism-Biomed-Ohio ,

Autism-Michigan , Autism_in_Girls ,

autismaba , AutismNE , AutismOhio ,

aweiss@..., bailey.554@..., beachb@...,

beckwith.29@..., bgood@..., boernerb@..., boley.25@...,

boyd.275@..., bpierson@..., brychener@...,

buch.10@..., burke.4@..., carolbline@..., carvitti.3@...,

casto.71@..., catalino.1@..., claurie-rose@...,

connickp@..., contactus@...,

corprelations@..., crimmina@..., cropper.21@...,

dannemiller.24@..., davis.117@...,

DaytonUnitedAgainstAutism , dcho@...,

delaware@..., dgleason@..., dguzman@...,

dhatter@..., diane@...,

DMHelmick1@..., dobner.3@..., dolasinski.1@...,

drieck@..., dross@..., eichel.2@..., elaqad.1@...,

erincoss@..., events@..., FamilieswithASD ,

federle.1@..., fisher.674@..., fleming.218@...,

freepress@..., fritsch.35@..., gallagher.392@...,

ghai.2@..., gottfried.35@..., gradschl@..., groves.100@...,

gserrano@..., hall.1270@..., hall.700@..., han.85@...,

hfayne@..., hicks.263@..., hoffine.3@..., hollway.3@...,

hyatt.32@..., imhoff.35@..., jackson.1302@..., jarvis.75@...,

jborst@..., jfournie@..., jhauser@...,

jhelfgott@..., jmcdonal@..., joos.6@...,

jshannon@..., kalmos@...,

karac@..., kath.1@..., kdeeter@..., keck.48@...,

KimmyLynn27@..., kinder.7@..., kittila.1@...,

kmason@..., kmcclain@...,

kmitchell@..., knapp.134@..., knowlesj@...,

kokernow@..., kristenwilcock@..., kristiekemper@...,

krobinson@..., lbennett-murphy@..., lberton@...,

lenore.Jarvis@..., loersch.1@..., lsmith@...,

lycan.4@..., maman@..., mary.williamson@...,

maughan.9@..., mccandless.8@..., mcleod.43@..., medinger.4@...,

mellquist.4@..., meyer.454@..., mnuce@..., mreeves@...,

mtorello@..., natalie.wheeler@..., news@...,

newsroom@..., northrupandassoc@..., onndesk@...,

orphan@..., palmer.300@..., @...,

petri.1@..., pmorrise@...,

pryan@..., pryan@..., psapp@...,

racine.10@..., rashbroo@..., rbackus@...,

rhodes.146@..., rkraft@..., rstewart@...,

sabri.3@..., scaldwell@..., scott.917@...,

sherribishop@..., shoholik@...,

shumaker.69@..., silverman.104@..., sital.3@...,

sjkmusic32@..., sjung@..., slc@...,

sminchak.4@..., spaeth.20@..., speak@..., ssagaria@...,

studentaffairs@..., terry.5@..., thaynes@..., TheDon612@...,

timmons.60@..., tpoteet@..., trishslp@..., turner.57@...,

udagainstautism@..., uhricks@..., uotterb@...,

veneskey.1@..., vicki.hudson@..., walton.289@...,

wartenberg.1@..., wcmhnewsdes@..., werhan.1@...,

wilson.1333@..., woolley.9@...,

wshermanheckler@..., wulf.12@..., youngj2@...,

ystewart@..., " Amend, " , " Benson, "

, " Boyer, Jill " , " Brabbs, Phil "

, " , Kate " , " Chimes,

" , " e, " ,

" Conroy, Sara " , " Corace, Janelle " ,

" Crawford, Marie " , " Cremeans, Jeff "

, " , " ,

" Devlin, " , " Donley, "

, " Dynes, " ,

" Eavers, " , " Elmi, Cristin "

, " Werner " , " Eschbach,

" , " Flake, " , " Fleming, "


" greenthumb223 " , " Hart, Sara " ,

" Hews, Debbie " , " Hews, Gregg "

, " Holloway, " , " Homan,

Kate " , " , Amy " ,

" Langenkamp, " , " McCarty, April "

, " Mendenhall, Nate " ,

" Mineo, Ceci " , " momof1autisti2typical "

, " Nester, " ,

" Odenweller, " ,

" Porrazzo, le " , " Remy, Amber "

, " Sara " ,

" Schwelgin, " , " Sherry, Kara " ,

" , De " , " Spisak, " ,

" Sweetnich, "

, " Sylvester, le " ,

" Tanner, " , " Warner, Casey " ,

" Whitlock, " , " Will, Trea "

, " , Rob " ,

" Wittman, Amy " , " Wood, Caroline "

Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 11:36 AM

Wow! If you haven't heard about this already - be prepared. While,

I am

outraged by Savage's comments, at least people are taking about

autism. I am pleased by all the medical doctor's that have spoken up in

regards to Mr. Savage's comments and, obvious, lack of knowledge.

When future generations of his family are struck by autism, he will learn

the truth first hand.

Does anyone know if there is a petition going around? We need to do


Please watch these clips.


*http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/

12710/*<http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 12710/>

*Protesters Decry Radio Commentator Savage's Remarks About Autism, *

*http://www.foxnews. com/story/ 0,2933,387662, 00.html*<http://www.foxnews.

com/story/ 0,2933,387662, 00.html>

" In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut

the act out, "

" He said greedy doctors and drug companies were creating a " national

panic " by overdiagnosing autism, a mental disorder that inhibits a person's

ability to communicate. "

" What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a

father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in

life. Stop acting like a putz.

Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming,

you idiot.' "

" My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and

children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or

adults as " autistic. " Just as

some drug companies have overdiagnosed " ADD " and " ADHD " to peddle

dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this

cartel of doctors and drug

companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing " autism "

for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis! "


http://video. aol.com/video- detail/radio- host-michael- savages-controve

rsial-remarks- about-autism/ 3080303916

*<http://video. aol.com/video- detail/radio- host-michael- savages-controve

rsial-remarks- about-autism/ 3080303916>

*http://www.homescho olblogger. com/KarlaKAkins/ 563970/*<http://www.homescho

olblogger. com/KarlaKAkins/ 563970/>

____________ _________ __

Jessie Beauvais

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Guest guest

I had received a list of advertisers for the show.  I contacted them along with

some of the radio stations.  SEARS states that they DO NOT advertise on his show

and radio shack stated that their contract with the station was violated when a

commercial was aired during his show...others like anhieser-bush have not yet

responded...so we will see where it goes.  I had also emailed a sample letter to

everyone I know to make it easier for them to show their disapproval.

Subject: Glenn Beck, Savage, Autism

To: advocacy@..., akarkows@..., amigofamcounsel@...,

asagreaterakron , asimpson@..., atem.2@...,

autism-aspergers , Autism-Biomed-Ohio ,

Autism-Michigan , Autism_in_Girls ,

autismaba , AutismNE , AutismOhio ,

aweiss@..., bailey.554@..., beachb@...,

beckwith.29@..., bgood@..., boernerb@..., boley.25@...,

boyd.275@..., bpierson@..., brychener@...,

buch.10@..., burke.4@..., carolbline@..., carvitti.3@...,

casto.71@..., catalino.1@..., claurie-rose@...,

connickp@..., contactus@...,

corprelations@..., crimmina@..., cropper.21@...,

dannemiller.24@..., davis.117@...,

DaytonUnitedAgainstAutism , dcho@...,

delaware@..., dgleason@..., dguzman@...,

dhatter@..., diane@...,

DMHelmick1@..., dobner.3@..., dolasinski.1@...,

drieck@..., dross@..., eichel.2@..., elaqad.1@...,

erincoss@..., events@..., FamilieswithASD ,

federle.1@..., fisher.674@..., fleming.218@...,

freepress@..., fritsch.35@..., gallagher.392@...,

ghai.2@..., gottfried.35@..., gradschl@..., groves.100@...,

gserrano@..., hall.1270@..., hall.700@..., han.85@...,

hfayne@..., hicks.263@..., hoffine.3@..., hollway.3@...,

hyatt.32@..., imhoff.35@..., jackson.1302@..., jarvis.75@...,

jborst@..., jfournie@..., jhauser@...,

jhelfgott@..., jmcdonal@..., joos.6@...,

jshannon@..., kalmos@...,

karac@..., kath.1@..., kdeeter@..., keck.48@...,

KimmyLynn27@..., kinder.7@..., kittila.1@...,

kmason@..., kmcclain@...,

kmitchell@..., knapp.134@..., knowlesj@...,

kokernow@..., kristenwilcock@..., kristiekemper@...,

krobinson@..., lbennett-murphy@..., lberton@...,

lenore.Jarvis@..., loersch.1@..., lsmith@...,

lycan.4@..., maman@..., mary.williamson@...,

maughan.9@..., mccandless.8@..., mcleod.43@..., medinger.4@...,

mellquist.4@..., meyer.454@..., mnuce@..., mreeves@...,

mtorello@..., natalie.wheeler@..., news@...,

newsroom@..., northrupandassoc@..., onndesk@...,

orphan@..., palmer.300@..., @...,

petri.1@..., pmorrise@...,

pryan@..., pryan@..., psapp@...,

racine.10@..., rashbroo@..., rbackus@...,

rhodes.146@..., rkraft@..., rstewart@...,

sabri.3@..., scaldwell@..., scott.917@...,

sherribishop@..., shoholik@...,

shumaker.69@..., silverman.104@..., sital.3@...,

sjkmusic32@..., sjung@..., slc@...,

sminchak.4@..., spaeth.20@..., speak@..., ssagaria@...,

studentaffairs@..., terry.5@..., thaynes@..., TheDon612@...,

timmons.60@..., tpoteet@..., trishslp@..., turner.57@...,

udagainstautism@..., uhricks@..., uotterb@...,

veneskey.1@..., vicki.hudson@..., walton.289@...,

wartenberg.1@..., wcmhnewsdes@..., werhan.1@...,

wilson.1333@..., woolley.9@...,

wshermanheckler@..., wulf.12@..., youngj2@...,

ystewart@..., " Amend, " , " Benson, "

, " Boyer, Jill " , " Brabbs, Phil "

, " , Kate " , " Chimes,

" , " e, " ,

" Conroy, Sara " , " Corace, Janelle " ,

" Crawford, Marie " , " Cremeans, Jeff "

, " , " ,

" Devlin, " , " Donley, "

, " Dynes, " ,

" Eavers, " , " Elmi, Cristin "

, " Werner " , " Eschbach,

" , " Flake, " , " Fleming, "


" greenthumb223 " , " Hart, Sara " ,

" Hews, Debbie " , " Hews, Gregg "

, " Holloway, " , " Homan,

Kate " , " , Amy " ,

" Langenkamp, " , " McCarty, April "

, " Mendenhall, Nate " ,

" Mineo, Ceci " , " momof1autisti2typical "

, " Nester, " ,

" Odenweller, " ,

" Porrazzo, le " , " Remy, Amber "

, " Sara " ,

" Schwelgin, " , " Sherry, Kara " ,

" , De " , " Spisak, " ,

" Sweetnich, "

, " Sylvester, le " ,

" Tanner, " , " Warner, Casey " ,

" Whitlock, " , " Will, Trea "

, " , Rob " ,

" Wittman, Amy " , " Wood, Caroline "

Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 11:36 AM

Wow! If you haven't heard about this already - be prepared. While,

I am

outraged by Savage's comments, at least people are taking about

autism. I am pleased by all the medical doctor's that have spoken up in

regards to Mr. Savage's comments and, obvious, lack of knowledge.

When future generations of his family are struck by autism, he will learn

the truth first hand.

Does anyone know if there is a petition going around? We need to do


Please watch these clips.


*http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/

12710/*<http://www.glennbec k.com/content/ articles/ article/198/ 12710/>

*Protesters Decry Radio Commentator Savage's Remarks About Autism, *

*http://www.foxnews. com/story/ 0,2933,387662, 00.html*<http://www.foxnews.

com/story/ 0,2933,387662, 00.html>

" In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut

the act out, "

" He said greedy doctors and drug companies were creating a " national

panic " by overdiagnosing autism, a mental disorder that inhibits a person's

ability to communicate. "

" What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a

father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in

life. Stop acting like a putz.

Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming,

you idiot.' "

" My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and

children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or

adults as " autistic. " Just as

some drug companies have overdiagnosed " ADD " and " ADHD " to peddle

dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this

cartel of doctors and drug

companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing " autism "

for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis! "


http://video. aol.com/video- detail/radio- host-michael- savages-controve

rsial-remarks- about-autism/ 3080303916

*<http://video. aol.com/video- detail/radio- host-michael- savages-controve

rsial-remarks- about-autism/ 3080303916>

*http://www.homescho olblogger. com/KarlaKAkins/ 563970/*<http://www.homescho

olblogger. com/KarlaKAkins/ 563970/>

____________ _________ __

Jessie Beauvais

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Guest guest

I have been receiving responses similar to Sears' regarding advertising during

Savage's show, and I've followed up with them. The word is that they

buy advertising not directly from his people, but from local markets across the

country. Some have stated explicitly in their contracts that their

advertisements are to air during news breaks or in between shows. I have only

heard of one sponsor sticking by Savage, and that's Swiss America Trade


Home Depot, Geico, AFLAC, Prison Fellowship Ministry, Chattem (Gold Bond), and

Schlesinger (The Mortgage Minute Guy) have all denounced Savage's

remarks and do not want to be associated with him.

I have links to his advertisers and the responses I've received--and some others

have received--on my blog at http://gregstake.blogspot.com. Also, the Autistic

Self Advocacy Network released a short list of Savage's largest

advertisers, complete with names of representatives, email addresses, and phone

number. It may also be found on my site.

Kenney wrote:

I had received a list of advertisers for the show. I contacted them along with

some of the radio stations. SEARS states that they DO NOT advertise on his show

and radio shack stated that their contract with the station was violated when a

commercial was aired during his show...others like anhieser-bush have not yet

responded...so we will see where it goes. I had also emailed a sample letter to

everyone I know to make it easier for them to show their disapproval.

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