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Re: ASK DR. CHANSKY - reply #2 to N Brennan

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There is an amazing resource right in Chicago: the OC Foundation of Chicago.

They will be able to tell you exactly who your daughter should see. I am very

confident in the integrity of that organization! They are on the job.

OCD Chicago www.ocdchicago.org/

All best,


> >

> > Subject: Intrusive thoughts/Abuse/Hypnosis/Pandas-suggestions please

> >  

> >  

> >  

> > I  am fairly new to this group and OCD. from the board suggested that

I contact you specifically.  I have been reading your book and am so

greatful to have it as it has been our one true anchor these last few

weeks!   My daughter, 13, was diagnosed with OCD this September has recently

got stuck on the thought that she may have been abused.  She has no actual

memory of being abused. She thinks it happenned when she was in 2nd

grade. She tells me she has to know or she cannot even attempt to do any

exposure therapy.  The physchologist agrees that  shes too depressed to

begin. ( Her OCD symptoms came on suddenly &  accutely and are debilitating.

Mostly contamination/some just right issues. She cannot get dressed most

days.  Has most trouble with underwear/pants.  When she becomes

anxious, she tells me her butt does not feel right and is uncomfortable/feels

weird. It increases with her anxiety.  Is that a normal part

> of

> > OCD?  She also has trouble concentrating- cant handle school

or even attempt to do school work.  Also anything bathroom related

is extremely stress provoking.)  I am pursuring the Pandas aspect of OCD and

just heard this am that her CBC/Thyroid  &  culture came back normal so we will

have to test her further.   Shes been on meds Zoloft/Lorazapam for about 5

weeks and going to therapy twice a week but the OCD/depression and meltdowns

are increasing. She is overcome with such horrible overall fear, its keeping

her from trying to fight this at all. The physchologist wants to try hypnosis

to help relieve some of the worst symptoms and secondly, to see if anything

comes out in terms of abuse. be  The therapist will show me a list of

questions she will ask her before they begin.  Is hypnosis often used to help

with OCD?  Couldnt the thought of abuse be just part of the OCD?  My daughter

is in such vunerable state at this point I just

> > want some relief for her but I dont know what to think.  Could focusing on

this one thing exasperate her OCD?  It seems to be. Can children with OCD

control any of their emotions/fears or does the OCD make that

impossible?  Shes just so raw with emotions and outbursts at times.

 Wouldnt it be better to concentrate on reducing the effect of the

OCD and then focusing on the possibility that she may have been abused when

she is in a better place mentally and emotionally to handle it?  Should we just

wait a few more weeks for the meds to be fully effective until we begin ERP?

> > Any suggestions would be most appreciated as we are just so overwhelmed

with no clear direction or plan of how to proceed.  Also, would you

please recommend a phychologist, therapist or pediatrician in the chicago

area that specializes in this?

> >  Once again, I am so very greatful for your help and expertise.

> >

> >

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