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Wondering if my DD's OCD episode is ending..

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Ok so this is really interesting. My 4 year old DD's 2nd OCD episode appeared

out of the blue April 1st of this year.

Now for the last two weeks I noticed her rituals/reassurance asking and

occupation with her fears lessening and lessening. I then realized she hadn't

asked for reassurance about her fingers and toes for what seemed like a long


I decided to test the waters so to speak, and take her to the pool (she thinks

water will take her skin off-- she can't take baths-- she gets a quick shower at

home which is always a screaming fest).

She got in the water fine yesterday and actually had a blast. I actually

started crying because for once I felt like we were doing something a normal

family would-- a trip to the pool!

Now this morning I got her in the bath and she was HAPPY!!!!

Please lord is this the end of this episode? I am trying not to get my hopes up.

But here is the kicker... my mother told me something I hadn't even realized.

Her stutter is gone.

April 1st her OCD and stutter came back overnight and now her stutter is 100%


So as we stand right now it seems like she is on the mend. I have caught her

doing a little " checking " but she is not in distress or in panic about it.

This is how it ended last year.. it just slowly got better and better until it

was gone.

So I am wondering if we are nearing the end.. I don't want to get my hopes up


But now the question is.. When is it going to come back full force? :(

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I agree it does sound like it could be PANDAS or PANS type OCD. That type can

disappear after a few weeks (not for all though), and then it can return (even

in a new way) with a new exposure to strep or other illness. Did you relate her

April 1 onset to any recent or past illness?

Hope it stays away too, sounds promising!!


> Ok so this is really interesting. My 4 year old DD's 2nd OCD episode appeared

out of the blue April 1st of this year.

> Now for the last two weeks I noticed her rituals/reassurance asking and

occupation with her fears lessening and lessening. I then realized she hadn't

asked for reassurance about her fingers and toes for what seemed like a long


> I decided to test the waters so to speak, and take her to the pool (she thinks

water will take her skin off-- she can't take baths-- she gets a quick shower at

home which is always a screaming fest).

> She got in the water fine yesterday and actually had a blast. I actually

started crying because for once I felt like we were doing something a normal

family would-- a trip to the pool!


> Now this morning I got her in the bath and she was HAPPY!!!!


> Please lord is this the end of this episode? I am trying not to get my hopes



> But here is the kicker... my mother told me something I hadn't even realized.

Her stutter is gone.

> April 1st her OCD and stutter came back overnight and now her stutter is 100%



> So as we stand right now it seems like she is on the mend. I have caught her

doing a little " checking " but she is not in distress or in panic about it.

> This is how it ended last year.. it just slowly got better and better until it

was gone.


> So I am wondering if we are nearing the end.. I don't want to get my hopes up



> But now the question is.. When is it going to come back full force? :(


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This is the trick whenever it goes away at our house- my son moves on and wants

to forget about the whole thing and I am left with PTSD wondering when the next

time is, keeping eagle eyes out for the first sign so as not to let it ramp up,

BEGGING him to keep up with exposures etc.He has been doing really well but the

end of the school year and exams are ramping things up I think. Some of you may

remember the midterm algebra test getting " stuck " and then choosing to cheat in

the most obvious way in the world ( copying another kids test INCLUDING nervous

drawings in the margin- essentially xeroxing it in his own handwriting). Now we

have just had a research paper that he just did not do ( has been straight A

student all year and never handed anything in late). I found out it was late and

began snooping around- he essentially did not have ANYTHING written. Said he

started it 5-6 times and " did n't like it " so deleted it. Never asked for help

or told anyone he was having trouble. I asked him if it was OCD and he said " So

what if it is? What are we going to do, exposures? When I said yes, he said

" Well then it isnt OCD " . AGGGGGGGGGG.

I was hoping we had just worked too hard on NOT being perfect :) nice thought

but I doubt it.

I hate this disease

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, guess I can laugh, smile, at this because it's not MY house it's

happening in. ( " well then it isn't OCD " ) :) Ugh, I remember similar in our home

with and schoolwork, with OCD interfering getting it done or even

starting it.

Now we have just had a research paper that he just did not do ( has been

straight A student all year and never handed anything in late). I found out it

was late and began snooping around- he essentially did not have ANYTHING

written. Said he started it 5-6 times and " did n't like it " so deleted it.

Never asked for help or told anyone he was having trouble. I asked him if it was

OCD and he said " So what if it is? What are we going to do, exposures? When I

said yes, he said " Well then it isnt OCD " . AGGGGGGGGGG.



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