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AutCom Conf, Oct 2008, features some of our members

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Autism National Committee 2008 Conference


in Collaboration with Autism Society of Michigan

Embracing the Hope and Joy of Autism

Oct. 17-18 in Ann Arbor, Michigan: Four Points Sheraton Hotel

Friday, Oct. 17

9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Getting beyond " Behavior " : Including and Supporting ASD

Individuals in Home, School and


a Kluth, Ph.D., Author and Consultant; Anne Donnellan, Ph.D.,

Professor, School of Leadership

and Education Sciences, University of San Diego; Martha Leary, MS,

CCC-SLP; Hill, MS,

CCC-SLP; and Sharisa Kochmeister, B.A., Editor of TAP


Relationships are the basis for social participation and communication

for all people. Individuals with

neurological differences often communicate, behave and participate in

unique, very personal ways

that may be difficult to relate to and understand. Differences in the

way individuals with ASD are able

to use their bodies and focus their attention may lead those who would

like to form a relationship with

them to assume that a particular individual does not care to participate

or communicate and does not

desire a relationship. Such assumptions can affect expectations for

them, the way they are spoken

to and the educational and social opportunities that are offered to

them. Friday's program will be

devoted to exploring different aspects of this challenge as it is

encountered in the home, the school

and the community.

6:00 Dinner at the hotel

7:30 Performance: Does God Make Garbage?

Mime presentation by ny and Seitz, followed by a discussion

which they will lead. ny

Seitz started life as a head banging autistic child. Through effective

intervention by his mother,

he has grown up to be a successful and fulfilled adult. He has been

happily married to for

20 years, has been a teacher on the university level, and a mime

performer. a neurotypical

person, is a therapist working with autistic children. Together they

present at autism conferences and

do in–service presentations in schools.

Saturday, Oct. 18

9:00 Welcome

9:15 – 10 a.m.

Keynote: Embracing the Hope and Joy of Autism in Promoting Success for


Sharisa Kochmeister, B.A., President of the Autism National Committee,

and Shore, Ed.D.,

Author and Consultant

10 – 10:15 Break

10:30 – 12:00

Four concurrent panels*

12:15 – 2:00 Lunch and Speaker Judy Endow, MSW: Traveling with


2:15 – 3:45

Four concurrent panels*

3:45 – 4:00 Break

4 – 4:30 The Last Word

A response to the conference by Members of the Board of Autism National

Committee who are on the


* Panels will feature people with ASD discussing being a teen, college,

life after college, health

care self-advocacy, dealing with stereotypes, and neurodiversity, among

others. Speakers

include Baggs, Jenn Seybert, Nick Pentzell, Burke, Ian

Wetherbee, Mike

Hoover, Rob Cutler, Pratt, Kassiane Sibley, and Sokler.

Dinner (GF/CF) will be available for those registering for it.

Note: We want to make this conference as comfortable as possible for

people on the autism

spectrum. All food events will include a gluten-free, casein-free

option. There will be a quiet

room with natural lighting, and all presentation spaces will have

incandescent rather than

fluorescent lighting.

Sunday, Oct. 19

8:30 – 12:00 Board Meeting

* There are a limited number of fee waivers available for

support people who require them. Contact Rammler

by email: asdi-ne@...

There are five (5) registration options for you to choose from. You may

want to choose more than one. Two rates are given:

Early Registration submitted by September 12 (in parentheses); and

regular registration between September 13 and

October 10. Please PRINT the names below clearly, so we can make name


Print names of persons with Autism attending:


Print names of family members, support persons, students and parapros

attending: ______________________________



Print names of professionals attending:


Entire Conference (includes breakfasts, lunches & Friday

dinner/performance – GF/CF food available)

Individuals with Autism: Number of participants _____ x ($90) $90 = $


Family members/support/students:* Number of participants _____ x ($150)

$170 = $ _____________

Professionals: Number of participants _____ x ($225) $250 = $


Friday day session only (includes breakfast & lunch – GF/CF food


Individuals with Autism: Number of participants _____ x ($40) $40 = $


Family members/support/students:* Number of participants _____ x ($70)

$80 = $ _____________

Professionals: Number of participants _____ x ($110) $130 = $


Friday day session, dinner and performance (includes breakfast & lunch

– GF/CF food available)

Individuals with Autism: Number of participants _____ x ($50) $50 = $


Family members/support/students:* Number of participants _____ x ($90)

$100 = $ _____________

Professionals: Number of participants _____ x ($125) $145 = $


Saturday day session only (includes breakfast & lunch – GF/CF food


Individuals with Autism: Number of participants_____ x ($40) $40 =


Family members/support/students:* Number of participants_____ x ($70)

$80 = $_____________

Professionals: Number of participants_____ x ($110) $130 =


Saturday dinner This dinner is not part of the conference. It is

available, at cost, for those who wish to eat at the hotel as

a group with gluten-free/casein-free food available. Number _____ x

$27.50 = $ _____________



Your donation will be greatly appreciated!

Total Registration Fee + Donation: $__________________ (US or Canadian)

____ Check enclosed ____Credit Card

Cancellations received by October 8 will be refunded less 10%. No

refunds after that date!

Michigan teachers and social workers: CEUs available for $10 payable at

the conference.

AutCom 2008 Conference Registration Form (www.autcom.org)

The Autism National Committee in Collaboration with the Autism Society

of Michigan

Name of person submitting registration:




State/Province: __________________________________

ZIP/Canadian code _______________________________

Phone: _________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________

(Email address required for confirmation)

Name on credit card:


Type of card: ____________________________________

Card # _________________________________________

Exp. Date: ______________________________________

Make check payable to Autism Society of Michigan and

mail it and the conference registration form to:

Autism Society of Michigan

1213 Center Street, Suite B

Lansing, MI 48906

Or via fax at


Michigan residents toll free

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