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Re: Re: How many are RH-??-cathy

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<Laugh> Nuha, You're not being stupid! It means she has neither A

nor B antigens (blood proteins) and that she has the Rh antigen. My

daughter is also O+. It's the most common blood type, and has no

significance other than that. Actually, something most people don't

know is that even though it is called Type O, it's really Type 0

(zero). It's like when you say " O " in a phone number instead of

zero. Meaningless fact of the day! :-)

> thank you cathy, so if my asd daughter is O+, what does that mean


> sorry for being stupid

> thanks


> Re: How many are RH-??


>> Guess what, I am RH- too!

>> Bev Weakley



>>> Just a curious question. Im finding after talking to other mothers

>>> that

>>> almost everyone i talk to is RH- as well. Do you think it is

>> something to be

>>> looked into?






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