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Welcome Pat. How are you feeling these days? I had all the classic symptoms

with about 4 major flares since 1972. Now I get attacks of muscle weakness,

bladder weakness and arthritis, not anywhere near what it was tho...thanks the

heavens. I turned 50 last March.

I live near Philadelphia in NJ


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Dearest Pat,

WELCOME!!! I am Sharon . I was dx at 29 years old I am 34. I

have had Still's since I was 11, but I was dx 20 years later!. I hope

you are doing ok. It is so nice to meet you. Have a wonderful

holiday! love sharon xxoo

> Hi,

> I am new to your web site, though I've had Stills for over 20

> years now. I have been reading your posts... it's like a walk down

> memory lane. I had JRA episodes as a child, but was never diagnosed.

> When I couldn't walk, our country doctor would give me an injection in

> the knee, which worked beautifully, though I have no idea what it was.

> My first case of Stills started in 1976 when my first husband

> passed away. I felt horrible, sore throat, all my muscles hurt... I

> didn't see a doctor, figuring it was just a reaction to the stress.

> Little did I know!

> Then, in 1986 my Mom was diagnosed with cancer (she's fine now)

> and I ended up in the hospital for three days. The Rheumy didn't know

> what it was, but I got better, so didn't worry about it.

> In 1991 I had a full blown flare, ended up in the hospital for 5

> weeks while the Rheumatologist tried to find out what was wrong with

> me. He never gave up, finally contacting the Mayo clinic, which helped

> with the diagnosis.

> It took me over a year to recover from that... Afterwards I

> continued working for another 10 years. I am on disability now,

> managing my Stills with various & assundry meds that you all are

> familiar with.

> I do enjoy every day - knowing that I'm better that I was in

> 1991! I do try to keep it all in perspective.

> I just turned 56 (Oh, joy), live close to Austin, Texas.


> Regards,

> Pat Hobbs




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Dearest Pat,

WELCOME!!! I am Sharon . I was dx at 29 years old I am 34. I

have had Still's since I was 11, but I was dx 20 years later!. I hope

you are doing ok. It is so nice to meet you. Have a wonderful

holiday! love sharon xxoo

> Hi,

> I am new to your web site, though I've had Stills for over 20

> years now. I have been reading your posts... it's like a walk down

> memory lane. I had JRA episodes as a child, but was never diagnosed.

> When I couldn't walk, our country doctor would give me an injection in

> the knee, which worked beautifully, though I have no idea what it was.

> My first case of Stills started in 1976 when my first husband

> passed away. I felt horrible, sore throat, all my muscles hurt... I

> didn't see a doctor, figuring it was just a reaction to the stress.

> Little did I know!

> Then, in 1986 my Mom was diagnosed with cancer (she's fine now)

> and I ended up in the hospital for three days. The Rheumy didn't know

> what it was, but I got better, so didn't worry about it.

> In 1991 I had a full blown flare, ended up in the hospital for 5

> weeks while the Rheumatologist tried to find out what was wrong with

> me. He never gave up, finally contacting the Mayo clinic, which helped

> with the diagnosis.

> It took me over a year to recover from that... Afterwards I

> continued working for another 10 years. I am on disability now,

> managing my Stills with various & assundry meds that you all are

> familiar with.

> I do enjoy every day - knowing that I'm better that I was in

> 1991! I do try to keep it all in perspective.

> I just turned 56 (Oh, joy), live close to Austin, Texas.


> Regards,

> Pat Hobbs




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Dear Liz

Hope you don't mind me picking up on a point in your post to Pat about

bladder weakness, I suffer badly with bladder problems, sometimes it is an

infection but sometimes not. I feel as if I want to go to the loo

permanently and am always uncomfortable. I have had an ultra sound and

everything was OK, then saw a urologist and she could see nothing wrong, but

she wanted me to go in for the day so that they could put me out and have a

look but I must admit I said no because out local hospital has been in the

paper as having the worst cases of MRSA in the county so I chickened out but

seeing you have had bouts of bladder weakness, I wonder if mine could be

good old stills, were your symptoms the same as mine? Hope you don't mind

me asking you.

Also welcome Pat to our group. Hope you are having a good day.

Best wishes

Joan U.K.


From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of lizdaly101@...

Sent: 22 December 2006 12:36

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: Re: New Member

Welcome Pat. How are you feeling these days? I had all the classic symptoms

with about 4 major flares since 1972. Now I get attacks of muscle weakness,

bladder weakness and arthritis, not anywhere near what it was tho...thanks


heavens. I turned 50 last March.

I live near Philadelphia in NJ


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dave!

You have found a wonderful support group! I hope your Rheumatologist

continues to help you improve. We all pull for each other here~ Keep us posted

so that we can cheer you on!

Kind Regards,


Austin, TX

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Hi Dave!

You have found a wonderful support group! I hope your Rheumatologist

continues to help you improve. We all pull for each other here~ Keep us posted

so that we can cheer you on!

Kind Regards,


Austin, TX

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Hello Dave from across the pond!

Welcome and glad you found us not for why you were looking thou. They

found it with you kind of like my self the high ferreton iron test.

Again welcome

Hugs all

Marty the redneck dragon fighter

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Hello Dave from across the pond!

Welcome and glad you found us not for why you were looking thou. They

found it with you kind of like my self the high ferreton iron test.

Again welcome

Hugs all

Marty the redneck dragon fighter

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Welcome Dave. Sorry Stills has brought you here but glad you found us! This is a

great place for information & wonderful people. I'm also 45 diagnosed last March

after being ill for a couple years I was on prednisone & methatrexate but

currently not on those. I do take Enbrel as well as other things.

My Sig. others father is from England but for the life of me I can't recall

where right now I'll have to as him. I know they still have a lot of family

there one day I hope we can visit all of Europe!

Take Care,


davestheman100 wrote:

hi to all you stills members

i will introduce myself

my name is david but i prefer dave i am 45 years old. i have a

wonderfull supportive wife and 2 very supportive children

we all live in a little town in england called mirfield

i contracted stills in june 2005 it nearly took my my life this was

due to alot of inflamation and fluid around my heart and lungs.

i was in intensive care for a short period of time but pulled

through.stills was not diagnosed imediatly but after 4 weeks in

hospital a blood test alerted the specialists to stills this was high

ferritins 1575 i was put on 60mg of predisalone and this made a great

differance i came home a week later but i was unable to work for 9

months.i have made steady progress and the medication i am on at the

moment is 15mg of predisalone 15mg methatrexate and 50mg of enbrel


i have seen the specialist today and we are going to up the

methatrexate to 25mg injection this is due to having a bad 3 weeks

my intrests are motorcycles at the moment.i do hope to one day get

fit enough to be able to take up my other intrests which are squash

and i also used to be a semi professional singer this has had to stop

due to not been able to get enough air into the lungs.

i hope this has given all the members a little bit of background to


p.s sorry about the spelling i was rubbish at english at school


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Welcome Dave. Sorry Stills has brought you here but glad you found us! This is a

great place for information & wonderful people. I'm also 45 diagnosed last March

after being ill for a couple years I was on prednisone & methatrexate but

currently not on those. I do take Enbrel as well as other things.

My Sig. others father is from England but for the life of me I can't recall

where right now I'll have to as him. I know they still have a lot of family

there one day I hope we can visit all of Europe!

Take Care,


davestheman100 wrote:

hi to all you stills members

i will introduce myself

my name is david but i prefer dave i am 45 years old. i have a

wonderfull supportive wife and 2 very supportive children

we all live in a little town in england called mirfield

i contracted stills in june 2005 it nearly took my my life this was

due to alot of inflamation and fluid around my heart and lungs.

i was in intensive care for a short period of time but pulled

through.stills was not diagnosed imediatly but after 4 weeks in

hospital a blood test alerted the specialists to stills this was high

ferritins 1575 i was put on 60mg of predisalone and this made a great

differance i came home a week later but i was unable to work for 9

months.i have made steady progress and the medication i am on at the

moment is 15mg of predisalone 15mg methatrexate and 50mg of enbrel


i have seen the specialist today and we are going to up the

methatrexate to 25mg injection this is due to having a bad 3 weeks

my intrests are motorcycles at the moment.i do hope to one day get

fit enough to be able to take up my other intrests which are squash

and i also used to be a semi professional singer this has had to stop

due to not been able to get enough air into the lungs.

i hope this has given all the members a little bit of background to


p.s sorry about the spelling i was rubbish at english at school


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Hi Dave,

My name is Faye and I have not been a member very long. I take MTX and

Pred. and a lot of vitamins.I ac

cidenly called my MTX ,meth LOL and I don,t get much e-mail now, do not know


I can not get on line much due to a sick Mom I stay with her most of the

time but I enjoy reading the Ideas that other stills suffers have. I hope to

here more from you, give you and your family a big hug from me.

Faye from S.C.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Welcome to our " family " ! I wasn't diagnosed until 1996, but have had this

disease for 20 years. In speaking with my parents, we believe I have had it

longer b/c there were simply too many unexplained symptoms in my early teen


Hang in there, feel better, and again, welcome!



Esther wrote:

Hi all, my name is Esther.

I joined the Still's group yesterday, and I have just got the confidence to post

an intro. Some of you will have met me a bit on the discussion board (thanks),

but I will tell my tale for you all now.

A little about myself: I am 29 yrs old, dob 27/12/1977, and work as a Doctor

training as a General Surgeon, for the last 4 1/2 years. I am married, but have

no children yet. I am mildly dyslexic, so I hope you will excuse any spelling

mistakes that my spell checker misses (or when I foget to use it). My hobies /

interests include christianity, playing violin, keeping pet frogs, playing board

games, and gardening. However, all of these are normaly pushed aside for far too

much studying!!!

Apparently, I was diagnosed with Still's disease in 1981, aged 3 1/2, due to an

episode of arthritis that lasted aprox 6 months. However, I and my parents were

not aware of this diagnosis, and I had no further trobble till I was 14 or 15.

Since then I have had joint symptoms of varying severity 2-3 times each year,

for 1-3 months at a time, which were put down to osteoarthritis by my GP (family

doctor) and myself, as Rhematoid factor was -ve, and no one seemed aware of the

previous Still's diagnosis. I also suffer from gastritis and IBS, and have

recovered from depression in this period. I have had worsening breathlessnes for

the last 3-4 years, which has been treated (completly unsuscessfully) as asthma,

and which has made me off sick for the last 4 weeks due to it's severity. On

monday this week, I saw my medical history on the GP's computer, and discovered

that the arthritis I knew I had had as a child was Still's disase. On further

reading, I descovered this may

be the cause for my brethlessness, and the same day I saw the ashtma consultant

I was wating to see, and was told if I had any asthma, it was completly

controled, and my breathlessness was likley due to something else. I am now

waiting for CT scans of my chest and sinuses, and an ECHO scan of my heart (most

probable cause for breathlessnes, I think), and appointments with an ENT doctor

and a Rheumatologist. Since Tuesday, my joints have became the worst they have

ever been, and I have started suffering from fatigue ++ as well. My current meds

are for my " asthma " , but that includes Prednisolone 35mg daily, being reduced by

5mg/week (inspite of worst ever symptoms!!). Hopefully in the next few weeks I

may get some real answers, and some treatment to start things improving, but

however much you know that in your head, it can be hard to realy believe things

are about to improve, when they seem so dyre....

Hope this isn't too long for an intro e mail, and that it covers things ok.

It's been realy usefull reading your messages etc in the last 2 days, it realy

helps to know that this isn't just something I'm making up, or is in my head,

but that other people can survive throught it all, so prehaps I can too. It is

so helpfull being able to say these things, and not seem stupid, or over the




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Welcome to the group, Esther! I'm glad you found our site. You have good

company with many members in the UK.

I've had this disease at least 19 years. I was misdiagnosed the first 10

years. Did your parents know it was Stills Disease when you were 3 1/2, or is

that based on symptoms from that period?

Glad to have you join.

In Peace,

Barbara Gardner

Ventura, CA

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Welcome to the group, Esther! I'm glad you found our site. You have good

company with many members in the UK.

I've had this disease at least 19 years. I was misdiagnosed the first 10

years. Did your parents know it was Stills Disease when you were 3 1/2, or is

that based on symptoms from that period?

Glad to have you join.

In Peace,

Barbara Gardner

Ventura, CA

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Guest guest

Hello Esther, welcome.

There are a growing number of UK members as the

condition is more readily diagnosed now (it took 18

years before they finally diagnosed Still's for me).

I live in Surbiton, Surrey and there are a few others

in South East - it's been a big help to share

experiences with them - what part of the UK are you


I was suffering like you for a number of years but

haven't had a big flare for 3 years now. Hopefully

your condition will also improve soon.

Carole (UK)

> Esther

> wrote:

> Hi all, my name is Esther.


> I joined the Still's group yesterday, and I have

> just got the confidence to post an intro. Some of

> you will have met me a bit on the discussion board

> (thanks), but I will tell my tale for you all now.


> A little about myself: I am 29 yrs old, dob

> 27/12/1977, and work as a Doctor training as a

> General Surgeon, for the last 4 1/2 years. I am

> married, but have no children yet. I am mildly

> dyslexic, so I hope you will excuse any spelling

> mistakes that my spell checker misses (or when I

> foget to use it). My hobies / interests include

> christianity, playing violin, keeping pet frogs,

> playing board games, and gardening. However, all of

> these are normaly pushed aside for far too much

> studying!!!


> Apparently, I was diagnosed with Still's disease in

> 1981, aged 3 1/2, due to an episode of arthritis

> that lasted aprox 6 months. However, I and my

> parents were not aware of this diagnosis, and I had

> no further trobble till I was 14 or 15. Since then I

> have had joint symptoms of varying severity 2-3

> times each year, for 1-3 months at a time, which

> were put down to osteoarthritis by my GP (family

> doctor) and myself, as Rhematoid factor was -ve, and

> no one seemed aware of the previous Still's

> diagnosis. I also suffer from gastritis and IBS, and

> have recovered from depression in this period. I

> have had worsening breathlessnes for the last 3-4

> years, which has been treated (completly

> unsuscessfully) as asthma, and which has made me off

> sick for the last 4 weeks due to it's severity. On

> monday this week, I saw my medical history on the

> GP's computer, and discovered that the arthritis I

> knew I had had as a child was Still's disase. On

> further reading, I descovered this may

> be the cause for my brethlessness, and the same day

> I saw the ashtma consultant I was wating to see, and

> was told if I had any asthma, it was completly

> controled, and my breathlessness was likley due to

> something else. I am now waiting for CT scans of my

> chest and sinuses, and an ECHO scan of my heart

> (most probable cause for breathlessnes, I think),

> and appointments with an ENT doctor and a

> Rheumatologist. Since Tuesday, my joints have became

> the worst they have ever been, and I have started

> suffering from fatigue ++ as well. My current meds

> are for my " asthma " , but that includes Prednisolone

> 35mg daily, being reduced by 5mg/week (inspite of

> worst ever symptoms!!). Hopefully in the next few

> weeks I may get some real answers, and some

> treatment to start things improving, but however

> much you know that in your head, it can be hard to

> realy believe things are about to improve, when they

> seem so dyre....


> Hope this isn't too long for an intro e mail, and

> that it covers things ok.


> It's been realy usefull reading your messages etc in

> the last 2 days, it realy helps to know that this

> isn't just something I'm making up, or is in my

> head, but that other people can survive throught it

> all, so prehaps I can too. It is so helpfull being

> able to say these things, and not seem stupid, or

> over the top...


> Esther



> ---------------------------------

> To help you stay safe and secure online, we've

> developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







> Visit me, your Kay Independent Beauty

> Consultant (10% of your order will be donated to the

> International Still's Disease Foundation)

> http://www.marykay.com/glmurphy



> ---------------------------------

> Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and

> always stay connected to friends.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Guest guest

Hello Esther, welcome.

There are a growing number of UK members as the

condition is more readily diagnosed now (it took 18

years before they finally diagnosed Still's for me).

I live in Surbiton, Surrey and there are a few others

in South East - it's been a big help to share

experiences with them - what part of the UK are you


I was suffering like you for a number of years but

haven't had a big flare for 3 years now. Hopefully

your condition will also improve soon.

Carole (UK)

> Esther

> wrote:

> Hi all, my name is Esther.


> I joined the Still's group yesterday, and I have

> just got the confidence to post an intro. Some of

> you will have met me a bit on the discussion board

> (thanks), but I will tell my tale for you all now.


> A little about myself: I am 29 yrs old, dob

> 27/12/1977, and work as a Doctor training as a

> General Surgeon, for the last 4 1/2 years. I am

> married, but have no children yet. I am mildly

> dyslexic, so I hope you will excuse any spelling

> mistakes that my spell checker misses (or when I

> foget to use it). My hobies / interests include

> christianity, playing violin, keeping pet frogs,

> playing board games, and gardening. However, all of

> these are normaly pushed aside for far too much

> studying!!!


> Apparently, I was diagnosed with Still's disease in

> 1981, aged 3 1/2, due to an episode of arthritis

> that lasted aprox 6 months. However, I and my

> parents were not aware of this diagnosis, and I had

> no further trobble till I was 14 or 15. Since then I

> have had joint symptoms of varying severity 2-3

> times each year, for 1-3 months at a time, which

> were put down to osteoarthritis by my GP (family

> doctor) and myself, as Rhematoid factor was -ve, and

> no one seemed aware of the previous Still's

> diagnosis. I also suffer from gastritis and IBS, and

> have recovered from depression in this period. I

> have had worsening breathlessnes for the last 3-4

> years, which has been treated (completly

> unsuscessfully) as asthma, and which has made me off

> sick for the last 4 weeks due to it's severity. On

> monday this week, I saw my medical history on the

> GP's computer, and discovered that the arthritis I

> knew I had had as a child was Still's disase. On

> further reading, I descovered this may

> be the cause for my brethlessness, and the same day

> I saw the ashtma consultant I was wating to see, and

> was told if I had any asthma, it was completly

> controled, and my breathlessness was likley due to

> something else. I am now waiting for CT scans of my

> chest and sinuses, and an ECHO scan of my heart

> (most probable cause for breathlessnes, I think),

> and appointments with an ENT doctor and a

> Rheumatologist. Since Tuesday, my joints have became

> the worst they have ever been, and I have started

> suffering from fatigue ++ as well. My current meds

> are for my " asthma " , but that includes Prednisolone

> 35mg daily, being reduced by 5mg/week (inspite of

> worst ever symptoms!!). Hopefully in the next few

> weeks I may get some real answers, and some

> treatment to start things improving, but however

> much you know that in your head, it can be hard to

> realy believe things are about to improve, when they

> seem so dyre....


> Hope this isn't too long for an intro e mail, and

> that it covers things ok.


> It's been realy usefull reading your messages etc in

> the last 2 days, it realy helps to know that this

> isn't just something I'm making up, or is in my

> head, but that other people can survive throught it

> all, so prehaps I can too. It is so helpfull being

> able to say these things, and not seem stupid, or

> over the top...


> Esther



> ---------------------------------

> To help you stay safe and secure online, we've

> developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







> Visit me, your Kay Independent Beauty

> Consultant (10% of your order will be donated to the

> International Still's Disease Foundation)

> http://www.marykay.com/glmurphy



> ---------------------------------

> Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and

> always stay connected to friends.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Guest guest

Hi Esther. I just had a pet frog die just the other day... I had him for 5

years......Boo Hoooo Well..This disease is tricky and can be so so awful

then out of the blue..its gone. Try to remember remissions do happen. Some

unlucky ones have to struggle more but there are plenty of people who with

patience do go into remission. I wish the same for you. I am a nurse and am

mildly dyslexic too, Are you from abroad..England?? I noticed how you write


dates seems British Welcome ..lots of nice fun people here to listen and be

your friend..

I am an oldy but a goody age 51 tomorrow , from NYC but live near

Philadelphia now with my hubby an 11 year old boy and a 7 year old girl

Let us know how it all goes. Don't be shy!



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Ps sorry Carole, I called you Doug, as I looked at the top not the bottom of

your message>


New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at

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Ps sorry Carole, I called you Doug, as I looked at the top not the bottom of

your message>


New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at

the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.

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Guest guest

Hello Esther

Welcome to our group sorry that you are not too well at the moment and hope

you improve soon. The good news is that I think Stills must be being

recognized more often in UK as there seem to be more new members joining.

Lets hope drs. will be able to help us a bit more.

Best wishes

Joan U.K.


From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of Esther

Sent: 16 March 2007 21:51

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: New member

Hi all, my name is Esther.

I joined the Still's group yesterday, and I have just got the confidence to

post an intro. Some of you will have met me a bit on the discussion board

(thanks), but I will tell my tale for you all now.

A little about myself: I am 29 yrs old, dob 27/12/1977, and work as a Doctor

training as a General Surgeon, for the last 4 1/2 years. I am married, but

have no children yet. I am mildly dyslexic, so I hope you will excuse any

spelling mistakes that my spell checker misses (or when I foget to use it).

My hobies / interests include christianity, playing violin, keeping pet

frogs, playing board games, and gardening. However, all of these are normaly

pushed aside for far too much studying!!!

Apparently, I was diagnosed with Still's disease in 1981, aged 3 1/2, due to

an episode of arthritis that lasted aprox 6 months. However, I and my

parents were not aware of this diagnosis, and I had no further trobble till

I was 14 or 15. Since then I have had joint symptoms of varying severity 2-3

times each year, for 1-3 months at a time, which were put down to

osteoarthritis by my GP (family doctor) and myself, as Rhematoid factor was

-ve, and no one seemed aware of the previous Still's diagnosis. I also

suffer from gastritis and IBS, and have recovered from depression in this

period. I have had worsening breathlessnes for the last 3-4 years, which has

been treated (completly unsuscessfully) as asthma, and which has made me off

sick for the last 4 weeks due to it's severity. On monday this week, I saw

my medical history on the GP's computer, and discovered that the arthritis I

knew I had had as a child was Still's disase. On further reading, I

descovered this may be the cause for my brethlessness, and the same day I

saw the ashtma consultant I was wating to see, and was told if I had any

asthma, it was completly controled, and my breathlessness was likley due to

something else. I am now waiting for CT scans of my chest and sinuses, and

an ECHO scan of my heart (most probable cause for breathlessnes, I think),

and appointments with an ENT doctor and a Rheumatologist. Since Tuesday, my

joints have became the worst they have ever been, and I have started

suffering from fatigue ++ as well. My current meds are for my " asthma " , but

that includes Prednisolone 35mg daily, being reduced by 5mg/week (inspite of

worst ever symptoms!!). Hopefully in the next few weeks I may get some real

answers, and some treatment to start things improving, but however much you

know that in your head, it can be hard to realy believe things are about to

improve, when they seem so dyre....

Hope this isn't too long for an intro e mail, and that it covers things ok.

It's been realy usefull reading your messages etc in the last 2 days, it

realy helps to know that this isn't just something I'm making up, or is in

my head, but that other people can survive throught it all, so prehaps I can

too. It is so helpfull being able to say these things, and not seem stupid,

or over the top...



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  • 5 months later...


In order to accurately tell you what you want to know, we all need to know

something about you.

how you were introduced to Rife Technology, any books or confrences you have

been to.

what type of Rife device your intrested in ie pad or tube. etc etc.


> I joined this group recently and realize it is over my head. What do I

> need to read first to be able to understand all of the terminology?


> I understand practitioners cannot charge fees for the rife, but can they

> offer treatment/teach treatment? Is that how people get started?


> -


> ---------------------------------

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  • 5 months later...

YOu may not believe it but my very very fiesty 2.5 yo now swallows

caps, pills, and all supps....not always without whining, but he does

it...and then smiles, gives us all high fives,a nd usually says CHOO

CHOO...for , his fave reward for taking his meds.

Two months ago that was not the case. My husband laid him down, head

btw his legs, a leg over each of Matt's arms, so that flail as he

might, he couldn't really move or do harm. Using a plastic measuring

cup with a long handle, slip the handle into mouth, right turn once to

hold mouth open AND depress tongue, push pill or capsule into mouth and

past the gag point so it is automatically swallowed. It sounds awful

and it looked like torture the first few times ....but Dad was

right...it was def the way to go esp since so many things Matt must

take are VILE, and this also means we do not have to mess with syrups

that feed yeast, wondering if he got the whole dose, or trying to hide

it in foods....and in far less time than anyone could have imagined he

takes his meds standing up, with sips of water in between, and TONS of

praise after....it is the way to go. Courage. He had to take 14

capsules last night bc our higher dose probiotics are not here

yet...God bless him, he did it, and yours can do. Diane


> Hi all - we just joined this group - our 4 yr old daughter


> high levels of the Herpes virus and we were starting a to give her

> Valtrex prescribed by Dr Sears. Does anybody have any advice on how


> administer these pills into a kid who's strong willed and fiesty, a

> picky eater, she only drinks water and she's not quite at level where

> we can bribe her. We previously tried forcing liquid vitamins on her

> and half of it seems to get spit out. - maybe this will be the only

> option

> - thanks


> Ken and


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