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Re: Adreanl/thyroid issues

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....After trying to increase the time between my meals and trying to

> increase my saturated fats and cut way back on carbs...


Iirc no one told you to cut way back on carbs but to make the

adjustment slowly and reasonably and in your own time. From your

writing, I hear that this has been a rotten experiment and

uncomfortable and provoked unpleasant symptoms have been provoked.

Switching from the menu which you posted to a menu worthy of the Idol

seal-of-approval is not to be done suddenly without significant

consequences--just ask . Please do what you are comfortable with

and if that means eating as frequently as necessary, so be it and no

one--that I know of--on this list is going to give you flack for using

a rhythm that works for you. Not on my shift!

With all of that, I still think you can work very slowly--like over a

few/several months--to reduce meal frequency (if you are not put off

it by now) but it is going to require a great deal of patience and

experimentaion and individual tweaking. But, with effort, you will,

say in six months, look back and see a great deal of improvement.

Curious why Dr. Rind thinks coconut products are good for other people

but not for you? Can you explain a little more?


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Do you eat animal protein 3X day, excluding dairy

protein like subbing eggs instead of bacon or sausage

for breakfast?


--- crayfishfeed <crayfishfeed@...> wrote:

> I spoke to Dr. Rind today for my followup

> appointment via the

> telephone. I told him about the symptoms I have

> been having the

> last couple of weeks and he told me I must eat more

> frequently

> throughout the day and that this heals the adrenals.

> He said do not

> try to go longer b/w meals because this brought on

> hypoglycemia


> After trying to increase the time between my meals

> and trying to

> increase my saturated fats and cut way back on

> carbs, I can honestly

> say I felt horrible. I was trying on average to go

> 3.5 to 4 hours

> in between meals, normally for me I go about 3

> hours. I don't think

> I was trying to go too long too soon overall,

> although there was

> that one time...I also increased my use of coconut

> products (mainly

> creme, yum!) He told me to stop this because the

> combo of speeding

> up my metabolism with this and going longer in b/w

> meals is not good

> for me (although he says he has had great use with

> coconut products

> with others)


> Anyway I really respect everyone's opinion on here

> and I'm

> interested in feedback. Also maybe this can help

> someone else. I

> was having the most crippling bouts of hypoglycemia,

> we'll see what

> happens now.

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> Do you eat animal protein 3X day, excluding dairy

> protein like subbing eggs instead of bacon or sausage

> for breakfast?


Obvious: what was a day's menu?


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