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Hi ,

I just recently started on the SCD an am reading as many back posts as I

can find . don't want to go to any other lists right now, so I am

hoping you can answer some question for me.

why not stevia?

why not plain dark chocolate? I read that Elaine had " other " reasons

for making it illegal. do you know what they are?

why only yogurt and not kefir?

why does coffee and tea have to be weak?

is coconut flour ok? i have been assuming it is.

what about guar gum and/or xanthan gum and cellulose? I know carageenan

is off limits. Right now I am doing a dairy free version, so am reliant

on coconut milk. I use the tetra packs from WFN, but can't get any

right now.

So what I have access to is Thai Kitchen (cellulose gum and xanthan

gum) and Native Forrest (guar gum). Do you think they are okay? I am

sure you will tell me to crack my own coconuts and I may yet get around

to that, but would love to avoid it if possible.



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