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Front teeth pushing together and browning on inside

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My wisdom teeth are coming in. The two bottom ones have made

significant progress in the last month - one has completely broken

through the gum, the other is halfway there. Problem is, they're

jamming my front teeth together. (They have suspected impacted for

the last few years.)

About two weeks ago my 4 front teeth began to ache from the pressure

and now there is some mild overlap developing. Just two days ago I

noticed the sides of the teeth pointing inwards towards my mouth are

browned around the edges. The browning doesn't look like any cavities

I've ever known - it accents the natural contour of the teeth.

The teeth are tender when I push on them, but they are not loose. It

almost feels to me that there is not adequate blood flow to the teeth

(is that possible?). The 4 front ones are the only ones showing this.

Any idea what this is or what I can do about it?



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>Any idea what this is or what I can do about it?

See a good dentist?

Grin (or grimace, as the case may be) and bear it?

Depends on your finances and your coverage, I guess. My wisdom teeth

tried to come in a couple times, and great big chunks of teeth wound

up being cracked off. Not fun, but I had no money for dentistry at the time.


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Yeah, I would like to but I have no idea how much COBRA for dentistry

will cost so if its a lot I'm going to have to wait until my new

insurance kicks in. Oh, did I mention I already got a job offer? I'm

so thrilled. :)


On 1/14/06, Idol <paul_idol@...> wrote:

> Lana-


> >Any idea what this is or what I can do about it?


> See a good dentist?


> Grin (or grimace, as the case may be) and bear it?


> Depends on your finances and your coverage, I guess. My wisdom teeth

> tried to come in a couple times, and great big chunks of teeth wound

> up being cracked off. Not fun, but I had no money for dentistry at the

> time.

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