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I'm looking at a really old library edition of NAPD. In the

supplement, first chapter, he cites his own work as citation (9), but

it's missing in the list of references!

Have newer editions fixed this mistake? Does anyone have a copy that

has a ninth reference listed?



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>-----Original Message-----


>[mailto: ]On Behalf Of Masterjohn


>I'm looking at a really old library edition of NAPD. In the

>supplement, first chapter, he cites his own work as citation (9), but

>it's missing in the list of references!


>Have newer editions fixed this mistake? Does anyone have a copy that

>has a ninth reference listed?

Yes, but a 9th reference for a J.B. Miner quote in chapter 2.

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

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Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



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