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Re: Hepatitis C = virus, discussion of NIH, CDC and other 3 letter words

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> Thank you for the enlightenment. However, I disagree - STRONGLY.


> I think that the virus does cause the disease, and it's how we handle

> the disease that matters. I don't know what Louis Pasteur said on his

> death bed, I wasn't there. However, I do know that if you don't wash

> your hands regularly, the bacteria, viruses, fungi and so forth will

> have access to your body and you will get some sort of a reaction. I

> imagine that you do wash your hands with some regularity? Ever had

> food that has been sitting at room temperature for more than 4

> hours??? Did you know that it had sat at room temperature (probably

> not)??? Did you get sick, though??? from something unseen caused by

> a bacteria, virus or fungi????


> I will be much more careful in my posts in the future. The fact that

> the reaction to the knowledge base of the CDC, NIH, WHO (I don't know

> what that is), and the FDA causes such animosity leads me to believe

> that there is fear in what they have to say, whether it's " true " or

> not. The discussion with regards to the CDC had NOTHING to do with

> pharmaceutical companies, nor drugs. What has risen in this

> " conversation " are personal prejudices on other topics, unrelated to

> the question of what causes Hepatitis C.


> Also, let me be clear what the acronyms stand for:


> CDC - Center for Disease Control - Atlanta, GA - website - www.cdc.gov

> <http://www.cdc.gov>

> NIH - National Institutes of Health - Washington DC - www.nih.gov

> <http://www.nih.gov>

> WHO - World Health Organization - UN? - www.who.int

> FDA - Federal Drug Administration - Washington DC - www.fda.gov

> <http://www.fda.gov>

> NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health - Washington CD -

> www.nimh.nih.gov


> Louis Pasteur proposed that there was something unseen in the

> environment that caused disease. He therefore promoted pasteurization

> of products to deter the transmission of disease, specifically from

> animals to humans (more specifically, cow's milk). I don't know if it

> was Pasteur who also promoted the practice of boiling the surgical

> utensils, using sterilization techniques, and making sure the

> " surgical " area was cleaned and that the doctor wash and sterilize

> his/her hands. Prior to that being implemented, doctors would use

> dirty utensils and go from patient to patient, with dirty hands,

> transmitting disease from one person to the other. During the Middle

> Ages (otherwise known as the age of darkness) personal hygiene was

> considered to be unnecessary, as was the disposal of raw sewage. So,

> plague, typhus, bubonic plague and other fatal diseases decimated

> thousands.


> If your premise is correct, then you would be willing to share vital

> fluids from a person with Hepatitis C, or handle diseased products (of

> any kind of disease) and you would not get ill. Personally, I am not

> willing to take that kind of risk. If I see a jaundiced individual

> (usually a sign of liver disease), or someone who I know has Hepatitis

> (whatever kind), or tuberculosis, or a simple cold, I am NOT going to

> share their eating utensils, nor am I going to be in close quarters

> with them. I am going to be in favor of having that individual(s)

> quarantined, until they get over the more virulent (contagious) stage

> of their disease.


> I have a scientific background, and chose to do so because I didn't

> want doctors to tell me things I didn't understand. I also have a

> background in herbs, aromatherapy, and other healing modalities.


> I use all the tools available to me to enhance my knowledge and to

> make " learned " decisions about disease and well-being (or lack

> thereof). That includes the information released by the CDC, the NIH,

> WHO, and the FDA. Then, as a sentient and thinking human being, I

> process the information, and sift through what I believe to be

> correct, and discard what is not. That to me is the process of

> becoming knowledgeable, and using both mainstream and not so

> mainstream avenues to assist others in making their decision. They

> always have the right to dismiss the information, or the suggestions I

> have made.


> Lastly, let me express _*my personal prejudice and opinion*_. I find

> that there are a lot of individuals who are ignorant - the definition

> of ignorant being that they lack knowledge, not that they are rude.

> As a result, what they don't understand, they fear. That is - they

> fear some of the more technical jargon, the medical terms, the

> anatomy, and so forth, they do not know and do not understand. As a

> result, they shun it, and give those who do understand it names. They

> pigeon hole these ideas by labeling them - maybe calling them " lies " .

> In fact, this same individual has a bias - a bias based on an

> inability to digest, understand or just plainly is incapable of

> processing the information. This bias, ignorance, and lack of

> understanding is then passed to others as " truth " . They, in fact, are

> no different than the FDA, NIH, WHO, and so forth that they attack.

> Now, I am NOT implying that this is the case here. However, it does

> appear to be prevalent.


> So, once again, I have to reiterate what I wrote in the previous

> paragraph:


> /*I am a sentient and thinking human being, I process the information,

> and sift through what I believe to be correct, and discard what is

> not. That to me is the process of becoming knowledgeable, and using

> both mainstream and not so mainstream avenues to assist others in

> making their decision.*/


> I have now expressed my view, and am ready to send it on... I can

> already envision the tirade that will follow, and more than likely

> will not answer. I have said all that I can think to say, and should

> you or others disagree, I accept that as your points of view.


> We create our own peace. Peace is always with me, as is the warrior

> and the eternal path to enlightenment. We are all blessed, each in

> their own way.


> lorena


Well ,

You are certainly welcome to your belief. You are also welcome to the

choices you make in your life. You wish to believe that microscopic bugs

create your dis-eases then that is your choice. You are welcome to it.

You wish to believe that the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, USDA and all

governmental agencies have your best interests in mind then that is your

choice. You wish to believe that the pharmaceutical companies don't have

anything to do with the CDC, FDA, USDA, NIH, NIMH etc than that too is

your choice.

It is good that you have such a scientific background. This is good. It

will serve you well.

But you see, you are walking around with the Hep. C virus inside of you

and you are not sick, are you? You have every virus inside of you that

everyone else has including the HIV virus. Interesting that you are not

sick. We all have these viruses inside of us constantly. The only reason

some of us get sick and others don't is because of your choices in diet

and lifestyle. You allow your immune system to become compromised and

you fall ill. But then you already know all of this so I regress here.

I have no fear of the 3 letter acronym agencies of the US government for

I happen to know that they are lying to everyone and that they are all

controlled by the pharmaceutical concerns. They have been ever since

their inception. Dig a little deeper into your research and find out who

is who in the zoo and you will see where all their grant monies come

from and who is behind all this infamous, so called independant

research into dis-eases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.

However, you are welcome to your beliefs, that is your choice, and it is

good that you take a stance. There never is a wrong choice so we don't

ever have to worry about making mistakes in the choices we make. For

whatever choice one makes is the right choice for them at that moment.

Peace be with you . I am glad that we can agree to disagree. Thank

you for enlightening me as to your belief system. I very much appreciate



Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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I agree with you that Pharmaceutical Companies have a big say in what we are

told about our health. Just look at the whole myth of high cholesterol!

And look at the food pyramid - driven by big business and now being

questioned. What a crock!

However, I'm confused. I can understand the concept that we all have

microbes of diseases within our bodies that can destroy us at the

appropriate time, and I think we could say that cancer is one, arthritis is

another. However, I question " contageous " diseases like TB, Legionnaires

and the common cold. If getting sick depends on our state-of-health

conferred upon us by good (or bad) nutrition, how come there are epidemics

of the same disease going around?

Can you please explain your reasoning on this?


and the K9's

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Pugh wrote:

> Don,


> I agree with you that Pharmaceutical Companies have a big say in what

> we are

> told about our health. Just look at the whole myth of high cholesterol!


> And look at the food pyramid - driven by big business and now being

> questioned. What a crock!


> However, I'm confused. I can understand the concept that we all have

> microbes of diseases within our bodies that can destroy us at the

> appropriate time, and I think we could say that cancer is one,

> arthritis is

> another. However, I question " contageous " diseases like TB, Legionnaires

> and the common cold. If getting sick depends on our state-of-health

> conferred upon us by good (or bad) nutrition, how come there are epidemics

> of the same disease going around?


> Can you please explain your reasoning on this?


> TIA,

> and the K9's



Look at the condition of most peoples health these days. Look at their

diets and lifestyles. Look at how they treat themselves. Then look at

the people who treat them when they come down with these contagious

diseases. How come those people don't get ill too? The mind is a very

powerful thing. We each create our own reality every second of every day

with every thought we have.

There are two ways a person can be. They can have a negative outlook on

life or a positive outlook on life. A person's personal outlook will

pretty much dictate how their life is going to go. A person with a

negative outlook is going to be ill quite often, have nothing but

problems and just plain not be happy with his/her lot in life. Whereas,

the person with the positive outlook will have much more happiness in

their life, things will just seem to go right for them all the time (or

the majority of the time) and when things don't go right they won't hole

up and have a pity party for themselves, they will just chalk it up to

experience and move on but they will still be happy. They will also

never seem to be ill no matter what is going around.

Yes, the mind is a very powerful thing. As you think so shall you

become. I hope this helps you understand some of this. This is why

people who have all these bugs in them all the time never fall prey to

them. They keep a positive outlook on life. People with a positive

outlook tend to take better care of themselves. We are each responsible

for the condition we are in. Our choices led us to where we are at in

present time.

Peace be with you and feel free to ask anytime.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Well said, Don....and let's take it just a little further....

http://www.abraham-quotes.com?date=1094284800There is nothing that cannot be reoriented to the Well-being. But it does take the determination that you're going to put your thoughts upon something that does feel good. And so, here we're going to make a very bold statement: Any disease could be healed in a matter of days, any disease, if distraction from it could occur, and a different vibration dominate—and the healing time is about how much mix-up there is in all of that.


From: Don Quai [mailto:mysticalherbalist@...] Yes, the mind is a very powerful thing. As you think so shall you become. I hope this helps you understand some of this. This is why people who have all these bugs in them all the time never fall prey to them. They keep a positive outlook on life. People with a positive outlook tend to take better care of themselves. We are each responsible for the condition we are in. Our choices led us to where we are at in present time.


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Candace Podratz wrote:

> Yes, and why, if I'm in seemingly good health do I get sick when I'm

> around

> a friend that has a cold.


> Candace


Well you can seemingly be in good health and still have a toxic body and

a very compromised immune system. With chronic constipation comes

autotoxicity which is just polluting your organs, joints and muscles

with the toxins from your bowels and metabolic wastes that cannot be

eliminated from impacted bowels. This is why you get sick when you are

around a friend that has a cold.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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You're right, I bet I'm one of the most toxic people around. Yucky!

I once went to a friend's house and he said he had just watched a baby with

pink eye and luckily he hadn't got it.

Guess what I woke up with the next morning! Pink eye AND strep throat!

I do get sick a lot when around other sickos unless I eat lots and lots of



----- Original Message -----

From: " Don Quai " <mysticalherbalist@...>

<health >

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:40 PM

Subject: Re: Hepatitis C = virus, discussion of NIH,

CDC and other 3 letter words


> ===============================

> Well you can seemingly be in good health and still have a toxic body and

> a very compromised immune system. With chronic constipation comes

> autotoxicity which is just polluting your organs, joints and muscles

> with the toxins from your bowels and metabolic wastes that cannot be

> eliminated from impacted bowels. This is why you get sick when you are

> around a friend that has a cold.


> --

> Peace, love and light,


> Don Quai


> " Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the

animal and wakes in man. "






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I agree completely...when I find myself not taking it for any period of time...I start to feel icky...and I am even more prone to an asthma attack...when I take it every day...(well as close to every day as possible)...I find that my body feels better...and I can be around those sick people without much concern for getting sick.



I used to do that... now I take 1-2 dropperfuls every day (or almost, sometimes I'm late and forget).... anyway, it really helps overall/


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