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Egypt violence heightens concern about growing Salafi role

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Egypt violence heightens concern about growing Salafi role

Salafis, who subscribe to a strict version of Islam, were blamed in weekend

attacks against Christians in Cairo. Many Egyptians worry that extremists could

play a greater role in post-Mubarak Egypt.

By Chick, Correspondent / May 10, 2011


The deadly clashes between Muslims and Christians in Cairo this weekend have

heightened already growing concern about the role of fundamentalist Muslims

known as Salafis in post-revolution Egypt.

Salafis, who have no organized group or structure, have long shunned politics in

Egypt. But since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak, whose secular

regime repressed Islamists and extremists of all stripes, Salafis have begun to

vocally enter the political fray. The strident sectarian rhetoric and recent

attacks on Christians has many Egyptians worried that extremist forces could

find a greater role in the new Egypt.

" They don't want Christians in Egypt. They want an Islamic state, " said a woman

who gave her name as Mona at a Christian protest Monday against the weekend

violence. Next to her, a woman in a Muslim hijab who held a wooden cross joined

the protest in solidarity as chants against Salafis filled the air. " We are

afraid for what will happen to us in the future when people like that are

allowed to attack us and to be part of the new government, " says Mona, holding

an image of Jesus aloft.

What ended in fighting that killed 12 people in the Cairo district of Imbaba

started Saturday when a group of Salafis gathered at St. Mina church, claiming

that the church was holding a woman who had converted from Christianity to

Islam, and demanding the church release her. Such claims of conversion and

kidnapping have been a flash point for sectarian tension, with Salafis in

particular seizing on them in the past year.

Salafi clerics express hatred toward Christians on TV

Salafism is an ultraconservative strain of Islam whose followers believe in

emulating the first three generations of Muslims and reject any " innovation " of

the religion that followed. Some wear traditional robes and grow long beards to

emulate the prophet Muhammad and his companions.

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They practice what they believe to be the purest form of Islam, and are

primarily concerned with living their lives according to such teaching, and not

with politics, says Diaa Rashwan, an expert on Islamist groups at the Al Ahram

Center for Political and Strategic Studies. He describes Egyptian Salafis as " in

this middle place between jihadists like Osama bin Laden and political Islamists

like the Muslim Brotherhood. "

Though both groups want to see Islamic law imposed, Salafis consider the more

moderate Muslim Brotherhood followers as " innovators. " Al Qaeda's members follow

a form of Salafism, but Egyptian Salafi clerics say that unlike the global

terrorist group they have renounced violence. Yet Salafi clerics on television

have railed hatefully against Christianity, and in March a Christian man in Qena

said Salafists cut off his ear after accusing him of renting an apartment to a


Growing political role for Salafis?

Many Salafist leaders were against participating in Egypt's uprising, which

toppled former President Hosni Mubarak, though younger followers participated

anyway. Now, Dr. Rashwan says, Egyptian Salafist thought is now evolving as more

embrace participation in politics after the revolution. Increased interaction

with society may have a moderating effect on some, he says. " They will now try

to integrate themselves into the political theater. It will take time, but we

will have positive change inside Salafism. "

While no one knows how many Salafist followers exist in Egypt, Rashwan says the

numbers are not huge, and they will be only a marginal force on Egyptian

politics. But that has not stopped some Egyptians from worrying.

At a Salafist protest in support of Osama bin Laden Friday, a young Egyptian

named Ahmed who described himself as a liberal Muslim stood watching as several

hundred people chanted against the US and held signs that said, " We are all bin

Laden. "

" If they are going to play a role in our political system, I need to know how

they think, " says Ahmed, explaining that he had come to try to understand the

Salafis. Their numbers were small enough that he did not think they would come

to power. But he worries nonetheless about the influence they might have. " They

say they're peaceful and then they do something violent, " he says.

In the crowd, a self-described Salafi who gave her name as Hanan said that bin

Laden was a martyr and a hero who would never kill innocent people – she did not

support violence, she added. She was glad the revolution had swept Mubarak from

power, and is excited about political participation, she says. " But we want an

Islamic government. We don't want any more agents of America or Israel like

Mubarak. We don't want secularists. "

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