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Adreanl/thyroid issues

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Additionally, doing below with the feast/famine

Warrior diet is the only way I can do the famine part

without hypoglycemia kicking in. Contrary to higher

carbs WD suggests.

Example, small breakfast of sausage and apple, avocado

and salami, lunch, snacks, celery and nut butter.

When I cut gluten, I went too low on carbs too fast

and started to feel blue after about a week. There was

a dr. on this list at the time that said he always

conveyed to his patients the importance of not doing

what I did. I'd read the same in Schwarzbein Principle

before posting.


Metabolic typing researchers all say if you don't feel

good, it isn't working. Don't know if it is the fat,

carbs or protein for you. Passing on my experience.

Coconut, I did for about a year. Was getting overwarm,

not hot flashy, internal heat up, in summer and had

swelling around my eyes one day, 20 minutes after

coconut oil. Have recently, with winter begun a

tablespoon of coconut milk. Was all I had this AM

before work and wasn't hungry until about 2 when I got

a Larabar at Trader Joe's. I know, not my animal

protein spiel. Surprises me from time to time but not

the usual or a great idea for more than a day.


--- Wanita <wanitawa@...> wrote:

> Do you eat animal protein 3X day, excluding dairy

> protein like subbing eggs instead of bacon or

> sausage

> for breakfast?


> Wanita


> --- crayfishfeed <crayfishfeed@...> wrote:


> > I spoke to Dr. Rind today for my followup

> > appointment via the

> > telephone. I told him about the symptoms I have

> > been having the

> > last couple of weeks and he told me I must eat

> more

> > frequently

> > throughout the day and that this heals the

> adrenals.

> > He said do not

> > try to go longer b/w meals because this brought on

> > hypoglycemia

> >

> > After trying to increase the time between my meals

> > and trying to

> > increase my saturated fats and cut way back on

> > carbs, I can honestly

> > say I felt horrible. I was trying on average to

> go

> > 3.5 to 4 hours

> > in between meals, normally for me I go about 3

> > hours. I don't think

> > I was trying to go too long too soon overall,

> > although there was

> > that one time...I also increased my use of coconut

> > products (mainly

> > creme, yum!) He told me to stop this because the

> > combo of speeding

> > up my metabolism with this and going longer in b/w

> > meals is not good

> > for me (although he says he has had great use with

> > coconut products

> > with others)

> >

> > Anyway I really respect everyone's opinion on here

> > and I'm

> > interested in feedback. Also maybe this can help

> > someone else. I

> > was having the most crippling bouts of

> hypoglycemia,

> > we'll see what

> > happens now.

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Hi everyone,

Could someone please explain the concept of feast/famine? My nurse

practitioner is treating me for adrenal and thyroid fatigue. Over the summer, I

was STARVING all the time and I just could not stop losing weight (I was on the

Specific Carbohydrate Diet for Crohn's). I ate at least every 3 hours (lots of

protein and fat, not a lot of sugar because of candida issues). Then I read

Maker's Diet, Restoring Digestive Health and Nourishing Traditions and started

incorporating those principals (raw goat milk kefir, goat butter, grass feed

meats, fresh veggie juice, coconut oil etc etc) and the hunger went away. I

rarely get hungry between meals, but every day after lunch I get what feels like

an internal heat up. I feel flushed, almost like I have a fever, but if i take

my temp, its like 97, so definitely not a fever. I'm just wondering 1) what that

is and 2) if maybe the fact that I'm going longer between meals now is

contributing to this. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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