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Mother claims school not enforcing anti-bullying

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Mother claims school not enforcing anti-bullying



Saturday, March 12, 2011

ROCHESTER — Despite School District efforts to prevent bullying, resident

Kean stated her frustration during Thursday night's School Board meeting

over how the anti-bullying practices were not being enforced.

In a letter read by a friend, O'Connor, she wrote that her son, an

elementary school student, is bullied on a daily basis by a boy who constantly

kicks his backpack and yells obscenities in his face.

When her son told her about the incidents, Kean said she advised him to stay

away from the boy, but was shocked when in the classroom the teacher forced all

students to include the boy in their activities. Kean wrote that she was

outraged and that if this was a neighborhood boy she would never allow her son

near him and that it should be the same way within the school district.

Kean wrote that she had tried many avenues, such as speaking to the principal,

but that she has seen no resolutions in the problem and her son, who she said

once enjoyed going to class, is now dreading it.

Resident Gates stood up shortly after the letter was read and voiced his


" There is failure going on here, and we need to give specific instructions, " he

said. " You can't leave a bully in the classroom to continue bullying. "

Gates accused the board of being negligent in its duties of preventing bullying

and even suggested those responsible for enforcing the policy should review

their positions or resign.

" (The bully) should be taken out of the school, and we should get parents or

social services involved, " he said. " This is not right. You can't leave a

hostile learning environment because one student is socially incapable. "

According to the current anti-bullying policy for the Rochester School District,

if a child believes they are the victim of bullying it is to be reported to the

principal, assistant principal or a staff member. After a written report is

filed, parents of all students involved in the bullying will be contacted within

48 hours of the occurrence.

All reports of bullying will be investigated and evidence provided toward the

allegation will result in disciplinary action against the student who committed

the offense.

Resident Battis spoke to 's after the School Board meeting and

expressed her disapproval of the way the issue was being addressed.

Battis said almost two years ago someone spoke out against her son at a School

Board meeting, calling him a bully. She said she did not find out until the next

day what had happened and it created challenges for her and her son. Battis' son

has autism and she said he didn't mean to bully.

" There's a reason behind every story, " she said. " Public forum is the wrong

way. "

Battis said she is in support of the anti-bullying policy and is not trying to

create excuses for bullying in the school system, but rather she felt like the

issue was handled improperly.

" We all need to have tolerance and work together, " she said. " I don't think

speaking out publicly is the best venue. It needs to be done in a private

setting. "

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