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Re: Record low temperatures follow snow in San Francisco

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I'm sure the temperatures are averaging lower than the sensors are showing. Audits have revealed that over 50% of sensor placed by environmental scientists, etc., in the last 20 years or so have been improperly placed and so give higher readings than they should. Other audits show that the number of sensors has be cut by over half and computers estimate the temperatures in between widely spaced sensors. For example: in South America, there is a sensor in the Amazon lowlands that is used to extrapolate the temperatures in parts of the Andes Mountains hundreds of miles away. Now, there used to be sensors in the mountains but they were among the thousands taken offline.

All of that probably goes a long way toward explaining why the satellite data and ground sensors don't match up very well, with ground sensors counting the temperature as higher than the satellites do.

In a message dated 2/26/2011 5:22:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Record low temperatures follow snow in San Francisco

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I would assume the badly placed sensors are near infrastructure,

such as power and a data network (phone or internet), which tends to

lend itself better to urban areas? The sensors may be going offline

due to greater reliance on satellite data, as sensors onboard

satellites gain in resolution, accuracy, and precision, and thus end

up being more cost effective over an area than a comparable number

of sensors of appropriate density and quality.

I'm sure the temperatures are averaging lower than

the sensors are showing. Audits have revealed that

over 50% of sensor placed by environmental scientists,

etc., in the last 20 years or so have been improperly

placed and so give higher readings than they should.

Other audits show that the number of sensors has be

cut by over half and computers estimate the

temperatures in between widely spaced sensors. For

example: in South America, there is a sensor in the

Amazon lowlands that is used to extrapolate the

temperatures in parts of the Andes Mountains hundreds

of miles away. Now, there used to be sensors in the

mountains but they were among the thousands

taken offline.

All of that probably goes a long way toward

explaining why the satellite data and ground sensors

don't match up very well, with ground sensors counting

the temperature as higher than the satellites do.

In a message dated 2/26/2011 5:22:14 P.M. Eastern

Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Record low temperatures follow snow in San


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I'll answer both posts here.

Many sensors were placed too close to airconditioning units where they could be affected by the heat coming off of them, near parking lots, on rooftops, behind take off runways at airports where exhaust would hit them, etc. There were being placed either by the scientists themselves or by their underlings. In either case they should have known the results would be skewed and the only logical answer to "why" is that they did know and did it deliberately.

For the same reason many sensors were shut down and computer models used instead. It was much easier that way to tinker with the programming in subtle ways to get the desired results, something that was harder to do without physically badly placing the sensors, something that could be easily detected.

Most of these scientists also dismiss the satellite data as unreliable. They do that because the satellites are showing lower temperatures than their sensors. If they are the ones who become doubted, they could lose the government gravy train of funding. Notice though that the more dire their predictions, the more money comes flooding their way. No one seems to catch on to that cycle. Folks also seem to have forgotten how we have already passed the "point of no return" which really should mean that the global warming fight should be done away with since it is too late anyway and we should just go on as usual while funding real since like new generation nuclear power, etc.

Anyway, given all the information that global warming was all a fraud, from the Hockey Stick Graph to the emails and to the vast fraud and waste in the "green industry," all the green measures should be halted anyway and massive criminal investigations begun. That will be hard because global warming effectively has the status of religion to many so it could get unpleasant. It was bad enough in Virginia when the governor ordered Mr. Hockey Stick to be investigated. He had a right to do this since the "scientist" was at a state funded college. Lots of opposition to that, probably because a real scientific investigation would debunk the Hockey Stick and a criminal investigation would turn up his motives for the fraud.

Lastly, I'm not saying climate change isn't happening. Most of the macro stuff is beyond human ability to control since it is driven by the sun and other factors (though many climate scientists deny the sun has any effect at all and don't even count it in their models). What is happening is things like paving over farmland, bad farming practices ruining the soil and creating or expanding deserts, draining aquifers for short-term profits, etc. These are micro scale effects of human activity that will add up to a major event in the not too distant future.

In a message dated 2/27/2011 11:51:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

They also put temperaure sensors in the middle of blacktop parking lots instead of above regular ground. Black absorbs heat, so you can have blacktop be tens of degrees higher than the grass nearby. Administrator

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I'll answer both posts here.

Many sensors were placed too close to airconditioning units where they could be affected by the heat coming off of them, near parking lots, on rooftops, behind take off runways at airports where exhaust would hit them, etc. There were being placed either by the scientists themselves or by their underlings. In either case they should have known the results would be skewed and the only logical answer to "why" is that they did know and did it deliberately.

For the same reason many sensors were shut down and computer models used instead. It was much easier that way to tinker with the programming in subtle ways to get the desired results, something that was harder to do without physically badly placing the sensors, something that could be easily detected.

Most of these scientists also dismiss the satellite data as unreliable. They do that because the satellites are showing lower temperatures than their sensors. If they are the ones who become doubted, they could lose the government gravy train of funding. Notice though that the more dire their predictions, the more money comes flooding their way. No one seems to catch on to that cycle. Folks also seem to have forgotten how we have already passed the "point of no return" which really should mean that the global warming fight should be done away with since it is too late anyway and we should just go on as usual while funding real since like new generation nuclear power, etc.

Anyway, given all the information that global warming was all a fraud, from the Hockey Stick Graph to the emails and to the vast fraud and waste in the "green industry," all the green measures should be halted anyway and massive criminal investigations begun. That will be hard because global warming effectively has the status of religion to many so it could get unpleasant. It was bad enough in Virginia when the governor ordered Mr. Hockey Stick to be investigated. He had a right to do this since the "scientist" was at a state funded college. Lots of opposition to that, probably because a real scientific investigation would debunk the Hockey Stick and a criminal investigation would turn up his motives for the fraud.

Lastly, I'm not saying climate change isn't happening. Most of the macro stuff is beyond human ability to control since it is driven by the sun and other factors (though many climate scientists deny the sun has any effect at all and don't even count it in their models). What is happening is things like paving over farmland, bad farming practices ruining the soil and creating or expanding deserts, draining aquifers for short-term profits, etc. These are micro scale effects of human activity that will add up to a major event in the not too distant future.

In a message dated 2/27/2011 11:51:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

They also put temperaure sensors in the middle of blacktop parking lots instead of above regular ground. Black absorbs heat, so you can have blacktop be tens of degrees higher than the grass nearby. Administrator

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