Guest guest Posted January 30, 2011 Report Share Posted January 30, 2011,0,29\ 28329.story VACCINES AND AUTISM When the evidence is conclusive By Trine Tsouderos January 30, 2011 My young son came down with croup last week. The first night of it, I lay on the floor next to his crib, anxious, listening to him breathe, counting his raspy inhales and exhales between violent coughing fits. He suffered, we worried. As all parents know, there is nothing like that 3 a.m. worry for a sick child. Infectious diseases — the suffering, the anxiety, the potential for something to go seriously, frighteningly wrong — are an unfortunate fact of life for both children and their caretakers. But we live in a time of relative ease compared to even just a generation or two ago, thanks to vaccines that have largely vanquished some of childhood's most dangerous and deadly infectious diseases. That is changing, however, as more parents — many affluent and well-educated — delay and even shun immunizations. They believe vaccines are riskier than the diseases they prevent. Particularly, they believe the shots cause autism. Many studies have been done, and it is now clear that these parents are simply wrong. Still, pockets of unimmunized children are growing, herd immunity is breaking down and these childhood diseases — worse than croup, worse than a bad cold — are returning. Children are suffering and dying. How and why this is happening is examined in two excellent books out this month. Both are must-reads for parents and parents-to-be. One is " Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All " by Dr. Offit, co-inventor of one of the rotavirus vaccines and chief of infectious diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. (Disclosure: Offit's book acknowledges my reporting.) The other is " The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science and Fear " by investigative journalist Seth Mnookin. The books are well-timed, if only coincidentally so. This month, the British Medical Journal published a lengthy screed on Dr. Wakefield, the man whose 1998 study on 12 children with autism planted one of the first seeds of fear about a link between vaccines and the disorder. The BMJ's pronouncement — that Wakefield made up data and that his paper was fraudulent — capped quite a year for the British physician, who not long ago was stripped of his right to practice medicine in the United Kingdom and whose study recently was retracted by the journal that printed it, The Lancet. Both books recount the history of the current anti-vaccine movement, from an error-riddled 1982 television segment titled " Vaccine Roulette " to Wakefield's study and the improbable rise of celebrity McCarthy as an " expert " on vaccine safety. Offit's book reaches back to the 1850s and the introduction of the smallpox vaccine, which sparked an anti-vaccine movement in Britain that echoes, in many ways, the movement of today. Both Offit and Mnookin lay a lot of blame on the media that presented stories on vaccines and autism with a sort of false balance — a " one-hand, other-hand " approach that implies both sides are backed by approximately equal evidence. Of course, that is fine if the evidence is pretty much equal, but in this case, as with many medical issues, it was not. It wasn't even close. Recounted in detail in both books, many studies have examined the safety of vaccines and any possible link with autism. Millions of children have been observed, many different ways, by many independent teams of researchers in many different countries. No link has been found. And yet, as Offit and Mnookin recount, many reporters continued to report as if the link was proven, or a real possibility that had not really been studied. Stories have paired experts talking about enormous studies with parents of children with autism claiming the vaccines had given their children their disorder as if both had equal scientific expertise and evidence. " Anecdotes and suppositions, no matter how right they feel, don't lead to universal truths; experiments that can be independently confirmed by impartial observers do, " Mnookin writes. " Intuition leads to the flat earth society and bloodletting; experiments lead men to the moon and microsurgery. " Mnookin makes a plea for reason and to giving weight to facts, not feelings and personal stories. Speaking of his hopes for his baby son, he writes, " For his sake and the sake of everyone else alive, I hope he grows up in a world where science is acknowledged not as an ideology but as the best tool we have for understanding the universe and where striving for truth is recognized as the most noble quest mankind will ever undertake. " Offit also makes a plea for us to think of others as well as ourselves and our children. Every decision to vaccinate is a decision that affects everybody, he writes. Remember, he pleads, what it was like after Sept. 11, " when we were part of a whole. " " If we can recapture it — recapture the feeling that we are all in this together, all part of a large immunological cooperative — the growing tragedy of children dying from preventable infections can be avoided, " Offit writes. " It's in us: the better angels of our nature. " It is the third night of my son's croup, and we are outside on the porch. It's 2:15 a.m. The street is deserted, it is just us. He is bundled in a blanket, huddled in my arms, his chin on my shoulder. He is taking in cold winter air, a supposed treatment for croup that seems like something dreamed up 100 years ago. As we sit there, the books come to mind and I start thinking about the millions of mothers who came before me, doing exactly as I am doing, holding our sick children in the middle of the night. But for so many, their thoughts were much darker — they worried their children would not make it, or that they would be left blind, or deaf, or unable to walk. They worried their other children would also fall ill, and suffer these fates. My son, who has been inoculated against the worst possible outcomes, shivers. I'm cold too. We get up, and go inside where it is safe and warm. Trine Tsouderos is a Tribune science and medical reporter. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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