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Major staff shortages hit mentally ill patients - Ireland

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Major staff shortages hit mentally ill patients

The Irish Times - Friday, June 3, 2011

JAMIE SMYTH, Social Affairs Correspondent

MENTAL HEALTH services are experiencing major staff shortages due to the

moratorium on public sector recruitment, the Mental Health Commission has


These shortages are undermining efforts to reform how people with mental health

illnesses are treated, just as demand for services is increasing due to the

economic recession, says the commission's 2010 annual report.

Chairman Dr Edmond O'Dea said yesterday in some areas, 20 per cent of nurses had

left the mental health service over the past two years and had not been


He said it was " deeply disappointing " that this was hampering efforts to move

from institutional care towards more community-based mental health services.

" This is a big problem as staff are being withdrawn from community services in

order to plug gaps in inpatient units. This is another factor slowing down the

move from institutional to community care, " said Dr O'Dea, at the launch of the

2010 annual report.

Nurses working in the mental health services can retire at 55 years of age

rather than the standard 60 years, said Dr O'Dea.

This has led to greater numbers leaving from the mental health services, he


A report published by the Health Service Executive last year said staffing

levels in its mental health services were running at 70 per cent of the level

recommended in the Government's Vision for Change strategy for mental health


Dr O'Dea said the economic recession had put additional pressure on individuals

and this was leading to increased demand for mental health services.

" At the same time the very difficult situation regarding the public finances

makes it difficult to secure the resources necessary to achieve the changes and

improvements in mental services that are required, " he said.

There were 429 admissions of children to mental health centres in 2010, compared

to 371 a year earlier – a 16 per cent increase. There were also 155 admissions

of children to adult units.

Under a code drawn up by the commission, no child under 17 years should be

placed in adult facilities. From December 1st, 2011, this will be extended to

teenagers under 18 years.

The commission said new child mental health units had come on stream in 2010,

which had resulted in a 24 per cent fall in admissions to adult units in that

year, despite the increase in overall admissions to mental health units.

The report said the practice of admitting children with social problems to

psychiatric beds was " prevalent " .

There were 14 involuntary admissions of children to approved centres in 2010,

which was a slight increase on the 10 children admitted in 2009.

The commission, which acts as a regulator in the mental health sector, said the

number of involuntary admissions to mental health facilities fell to 1,952 last

year, down from 2,024 in 2009.

The highest rate of involuntary admission is in the grouping with schizophrenia

and delusional disorders.

Last year 162 people died at mental health centres, down from 172 reported in

2009. Some 14 per cent of the deaths were sudden and unexplained.

The commission welcomed Government commitments to ring-fence €35 million for the

development of community mental health teams and end the practice of placing

children and adolescents in adult wards.

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