Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Have they checked to determine if the metal accumulation is occuring because of the viral immune issues? Or that the viral and metal immune issues are not occuring because of the primary dysfunction? The studies being done all seem to be in an effort to prove the connection based on an already believed hypothesis. A very important point to make: there are published documented case studies of children (at least two in the literature) developing sudden onset of full-blown autism at the age of 12 after a bout of viral-encephalitis. The proposed connection to mercury and vaccines is not a sudden onset like this. And don't forget about PANDAS - another sudden onset of acute psych-type diagnosis (and Tourette's as well) with some types of symptoms similarly related to autism - as a result of infection and abberant immune response, with findings of very elevated ASO - and other immune issues. Not to mention the strong family histories of autoimmunity associated with autism - and not just maternal, but fraternal as well. Mercury didn't cross over from the father to build up in the fetus, but his genes with the autoimmunity susceptibility did. And what if mom had mercury buildup in her system? Again, immune dysfunction and chronic infections disable pathways that are involved in eliminating metals. So if metals are accumulated, no surprise if they want to blame that as the cause rather than effect of the dysfunction, but I can guarantee that there would be little prior documentation to determine if the person 'full of metals' had a pre-existing immune dysfunction or chronic infection or autoimmunity prior to the 'study'. ** They have, however, been able to go back to stored umbilical cord blood and find abnormal balances of immune cells in children w/autism. Maternal antibodies abound in mothers of autistic children, but they have not been able to show that all mothers of autistic children had a mercury burden that was passed on to their child. The genes and risk factors were, though. I would have to look back at the studies on how mercury affects the immune system and how they were done. But there is a great deal of research showing how the immune system is corrupted by microbial pathogens, and this matches the immune findings in . Could anyone post info on the genetic studies of the glutathione gene? I would be curious to read more regarding this. First, it's only one part of the metal excretion pathway. Is this gene confirmed absent? Or is the gene disabled? Viral infections are capable of disabling a lot of genes, which is why I'm curious to read about it. Were these findings published in reputable journals on genetics? We know that eosiniphils in food reactions have an effect on the brain - it was mistaken before (by the same believers in mercury) as an opiod problem, but the real research points to the immune system. I've heard it said that " mercury damaged the bowel " and so the food was able to cross over. But eosiniphilic food reactions occur even without 'mercury-damaged' guts, and occur in a great deal of other autoimmune disorders like Type I Diabetes (not related to mercury), MS, asthma, eczema, etc. But the immune system can sure damage a bowel, as anyone with celiac, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's could tell you. It's amazing the inflammatory reaction that can happen in a gut trying to fight off yeast or having food reactions. Yeast overgrowths so common in these children - and they were likely common way before any " mercury buildup from vaccines " hypothetically occured (so then blame momma's body for being full - I know), but immune dysfunction (not to mention even the impact on the body's ability to fight other illness since Candida blocks Interleukin-12 - another chronic infection that can tweak the immune system to avoid it) is far more likely responsible. The abnormal inflammatory immune response to candida is more connected to and autoimmunity than it can ever be found connected to mercury. Because it's not just some subtle immune deficiency responsible for candida overgrowths. You have to have a reason for them... and viral infection and stressed immune system is a huge one. Mercury doesn't cause iron depletion, but chronic immune activation does, and tons of these kids are anemic but not many people are checking. If someone wants to try to prove that mercury is causing all of this, there sure are a lot of ways to try since acute mercury poisoning and acute viral infections can have a lot of similar presentations. But there is so much more overwhelming data pointing towards the immune dysfunction that when it is all compared, the mercury view is very very narrow-minded. When it is pointed out that the MMR is the biggest trigger, they say " Well all the buildup of mercury prior to that one caused it " . That is not nearly as logical as the immune reactions to all the previous vaccines were dysfunctional (they have similar immune reactions to vaccines just like the disease but on a much smaller scale - few would survive all those infections in early childhood), and the child, for example already genetically predispositioned or harboring an active HHV6 virus from mom whose immune system also isn't recognizing it and allowing it to pass thru to the child has a stressed immune system (either from antibiotics, chronic ear infections, allergies, dairy intolerance, yeast, etc) ... so they already have a shifted immune system - and we give this live virus vaccine and the system goes into overdrive... For instance, a strong shift of immunity could cause a negative delayed hypersensitivity skin test - in which a live virus vaccine was contra-indicated. Also, a negative DHT can explain why yeast overgrowths are present, or chronic infections, etc. The vaccination theory and mercury hypothesis is never going to stand in the mainstream medical community. The fight to prove it is only going to meet deaf ears. To prevent possible vaccine related exacerbations on an illness that could occur anyway if the stressors stack up right, it is going to be identifying those children who would respond negatively to a vaccine because their immune systems are already in a stressed state, either due to prenatal factors, delivery factors (maternal antibiotics setting the stage for yeast issues in a baby that could be resolved with probiotics), colic (which I'd bet is an inflammatory tummy ache from something like a vigorous immune reaction to yeast or horrible headache from neuro-inflammation). Just about every mom I've talked to saw their child get over colic immediately when they were told to give probiotics. (BTW - Vulvadynia -not sure of spelling - is an example of a disorder where the membranes can have such a strong reaction to Candida that it causes inflammation and pain and some women benefit from long-term antifungals.) Sorry to just go on and on - I'm actually trying to be concise and I just can't seem to shut up. I sound like I'm defending vaccines, and I won't even finish my youngest son's. I know my sons had horrible reactions to vaccines - they both dumped mucous from their intestines after DTP, and my oldest did immediately have a significant regression after his MMR (which little brother hasn't and won't receive until an epidemic officially breaks out), but it was the flu that truly pushed my son over the edge. But in my own childhood, I only had one vaccination at 5 yrs old, and most of my problems were present before then, and continued to progress without vaccinations, and I was just as 'sick' as my oldest son is at this stage and worse off than my youngest. I believe my kids would still have suffered these problems, just that they suffered more stress due to their vaccines, but not because of them. I don't mean for my debate to be offensive to anyone, because I also believed in the mercury connection prior to learning about , and I was just as angry about it as any parent who has ever considered the possibility that vaccines that were forced on us damaged our kids. After understanding , it has become clear that it is far more complicated than that. On a very positive note, it is also something that has a much better chance to be resolved than if it were truly related to this substance that is polluting every part of our world and widespread throughout our environment. But I do believe that our industrialized food supply, farming, animal raising and food preparation factors are even more significant issues facing our health than pollution, and that reform on that level could benefit our kids so much. The changes in our food industry has been going on several generations now, and the longer it goes this way the sicker we all get and the more allergies increase, etc. If we have healthier bodies from healthier food (and I'm not talking about 'organic' but more about our animals and failure to rotate crops), our bodies can endure the pollution much better. We're so focused on what pollution does that we ignore our biggest controllable health crisis aside from all the faults with our medical system. And we hardly hear anything about it. I'll get off my soapbox now... sorry about that guys. And I honestly hope I don't offend anyone but rather simply open up possibilites and further increase interest in looking beyond one factor and seeing a much bigger picture that is more understandable, and perhaps for some, less anger-inducing than a wide-spread money-based medically careless conspiracy, which I certainly don't need - not that they are NOT looking closely enough at the crisis and properly researching the impact of vaccines on our kids' newly developing immune systems. Whew. The end. Sorry again. Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...> wrote: > Not , but the reason that both an > accumulation of metals and viral/immune issues could > cause autistic behaviours is that metal > accumulation, particularly mercury, results in > viral/immune issues. > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 need to apologise for writing this down.. I appreciate it and am sure many others do to. thank you for doing so, best wishes > > > Not , but the reason that both an > > accumulation of metals and viral/immune issues could > > cause autistic behaviours is that metal > > accumulation, particularly mercury, results in > > viral/immune issues. > > > > __________________________________________________ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 , I was putting off the last DTP and Polio for my son....afraid of sending the immune system off. Finally did it in February, because the schoool nurse kept eyeing me when I was at school. Did the 2 shots and NOT ONE SIGN or symptom of any reaction. Helped me really believe his immune system is inching closer to normal. (Did NOT do the 2nd MMR.) > > > Not , but the reason that both an > > accumulation of metals and viral/immune issues could > > cause autistic behaviours is that metal > > accumulation, particularly mercury, results in > > viral/immune issues. > > > > __________________________________________________ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 That's awesome. Dr G has promised in the past that my son wouldn't react like that again when he approved getting the rest of his vaccines (after age 2 and a long time on the protocol). I would bet that the reason my son reacted so badly would partly be due to the yeast overgrowth he had since birth, and lactose intolerance, and probably food sensitivities from something in my breastmilk as well (although by then I was eating very few things afraid of setting his tummy off, and all the while it was probably lactose intolerance.) But after the countless hours of horrible screaming and agony that child went thru, I literally start throwing up on the way to the doctor's office if I had sheduled a vaccine, which is the biggest reason I haven't done them. The panic attack just won't let me. --- meljackmom <meljackmom@...> wrote: > , > I was putting off the last DTP and Polio for my > son....afraid of > sending the immune system off. Finally did it in > February, because > the schoool nurse kept eyeing me when I was at > school. Did the 2 > shots and NOT ONE SIGN or symptom of any reaction. > Helped me really > believe his immune system is inching closer to > normal. (Did NOT do > the 2nd MMR.) > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 27, 2006 Report Share Posted May 27, 2006 , I made it to the bottom of your post!!! Just wondering if you (or others) remember the movie Awakenings with Robin and DeNiro? Didn't those people all fall into their catatonic state after viral-encephalitis? Remember the scene where the doctor reviews all of their medical records to find a common link? - <thecolemans4@...> wrote: Have they checked to determine if the metal accumulation is occuring because of the viral immune issues? Or that the viral and metal immune issues are not occuring because of the primary dysfunction? The studies being done all seem to be in an effort to prove the connection based on an already believed hypothesis. A very important point to make: there are published documented case studies of children (at least two in the literature) developing sudden onset of full-blown autism at the age of 12 after a bout of viral-encephalitis. The proposed connection to mercury and vaccines is not a sudden onset like this. And don't forget about PANDAS - another sudden onset of acute psych-type diagnosis (and Tourette's as well) with some types of symptoms similarly related to autism - as a result of infection and abberant immune response, with findings of very elevated ASO - and other immune issues. Not to mention the strong family histories of autoimmunity associated with autism - and not just maternal, but fraternal as well. Mercury didn't cross over from the father to build up in the fetus, but his genes with the autoimmunity susceptibility did. And what if mom had mercury buildup in her system? Again, immune dysfunction and chronic infections disable pathways that are involved in eliminating metals. So if metals are accumulated, no surprise if they want to blame that as the cause rather than effect of the dysfunction, but I can guarantee that there would be little prior documentation to determine if the person 'full of metals' had a pre-existing immune dysfunction or chronic infection or autoimmunity prior to the 'study'. ** They have, however, been able to go back to stored umbilical cord blood and find abnormal balances of immune cells in children w/autism. Maternal antibodies abound in mothers of autistic children, but they have not been able to show that all mothers of autistic children had a mercury burden that was passed on to their child. The genes and risk factors were, though. I would have to look back at the studies on how mercury affects the immune system and how they were done. But there is a great deal of research showing how the immune system is corrupted by microbial pathogens, and this matches the immune findings in . Could anyone post info on the genetic studies of the glutathione gene? I would be curious to read more regarding this. First, it's only one part of the metal excretion pathway. Is this gene confirmed absent? Or is the gene disabled? Viral infections are capable of disabling a lot of genes, which is why I'm curious to read about it. Were these findings published in reputable journals on genetics? We know that eosiniphils in food reactions have an effect on the brain - it was mistaken before (by the same believers in mercury) as an opiod problem, but the real research points to the immune system. I've heard it said that " mercury damaged the bowel " and so the food was able to cross over. But eosiniphilic food reactions occur even without 'mercury-damaged' guts, and occur in a great deal of other autoimmune disorders like Type I Diabetes (not related to mercury), MS, asthma, eczema, etc. But the immune system can sure damage a bowel, as anyone with celiac, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's could tell you. It's amazing the inflammatory reaction that can happen in a gut trying to fight off yeast or having food reactions. Yeast overgrowths so common in these children - and they were likely common way before any " mercury buildup from vaccines " hypothetically occured (so then blame momma's body for being full - I know), but immune dysfunction (not to mention even the impact on the body's ability to fight other illness since Candida blocks Interleukin-12 - another chronic infection that can tweak the immune system to avoid it) is far more likely responsible. The abnormal inflammatory immune response to candida is more connected to and autoimmunity than it can ever be found connected to mercury. Because it's not just some subtle immune deficiency responsible for candida overgrowths. You have to have a reason for them... and viral infection and stressed immune system is a huge one. Mercury doesn't cause iron depletion, but chronic immune activation does, and tons of these kids are anemic but not many people are checking. If someone wants to try to prove that mercury is causing all of this, there sure are a lot of ways to try since acute mercury poisoning and acute viral infections can have a lot of similar presentations. But there is so much more overwhelming data pointing towards the immune dysfunction that when it is all compared, the mercury view is very very narrow-minded. When it is pointed out that the MMR is the biggest trigger, they say " Well all the buildup of mercury prior to that one caused it " . That is not nearly as logical as the immune reactions to all the previous vaccines were dysfunctional (they have similar immune reactions to vaccines just like the disease but on a much smaller scale - few would survive all those infections in early childhood), and the child, for example already genetically predispositioned or harboring an active HHV6 virus from mom whose immune system also isn't recognizing it and allowing it to pass thru to the child has a stressed immune system (either from antibiotics, chronic ear infections, allergies, dairy intolerance, yeast, etc) ... so they already have a shifted immune system - and we give this live virus vaccine and the system goes into overdrive... For instance, a strong shift of immunity could cause a negative delayed hypersensitivity skin test - in which a live virus vaccine was contra-indicated. Also, a negative DHT can explain why yeast overgrowths are present, or chronic infections, etc. The vaccination theory and mercury hypothesis is never going to stand in the mainstream medical community. The fight to prove it is only going to meet deaf ears. To prevent possible vaccine related exacerbations on an illness that could occur anyway if the stressors stack up right, it is going to be identifying those children who would respond negatively to a vaccine because their immune systems are already in a stressed state, either due to prenatal factors, delivery factors (maternal antibiotics setting the stage for yeast issues in a baby that could be resolved with probiotics), colic (which I'd bet is an inflammatory tummy ache from something like a vigorous immune reaction to yeast or horrible headache from neuro-inflammation). Just about every mom I've talked to saw their child get over colic immediately when they were told to give probiotics. (BTW - Vulvadynia -not sure of spelling - is an example of a disorder where the membranes can have such a strong reaction to Candida that it causes inflammation and pain and some women benefit from long-term antifungals.) Sorry to just go on and on - I'm actually trying to be concise and I just can't seem to shut up. I sound like I'm defending vaccines, and I won't even finish my youngest son's. I know my sons had horrible reactions to vaccines - they both dumped mucous from their intestines after DTP, and my oldest did immediately have a significant regression after his MMR (which little brother hasn't and won't receive until an epidemic officially breaks out), but it was the flu that truly pushed my son over the edge. But in my own childhood, I only had one vaccination at 5 yrs old, and most of my problems were present before then, and continued to progress without vaccinations, and I was just as 'sick' as my oldest son is at this stage and worse off than my youngest. I believe my kids would still have suffered these problems, just that they suffered more stress due to their vaccines, but not because of them. I don't mean for my debate to be offensive to anyone, because I also believed in the mercury connection prior to learning about , and I was just as angry about it as any parent who has ever considered the possibility that vaccines that were forced on us damaged our kids. After understanding , it has become clear that it is far more complicated than that. On a very positive note, it is also something that has a much better chance to be resolved than if it were truly related to this substance that is polluting every part of our world and widespread throughout our environment. But I do believe that our industrialized food supply, farming, animal raising and food preparation factors are even more significant issues facing our health than pollution, and that reform on that level could benefit our kids so much. The changes in our food industry has been going on several generations now, and the longer it goes this way the sicker we all get and the more allergies increase, etc. If we have healthier bodies from healthier food (and I'm not talking about 'organic' but more about our animals and failure to rotate crops), our bodies can endure the pollution much better. We're so focused on what pollution does that we ignore our biggest controllable health crisis aside from all the faults with our medical system. And we hardly hear anything about it. I'll get off my soapbox now... sorry about that guys. And I honestly hope I don't offend anyone but rather simply open up possibilites and further increase interest in looking beyond one factor and seeing a much bigger picture that is more understandable, and perhaps for some, less anger-inducing than a wide-spread money-based medically careless conspiracy, which I certainly don't need - not that they are NOT looking closely enough at the crisis and properly researching the impact of vaccines on our kids' newly developing immune systems. Whew. The end. Sorry again. Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...> wrote: > Not , but the reason that both an > accumulation of metals and viral/immune issues could > cause autistic behaviours is that metal > accumulation, particularly mercury, results in > viral/immune issues. > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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