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Re: Changed to therapy and metal excretion (susan) name of book?

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What is the name of the book on food combining...I would love to read it!



Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...> wrote:

(and April),

I was on Acyclovir, and I don't remember how long or why I feel that I did

terribly. Let me explain that... During the high point of my CFS days, I

remember very little. It is all a big fog! What I took away from my many CFS

treatments is this -- after tens of thousands of dollars worth of allopathic and

alternative treatments someone sold me a $4.95 book on food combining. I cut

wheat, dairy and sugar out of my diet and used the food combining techniques in

the book and regained aproximately 70% of my health ( & cognitive abilities)

back. I decided to take my 70% and run as far away as I could from doctors of

every kind and stayed away for many years! Doctors are more knowledgable now

and I am very good at separating out the talented ones, so I am not so fearful


As far as your explaination about immune deficiency vs. disregulation. How

does Dr. G decide which it is for the individual child or does he not think any

ASD kids are immune deficient?

Just curious -- what would a debate between Dr. Sudhir Gupta and Dr. G look

like? And is Dr. G only against IVIG because of the possibility of tainted

plasma or is he opposed to IVIG because deciding to use it does not completely

mesh with his theory of the basis of autism? I am confused about this, because

I believe I read that one of the IVIG proponants (Gupta or Singh-sp?) is a

member of , which does not make sense to me.


<thecolemans4@...> wrote:

I mixed in with the text below:

--- Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...>


> I did terrible on anti-virals myself, so I am not

> sure that my son would do well on .

**** Which antiviral? How long were you on them?

What type of problems? If Valtrex, did you wash off

the blue dye?

We will

> decide what to do soon. Does Dr. G consider ASD

> kids to be primary immunodeficient or secondary or

> does he even use those terms?

*** There are the occasional children with

immunodeficiencies - however, they are referred to be

treated as such by standard medicine, and are not

necessarily a hallmark of . Occasionally there

will be abnormalities in the levels of immunoglobulins

like IgG, IgM, IgE, and they can indicate a problem

with infections or immune response to them (in fact,

IgM is another of the major markers for chronic viral

infections, although lack of significant levels does

not rule it out) - sometimes low IgG can get IMGG

(intramuscular immunoglobulins instead of IVIG which

of course if intravenous). Immunoglobulins are

occasionally checked to see how the protocol is going.

Treatment can often bring about major improvements.

But anyway, it is basically more often a dysfunction

than an immunodeficiency. It primarily centers around

cytokines and which cells are being expressed.

Cytokines appear to be at the heart of the disorder,

and it is the percentages/ratios of the types of cells

expressing those cytokines that seem to be the most

significant marker - something very few doctors know

much about yet and even fewer are able to interpret.

How does he deal with

> virus that become resistant to the anti-viral

> medications? Also does he advise immunity boosters

> like whey? What does he do to promote immunity

> while he is giving medication to disable the

> viruses?


> -


> <thecolemans4@...> wrote:

> Was that a Steiner listening therapy? I think

> I've

> heard of that.


> The immune system can be strongly affected by

> emotions. While I was really ticked off at an

> infectious disease doctor who told me I just needed

> to

> " think healthy " , I decided it certainly doesn't hurt

> and would be a nice relief for a change, and

> literally

> meditated on it and focused very hard on it. I had

> been running a low grade temp at 100 for well over a

> year. The fever ended within a few days.

> Again, I asked Dr G about this, and he said " Thought

> processes are very important, but it is nowhere near

> that simple " .


> But don't forget to bring joy into your lives and

> your

> children's lives. Don't forget to play and provide

> positive experiences even though your kids are sick.


> It certainly has an effect on my 5 yr old too.


> There is an overlap of symptoms between acute metal

> poisoning and acute viral infection, although they

> would be very separate diagnosis. I wonder if that

> has been misconstrued by some as being linked?

> The

> overlap of symptoms could be explained by the

> neurological reaction to both and not necessarily

> going hand in hand, although we do know that when

> the

> immune system is fighting a virus, pathways that

> eliminate metals are disabled. However, they are

> supposed to be re-enabled when the infection is

> past.

> What about all the other minerals that are being

> removed, though, by chelation, as well as how common

> pretty severe GI infections that occur during

> therapy,

> requiring constant monitoring? Our goal is to

> reduce

> the infectious burdon on our kids until the immune

> system can pick up and do the job, and it seems very

> scarey to be adding yeast and otherwise seriously

> disrupting the mineral balance and GI tract by this.


> I've always read that with chelation, this and that

> and this has to be monitored very carefully... I

> wouldn't want that risk personally.


> --- Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...>

> wrote:


> > Here's an interesting concept. Dr. Klinghardt MD,

> > PhD has done emotional work (as a piece of the

> > puzzle) with very ill people that he has found to

> > have heavy metal accumulation. He has done before

> > and after urine tests on patients that undergo a

> > very cathartic type of psychotherapy that is used

> in

> > Europe, but pretty uncommon here in the USA (he is

> > German, but practices in the USA). After the

> 2-day

> > therapy, the patients dumped mercury and other

> heavy

> > metals in their urine. They were not using any

> type

> > of chelation. He explains (in ways that I cannot)

> > how metal and viruses are bound together, but a

> > person's emotional state cannot be ignored either.


> > I don't think he has done this before/after test

> > with viral treatment per say, because he is big on

> > " what ever you do, do not stop your child's

> mercury

> > detox until they are cured (for ASD kids). "

> >

> > -

> >


> __________________________________________________


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The original one I read was the Fit For Life book by the Diamonds, but I have

since come across better ones. Because the titles were not so catchy I cannot

recall them -- I tend to give books away rather than lend them. You might like

book The Body Ecology Diet which incorporates food combining with several other

principals (Weston A. Price concepts, macrobiotics, blood-typing). I think food

combining is very helpful in healing a stresed system, but not necessary once

health returns.


catherine quinn <quinn.cat1968@...> wrote:


What is the name of the book on food combining...I would love to read it!



Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...> wrote:

(and April),

I was on Acyclovir, and I don't remember how long or why I feel that I did

terribly. Let me explain that... During the high point of my CFS days, I

remember very little. It is all a big fog! What I took away from my many CFS

treatments is this -- after tens of thousands of dollars worth of allopathic and

alternative treatments someone sold me a $4.95 book on food combining. I cut

wheat, dairy and sugar out of my diet and used the food combining techniques in

the book and regained aproximately 70% of my health ( & cognitive abilities)

back. I decided to take my 70% and run as far away as I could from doctors of

every kind and stayed away for many years! Doctors are more knowledgable now

and I am very good at separating out the talented ones, so I am not so fearful


As far as your explaination about immune deficiency vs. disregulation. How

does Dr. G decide which it is for the individual child or does he not think any

ASD kids are immune deficient?

Just curious -- what would a debate between Dr. Sudhir Gupta and Dr. G look

like? And is Dr. G only against IVIG because of the possibility of tainted

plasma or is he opposed to IVIG because deciding to use it does not completely

mesh with his theory of the basis of autism? I am confused about this, because

I believe I read that one of the IVIG proponants (Gupta or Singh-sp?) is a

member of , which does not make sense to me.


<thecolemans4@...> wrote:

I mixed in with the text below:

--- Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...>


> I did terrible on anti-virals myself, so I am not

> sure that my son would do well on .

**** Which antiviral? How long were you on them?

What type of problems? If Valtrex, did you wash off

the blue dye?

We will

> decide what to do soon. Does Dr. G consider ASD

> kids to be primary immunodeficient or secondary or

> does he even use those terms?

*** There are the occasional children with

immunodeficiencies - however, they are referred to be

treated as such by standard medicine, and are not

necessarily a hallmark of . Occasionally there

will be abnormalities in the levels of immunoglobulins

like IgG, IgM, IgE, and they can indicate a problem

with infections or immune response to them (in fact,

IgM is another of the major markers for chronic viral

infections, although lack of significant levels does

not rule it out) - sometimes low IgG can get IMGG

(intramuscular immunoglobulins instead of IVIG which

of course if intravenous). Immunoglobulins are

occasionally checked to see how the protocol is going.

Treatment can often bring about major improvements.

But anyway, it is basically more often a dysfunction

than an immunodeficiency. It primarily centers around

cytokines and which cells are being expressed.

Cytokines appear to be at the heart of the disorder,

and it is the percentages/ratios of the types of cells

expressing those cytokines that seem to be the most

significant marker - something very few doctors know

much about yet and even fewer are able to interpret.

How does he deal with

> virus that become resistant to the anti-viral

> medications? Also does he advise immunity boosters

> like whey? What does he do to promote immunity

> while he is giving medication to disable the

> viruses?


> -


> <thecolemans4@...> wrote:

> Was that a Steiner listening therapy? I think

> I've

> heard of that.


> The immune system can be strongly affected by

> emotions. While I was really ticked off at an

> infectious disease doctor who told me I just needed

> to

> " think healthy " , I decided it certainly doesn't hurt

> and would be a nice relief for a change, and

> literally

> meditated on it and focused very hard on it. I had

> been running a low grade temp at 100 for well over a

> year. The fever ended within a few days.

> Again, I asked Dr G about this, and he said " Thought

> processes are very important, but it is nowhere near

> that simple " .


> But don't forget to bring joy into your lives and

> your

> children's lives. Don't forget to play and provide

> positive experiences even though your kids are sick.


> It certainly has an effect on my 5 yr old too.


> There is an overlap of symptoms between acute metal

> poisoning and acute viral infection, although they

> would be very separate diagnosis. I wonder if that

> has been misconstrued by some as being linked?

> The

> overlap of symptoms could be explained by the

> neurological reaction to both and not necessarily

> going hand in hand, although we do know that when

> the

> immune system is fighting a virus, pathways that

> eliminate metals are disabled. However, they are

> supposed to be re-enabled when the infection is

> past.

> What about all the other minerals that are being

> removed, though, by chelation, as well as how common

> pretty severe GI infections that occur during

> therapy,

> requiring constant monitoring? Our goal is to

> reduce

> the infectious burdon on our kids until the immune

> system can pick up and do the job, and it seems very

> scarey to be adding yeast and otherwise seriously

> disrupting the mineral balance and GI tract by this.


> I've always read that with chelation, this and that

> and this has to be monitored very carefully... I

> wouldn't want that risk personally.


> --- Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...>

> wrote:


> > Here's an interesting concept. Dr. Klinghardt MD,

> > PhD has done emotional work (as a piece of the

> > puzzle) with very ill people that he has found to

> > have heavy metal accumulation. He has done before

> > and after urine tests on patients that undergo a

> > very cathartic type of psychotherapy that is used

> in

> > Europe, but pretty uncommon here in the USA (he is

> > German, but practices in the USA). After the

> 2-day

> > therapy, the patients dumped mercury and other

> heavy

> > metals in their urine. They were not using any

> type

> > of chelation. He explains (in ways that I cannot)

> > how metal and viruses are bound together, but a

> > person's emotional state cannot be ignored either.


> > I don't think he has done this before/after test

> > with viral treatment per say, because he is big on

> > " what ever you do, do not stop your child's

> mercury

> > detox until they are cured (for ASD kids). "

> >

> > -

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Hi -

I think Weston Price is a genius and well before his

time. He is one of my all-time heros. It is

excellent reading.

(However, he oposes macrobiotics, blood typing, and

food combining, stating that no pre-industrial healthy

civilization ever used these techniques in their diets

- I'm curious how they can combine those principles...


--- Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...>


You might like book The Body

> Ecology Diet which incorporates food combining with

> several other principals (Weston A. Price concepts,

> macrobiotics, blood-typing). I think food combining

> is very helpful in healing a stresed system, but not

> necessary once health returns.


> -


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