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Re: Emailing: Prozac

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I have to respond to this.

Our kids are NOT being placed on SSRIs for for psychiatric reasons.

They are placed on SSRIs, at far lower doses that typical, in order to

aid in activation of regions of the brain that display hypoperfusion.

People placed on SSRIs for psychiatric problems are already dealing with

issues. Why is it so surprising that some of them, with our without the

help of the chemist, would go " postal " ?

FOR EXAMPLE: My son was started on Prozac, at the dose of ONE MILLIGRAM

per day. The pharmacist looked at us like we were crazy and told us

that a dose that small would be meaningless. NONETHELESS: My son

started chattering away non stop, mastered several speech sounds that

our speech therapist had been trying to help with for months, and lost

pronoun reversal. All within 3 weeks of starting on ONE MILLIGRAM of


As an aside I'd like to point out the obvious. The site you refer to is

in the business of selling something. And bashing SSRIs is trendy (just

take Tom Cruise as an example), so they are going to make hay while the

sun shines, so to speak.


Cochran wrote:

> This is only one of many many I found.



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both of my kids are on prozac....17.5mg daily. The alternative is adderall,

which did not work...instead turned my oldest into a zombie. While on adderall

he became suicidal in thoughts. No doubt about it, everyone's chemical makeup is

different. This is why one drug maybe great for one person, but horrible for

another. That is why they need to be used under a physician's care.

, if you have a child with autism, no doubt you are looking at some

point at meds. Don't read into they hype from all of these internet reports.

Yes, definitely try a healthy lifestyle, but keep an open mind to what medicine

can provide to help your child. I myself had to take Paxil for 1yr after my

fathers death, and the stress of trying to raise 3 children (1 with CFS, 1 with

Autism), plus holding down a very stressful job. I was embarassed at first, but

then after taking the paxil, I asked myself, why did I let myself suffer all

those years?

Do your research, and find what works for your child



Cochran <Ladyshrink111@...> wrote:

This is only one of many many I found.

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:

Shortcut to: http://www.painstresscenter.com/mall/Prozac.html

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I didn't know that prozac is an alternative to adderall, how is this? I

thought prozac regulated serotonin and adderall dopamine. I have an ADD

step-son on adderall and it works pretty well, but he has some minor

side effects, like teeth grinding and irritability in the afternoons and

we would like to try something else. Just curious about the

relationship between these two meds, I don't really know why, I just

thought they were very different in what they addressed. Thanks for any


Re: Emailing: Prozac

both of my kids are on prozac....17.5mg daily. The alternative is

adderall, which did not work...instead turned my oldest into a zombie.

While on adderall he became suicidal in thoughts. No doubt about it,

everyone's chemical makeup is different. This is why one drug maybe

great for one person, but horrible for another. That is why they need to

be used under a physician's care.

, if you have a child with autism, no doubt you are looking at

some point at meds. Don't read into they hype from all of these internet

reports. Yes, definitely try a healthy lifestyle, but keep an open mind

to what medicine can provide to help your child. I myself had to take

Paxil for 1yr after my fathers death, and the stress of trying to raise

3 children (1 with CFS, 1 with Autism), plus holding down a very

stressful job. I was embarassed at first, but then after taking the

paxil, I asked myself, why did I let myself suffer all those years?

Do your research, and find what works for your child



Cochran <Ladyshrink111@...> wrote:

This is only one of many many I found.

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link


Shortcut to: http://www.painstresscenter.com/mall/Prozac.html

Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent

sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your

e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

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