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Al-Qaeda warns US of new jihad after bin Laden death

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Al-Qaeda warns US of new jihad after bin Laden death

By Aamir Qureshi | AFP News – 1 hour 46 minutes ago

Al-Qaeda's supremo in Yemen -- Osama bin Laden's ancestral homeland -- has

warned Americans of a bloodier jihadist struggle to come following the terror

mastermind's killing by US commandos. The warning from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian

Peninsula came as top US Senator Kerry announced a trip to mend fences with

a resentful Pakistan, where bin Laden was gunned down, but also to seek answers

on how he came to be there. AQAP leader Nasir al-Wahishi said in a statement

posted on an Islamist website that the " ember of jihad (holy war) is brighter "

following the May 2 death of bin Laden, according to the SITE monitoring group

Wednesday. The Yemen-based fugitive warned Americans not to fool themselves that

the " matter will be over " with the killing of bin Laden, the Saudi-born

architect of the September 11, 2001 attacks. " Do not think of the battle

superficially ... What is coming is greater and worse, and what is awaiting you

is more intense and harmful, " Wahishi said, according to a SITE translation. " We

promise Allah that we will remain firm in the covenant and that we will continue

the march, and that the death of the sheikh will only increase our persistence

to fight the Jews and the Americans in order to take revenge. " The United States

has warned of the threat posed by Islamist militancy in Yemen, the homeland of

bin Laden's father, and has warned of the potential for the country to become a

new staging ground for Al-Qaeda. The AQAP was born of a January 2009 merger

between the Saudi and Yemeni Al-Qaeda branches. It claimed a failed attempt to

bomb a Detroit-bound US airliner in December 2009, and was accused last October

of sending parcel bombs addressed to US synagogues that were disguised inside

computer printers. Four days after bin Laden was killed in the US raid on his

sprawling compound, about two hours' drive from the Pakistani capital Islamabad,

a US drone attack targeted US-Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi in southern Yemen.

The cleric, who Washington says has strong links to Al-Qaeda, survived the

attack but two AQAP members were killed. The discovery of bin Laden in the

Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad after a decade-long manhunt has plunged

testy relations between Islamabad and Washington deeper into trouble. Pakistan

is an uneasy ally in the US-led war against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda insurgency

in neighboring Afghanistan, and receives billions of dollars in US aid annually.

Senator Kerry said that when he traveled to Pakistan early next week, he hoped

to resolve some of the puzzles lingering since the Al-Qaeda leader was finally

unearthed and shot dead by elite US Navy SEALs. " There are some serious

questions, obviously, there are some serious issues that we've just got to find

a way to resolve together, " Kerry, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations

Committee, told reporters. But the Democratic ally of President Barack Obama

also stressed the need to discuss the aftermath of bin Laden's death " and how we

get on the right track " with Pakistan. There are mounting allegations that bin

Laden evaded capture for years thanks to the complicity or incompetence of

Pakistan's authorities including its vaunted intelligence agency. But Pakistan's

civilian government, while vowing a full investigation, has angrily dismissed

the allegations and its powerful military has warned of unspecified reprisals if

another unilateral US raid were to occur. The White House has called on

Islamabad to help counter the growing mistrust by granting US investigators

access to three of bin Laden's wives detained after the raid. Pakistan said it

had received no formal request for access to the women, as the sons of bin Laden

broke their silence Tuesday to denounce his " arbitrary killing " and burial at

sea, and to demand the relatives' release. But with some US lawmakers clamouring

for cuts in aid to Pakistan, another senator urged Islamabad to heed US

" concerns " about its efforts to combat extremism, and give American

interrogators access to the women. " I think it's important that we have a good

relationship with Pakistan, but not at any price, " Senate Armed Services

Committee chairman Carl Levin warned.

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This means nothing. They haven't given up on their old jihad anyway. They are just using the death of Bin Laden to fan the flames. People should just remember that just because they have successfully attacked the US again doesn't mean they aren't trying. Besides, to a large extent they are winning because of the vast amount of money we are spending to prevent another attack and the loss of our civil liberties such as the demeaning procedures at airports, cameras everywhere and increasing internet spying by the government mainly against its own citizens. We are doing far more harm to ourselves they AL Qaeda could hope to do.

In a message dated 5/11/2011 8:35:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

Al-Qaeda warns US of new jihad after bin Laden death

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Guest guest

This means nothing. They haven't given up on their old jihad anyway. They are just using the death of Bin Laden to fan the flames. People should just remember that just because they have successfully attacked the US again doesn't mean they aren't trying. Besides, to a large extent they are winning because of the vast amount of money we are spending to prevent another attack and the loss of our civil liberties such as the demeaning procedures at airports, cameras everywhere and increasing internet spying by the government mainly against its own citizens. We are doing far more harm to ourselves they AL Qaeda could hope to do.

In a message dated 5/11/2011 8:35:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, no_reply writes:

Al-Qaeda warns US of new jihad after bin Laden death

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