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Re-post of discussions why avoids many supplements

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Here's links to posts and a few abstracts. I've also

included info on

4yourhealth. (recall, etc.)





DMSA & DMSO increase mercury & cadmium inhibition of




From: " Elyse Goldberg " <elyse-g@...>

Date: Sat Aug 16, 2003 2:50 pm

Subject: FW: [healthfraud] 50% w/ hepatic failure

recent or active users of

dietary suppl. Arch Surg


Enzymes are frequent triggers of allergy


micronutrient status-inflammation/Vitamin A(includes



Too many vitamin pills can be bad for you: study


Yogurt bacteria supplements often duds, dangerous






Chemosphere. 2003 Jul;52(1):1-21. Related Articles,


Cyanobacterial toxins: a growing environmental


Haider S, Naithani V, Viswanathan PN, Kakkar P.

Ecotoxicology Section, Industrial Toxicology Research

Centre, P.O. Box-80,

M.G. Marg, -226001, Lucknow, India.

Unusual blooms of toxic cyanobacteria in water bodies

have drawn attention

of environmentalists world over. Major blooms of

Anabaena, Microcystis and

Nodularia in water storage reservoirs, rivers and

lakes leading to adverse

health effects have been reported from Australia,

England and many other

parts of the world. An overview of the morphology and

taxonomy of these

toxic blue-green algae; their possible sources of

contamination including

dietary supplements and their potential to cause

hepatotoxicity and

neurotoxicity is given in this review. A detailed

description of different

cyanotoxins, and their mode of action has also been

compiled. Reports of

acute and chronic exposure to these toxic algae and

their health effects on

unsuspecting population along with a critical

evaluation of efficacy of

water treatment procedures to control them is

presented here.

Publication Types:


Review, Tutorial

PMID: 12729683 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Toxicology. 2002 Jun 14;175(1-3):103-10. Related

Articles, Links

Lipoic acid increases glutathione production and

enhances the effect of

mercury in human cell lines.

Hultberg B, Andersson A, Isaksson A.

Department of Clinical Chemistry, Institute of

Laboratory Medicine,

University Hospital Lund, S-22185 Lund, Sweden.

Thiols are known to influence the metabolism of

glutathione. In a previous

study (Toxicology 156 (2001) 93) dithiothreitol (DTT)

did not show any

effect on intra- or extracellular glutathione

concentrations in HeLa cell

cultures but increased the effects of mercury ions on


concentrations, whereas monothiols such as

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or

glutathione did not. In the present study, we have

investigated the effects

of thiols as well as the interaction between thiols

and mercury ions in

cultures of both HeLa and hepatoma cells. Furthermore,

we have added

alpha-lipoic acid (LA) to the previously used test

panel of thiols, since it

is metabolised intracellularly to a dithiol

(dihydrolipoate). The present

study shows that LA increased intra- and extracellular

concentrations of

glutathione in both HeLa and hepatoma cell cultures.

In contrast to results

for HeLa cells, the presence of DTT increased the

intracellular glutathione

concentration in hepatoma cells. No increase of

glutathione concentrations

was observed in hepatoma cell cultures in the presence

of the monothiols

(NAC, homocysteine or glutathione) tested, in

agreement with previous

findings in HeLa cell cultures. The presence of

dithiols, either DTT or

dihydrolipoate (the metabolite of LA), increased the

effects of mercury ions

on glutathione concentrations in hepatoma cells,

whereas monothiols such as

NAC or glutathione did not, in agreement with previous

findings in HeLa

cells. Thus, metabolic effects of mercury ions were

observed in hepatoma

cells as well as in HeLa cells at a lower

concentration than the supposed

toxicity threshold for mercury in blood.

PMID: 12049840 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Various products supplied by Melaleuca of Australia

Pty Ltd - Ref. SR32677

Date: 19/05/2003

Supplier: Melaleuca of Australia Pty Ltd

Category: Medicines

Defect details: Due to serious concerns that as the

quality of these

medicines cannot be confirmed, neither can the safety

or effectivenss of

these medicines be assured.

Consumer action: If you have any of the products in

the attached list you

should stop using them and safely dispose of any

unused portions by

returning them to a pharmacy. Anyone who is concerned

in any way about the

use of these medicines or availability of alternative

products should

consult their healthcare professional. For further

information on this

recall please contact Melaleuca of Australia Pty Ltd

on (03) 9859 9100.

Product Level Recall: consumer

4 Your Health and Wellness - Products

.... These exceptional-quality, environmentally

friendly, biodegradable,


and cost-effective products are developed by

Melaleuca, Inc. ... Melaleuca,

Inc. ...

www.4yourhealthandwellness.com/products.html - 9k -

Cached - Similar pages

Product Market Coverage: National


Effective as of July 18, 2003 (the " Closing Date " ),

Dynamic Essentials (DE),

Inc. ( " DEI " ) is closing its business operations. No

additional products are

being sold and no additional distributors will be

accepted by DEI. All

Distributor Applications and Agreements are being

terminated. Commissions on

product sales made through the Closing Date will be

paid within thirty (30)




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Guest guest

Wow. , thank you for reposting these! It's always good to get

a reminder of the hard science behind the protocol. Sometimes

people ask me why Dr. Goldberg insists that I don't give my son this

or that suppliment, why we're not chelating, that so-and-so's child

had great results on it, etc., and then I find myself in questioning

if maybe I'm missing some important piece of the puzzle.

The one thing that makes me trust Dr. Goldberg, despite the sometimes

gruff persona, is his careful, judicious, and methodical approach, and

staunch reliance on peer-reviewed science when it comes to treating

this disease. And he never loses sight of the primary objective --

calming and healing a dysfunctional, overworked, misfiring immune

system. Any treatment that risks throwing the immune system into

" overdrive " , runs counter to the central objective, and is therefore





> Here's links to posts and a few abstracts. I've also

> included info on

> 4yourhealth. (recall, etc.)

> Cheryl




> /message/17663


> DMSA & DMSO increase mercury & cadmium inhibition of

> delta-aminolevulinate

> dehyd

> /message/18248


> From: " Elyse Goldberg " <elyse-g@...>

> Date: Sat Aug 16, 2003 2:50 pm

> Subject: FW: [healthfraud] 50% w/ hepatic failure

> recent or active users of

> dietary suppl. Arch Surg

> /message/17994


> Enzymes are frequent triggers of allergy

> /message/17565


> micronutrient status-inflammation/Vitamin A(includes

> toxicity)

> /message/17016


> Too many vitamin pills can be bad for you: study

> /message/16136


> Yogurt bacteria supplements often duds, dangerous

> /message/12491



> /message/10535




> Chemosphere. 2003 Jul;52(1):1-21. Related Articles,

> Links



> Cyanobacterial toxins: a growing environmental

> concern.


> Haider S, Naithani V, Viswanathan PN, Kakkar P.


> Ecotoxicology Section, Industrial Toxicology Research

> Centre, P.O. Box-80,

> M.G. Marg, -226001, Lucknow, India.


> Unusual blooms of toxic cyanobacteria in water bodies

> have drawn attention

> of environmentalists world over. Major blooms of

> Anabaena, Microcystis and

> Nodularia in water storage reservoirs, rivers and

> lakes leading to adverse

> health effects have been reported from Australia,

> England and many other

> parts of the world. An overview of the morphology and

> taxonomy of these

> toxic blue-green algae; their possible sources of

> contamination including

> dietary supplements and their potential to cause

> hepatotoxicity and

> neurotoxicity is given in this review. A detailed

> description of different

> cyanotoxins, and their mode of action has also been

> compiled. Reports of

> acute and chronic exposure to these toxic algae and

> their health effects on

> unsuspecting population along with a critical

> evaluation of efficacy of

> water treatment procedures to control them is

> presented here.


> Publication Types:

> Review

> Review, Tutorial


> PMID: 12729683 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


> Toxicology. 2002 Jun 14;175(1-3):103-10. Related

> Articles, Links



> Lipoic acid increases glutathione production and

> enhances the effect of

> mercury in human cell lines.


> Hultberg B, Andersson A, Isaksson A.


> Department of Clinical Chemistry, Institute of

> Laboratory Medicine,

> University Hospital Lund, S-22185 Lund, Sweden.


> Thiols are known to influence the metabolism of

> glutathione. In a previous

> study (Toxicology 156 (2001) 93) dithiothreitol (DTT)

> did not show any

> effect on intra- or extracellular glutathione

> concentrations in HeLa cell

> cultures but increased the effects of mercury ions on

> glutathione

> concentrations, whereas monothiols such as

> N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or

> glutathione did not. In the present study, we have

> investigated the effects

> of thiols as well as the interaction between thiols

> and mercury ions in

> cultures of both HeLa and hepatoma cells. Furthermore,

> we have added

> alpha-lipoic acid (LA) to the previously used test

> panel of thiols, since it

> is metabolised intracellularly to a dithiol

> (dihydrolipoate). The present

> study shows that LA increased intra- and extracellular

> concentrations of

> glutathione in both HeLa and hepatoma cell cultures.

> In contrast to results

> for HeLa cells, the presence of DTT increased the

> intracellular glutathione

> concentration in hepatoma cells. No increase of

> glutathione concentrations

> was observed in hepatoma cell cultures in the presence

> of the monothiols

> (NAC, homocysteine or glutathione) tested, in

> agreement with previous

> findings in HeLa cell cultures. The presence of

> dithiols, either DTT or

> dihydrolipoate (the metabolite of LA), increased the

> effects of mercury ions

> on glutathione concentrations in hepatoma cells,

> whereas monothiols such as

> NAC or glutathione did not, in agreement with previous

> findings in HeLa

> cells. Thus, metabolic effects of mercury ions were

> observed in hepatoma

> cells as well as in HeLa cells at a lower

> concentration than the supposed

> toxicity threshold for mercury in blood.


> PMID: 12049840 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]





> Various products supplied by Melaleuca of Australia

> Pty Ltd - Ref. SR32677

> Date: 19/05/2003


> Supplier: Melaleuca of Australia Pty Ltd


> Category: Medicines


> Defect details: Due to serious concerns that as the

> quality of these

> medicines cannot be confirmed, neither can the safety

> or effectivenss of

> these medicines be assured.


> Consumer action: If you have any of the products in

> the attached list you

> should stop using them and safely dispose of any

> unused portions by

> returning them to a pharmacy. Anyone who is concerned

> in any way about the

> use of these medicines or availability of alternative

> products should

> consult their healthcare professional. For further

> information on this

> recall please contact Melaleuca of Australia Pty Ltd

> on (03) 9859 9100.


> Product Level Recall: consumer


> 4 Your Health and Wellness - Products

> ... These exceptional-quality, environmentally

> friendly, biodegradable,

> phosphate-free

> and cost-effective products are developed by

> Melaleuca, Inc. ... Melaleuca,

> Inc. ...

> www.4yourhealthandwellness.com/products.html - 9k -

> Cached - Similar pages


> Product Market Coverage: National

> http://www.4yourhealth.deiteam.com/content.asp?page_id=1

> Effective as of July 18, 2003 (the " Closing Date " ),

> Dynamic Essentials (DE),

> Inc. ( " DEI " ) is closing its business operations. No

> additional products are

> being sold and no additional distributors will be

> accepted by DEI. All

> Distributor Applications and Agreements are being

> terminated. Commissions on

> product sales made through the Closing Date will be

> paid within thirty (30)

> days.


> _________________________________________________________________



> __________________________________________________


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