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Libyan unit defects as more Arab protests simmer

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Libyan unit " defects " as more Arab protests simmer

By Reuters bureau | Reuters – 30 minutes ago

TRIPOLI/MANAMA (Reuters) - Members of a Libyan army unit said they had defected

and " liberated " the country's second city from forces loyal to veteran leader

Muammar Gaddafi after scores of protesters were killed in the bloodiest revolt

now shaking the Arab world.

Two residents of Benghazi told Reuters on Sunday that members of the army's

" Thunderbolt " squad had switched sides after days of violence that mark the most

serious challenge to Gaddafi's 42-year rule. Al Jazeera reported clashes in the

capital between thousands of protesters and Gaddafi supporters.

Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt have shaken the Arab world and inspired

protests across the Middle East and North Africa, threatening the grip of

long-entrenched leaders.

In the Gulf kingdom of Bahrain, thousands of protesters gathered in a square in

Manama, calling for political change and awaiting promised talks with the

island's Sunni rulers.

But after days of violence, the mood among the mainly Shi'ite protesters

appeared to be more conciliatory.

Unrest also hit Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait, Algeria and Djibouti over

the weekend as people took to the streets demanding political and economic


In Iran, thousands of security personnel deployed in the streets of Tehran and

other cities to prevent protesters rallying in spite of a ban, opposition

websites said.

But the most dramatic developments were in Libya.

Al Jazeera, citing unnamed sources, said thousands of protesters clashed with

supporters of Gaddafi in Tripoli's Green Square.

In the port city of Benghazi, two residents said members of the army's

Thunderbolt squad had arrived at the local hospital with soldiers wounded in

clashes with Gaddafi's personal guard.

" They are now saying that they have overpowered the Praetorian Guard and that

they have joined the people's revolt, " lawyer Mohamed Al-Mana said by telephone.

It was not possible to independently verify the information.

Habib al-Obaidi, who heads the intensive care unit at Benghazi's Al-Jalae

hospital, said at least 50 people had been killed and 100 seriously wounded

since 1300 GMT on Sunday.

" Today has been a real tragedy ... since 3 p.m. (1300 GMT) and up to 9.15 pm, we

received 50 dead, mostly from bullet wounds, " he said. " There are 200 wounded,

100 of them are in very serious conditions. "

Human Rights Watch said 84 people were killed on Saturday and 20 overnight,

bringing the toll by Sunday morning to 173.

One witness had earlier said that many police and soldiers had joined


Another witness said security forces had opened fire on protesters demanding an

end to the 41-year rule of Gaddafi, who has responded to the biggest challenge

of his power with ruthless force.

Benghazi residents said tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of protesters had

taken to the streets to bury some of the dead.

The clamor for reform across a region of huge strategic importance to the West

and the source of much of its oil began in Tunisia in December. The overthrow of

President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali then inspired Egyptians to rise up against

strongman Hosni Mubarak, overthrowing him on February 11.

The tide has challenged Arab leaders, including many who have long been backed

by the West as vital energy suppliers and enemies of Islamist militants. While

each uprising has its own dynamics, from religion to tribalism, all protesters

seem united by frustration over economic hardship and a lack of political

freedom under entrenched elites.


The United States said it was " gravely concerned " by credible reports of

hundreds of deaths and injuries in Libya, and warned its citizens to delay

travel there.

" Libyan officials have stated their commitment to protecting and safeguarding

the right of peaceful protest, " said Philip Crowley, assistant secretary of

state, in a statement.

" We call upon the Libyan government to uphold that commitment, and hold

accountable any security officer who does not act in accordance with that

commitment. "

U.S. Embassy dependants were being encouraged to leave the country.

In Bahrain, the main opposition party said it wanted the crown prince to show

signs of addressing opposition demands before any formal dialogue could start.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the Bahraini government should step

up reform efforts rather than attacking peaceful protesters.

Crown Prince Sheikh Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa, of the ruling Sunni Muslim

dynasty, made conciliatory noises after days of violence in which six people


" All political parties in the country deserve a voice at the table, " he told

CNN. " I think there is a lot of anger, a lot of sadness...We are terribly sorry

and this is a terrible tragedy for our nation, " said the prince, who is seen as

a reformist.

But Ibrahim Mattar, a lawmaker of the main opposition Wefaq party, said that

they wanted the crown prince to show signs of addressing their demands before

any formal dialogue could start.

" We are waiting for an initiative from him, with a scope for dialogue, " he said,

adding that the prince should " send a small signal he is willing to have a

constitutional monarchy. "

The opposition is demanding a constitutional monarchy that gives citizens a

greater role in a directly elected government. It also wants the release of

political prisoners.

On the crown prince's orders, troops and armored vehicles left Manama's Pearl

Square on Saturday, which they had occupied after a police attack on protesters

who set up a tent city there. The demonstrators quickly reoccupied the square.

Speculation was growing that Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman

al-Khalifa, in office since independence from Britain in 1971, would be replaced

by the crown prince, who has pushed aside for now the hawks in the royal court.

Shi'ites complain of unfair treatment in Bahrain, an ally of the United States,

whose Fifth Fleet is based there.

In Tunisia on Sunday, security forces fired into the air as tens of thousands of

demonstrators gathered downtown to call for the replacement of the interim

government -- a sign that problems are not all swept away with the removal of a


In Yemen, the leader of the secessionist Southern Movement was arrested and

shots were fired at a demonstration in the capital Sanaa on the ninth

consecutive day of unrest.

Thousands are demanding the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who

called for dialogue with the opposition.

But the coalition of main opposition parties said there could be no dialogue

with " bullets and sticks and thuggery, " or with a government " which gathers

mercenaries to occupy public squares ... and terrorize people. "

At least 2,000 protesters gathered in a square in Morocco's capital on Sunday to

demand that King Mohammed give up some of his powers and clamp down on

government corruption.

(Reporting by Reuters bureau; Writing by Abdallah; editing by Mark


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Looks like Libya is on the verge of a civil war.


Libyan unit " defects " as more Arab protests simmer

By Reuters bureau | Reuters – 30 minutes ago

TRIPOLI/MANAMA (Reuters) - Members of a Libyan army unit said they had defected

and " liberated " the country's second city from forces loyal to veteran leader

Muammar Gaddafi after scores of protesters were killed in the bloodiest revolt

now shaking the Arab world.

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In the 1990's, a friend of mine was going into special operations in the US military. A question on the form they had to fill out asked if they would be willing to shoot American citizens if they were ordered to. He said the vast majority of them said no. Just remember that Obama wants to make a civilian corps that would be like the military but be answerable to him. Some budgeting for this has even appeared in some military budget documents.

Then there are all those people being trained by the private military companies in the US. Most end up working overseas, but that's quite a pool to draw from as well. Then there are foreigners who have also been trained by them.

In a message dated 2/20/2011 5:12:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Libyan unit "defects" as more Arab protests simmer

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