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Re: Speaking of troubles

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The police have been on our block twice this last month.

It is getting pretty bad in some places.


There was just a big fight or something up the street from here. Never used to

have problems like that. I don't know what happened yet, but it seemed like

someone was having a big party and a fight started. Really, really loud. I

called the police this time and I wasn't the only one to do so. They got here as

it was all breaking up though so I don't know what they accomplished other than

running the lingering few off because they didn't stay long. I told them on 911

that lots of cars were leaving and fast. Just while I was on the phone with them

at least 10 left.

Moving to Alabama is looking better all the time.

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The police were back again. They weren't gone 15 minutes before it was going full steam ahead again. This time three cars at least came. Maybe it will be broken up for good this time.

In a message dated 1/30/2011 2:05:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

he police have been on our block twice this last month. It is getting pretty bad in some places.Administrator

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The police were back again. They weren't gone 15 minutes before it was going full steam ahead again. This time three cars at least came. Maybe it will be broken up for good this time.

In a message dated 1/30/2011 2:05:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

he police have been on our block twice this last month. It is getting pretty bad in some places.Administrator

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Maybe there will be some arrests.


The police were back again. They weren't gone 15 minutes before it was going

full steam ahead again. This time three cars at least came. Maybe it will be

broken up for good this time.

> In a message dated 1/30/2011 2:05:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> no_reply writes:


> he police have been on our block twice this last month.


> It is getting pretty bad in some places.



> Administrator


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I don't know. I'll call one of the neighbors tomorrow and find out what they know. Some of them were right down there by this mess.

In a message dated 1/30/2011 2:26:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Maybe there will be some arrests.Administrator

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I don't know. I'll call one of the neighbors tomorrow and find out what they know. Some of them were right down there by this mess.

In a message dated 1/30/2011 2:26:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Maybe there will be some arrests.Administrator

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Maybe that is just a one time problem?? maybe wishful thinking on my part?Some years back, our neighbors had rented their basement suite to a teenage/young adult relative. While the owners were away, a party from across the street some how involved some of the young folks next door; and there were teens running everywhere, one was threatening others with a baseball bat;Many of us neighbors called the cops, who arrived, and were taking teens into custody, chasing others etc. This is the only probelm we knew of with that house, even though it changed hands many times, in the past 25+ years.A rather ill cared for house across the street was rented to a young woman who became involved with the single fellow next door, she moved in with him (after 15 years they are still together!) THEN, the house was rented to some young adults who had many

visitors coming and going all hours, I was wondering if it was a 'house of prostitution', other neighbors thought a drug house. Many of us phoned the owner, a middle aged realtor who seemed to have NO sense!! Eventually she evicted the tenants, got a decent? family in; Later the furnace exploded, and the house burnt. It was vacant BUT still standing and NOT properly secured, We call the new owner, the realtor's son! he did not care, Some of us called the cops who said they could do nothing unless we saw trespassers, so we called the city by-law dept who DID issue a warning; The owner tore the house down and built a new duplex which he sold to a middle aged couple and their parents. (The ex-owner who built the duplex is a building contractor and we were impressed at how diligent he was in the building, site management etc during construction)Another house up the street was sold, purchased by adults who gave it to their

young adult son, who lived out of town!! He rented it to some wild young folks who apparently trashed the house, enough of the neighbors called the owner so he evicted the tenants and (wisely) sold the house. Not every one is cut out to own rental property and manage tenants.In the 25 years we have lived here, many of the houses on our block (about 15 of 25 houses) have been sold at least once; some by older folks who have moved into an appartment or out of town, others by young folks who either move to a different house or to another town. There are 2 neighborhoods in our city which have a really rough reputation. In my job, when I hire a newspaper carrier, I warn the parents about the neighborhood if the carrier is a child. rl'My cat Rusty is a servant of the Living God....'adapted from a poem by

SmartSubject: Speaking of troublesTo: FAMSecretSociety Received: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 11:18 PM

There was just a big fight or something up the street from here. Never used to have problems like that. I don't know what happened yet, but it seemed like someone was having a big party and a fight started. Really, really loud. I called the police this time and I wasn't the only one to do so. They got here as it was all breaking up though so I don't know what they accomplished other than running the lingering few off because they didn't stay long. I told them on 911 that lots of cars were leaving and fast. Just while I was on the phone with them at least 10 left.

Moving to Alabama is looking better all the time.

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There are a number of houses in that area that are rentals now. Some are also small and have sold for low prices in this market. A lot of young males are living up there now and I'm not sure about adult presence. What I do know is that there has been an upswing in break ins and such. Not so much here though because there is a creek between us and then, though several roads do cross it. Its not deep in most places but must act as something of a barrier. I'd like to dig out from of the shallower areas, most of which were deeper until silt from an upstream building project choked them up, then build a low dam in the drain pipes down the way, just enough to cause the water to rise a foot or too. That would make a better barrier along one side.

Right behind my house that wouldn't work so well and there is a good crossing. At one time I wanted to put a fence all the way round down there, but its was too expensive give that part of the yard is "wild."

Still, if things get bad, it would be cheaper to move to my place in Alabama. The crew down there has opened up the place more than I like and would need to put a fence around the house. More preferably I would like to build a new one further back from the road of a more secure design and construction as well as being further back. Anyway, hopefully it won't come to that.

The problem is that in the US unlike Europe, the ghettos spread out rather than get more densely populated. This city has large ghettos and public housing plus Section 8 which puts people in houses they otherwise couldn't afford. This all causes property values to fall and houses on the market to not sell. This leads to more government intervention and the ghetto grows and the cycle repeats. To some this might sound racist, but it is true. This is why many US cities are in so much trouble: the middle class cleared out of cities because of the crime problems while the rich who stayed lived in gated communities.

Anyway, we'll just see what happens, though if I didn't have a stubborn parent to worry with, I'd have been in Alabama years ago. That's really kind of sad to say since many of the neighbors are pretty decent, even if we don't see much of each other. I know I complained bitterly in the past about them and that is still largely true. However, there are some who are decent enough to make this still a good neighborhood. Once they go, however, it will be time to leave.

Maybe that is just a one time problem?? maybe wishful thinking on my part?

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