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RE: Re: :-(

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Interesting that one of the moms whose son apparently was portrayed on the

show was NOT chelated and is considered recovered. They did lots of ABA

therapy and diet, and some supplements (she did not elaborate).


Re: Thanks Michele :-(

Actually Dr. is on the advisory board to our hospital that is

proposing , among other treatments, for autism.

If you want the story told, start finding a producer who is

interested in autism or medicine and approach it like you are a salesperson.

You form a relationship with them and you call on them regularly (I used to

do it for a living).


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I don't know how many of you know Stan. He is the only non-MD parent to be

invited to participate in a DAN think tank. He is not at all against chelation

& is just grateful that his kid was such an easy fix.

I don't understand the negativity of so many on this board. I am happy for

any child who gets to leave the land of autism, no matter how they find their



aaron2kristie <aaron2kristie@...> wrote:

And to add to this, the dad hosting the recovery gala has a son

who " recovered " not using chelation....rather anti virals and mb12

nasal spray among a few other things.



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In a message dated 6/6/2006 9:58:28 AM Central Standard Time,

donnaaron@... writes:

<<Chelation therapy may help some children regain some or all of their

cognitive functioning, but the potential for long-term damage to the immune


is the reason it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of

vital nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. >>

What evidence or research have you found that supports this belief?


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In a message dated 6/6/2006 12:27:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Googahly@... writes:

In a message dated 6/6/2006 9:58:28 AM Central Standard Time,

_donnaaron@sbcglobaldonn_ (mailto:donnaaron@...) writes:

<<Chelation therapy may help some children regain some or all of their

cognitive functioning, but the potential for long-term damage to the immune


is the reason it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of

vital nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. >>

What evidence or research have you found that supports this belief?


uhhm i don't know about others but i looked into chelation therapy and found

enough information on it to decide that it could not be utilized for mine

frail and fragile child, i google searched it and also searched what side

effects and strains it can possibly incur. i truly could not support it for mine

child with the strains it puts on the liver and my child has already a weakness

theres. but there was a lot more than just strains to the liver that i found

on just search engining it. also my child has a weird perticurlarity for

treatments being as natural and wholesome, can't tolerate synthetic anything,

like vitamins, it has to be nearly raw and single ingredient foods, also we've

been forced to go organic, and she won't eat any meats. because of her self

involved diet measures, we had to ensure everything be as non invasive as

possible, what i found was chelation could be invasive also it's synthetic, so


was a no go for herself, she does eat much raw garlic, (uhhhh.) and

cilantro, and is nearly a bunny rabbit carrot nibbling and lettuce groveling.


figure. it works for herself. don't much understand her eating habits but it's

very healthy, and she seems to 'know' what she needs.


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i'm new here. so i haven't tried much of these remedies. are they remedies?

we are autistic, developmental wise, just very weird, with different looking

brains, and genetic mutations to boot, not exactly x-men though, mostly a

tribe of brilliant dyslexics, adhder's, and autistics, although we have a


familial history of madmen and characters, and of course the seemingly

'possessed', the new issues of sickness and disability is something more new to


which is why's we are. i guess we are developmentally autistic with acquired

neuro issues.

we'de like to get back to being the autistics we were before and looking

into areas of making our new health issues go away. we would like to remain

autistic, but would look into what we can to deal with our immune issues and

relative bad health. we are very body aware, instinctive, and very primal, we


detect storms coming, and can smell illness, a diabetic by their sweat,

cancer even in it's earliest stages are not hidden from us. we have weird ways


thinking, and perhaps disassociate too much for others comfort, we sniff the

wind, and tree talk, and have much animal understandings, mostly we do like

our madmen, weird character ways, even our stages of 'possession', back even

when they burned our family as witches because of our oddities. however these

days we are not healthy, my blood beats tired, the extremities are slower

than when it beats out from mine chest, the rhythm isn't right, my smell is off,

my sweat is not healthy, i am lethargic, my body is not cooperating with

myself, and our children have similar issues. we' de like to go back to being

healthy, strong, if always strange peoples they term nows autistics, but not

this disease state we are in now. makes me afraid of the air because mine lungs

seem not to be filtering well.

anyways hope to find things that will help

crabtail and the winged dolphin

In a message dated 6/6/2006 12:49:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

palmerr@... writes:

I do not believe that there is any evidence to support the notion of adverse

long term effects of chelation therapy. As with protocol, it should be

performed in a careful medically supervised manner. Conversely, there is no

evidence that there is not long term adverse effects of SSRI use or other

drugs used on protocol?

At this point, nothing is a perfet risk-free treatment and no one approach

works the same for each child, and all side effects will also be unique to

each child. Time, and hopefully research, will bear this all out one day.


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I do not believe that there is any evidence to support the notion of adverse

long term effects of chelation therapy. As with protocol, it should be

performed in a careful medically supervised manner. Conversely, there is no

evidence that there is not long term adverse effects of SSRI use or other drugs

used on protocol?

At this point, nothing is a perfet risk-free treatment and no one approach works

the same for each child, and all side effects will also be unique to each child.

Time, and hopefully research, will bear this all out one day.


Re: Re: :-(

In a message dated 6/6/2006 9:58:28 AM Central Standard Time,

donnaaron@... writes:

<<Chelation therapy may help some children regain some or all of their

cognitive functioning, but the potential for long-term damage to the immune


is the reason it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of

vital nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. >>

What evidence or research have you found that supports this belief?


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You hit the nail on the head -- there is no evidence or research to support

this idea (please someone show me the long-term studies done on children who

have been chelated -- there are none!). It is antecdotal, which is fine as long

as it is presented that way (which it was not).

It will be interesting to see the results of Dr. Adam's research, as this is

the first ever scientific study on autism/chelation. After the study, either

way the debate will continue. If chelation is found to have no effect, those

who are pro-chelation will say any of the following: it was the wrong chelator,

the child did not receive adequate mineral support during chelation, the detox

pathways were not properly repaired prior to chelation (therefore stuff just got

moved around), etc. If chelation is found to have a positive impact on the

children, those who are anti-chelation will say that the children's cognitive

ability was restored, but the long-term effect is the child is now vulnerable to

auto-immune disease later in life (apparently removing poison from you body

causes autoimmune disease -- I had never heard that before), etc.


Googahly@... wrote:

In a message dated 6/6/2006 9:58:28 AM Central Standard Time,

donnaaron@... writes:

<<Chelation therapy may help some children regain some or all of their

cognitive functioning, but the potential for long-term damage to the immune


is the reason it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of

vital nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. >>

What evidence or research have you found that supports this belief?


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I am trying to make sense of what you say in light of the fact that those who

oppose chelation here are the ones always bringing it up! It starts with

someone posting anti-chelation info that is often not factual and a discussion

follows when those of us who don't appreciate opinion being posted as fact jump

in and make a correction.

I know I have gained a reputation on this board as the chelation-loving-mom, "

but it's only because I like to read fact not fiction. My reputation in my own

local community is the " still not convinced chelation is the way to go for her

child mom! " It's very ironic. As much as I hope I do not have to chelate my

son (I consider it a last resort), I don't like to read incorrect information

posted about it either.


princesspeach <donnaaron@...> wrote:


> I don't understand the negativity of so many on this board. I am

happy for any child who gets to leave the land of autism, no matter

how they find their exit.


Hi ,

It's really not negativity, per se. No one begrudges a parent who

will do whatever they have to to help their children recover.

Even though the majority of parents on this board have children on the

ASD spectrum, you have to understand that this board is not

technically an " autism " discussion group. The board homepage clearly

states that it is for specific discussion of the protocol, the

immune system and scientific issues/studies related to the

cluster of autoimmune diseases, which includes Chronic Fatigue Immune

Dysfunction Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and others. It

was *not* started or intended as a group for broad discussion of

autism treatments. There are other boards for that.

The protocol is devoted to restoring health by healing the immune

system. That's why we have so many adults on this board with CFS, and

children who only have CFS, but not ASD. Chelation therapy may help

some children regain some or all of their cognitive functioning, but

the potential for long-term damage to the immune system is the reason

it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of vital

nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. That's

why Dr. G goes crazy with frustration any time someone brings it up,

and it's the reason for his extreme caution with treatments for his


Hope that helps.



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Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...> wrote:

cannot be mixed with Chelation.


We have not propsed that our doctors mix with chelation. That is not

what I meant. We want several treatment options available for doctors and

parents to choose which fits the child (no more cookie cutter treatment for

ASD). We have convinced them to begin case presentations of our kids so that

they can learn the different sub-types of children (the IBD child, the metabolic

child, the viral child, the regressive child, the seizure child, etc). If

chelation is an option, it will not be one anytime soon (certainly not until

after Jim ' study is completed, published & reviewed).

If we continue to achieve our goals, then what will set us apart is that the

doctor who is having great results with a MB-12 child will talk with the doctor

who is having great results with a child -- no more ego-driven protocols,

leaving the parents torn between doctor loyalty and loyalty to their child.

This is what our parent advisory board desires, an thus far we have doctors who

are listening. It gives us all hope.



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: Who is Stan?

Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...> wrote: Gaylen,

You hit the nail on the head -- there is no evidence or research to support this

idea (please someone show me the long-term studies done on children who have

been chelated -- there are none!). It is antecdotal, which is fine as long as it

is presented that way (which it was not).

It will be interesting to see the results of Dr. Adam's research, as this is the

first ever scientific study on autism/chelation. After the study, either way the

debate will continue. If chelation is found to have no effect, those who are

pro-chelation will say any of the following: it was the wrong chelator, the

child did not receive adequate mineral support during chelation, the detox

pathways were not properly repaired prior to chelation (therefore stuff just got

moved around), etc. If chelation is found to have a positive impact on the

children, those who are anti-chelation will say that the children's cognitive

ability was restored, but the long-term effect is the child is now vulnerable to

auto-immune disease later in life (apparently removing poison from you body

causes autoimmune disease -- I had never heard that before), etc.


Googahly@... wrote:

In a message dated 6/6/2006 9:58:28 AM Central Standard Time,

donnaaron@... writes:

<<Chelation therapy may help some children regain some or all of their

cognitive functioning, but the potential for long-term damage to the immune


is the reason it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of

vital nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. >>

What evidence or research have you found that supports this belief?


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My son tested off-the-charts high for B12, which I believe indicates that

his body is not processing the B12 it has? Does anyone have more info on




Re: :-(

I think that we overlook the natural chelation that can occur when

children's methylation processes are corrected> Methylation removes

metals & virus stores from the body and I believe can be helped by

B12 as well as anti- virals to begin the process.

> And to add to this, the dad hosting the recovery gala

has a son

> who " recovered " not using chelation....rather anti virals and mb12

> nasal spray among a few other things.


> Kristie






> __________________________________________________


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I have read that there is a coloration between B-12 and yeast but I don't know

exactly what it said off my head. I know that Vit K and yeast go together and

can be a cause for nose bleeds but I believe that B-12 will make more yeast or

something like that. Do a google with B-12 and yeast. Sheri

Kristy Nardini <krnardini@...> wrote: My son tested off-the-charts

high for B12, which I believe indicates that

his body is not processing the B12 it has? Does anyone have more info on




Re: :-(

I think that we overlook the natural chelation that can occur when

children's methylation processes are corrected> Methylation removes

metals & virus stores from the body and I believe can be helped by

B12 as well as anti- virals to begin the process.

> And to add to this, the dad hosting the recovery gala

has a son

> who " recovered " not using chelation....rather anti virals and mb12

> nasal spray among a few other things.


> Kristie






> __________________________________________________


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