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Re: Re: Alcohol kills more than AIDS, TB or violence: WHO

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The amount of grain used to make alcohol is probably quite small and so doesn't have that much effect on the supply. I don't know about the hard liquors, but beer does provide calories at least so drunk in moderation it would be OK. As for vodka, I have no idea about its nutritional value, though in its case I can't imagine there would be much. About grape juice, perhaps it isn't profitable enough to keep a vineyard in operation. Most vineyards are barely profitable as it is and take a lot of hard work.

Ethanol takes out a far larger share of food completely out of the supply chain. At least with alcohol it can still be consumed by humans. Ethanol only goes into the machines, and can wreck the engines. The new 15% limit will probably cause a lot of engine damage, especially in older cars, which, put on your tin foil hats, might be part of the plan. This administration is all about public transportation and "Green" cars, cramming people into cities, etc.

I'm not surprised the Agribusinesses are doing as you say . There is such vast corruption in the system now it won't surprise me if the oil system gets disrupted soon they try to put 2/3 instead of 1/3 of corn into ethanol, maybe more, imagine what that will do to food prices, but boy will those companies rake it in on fuel prices.

In a message dated 2/11/2011 5:11:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Yes, but not for the reasons you think.

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1. In Alberta, there are adds on TV for the ethanol/petroleum based fuels, they

are promoted as a 'good thng' for the environment. ( the gas stations that have

these fuels have signs promoting the 'green choice'

2. My husband used to work in the canadian the grain industry,  primarily with

malt barley.

This link is to a US website about barley and malting, it is more to the point

than the Candian sites I found.


" When barley is used for malt, it involves steeping malting barley in  water,

under controlled conditions, allowing it to germinate or sprout, at which stage

it is known as green malt. It is then dried or roasted in a kiln, cleaned, and

stored for extended periods. Malt by-products such as screenings and sprouts are

separated and used as animal feed. Malt is primarily an intermediate product and

requires further processing. Most of malt production is used to produce beer. To

a small extent, malt is used by the distilling industry in the production of

hard liquors such as whiskey, and by the food industry in the production of some

cake mixes and breads. "

Malt is also used for malt syrup, and Malta, a soft drink.



'My cat Rusty is a servant of the Living God....'

adapted from a poem by Smart

From: environmental1st2003 <no_reply >

Subject: Re: Alcohol kills more than AIDS, TB or violence:


To: FAMSecretSociety

Received: Friday, February 11, 2011, 3:11 PM


Yes, but not for the reasons you think.

1) The ingredients for GRAIN alcohol could better be used to feed people, or,

alternatively, be used for ethanol production.

2) Vodka is made of potatoes. Steer people away from Vodka and you have more

potatoes for people. If they cost less, people will think the price of food

staples is going DOWN rather than up.

3) Steer people away from wines, and the crummier vineyards will start

manufacturing grape juice.

For anyone besides who is reading this, what has said about

ethanol production and how much it cuts into food production is true, else why

have big Agrabusiness stocks started showing up in my energy funds and



I suppose next they will be calling for global regulations, taxation or even


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Good article.

I did a little research and it seems that some byproducts of ethanol production can be sold as animal feed as well. However, the process also uses a number of powerful chemicals like ammonia and sulfuric acid. The more I read about ethanol, the more I dislike it because of all the energy intensive inputs such as the chemicals, fertilizers and transport fuel used in all the shipping stages, makes it less and less efficient as a fuel source. Studies already show how ethanol is less powerful than gasoline and I would like to see some subtracting from the work one gets from a gallon of gasoline and ethanol all the inputs that go into its production.

1. In Alberta, there are adds on TV for the ethanol/petroleum based fuels, they are promoted as a 'good thng' for the environment. ( the gas stations that have these fuels have signs promoting the 'green choice'2. My husband used to work in the canadian the grain industry, primarily with malt barley.This link is to a US website about barley and malting, it is more to the point than the Candian sites I found.

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