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Re: :-( (from a 2 year observer of many boards)...

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I agree with this. If we took the ego out of so many treatments and

protocols, we would find and create a lot more success stories.

I am on many boards and there are recovery stories from many different

treatments. (Not as many as you'd like and maybe not always total

recovery, but substantial improvement in terms of how these kids

operate. And, of course there are many who don't improve sufficiently


My impression is different things work for different people -- I

personally don't feel it is a one size fits all. Yes, I think most of

the boards will agree that it is immune dysregulation, but the issue is

how did it start and how do you treat?

In my humble opinion after reading this board off an on for over two

years -- the biggest " issue " here is that when newbies ask questions

about another protocol or treatment, they get dismissed so quickly.

ly, I think many of you should spend time on other boards and

decide for yourself if you think some of these other ideas might be

something to consider. Maybe you won't change a thing, but maybe you

will see that a portion of kids improve with aba alone or low oxalate

diet or transdermal LDN or m-b 12 shots or chelation or whatever it

is. And, maybe you will believe as I do, that there is a lot of good

and a LOT OF HOOEY. But it is eye opening to learn about what appears

to work for some kids. In the end, you are the PARENT and you need to

make the best informed judgement you can

For me, I have come to trust parents the most about what is happening

to their kids. And, I find hearing the discussions and debates


Sorry if this was too long!




> >

> > If we continue to achieve our goals, then what will set us apart

> is that the doctor who is having great results with a MB-12 child


> talk with the doctor who is having great results with a child --

> no more ego-driven protocols, leaving the parents torn between doctor

> loyalty and loyalty to their child. This is what our parent advisory

> board desires, an thus far we have doctors who are listening. It

> gives us all hope.

> >

> > -


> ,

> This is my dream as well!

> Kristie


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Hi ,

I think you are making a huge assumption that people on this board do not

follow other " related " lists. However, if parents have found what they truly

believe is the answer for their children and it is working, why bother?

Most here are VERY informed parents and have made a clear decision to follow

Dr. Goldberg's protocol, after careful and painstaking research into other

biological interventions. There is no closed mindedness, only a firm belief

in what we have chosen for our children. However, it is really important

to restate, as someone (Donna I believe?) did recently, that is not a

focus on " Autism " , but on immune dysregulation. While there are many

ailments that umbrellas, autistic symptoms are only one of them. The

focus here is the immune system as a whole and not just certain aspects of

the the body or brain. Gut issues, retaining heavy metals, hyper or hypo

brain profusion, high or low B12 can be affected if the body's immune system

is not functioning properly. The immune system affects every aspect of the

body from how it metabolizes food to how it fights disease...the foundation

to our bodies health, if I could put it as simply as possible. Once this

system misfires, anything can happen, including neuro/auto immune diseases

such as asthma, cancer, MS, Lupus and yes, SYMPTOMS of Autism, ADD/ADHD and

so on. This is the focus of this list and while you chastise us for not

answering newbies questions as thoroughly as perhaps you would like, you

have to be reminded that we could spend our entire day answering the same

questions, day after day, week after week and not move on to where many of

our kids are now and the success we have seen through Dr. G's work.

Essentially we have been there in these discussions...chelation, B12, gut

issues, etc... again and again and again. It is all there in the archives

for anyone who wants to read the COUNTLESS discussions we have had on these

subjects. We are not dismissive, we are just tired of focusing on something

that isn't part of what this discussion board is about. We all have sick

children. Pushed over the edge of good health that every child is entitled

to by viruses, allergies, bacterias to name a few.

The immune system is a complicated, misunderstood aspect of the human body

and not a quick or easy fix. There are no magic wands that will cure our

children quickly. We know that and we support each other through the 3

steps forward 1 step backward process that we all often go through in our

quest for healthy children. One size doesn't fit all and no one involved

with thinks that. Each child is assessed individually. All " triggers "

that may be firing that child's immune system are removed and medications

are provided for the goal of a homeostatic immune system. Once this is

achieved, the body can do amazing things. Dr. Goldberg has been doing this

specifically for 20 years and is entitled to have an ego with regard to

treating his patients. If he didn't and ran with every flavour of the month

treatment, than I am certain that my son would not be recovered today. If a

doctor believes in what he is doing and has the science and clinical success

to back it up, then he should have an ego. What else would drive their


Many parents here are no longer searching as we have found what we know is

working for our children and what makes sense medically. We are not

treating the symptoms, we are treating the cause. I think many of us are

grateful that above all our children are healthier. They have a future and

it is brighter because we have trusted Dr. Goldberg and are so very, very

glad that he had enough of an ego, or rather believed in himself and his

work, to persevere when others though he was crazy.

I wish you luck in your quest. Clearly you haven't found what you need to

find. It is a tough road, but positive support is here for those who want

it. Think of the whole picture and not just the small individual parts,

therein lies alot of confusion for many folks.



Re: :-( (from a 2 year observer of many boards)...

I agree with this. If we took the ego out of so many treatments and

protocols, we would find and create a lot more success stories.

I am on many boards and there are recovery stories from many different

treatments. (Not as many as you'd like and maybe not always total

recovery, but substantial improvement in terms of how these kids

operate. And, of course there are many who don't improve sufficiently


My impression is different things work for different people -- I

personally don't feel it is a one size fits all. Yes, I think most of

the boards will agree that it is immune dysregulation, but the issue is

how did it start and how do you treat?

In my humble opinion after reading this board off an on for over two

years -- the biggest " issue " here is that when newbies ask questions

about another protocol or treatment, they get dismissed so quickly.

ly, I think many of you should spend time on other boards and

decide for yourself if you think some of these other ideas might be

something to consider. Maybe you won't change a thing, but maybe you

will see that a portion of kids improve with aba alone or low oxalate

diet or transdermal LDN or m-b 12 shots or chelation or whatever it

is. And, maybe you will believe as I do, that there is a lot of good

and a LOT OF HOOEY. But it is eye opening to learn about what appears

to work for some kids. In the end, you are the PARENT and you need to

make the best informed judgement you can

For me, I have come to trust parents the most about what is happening

to their kids. And, I find hearing the discussions and debates


Sorry if this was too long!




> >

> > If we continue to achieve our goals, then what will set us apart

> is that the doctor who is having great results with a MB-12 child


> talk with the doctor who is having great results with a child --

> no more ego-driven protocols, leaving the parents torn between doctor

> loyalty and loyalty to their child. This is what our parent advisory

> board desires, an thus far we have doctors who are listening. It

> gives us all hope.

> >

> > -


> ,

> This is my dream as well!

> Kristie


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Hi Lori

Thanks so much for your thoughtful and detailed response to my email.

You're right – if parents have found what they are looking for, then

they shouldn't have to look any further. For instance, Lori I am

sincerely thrilled that your child is recovered! And there are a lot

of protocols that are out there that do not seem well researched and

people are jumping hopelessly on ill – conceived bandwagons.

But let me respond to a few things that you mentioned (and then I'll

stop responding to this and other email threads here, since I don't

want to waste your guys' time as you mentioned)

1) I will never quit learning and researching on any of these immune

issues and I think there are a lot of parents out there like this.

Since you read other lists, I hope that you see my points: there

are recoveries happening both here and there, and there can be things

to learn (even if its dismissing things occurring elsewhere). I

have caught a " good " bug in this process – a quest to optimize the

health and well being of my family. There are so many similarities

between a number of protocols (e.g. reducing viral loads, fungal

issues, etc) but I like to really understand them and hear what the

parents are saying. There are just different learning styles by

parents (just like in all the kids out there!)

2) I am not by any stretch saying that you should only fix the

symptoms and not the underlying cause. Or that there is a quick

fix. There are no easy roads here. But, my impression from this

board is that non-NIDs protocols can only be a quick fix or

harmful. For example, my understanding is that methyl b-12 can

help address methylation defects – that seems to be addressing a root

cause and fixing a key issue in the brain. When I see that other

kids start the b-12 and they start talking after being non-verbal,

that seems significant! And I want to learn more (to learn things

like: is it safe? Side effects? What studies?, etc) Or transdermal

low dose N (and not what was used on kids years ago) helps to address

underlying immune issues – that seems to be doing some of the things

Dr Goldberg is trying to address --only with a different mechanism.

I am precisely not recommending jumping at the flavor of the month

(in fact, I haven't tried these), but to be aware that science is

constantly evolving.

Once again, learning about the immune system is the way I see it…

Sorry to take up more of your time …


> Hi ,


> I think you are making a huge assumption that people on this board

do not

> follow other " related " lists. However, if parents have found what

they truly

> believe is the answer for their children and it is working, why


> Most here are VERY informed parents and have made a clear decision

to follow

> Dr. Goldberg's protocol, after careful and painstaking research

into other

> biological interventions. There is no closed mindedness, only a

firm belief

> in what we have chosen for our children. However, it is really


> to restate, as someone (Donna I believe?) did recently, that

is not a

> focus on " Autism " , but on immune dysregulation. While there are


> ailments that umbrellas, autistic symptoms are only one of

them. The

> focus here is the immune system as a whole and not just certain

aspects of

> the the body or brain. Gut issues, retaining heavy metals, hyper

or hypo

> brain profusion, high or low B12 can be affected if the body's

immune system

> is not functioning properly. The immune system affects every

aspect of the

> body from how it metabolizes food to how it fights disease...the


> to our bodies health, if I could put it as simply as possible.

Once this

> system misfires, anything can happen, including neuro/auto immune


> such as asthma, cancer, MS, Lupus and yes, SYMPTOMS of Autism,


> so on. This is the focus of this list and while you chastise us

for not

> answering newbies questions as thoroughly as perhaps you would

like, you

> have to be reminded that we could spend our entire day answering

the same

> questions, day after day, week after week and not move on to where

many of

> our kids are now and the success we have seen through Dr. G's work.

> Essentially we have been there in these discussions...chelation,

B12, gut

> issues, etc... again and again and again. It is all there in the


> for anyone who wants to read the COUNTLESS discussions we have had

on these

> subjects. We are not dismissive, we are just tired of focusing on


> that isn't part of what this discussion board is about. We all have


> children. Pushed over the edge of good health that every child is


> to by viruses, allergies, bacterias to name a few.


> The immune system is a complicated, misunderstood aspect of the

human body

> and not a quick or easy fix. There are no magic wands that will

cure our

> children quickly. We know that and we support each other through

the 3

> steps forward 1 step backward process that we all often go through

in our

> quest for healthy children. One size doesn't fit all and no one


> with thinks that. Each child is assessed individually.

All " triggers "

> that may be firing that child's immune system are removed and


> are provided for the goal of a homeostatic immune system. Once

this is

> achieved, the body can do amazing things. Dr. Goldberg has been

doing this

> specifically for 20 years and is entitled to have an ego with

regard to

> treating his patients. If he didn't and ran with every flavour of

the month

> treatment, than I am certain that my son would not be recovered

today. If a

> doctor believes in what he is doing and has the science and

clinical success

> to back it up, then he should have an ego. What else would drive


> success?


> Many parents here are no longer searching as we have found what we

know is

> working for our children and what makes sense medically. We are not

> treating the symptoms, we are treating the cause. I think many of

us are

> grateful that above all our children are healthier. They have a

future and

> it is brighter because we have trusted Dr. Goldberg and are so

very, very

> glad that he had enough of an ego, or rather believed in himself

and his

> work, to persevere when others though he was crazy.


> I wish you luck in your quest. Clearly you haven't found what you

need to

> find. It is a tough road, but positive support is here for those

who want

> it. Think of the whole picture and not just the small individual


> therein lies alot of confusion for many folks.


> HTH,


> Lori





> Re: :-( (from a 2 year observer of many boards)...



> I agree with this. If we took the ego out of so many treatments


> protocols, we would find and create a lot more success stories.


> I am on many boards and there are recovery stories from many


> treatments. (Not as many as you'd like and maybe not always total

> recovery, but substantial improvement in terms of how these kids

> operate. And, of course there are many who don't improve


> unfortunately..)


> My impression is different things work for different people -- I

> personally don't feel it is a one size fits all. Yes, I think

most of

> the boards will agree that it is immune dysregulation, but the

issue is

> how did it start and how do you treat?


> In my humble opinion after reading this board off an on for over


> years -- the biggest " issue " here is that when newbies ask


> about another protocol or treatment, they get dismissed so



> ly, I think many of you should spend time on other boards and

> decide for yourself if you think some of these other ideas might


> something to consider. Maybe you won't change a thing, but maybe


> will see that a portion of kids improve with aba alone or low


> diet or transdermal LDN or m-b 12 shots or chelation or whatever


> is. And, maybe you will believe as I do, that there is a lot of


> and a LOT OF HOOEY. But it is eye opening to learn about what


> to work for some kids. In the end, you are the PARENT and you

need to

> make the best informed judgement you can


> For me, I have come to trust parents the most about what is


> to their kids. And, I find hearing the discussions and debates

> valuable.


> Sorry if this was too long!


> Best




> --- In , " aaron2kristie " <aaron2kristie@>


> >

> >

> > >

> > > If we continue to achieve our goals, then what will set us


> > is that the doctor who is having great results with a MB-12


> will

> > talk with the doctor who is having great results with a

child --

> > no more ego-driven protocols, leaving the parents torn between


> > loyalty and loyalty to their child. This is what our parent


> > board desires, an thus far we have doctors who are listening. It

> > gives us all hope.

> > >

> > > -

> >

> > ,

> > This is my dream as well!

> > Kristie

> >








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Not to draw up sides on any issue, but this post from Lori is really

a great post. It sums up for me where we have been in " life on the

board. "

Just as stated over and over, not every child is alike or treated

alike. Us as parents are not alike either. And we need to choose

which lists/theories we want to follow and research.

In my case, like Rhoda, I do not have time to follow a number of

lists. Even easier for me, my son was and is a CASE STudy in Nids,

based on initial lab results and family history of immune

dysfunction. So this is where I stay and put my energy to help my

child. There is an amazing amount of medical and scientific

knowledge in the archives.

In , " Lori " <lbharris@...> wrote:


> Hi ,


> I think you are making a huge assumption that people on this board

do not

> follow other " related " lists. However, if parents have found what

they truly

> believe is the answer for their children and it is working, why


> Most here are VERY informed parents and have made a clear decision

to follow

> Dr. Goldberg's protocol, after careful and painstaking research

into other

> biological interventions. There is no closed mindedness, only a

firm belief

> in what we have chosen for our children. However, it is really


> to restate, as someone (Donna I believe?) did recently, that

is not a

> focus on " Autism " , but on immune dysregulation. While there are


> ailments that umbrellas, autistic symptoms are only one of

them. The

> focus here is the immune system as a whole and not just certain

aspects of

> the the body or brain. Gut issues, retaining heavy metals, hyper

or hypo

> brain profusion, high or low B12 can be affected if the body's

immune system

> is not functioning properly. The immune system affects every

aspect of the

> body from how it metabolizes food to how it fights disease...the


> to our bodies health, if I could put it as simply as possible.

Once this

> system misfires, anything can happen, including neuro/auto immune


> such as asthma, cancer, MS, Lupus and yes, SYMPTOMS of Autism,


> so on. This is the focus of this list and while you chastise us

for not

> answering newbies questions as thoroughly as perhaps you would

like, you

> have to be reminded that we could spend our entire day answering

the same

> questions, day after day, week after week and not move on to where

many of

> our kids are now and the success we have seen through Dr. G's work.

> Essentially we have been there in these discussions...chelation,

B12, gut

> issues, etc... again and again and again. It is all there in the


> for anyone who wants to read the COUNTLESS discussions we have had

on these

> subjects. We are not dismissive, we are just tired of focusing on


> that isn't part of what this discussion board is about. We all

have sick

> children. Pushed over the edge of good health that every child is


> to by viruses, allergies, bacterias to name a few.


> The immune system is a complicated, misunderstood aspect of the

human body

> and not a quick or easy fix. There are no magic wands that will

cure our

> children quickly. We know that and we support each other through

the 3

> steps forward 1 step backward process that we all often go through

in our

> quest for healthy children. One size doesn't fit all and no one


> with thinks that. Each child is assessed individually.

All " triggers "

> that may be firing that child's immune system are removed and


> are provided for the goal of a homeostatic immune system. Once

this is

> achieved, the body can do amazing things. Dr. Goldberg has been

doing this

> specifically for 20 years and is entitled to have an ego with

regard to

> treating his patients. If he didn't and ran with every flavour of

the month

> treatment, than I am certain that my son would not be recovered

today. If a

> doctor believes in what he is doing and has the science and

clinical success

> to back it up, then he should have an ego. What else would drive


> success?


> Many parents here are no longer searching as we have found what we

know is

> working for our children and what makes sense medically. We are


> treating the symptoms, we are treating the cause. I think many of

us are

> grateful that above all our children are healthier. They have a

future and

> it is brighter because we have trusted Dr. Goldberg and are so

very, very

> glad that he had enough of an ego, or rather believed in himself

and his

> work, to persevere when others though he was crazy.


> I wish you luck in your quest. Clearly you haven't found what you

need to

> find. It is a tough road, but positive support is here for those

who want

> it. Think of the whole picture and not just the small individual


> therein lies alot of confusion for many folks.


> HTH,


> Lori





> Re: :-( (from a 2 year observer of many




> I agree with this. If we took the ego out of so many treatments


> protocols, we would find and create a lot more success stories.


> I am on many boards and there are recovery stories from many


> treatments. (Not as many as you'd like and maybe not always total

> recovery, but substantial improvement in terms of how these kids

> operate. And, of course there are many who don't improve


> unfortunately..)


> My impression is different things work for different people -- I

> personally don't feel it is a one size fits all. Yes, I think

most of

> the boards will agree that it is immune dysregulation, but the

issue is

> how did it start and how do you treat?


> In my humble opinion after reading this board off an on for over


> years -- the biggest " issue " here is that when newbies ask


> about another protocol or treatment, they get dismissed so



> ly, I think many of you should spend time on other boards


> decide for yourself if you think some of these other ideas might


> something to consider. Maybe you won't change a thing, but maybe


> will see that a portion of kids improve with aba alone or low


> diet or transdermal LDN or m-b 12 shots or chelation or whatever


> is. And, maybe you will believe as I do, that there is a lot of


> and a LOT OF HOOEY. But it is eye opening to learn about what


> to work for some kids. In the end, you are the PARENT and you

need to

> make the best informed judgement you can


> For me, I have come to trust parents the most about what is


> to their kids. And, I find hearing the discussions and debates

> valuable.


> Sorry if this was too long!


> Best




> --- In , " aaron2kristie " <aaron2kristie@>


> >

> >

> > >

> > > If we continue to achieve our goals, then what will set us


> > is that the doctor who is having great results with a MB-12


> will

> > talk with the doctor who is having great results with a

child --

> > no more ego-driven protocols, leaving the parents torn between


> > loyalty and loyalty to their child. This is what our parent


> > board desires, an thus far we have doctors who are listening.


> > gives us all hope.

> > >

> > > -

> >

> > ,

> > This is my dream as well!

> > Kristie

> >








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