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RE: Re: New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut' Disease in Some Kids

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We are very lucky to have our own Dana Ursea here in Phoenix. If anyone from CA

needs a good GI work-up, Phoenix is not far, and the hospital has a

Mc House.

Viruses (specifically Herpes) were her " thing " when she did her fellowship.

She consults with Wakefield and Krigsman of the Thoughtful House as needed on

her ASD kids. She is making a presentation on the GI pathology of ASD at the

upcoming ASA conference in Phoenix.


meljackmom <meljackmom@...> wrote:

It is about time Wakefield got onto this and off the MMR.

So many people have followed him so closely on the MMR issue that

hopefully they will shift their focus to the viral cause.

And we have talked before on this board on how the upsurge in Autism

diagnosis coincides with the AIDS virus!!

It reinforces for me how the antiviral/antifungal/antibiotic

treatment along with diet intervention has helped my son's digestive

system. Thanks for posting this.

--- In , Rob or Sunseri <RobRose@...>



> New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut' Disease in Some Kids

> >

> >By Ann Roser

> >Updated: June 6, 2006

> >

> >AUSTIN, Texas -- A maverick British scientist who now works in


> >has completed a new study on autism that links the disease to a


> >intestinal illness.

> >

> >The research, which will be published in this month's issue of


> >Journal of Clinical Immunology that is expected to come out


> >opens the door to testing treatments for some autistic children,

> >including a diet that forbids dairy products and certain grains.

> >

> >Dr. Andy Wakefield, whose earlier work caused a furor by

suggesting an

> >association between a common childhood vaccine and autism, said


> >considers the latest research groundbreaking.

> >

> >The study by Wakefield and three collaborators builds on previous

> >research connecting autism and the gut.

> >

> >But it goes several steps further: It identifies a new


> >intestinal disease in some children who appear normal but regress


> >autism; it suggests the intestinal disease is viral, thus giving


> >about the nature of this type of autism; and it provides new


> >for treating autism in some children.

> >

> > " This now gives us the basis of what is driving that disease and


> >we can do to treat many children " who regress into autism, said

> >Wakefield, who is setting up a research, education and treatment


> >for autistic children in Austin called the Thoughtful House.

> >

> > " We hope this will form the basis for a new clinical trial. "

> >Nationally known autism expert Dr. Buie, a pediatrician

> >specializing in gastrointestinal disorders at Massachusetts


> >Hospital for Children, called the research a welcome extension of

> >Wakefield's earlier work into the relationship between autism and

> >gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea.

Buie is

> >among the researchers studying bowel disease and autism, but he


> >it's too early to gauge the significance of Wakefield's findings.

> >

> >

> >Autism is a complex disorder that usually emerges during the


> >three years of life and affects the ability to communicate,

reason and

> >interact with others. Some type of autism is diagnosed in one in

> >166 individuals, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease

Control and

> >Prevention. According to the Autism Society of America, rates are

> >soaring and could rise from 1.5 million Americans to 4 million in


> >next decade.

> >

> >Autism is classified as a neurological disorder, but scientists


> >know what causes it or how to cure it.

> >

> >Though the new research expands the understanding of autism in a


> >group of children, " the jury is still out " on whether it extends

to a

> >larger group, said Buie, who also is on the Harvard Medical


> >faculty. " We're a long way from saying that these changes at the


> >level are what is causing the autism. " Dr. Baskin, a

professor of

> >neurosurgery and anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine in

> >Houston, said the study " adds to a growing body of knowledge


> >children with autism and poses a number of important questions to


> >answered with additional research. "

> >Wakefield and his colleagues studied 86 children in England,


> >21 with autism. They found that the autistic children had


> >more cells of a certain type in their digestive tracts associated


> >an intestinal inflammation causing them chronic problems.

> >

> >Eleven of those children were on some dietary restrictions


> >dairy products, gluten (grains, such as wheat and rye), or both.

> >Their parents said the children functioned better, physically and

> >mentally, according to the study. Those children also had fewer

> >inflammatory chemicals in their intestines than those not on


> >diets, the study says.

> >

> >The study recommends more research on the restricted diet.


> >children across the country have been known to try it.

> >

> > " It's really rather remarkable the differences I have seen in


> >children, " said Bell, executive director and chief


> >officer of Cure Autism Now, an advocacy organization in Los


> >that supports autism research.

> >

> >But Bell said the diet had no effect on his autistic son, now 11.

> >

> >Wakefield said the study also suggests that some drugs might

help, but

> >the paper does not recommend any. In an interview, Wakefield said

> >Remicade, used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis,

> >merits further study.

> >

> >The Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about Remicade


> >it was linked to lymphoma, malignancies and heart failure.


> >said he didn't want to mention the drug because he didn't want


> >clamoring for it until it's been thoroughly tested for autism.

> >

> >

> >The gut's connection to the disorder has gained credence in the


> >five to 10 years, Bell said, although people outside the autism

> >community might not know that.

> >

> >Wakefield said the study found that the type of gastrointestinal

> >illness the autistic children exhibited, though different than


> >inflammatory bowel diseases, is " similar to what we would see in


> >patients. " " That's important, " he said, " because it's a rationale


> >looking for a viral cause for autism. " Wakefield received


> >notoriety following a 1998 article he published in the Lancet, a

> >prestigious British medical journal, in which parents reported


> >they thought the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, known as


> >could be linked to autism and a bowel disease in some children.

> >

> >Though Wakefield said it was important to report what parents


> >saying, he insists he is a big vaccine supporter. However, he


> >favor separating the MMR into individual shots because the


> >might harm some children.

> >

> >Earlier this year, 10 of the 13 authors of the Lancet report


> >the interpretation that MMR might cause autism. Wakefield was not


> >of them and was singled out in a " 60 Minutes " report on the


> >Oct. 24 for fueling anti-vaccine hysteria. (The new study does


> >discuss vaccines.) The Lancet said it would not have published

the 1998

> >study had it known that Wakefield was helping parents of autistic

> >children gather scientific information for a lawsuit over the MMR

> >vaccine. The Legal Aid Board in England had paid the hospital


> >Wakefield worked $90,000 for his help.

> >

> >Wakefield said last week that he didn't get any money and didn't


> >anything unethical. Although some of the same parents in the


> >also were involved in the Lancet study, Wakefield said, the


> >paper was not done to " propagate a lawsuit. " As the MMR vaccine

> >controversy raged, Wakefield resigned under pressure from his job

as an

> >assistant professor of experimental gastroenterology at the Royal


> >Hospital Medical School in London in 2001. He has been in the


> >of relocating to Austin for the past 18 months, he said, and

plans to

> >open the Thoughtful House in January.

> >

> >The center will start with clinical services for autistic

children and

> >will gradually expand to a school. It also will do research


> >

> > Ann Roser writes for the Austin American-Statesman. E-mail:

> >maroser@... <mailto:maroser%40statesman.com> Editor

> >Notes:Story Filed By Newspapers For Use By Clients of the New


> >Times News Service

> >

> >c.2004 News Service

> __________________________________________________


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Guest guest

This is not new research, but old research revisited. Dr Wakefield's 1998 paper

does attribute this " novel gut disease " to an immune dysfunction - and he states

it in his presentations, however he does not go any further into discussing the

immune dysfucntion issue in his presentation - more the gastro issues that arise

from this. I was lucky enough to see Dr Wakefield present in California last

September - a fascinating presentation and well produced and delivered. Dr

Wakefield discussed the issue of the measles virus (injected via the MMR) as

perhaps changing and taking root in the gut. Parents in the meeting pointed out

to him that there were other viruses (like HHV 6 and CMV and Hep B) that had

potentially harmed their child and that their kids did not have gut issues... he

said well yes we are dealing with an immune dysfunction issue and other viruses

are likley to be implicated...however he was not able to discuss the broader

issue of immune dysfunction at that meeting. A maverick yes, some amazing work

yes, and a gastroenterologist .... and hence a narrow focus on the issue of

immune mediated autistic spectrum disorders.

The issue is much bigger than Dr Wakefield's work indicates.

--- friendsofcam <friendsofcam@...> wrote:

> Interesting. But, I think this is just another indication of an

> underlying auto-immune dysfunction.




> >

> > New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut' Disease in Some

> Kids

> > >

> > >By Ann Roser

> > >Updated: June 6, 2006

> > >

> > >AUSTIN, Texas -- A maverick British scientist who now works in

> Austin

> > >has completed a new study on autism that links the disease to a

> novel

> > >intestinal illness.

> > >

> > >The research, which will be published in this month's issue of

> the

> > >Journal of Clinical Immunology that is expected to come out

> today,

> > >opens the door to testing treatments for some autistic children,


> > >including a diet that forbids dairy products and certain grains.

> > >

> > >Dr. Andy Wakefield, whose earlier work caused a furor by

> suggesting an

> > >association between a common childhood vaccine and autism, said

> he

> > >considers the latest research groundbreaking.

> > >

> > >The study by Wakefield and three collaborators builds on previous


> > >research connecting autism and the gut.

> > >

> > >But it goes several steps further: It identifies a new

> inflammatory

> > >intestinal disease in some children who appear normal but regress


> into

> > >autism; it suggests the intestinal disease is viral, thus giving


> clues

> > >about the nature of this type of autism; and it provides new

> targets

> > >for treating autism in some children.

> > >

> > > " This now gives us the basis of what is driving that disease and


> what

> > >we can do to treat many children " who regress into autism, said

> > >Wakefield, who is setting up a research, education and treatment


> center

> > >for autistic children in Austin called the Thoughtful House.

> > >

> > > " We hope this will form the basis for a new clinical trial. "

> > >Nationally known autism expert Dr. Buie, a pediatrician

> > >specializing in gastrointestinal disorders at Massachusetts

> General

> > >Hospital for Children, called the research a welcome extension of


> > >Wakefield's earlier work into the relationship between autism and


> > >gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea.

> Buie is

> > >among the researchers studying bowel disease and autism, but he

> said

> > >it's too early to gauge the significance of Wakefield's

> findings.

> > >

> > >

> > >Autism is a complex disorder that usually emerges during the

> first

> > >three years of life and affects the ability to communicate,

> reason and

> > >interact with others. Some type of autism is diagnosed in one in

> > >166 individuals, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease

> Control and

> > >Prevention. According to the Autism Society of America, rates are


> > >soaring and could rise from 1.5 million Americans to 4 million in


> the

> > >next decade.

> > >

> > >Autism is classified as a neurological disorder, but scientists

> don't

> > >know what causes it or how to cure it.

> > >

> > >Though the new research expands the understanding of autism in a


> select

> > >group of children, " the jury is still out " on whether it extends


> to a

> > >larger group, said Buie, who also is on the Harvard Medical

> School

> > >faculty. " We're a long way from saying that these changes at the


> gut

> > >level are what is causing the autism. " Dr. Baskin, a

> professor of

> > >neurosurgery and anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine in


> > >Houston, said the study " adds to a growing body of knowledge

> concerning

> > >children with autism and poses a number of important questions to


> be

> > >answered with additional research. "

> > >Wakefield and his colleagues studied 86 children in England,

> including

> > >21 with autism. They found that the autistic children had

> significantly

> > >more cells of a certain type in their digestive tracts associated


> with

> > >an intestinal inflammation causing them chronic problems.

> > >

> > >Eleven of those children were on some dietary restrictions

> involving

> > >dairy products, gluten (grains, such as wheat and rye), or both.

> > >Their parents said the children functioned better, physically and


> > >mentally, according to the study. Those children also had fewer

> > >inflammatory chemicals in their intestines than those not on

> restricted

> > >diets, the study says.

> > >

> > >The study recommends more research on the restricted diet.

> Autistic

> > >children across the country have been known to try it.

> > >

> > > " It's really rather remarkable the differences I have seen in

> some

> > >children, " said Bell, executive director and chief

> executive

> > >officer of Cure Autism Now, an advocacy organization in Los

> Angeles

> > >that supports autism research.

> > >

> > >But Bell said the diet had no effect on his autistic son, now 11.


> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study also suggests that some drugs might

> help, but

> > >the paper does not recommend any. In an interview, Wakefield said


> > >Remicade, used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis,


> > >merits further study.

> > >

> > >The Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about Remicade

> after

> > >it was linked to lymphoma, malignancies and heart failure.

> Wakefield

> > >said he didn't want to mention the drug because he didn't want

> patients

> > >clamoring for it until it's been thoroughly tested for autism.

> > >

> > >

> > >The gut's connection to the disorder has gained credence in the

> last

> > >five to 10 years, Bell said, although people outside the autism

> > >community might not know that.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study found that the type of gastrointestinal


> > >illness the autistic children exhibited, though different than

> other

> > >inflammatory bowel diseases, is " similar to what we would see in



> > >patients. " " That's important, " he said, " because it's a rationale


> for

> > >looking for a viral cause for autism. " Wakefield received

> international

> > >notoriety following a 1998 article he published in the Lancet, a


> > >prestigious British medical journal, in which parents reported

> that

> > >they thought the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, known as

> MMR,

> > >could be linked to autism and a bowel disease in some children.

> > >

> > >Though Wakefield said it was important to report what parents

> were

> > >saying, he insists he is a big vaccine supporter. However, he

> does

> > >favor separating the MMR into individual shots because the

> combination

> > >might harm some children.

> > >

> > >Earlier this year, 10 of the 13 authors of the Lancet report

> disavowed

> > >the interpretation that MMR might cause autism. Wakefield was not


> one

> > >of them and was singled out in a " 60 Minutes " report on the

> subject

> > >Oct. 24 for fueling anti-vaccine hysteria. (The new study does

> not

> > >discuss vaccines.) The Lancet said it would not have published

> the 1998

> > >study had it known that Wakefield was helping parents of autistic


> > >children gather scientific information for a lawsuit over the MMR


> > >vaccine. The Legal Aid Board in England had paid the hospital

> where

> > >Wakefield worked $90,000 for his help.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said last week that he didn't get any money and didn't


> do

> > >anything unethical. Although some of the same parents in the

> lawsuit

> > >also were involved in the Lancet study, Wakefield said, the

> Lancet

> > >paper was not done to " propagate a lawsuit. " As the MMR vaccine

> > >controversy raged, Wakefield resigned under pressure from his job


> as an

> > >assistant professor of experimental gastroenterology at the Royal


> Free

> > >Hospital Medical School in London in 2001. He has been in the

> process

> > >of relocating to Austin for the past 18 months, he said, and

> plans to

> > >open the Thoughtful House in January.

> > >

> > >The center will start with clinical services for autistic

> children and

> > >will gradually expand to a school. It also will do research

> studies.

> > >

> > > Ann Roser writes for the Austin American-Statesman. E-mail:

> > >maroser@... <mailto:maroser%40statesman.com> Editor

> > >Notes:Story Filed By Newspapers For Use By Clients of the New


> York

> > >Times News Service

> > >

> > >c.2004 News Service

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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What these doctors (Buie, Wakefield, Krigsman) have done for our kids is proved

that there is a disease process going on, not a psychological or or purely

genetic disorder.


rmwilson <rmwilson@...> wrote:

This is not new research, but old research revisited. Dr Wakefield's

1998 paper does attribute this " novel gut disease " to an immune dysfunction -

and he states it in his presentations, however he does not go any further into

discussing the immune dysfucntion issue in his presentation - more the gastro

issues that arise from this. I was lucky enough to see Dr Wakefield present in

California last September - a fascinating presentation and well produced and

delivered. Dr Wakefield discussed the issue of the measles virus (injected via

the MMR) as perhaps changing and taking root in the gut. Parents in the meeting

pointed out to him that there were other viruses (like HHV 6 and CMV and Hep B)

that had potentially harmed their child and that their kids did not have gut

issues... he said well yes we are dealing with an immune dysfunction issue and

other viruses are likley to be implicated...however he was not able to discuss

the broader issue of immune dysfunction at

that meeting. A maverick yes, some amazing work yes, and a gastroenterologist

..... and hence a narrow focus on the issue of immune mediated autistic spectrum


The issue is much bigger than Dr Wakefield's work indicates.

--- friendsofcam <friendsofcam@...> wrote:

> Interesting. But, I think this is just another indication of an

> underlying auto-immune dysfunction.




> >

> > New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut' Disease in Some

> Kids

> > >

> > >By Ann Roser

> > >Updated: June 6, 2006

> > >

> > >AUSTIN, Texas -- A maverick British scientist who now works in

> Austin

> > >has completed a new study on autism that links the disease to a

> novel

> > >intestinal illness.

> > >

> > >The research, which will be published in this month's issue of

> the

> > >Journal of Clinical Immunology that is expected to come out

> today,

> > >opens the door to testing treatments for some autistic children,


> > >including a diet that forbids dairy products and certain grains.

> > >

> > >Dr. Andy Wakefield, whose earlier work caused a furor by

> suggesting an

> > >association between a common childhood vaccine and autism, said

> he

> > >considers the latest research groundbreaking.

> > >

> > >The study by Wakefield and three collaborators builds on previous


> > >research connecting autism and the gut.

> > >

> > >But it goes several steps further: It identifies a new

> inflammatory

> > >intestinal disease in some children who appear normal but regress


> into

> > >autism; it suggests the intestinal disease is viral, thus giving


> clues

> > >about the nature of this type of autism; and it provides new

> targets

> > >for treating autism in some children.

> > >

> > > " This now gives us the basis of what is driving that disease and


> what

> > >we can do to treat many children " who regress into autism, said

> > >Wakefield, who is setting up a research, education and treatment


> center

> > >for autistic children in Austin called the Thoughtful House.

> > >

> > > " We hope this will form the basis for a new clinical trial. "

> > >Nationally known autism expert Dr. Buie, a pediatrician

> > >specializing in gastrointestinal disorders at Massachusetts

> General

> > >Hospital for Children, called the research a welcome extension of


> > >Wakefield's earlier work into the relationship between autism and


> > >gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea.

> Buie is

> > >among the researchers studying bowel disease and autism, but he

> said

> > >it's too early to gauge the significance of Wakefield's

> findings.

> > >

> > >

> > >Autism is a complex disorder that usually emerges during the

> first

> > >three years of life and affects the ability to communicate,

> reason and

> > >interact with others. Some type of autism is diagnosed in one in

> > >166 individuals, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease

> Control and

> > >Prevention. According to the Autism Society of America, rates are


> > >soaring and could rise from 1.5 million Americans to 4 million in


> the

> > >next decade.

> > >

> > >Autism is classified as a neurological disorder, but scientists

> don't

> > >know what causes it or how to cure it.

> > >

> > >Though the new research expands the understanding of autism in a


> select

> > >group of children, " the jury is still out " on whether it extends


> to a

> > >larger group, said Buie, who also is on the Harvard Medical

> School

> > >faculty. " We're a long way from saying that these changes at the


> gut

> > >level are what is causing the autism. " Dr. Baskin, a

> professor of

> > >neurosurgery and anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine in


> > >Houston, said the study " adds to a growing body of knowledge

> concerning

> > >children with autism and poses a number of important questions to


> be

> > >answered with additional research. "

> > >Wakefield and his colleagues studied 86 children in England,

> including

> > >21 with autism. They found that the autistic children had

> significantly

> > >more cells of a certain type in their digestive tracts associated


> with

> > >an intestinal inflammation causing them chronic problems.

> > >

> > >Eleven of those children were on some dietary restrictions

> involving

> > >dairy products, gluten (grains, such as wheat and rye), or both.

> > >Their parents said the children functioned better, physically and


> > >mentally, according to the study. Those children also had fewer

> > >inflammatory chemicals in their intestines than those not on

> restricted

> > >diets, the study says.

> > >

> > >The study recommends more research on the restricted diet.

> Autistic

> > >children across the country have been known to try it.

> > >

> > > " It's really rather remarkable the differences I have seen in

> some

> > >children, " said Bell, executive director and chief

> executive

> > >officer of Cure Autism Now, an advocacy organization in Los

> Angeles

> > >that supports autism research.

> > >

> > >But Bell said the diet had no effect on his autistic son, now 11.


> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study also suggests that some drugs might

> help, but

> > >the paper does not recommend any. In an interview, Wakefield said


> > >Remicade, used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis,


> > >merits further study.

> > >

> > >The Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about Remicade

> after

> > >it was linked to lymphoma, malignancies and heart failure.

> Wakefield

> > >said he didn't want to mention the drug because he didn't want

> patients

> > >clamoring for it until it's been thoroughly tested for autism.

> > >

> > >

> > >The gut's connection to the disorder has gained credence in the

> last

> > >five to 10 years, Bell said, although people outside the autism

> > >community might not know that.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study found that the type of gastrointestinal


> > >illness the autistic children exhibited, though different than

> other

> > >inflammatory bowel diseases, is " similar to what we would see in



> > >patients. " " That's important, " he said, " because it's a rationale


> for

> > >looking for a viral cause for autism. " Wakefield received

> international

> > >notoriety following a 1998 article he published in the Lancet, a


> > >prestigious British medical journal, in which parents reported

> that

> > >they thought the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, known as

> MMR,

> > >could be linked to autism and a bowel disease in some children.

> > >

> > >Though Wakefield said it was important to report what parents

> were

> > >saying, he insists he is a big vaccine supporter. However, he

> does

> > >favor separating the MMR into individual shots because the

> combination

> > >might harm some children.

> > >

> > >Earlier this year, 10 of the 13 authors of the Lancet report

> disavowed

> > >the interpretation that MMR might cause autism. Wakefield was not


> one

> > >of them and was singled out in a " 60 Minutes " report on the

> subject

> > >Oct. 24 for fueling anti-vaccine hysteria. (The new study does

> not

> > >discuss vaccines.) The Lancet said it would not have published

> the 1998

> > >study had it known that Wakefield was helping parents of autistic


> > >children gather scientific information for a lawsuit over the MMR


> > >vaccine. The Legal Aid Board in England had paid the hospital

> where

> > >Wakefield worked $90,000 for his help.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said last week that he didn't get any money and didn't


> do

> > >anything unethical. Although some of the same parents in the

> lawsuit

> > >also were involved in the Lancet study, Wakefield said, the

> Lancet

> > >paper was not done to " propagate a lawsuit. " As the MMR vaccine

> > >controversy raged, Wakefield resigned under pressure from his job


> as an

> > >assistant professor of experimental gastroenterology at the Royal


> Free

> > >Hospital Medical School in London in 2001. He has been in the

> process

> > >of relocating to Austin for the past 18 months, he said, and

> plans to

> > >open the Thoughtful House in January.

> > >

> > >The center will start with clinical services for autistic

> children and

> > >will gradually expand to a school. It also will do research

> studies.

> > >

> > > Ann Roser writes for the Austin American-Statesman. E-mail:

> > >maroser@... <mailto:maroser%40statesman.com> Editor

> > >Notes:Story Filed By Newspapers For Use By Clients of the New


> York

> > >Times News Service

> > >

> > >c.2004 News Service

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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No one said they didn't - however the press got hold of this is the UK and

totally distorted that point (disease process) - they made it out to be

" the " diease " process and that MMR was the culprit.Dr Wakefield did not then

defend the total immune dysfunction issue went along more with the MMR issue

- and this has lead enormous slowing down of work into immune dysfunction

and Autism, a huge avoidance of vaccination programs in the UK which

ultimately lead to an outbreak of measles in a US city recently, .

Susn, have you read the hypothesis statement yet, or the papers I

referred you too?


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Rob or


Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 4:50 AM

Subject: Re: Re: New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut'

Disease in Some Kids

What these doctors (Buie, Wakefield, Krigsman) have done for our kids is

proved that there is a disease process going on, not a psychological or or

purely genetic disorder.


rmwilson <rmwilsonsingnet (DOT) <mailto:rmwilson%40singnet.com.sg> com.sg>


This is not new research, but old research revisited. Dr Wakefield's 1998

paper does attribute this " novel gut disease " to an immune dysfunction - and

he states it in his presentations, however he does not go any further into

discussing the immune dysfucntion issue in his presentation - more the

gastro issues that arise from this. I was lucky enough to see Dr Wakefield

present in California last September - a fascinating presentation and well

produced and delivered. Dr Wakefield discussed the issue of the measles

virus (injected via the MMR) as perhaps changing and taking root in the gut.

Parents in the meeting pointed out to him that there were other viruses

(like HHV 6 and CMV and Hep B) that had potentially harmed their child and

that their kids did not have gut issues... he said well yes we are dealing

with an immune dysfunction issue and other viruses are likley to be

implicated...however he was not able to discuss the broader issue of immune

dysfunction at

that meeting. A maverick yes, some amazing work yes, and a

gastroenterologist .... and hence a narrow focus on the issue of immune

mediated autistic spectrum disorders.

The issue is much bigger than Dr Wakefield's work indicates.

--- friendsofcam <friendsofcam@ <mailto:friendsofcam%40> >


> Interesting. But, I think this is just another indication of an

> underlying auto-immune dysfunction.




> >

> > New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut' Disease in Some

> Kids

> > >

> > >By Ann Roser

> > >Updated: June 6, 2006

> > >

> > >AUSTIN, Texas -- A maverick British scientist who now works in

> Austin

> > >has completed a new study on autism that links the disease to a

> novel

> > >intestinal illness.

> > >

> > >The research, which will be published in this month's issue of

> the

> > >Journal of Clinical Immunology that is expected to come out

> today,

> > >opens the door to testing treatments for some autistic children,


> > >including a diet that forbids dairy products and certain grains.

> > >

> > >Dr. Andy Wakefield, whose earlier work caused a furor by

> suggesting an

> > >association between a common childhood vaccine and autism, said

> he

> > >considers the latest research groundbreaking.

> > >

> > >The study by Wakefield and three collaborators builds on previous


> > >research connecting autism and the gut.

> > >

> > >But it goes several steps further: It identifies a new

> inflammatory

> > >intestinal disease in some children who appear normal but regress


> into

> > >autism; it suggests the intestinal disease is viral, thus giving


> clues

> > >about the nature of this type of autism; and it provides new

> targets

> > >for treating autism in some children.

> > >

> > > " This now gives us the basis of what is driving that disease and


> what

> > >we can do to treat many children " who regress into autism, said

> > >Wakefield, who is setting up a research, education and treatment


> center

> > >for autistic children in Austin called the Thoughtful House.

> > >

> > > " We hope this will form the basis for a new clinical trial. "

> > >Nationally known autism expert Dr. Buie, a pediatrician

> > >specializing in gastrointestinal disorders at Massachusetts

> General

> > >Hospital for Children, called the research a welcome extension of


> > >Wakefield's earlier work into the relationship between autism and


> > >gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea.

> Buie is

> > >among the researchers studying bowel disease and autism, but he

> said

> > >it's too early to gauge the significance of Wakefield's

> findings.

> > >

> > >

> > >Autism is a complex disorder that usually emerges during the

> first

> > >three years of life and affects the ability to communicate,

> reason and

> > >interact with others. Some type of autism is diagnosed in one in

> > >166 individuals, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease

> Control and

> > >Prevention. According to the Autism Society of America, rates are


> > >soaring and could rise from 1.5 million Americans to 4 million in


> the

> > >next decade.

> > >

> > >Autism is classified as a neurological disorder, but scientists

> don't

> > >know what causes it or how to cure it.

> > >

> > >Though the new research expands the understanding of autism in a


> select

> > >group of children, " the jury is still out " on whether it extends


> to a

> > >larger group, said Buie, who also is on the Harvard Medical

> School

> > >faculty. " We're a long way from saying that these changes at the


> gut

> > >level are what is causing the autism. " Dr. Baskin, a

> professor of

> > >neurosurgery and anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine in


> > >Houston, said the study " adds to a growing body of knowledge

> concerning

> > >children with autism and poses a number of important questions to


> be

> > >answered with additional research. "

> > >Wakefield and his colleagues studied 86 children in England,

> including

> > >21 with autism. They found that the autistic children had

> significantly

> > >more cells of a certain type in their digestive tracts associated


> with

> > >an intestinal inflammation causing them chronic problems.

> > >

> > >Eleven of those children were on some dietary restrictions

> involving

> > >dairy products, gluten (grains, such as wheat and rye), or both.

> > >Their parents said the children functioned better, physically and


> > >mentally, according to the study. Those children also had fewer

> > >inflammatory chemicals in their intestines than those not on

> restricted

> > >diets, the study says.

> > >

> > >The study recommends more research on the restricted diet.

> Autistic

> > >children across the country have been known to try it.

> > >

> > > " It's really rather remarkable the differences I have seen in

> some

> > >children, " said Bell, executive director and chief

> executive

> > >officer of Cure Autism Now, an advocacy organization in Los

> Angeles

> > >that supports autism research.

> > >

> > >But Bell said the diet had no effect on his autistic son, now 11.


> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study also suggests that some drugs might

> help, but

> > >the paper does not recommend any. In an interview, Wakefield said


> > >Remicade, used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis,


> > >merits further study.

> > >

> > >The Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about Remicade

> after

> > >it was linked to lymphoma, malignancies and heart failure.

> Wakefield

> > >said he didn't want to mention the drug because he didn't want

> patients

> > >clamoring for it until it's been thoroughly tested for autism.

> > >

> > >

> > >The gut's connection to the disorder has gained credence in the

> last

> > >five to 10 years, Bell said, although people outside the autism

> > >community might not know that.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study found that the type of gastrointestinal


> > >illness the autistic children exhibited, though different than

> other

> > >inflammatory bowel diseases, is " similar to what we would see in



> > >patients. " " That's important, " he said, " because it's a rationale


> for

> > >looking for a viral cause for autism. " Wakefield received

> international

> > >notoriety following a 1998 article he published in the Lancet, a


> > >prestigious British medical journal, in which parents reported

> that

> > >they thought the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, known as

> MMR,

> > >could be linked to autism and a bowel disease in some children.

> > >

> > >Though Wakefield said it was important to report what parents

> were

> > >saying, he insists he is a big vaccine supporter. However, he

> does

> > >favor separating the MMR into individual shots because the

> combination

> > >might harm some children.

> > >

> > >Earlier this year, 10 of the 13 authors of the Lancet report

> disavowed

> > >the interpretation that MMR might cause autism. Wakefield was not


> one

> > >of them and was singled out in a " 60 Minutes " report on the

> subject

> > >Oct. 24 for fueling anti-vaccine hysteria. (The new study does

> not

> > >discuss vaccines.) The Lancet said it would not have published

> the 1998

> > >study had it known that Wakefield was helping parents of autistic


> > >children gather scientific information for a lawsuit over the MMR


> > >vaccine. The Legal Aid Board in England had paid the hospital

> where

> > >Wakefield worked $90,000 for his help.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said last week that he didn't get any money and didn't


> do

> > >anything unethical. Although some of the same parents in the

> lawsuit

> > >also were involved in the Lancet study, Wakefield said, the

> Lancet

> > >paper was not done to " propagate a lawsuit. " As the MMR vaccine

> > >controversy raged, Wakefield resigned under pressure from his job


> as an

> > >assistant professor of experimental gastroenterology at the Royal


> Free

> > >Hospital Medical School in London in 2001. He has been in the

> process

> > >of relocating to Austin for the past 18 months, he said, and

> plans to

> > >open the Thoughtful House in January.

> > >

> > >The center will start with clinical services for autistic

> children and

> > >will gradually expand to a school. It also will do research

> studies.

> > >

> > > Ann Roser writes for the Austin American-Statesman. E-mail:

> > >maroser@... <mailto:maroser%40statesman.com> Editor

> > >Notes:Story Filed By Newspapers For Use By Clients of the New


> York

> > >Times News Service

> > >

> > >c.2004 News Service

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Guest guest

I think that the overspecialization of medicine is the real culprit though. I

must say I was pretty suprised when I first stumbled upon and learned that

Dr. Goldberg was a PCP/pediatrician. A lot of PCPs won't run half of the panels

recommends for fear they will be put in detention by the insurer. So what

happens? Everybody is sent off to a specialist, and the PCP washes his/her

hands of the patient. That's where secondary findings come into play, like

measle strains in the gut. If any of Wakefield's kids were still under the care

of their PCP, that doctor could have then taken the GI specialist's findings and

looked at them as a piece of the puzzle -- that is not happening enough or at

all in medicine thanks to good old managed health care.

I think I have read everything you sent me -- I'll have to double check your

older e-mail and & make sure. I have the Hopkins article tucked in my

kid's diaper bag, as I highlighted some points of interest I wanted to bring up

with his immunologist next week.


<rmwilson@...> wrote:

No one said they didn't - however the press got hold of this is the UK


totally distorted that point (disease process) - they made it out to be

" the " diease " process and that MMR was the culprit.Dr Wakefield did not then

defend the total immune dysfunction issue went along more with the MMR issue

- and this has lead enormous slowing down of work into immune dysfunction

and Autism, a huge avoidance of vaccination programs in the UK which

ultimately lead to an outbreak of measles in a US city recently, .

Susn, have you read the hypothesis statement yet, or the papers I

referred you too?


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Rob or


Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 4:50 AM

Subject: Re: Re: New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut'

Disease in Some Kids

What these doctors (Buie, Wakefield, Krigsman) have done for our kids is

proved that there is a disease process going on, not a psychological or or

purely genetic disorder.


rmwilson <rmwilsonsingnet (DOT) <mailto:rmwilson%40singnet.com.sg> com.sg>


This is not new research, but old research revisited. Dr Wakefield's 1998

paper does attribute this " novel gut disease " to an immune dysfunction - and

he states it in his presentations, however he does not go any further into

discussing the immune dysfucntion issue in his presentation - more the

gastro issues that arise from this. I was lucky enough to see Dr Wakefield

present in California last September - a fascinating presentation and well

produced and delivered. Dr Wakefield discussed the issue of the measles

virus (injected via the MMR) as perhaps changing and taking root in the gut.

Parents in the meeting pointed out to him that there were other viruses

(like HHV 6 and CMV and Hep B) that had potentially harmed their child and

that their kids did not have gut issues... he said well yes we are dealing

with an immune dysfunction issue and other viruses are likley to be

implicated...however he was not able to discuss the broader issue of immune

dysfunction at

that meeting. A maverick yes, some amazing work yes, and a

gastroenterologist .... and hence a narrow focus on the issue of immune

mediated autistic spectrum disorders.

The issue is much bigger than Dr Wakefield's work indicates.

--- friendsofcam <friendsofcam@ <mailto:friendsofcam%40> >


> Interesting. But, I think this is just another indication of an

> underlying auto-immune dysfunction.




> >

> > New Research on Autism Points to a Novel 'Gut' Disease in Some

> Kids

> > >

> > >By Ann Roser

> > >Updated: June 6, 2006

> > >

> > >AUSTIN, Texas -- A maverick British scientist who now works in

> Austin

> > >has completed a new study on autism that links the disease to a

> novel

> > >intestinal illness.

> > >

> > >The research, which will be published in this month's issue of

> the

> > >Journal of Clinical Immunology that is expected to come out

> today,

> > >opens the door to testing treatments for some autistic children,


> > >including a diet that forbids dairy products and certain grains.

> > >

> > >Dr. Andy Wakefield, whose earlier work caused a furor by

> suggesting an

> > >association between a common childhood vaccine and autism, said

> he

> > >considers the latest research groundbreaking.

> > >

> > >The study by Wakefield and three collaborators builds on previous


> > >research connecting autism and the gut.

> > >

> > >But it goes several steps further: It identifies a new

> inflammatory

> > >intestinal disease in some children who appear normal but regress


> into

> > >autism; it suggests the intestinal disease is viral, thus giving


> clues

> > >about the nature of this type of autism; and it provides new

> targets

> > >for treating autism in some children.

> > >

> > > " This now gives us the basis of what is driving that disease and


> what

> > >we can do to treat many children " who regress into autism, said

> > >Wakefield, who is setting up a research, education and treatment


> center

> > >for autistic children in Austin called the Thoughtful House.

> > >

> > > " We hope this will form the basis for a new clinical trial. "

> > >Nationally known autism expert Dr. Buie, a pediatrician

> > >specializing in gastrointestinal disorders at Massachusetts

> General

> > >Hospital for Children, called the research a welcome extension of


> > >Wakefield's earlier work into the relationship between autism and


> > >gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea.

> Buie is

> > >among the researchers studying bowel disease and autism, but he

> said

> > >it's too early to gauge the significance of Wakefield's

> findings.

> > >

> > >

> > >Autism is a complex disorder that usually emerges during the

> first

> > >three years of life and affects the ability to communicate,

> reason and

> > >interact with others. Some type of autism is diagnosed in one in

> > >166 individuals, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease

> Control and

> > >Prevention. According to the Autism Society of America, rates are


> > >soaring and could rise from 1.5 million Americans to 4 million in


> the

> > >next decade.

> > >

> > >Autism is classified as a neurological disorder, but scientists

> don't

> > >know what causes it or how to cure it.

> > >

> > >Though the new research expands the understanding of autism in a


> select

> > >group of children, " the jury is still out " on whether it extends


> to a

> > >larger group, said Buie, who also is on the Harvard Medical

> School

> > >faculty. " We're a long way from saying that these changes at the


> gut

> > >level are what is causing the autism. " Dr. Baskin, a

> professor of

> > >neurosurgery and anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine in


> > >Houston, said the study " adds to a growing body of knowledge

> concerning

> > >children with autism and poses a number of important questions to


> be

> > >answered with additional research. "

> > >Wakefield and his colleagues studied 86 children in England,

> including

> > >21 with autism. They found that the autistic children had

> significantly

> > >more cells of a certain type in their digestive tracts associated


> with

> > >an intestinal inflammation causing them chronic problems.

> > >

> > >Eleven of those children were on some dietary restrictions

> involving

> > >dairy products, gluten (grains, such as wheat and rye), or both.

> > >Their parents said the children functioned better, physically and


> > >mentally, according to the study. Those children also had fewer

> > >inflammatory chemicals in their intestines than those not on

> restricted

> > >diets, the study says.

> > >

> > >The study recommends more research on the restricted diet.

> Autistic

> > >children across the country have been known to try it.

> > >

> > > " It's really rather remarkable the differences I have seen in

> some

> > >children, " said Bell, executive director and chief

> executive

> > >officer of Cure Autism Now, an advocacy organization in Los

> Angeles

> > >that supports autism research.

> > >

> > >But Bell said the diet had no effect on his autistic son, now 11.


> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study also suggests that some drugs might

> help, but

> > >the paper does not recommend any. In an interview, Wakefield said


> > >Remicade, used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis,


> > >merits further study.

> > >

> > >The Food and Drug Administration issued warnings about Remicade

> after

> > >it was linked to lymphoma, malignancies and heart failure.

> Wakefield

> > >said he didn't want to mention the drug because he didn't want

> patients

> > >clamoring for it until it's been thoroughly tested for autism.

> > >

> > >

> > >The gut's connection to the disorder has gained credence in the

> last

> > >five to 10 years, Bell said, although people outside the autism

> > >community might not know that.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said the study found that the type of gastrointestinal


> > >illness the autistic children exhibited, though different than

> other

> > >inflammatory bowel diseases, is " similar to what we would see in



> > >patients. " " That's important, " he said, " because it's a rationale


> for

> > >looking for a viral cause for autism. " Wakefield received

> international

> > >notoriety following a 1998 article he published in the Lancet, a


> > >prestigious British medical journal, in which parents reported

> that

> > >they thought the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, known as

> MMR,

> > >could be linked to autism and a bowel disease in some children.

> > >

> > >Though Wakefield said it was important to report what parents

> were

> > >saying, he insists he is a big vaccine supporter. However, he

> does

> > >favor separating the MMR into individual shots because the

> combination

> > >might harm some children.

> > >

> > >Earlier this year, 10 of the 13 authors of the Lancet report

> disavowed

> > >the interpretation that MMR might cause autism. Wakefield was not


> one

> > >of them and was singled out in a " 60 Minutes " report on the

> subject

> > >Oct. 24 for fueling anti-vaccine hysteria. (The new study does

> not

> > >discuss vaccines.) The Lancet said it would not have published

> the 1998

> > >study had it known that Wakefield was helping parents of autistic


> > >children gather scientific information for a lawsuit over the MMR


> > >vaccine. The Legal Aid Board in England had paid the hospital

> where

> > >Wakefield worked $90,000 for his help.

> > >

> > >Wakefield said last week that he didn't get any money and didn't


> do

> > >anything unethical. Although some of the same parents in the

> lawsuit

> > >also were involved in the Lancet study, Wakefield said, the

> Lancet

> > >paper was not done to " propagate a lawsuit. " As the MMR vaccine

> > >controversy raged, Wakefield resigned under pressure from his job


> as an

> > >assistant professor of experimental gastroenterology at the Royal


> Free

> > >Hospital Medical School in London in 2001. He has been in the

> process

> > >of relocating to Austin for the past 18 months, he said, and

> plans to

> > >open the Thoughtful House in January.

> > >

> > >The center will start with clinical services for autistic

> children and

> > >will gradually expand to a school. It also will do research

> studies.

> > >

> > > Ann Roser writes for the Austin American-Statesman. E-mail:

> > >maroser@... <mailto:maroser%40statesman.com> Editor

> > >Notes:Story Filed By Newspapers For Use By Clients of the New


> York

> > >Times News Service

> > >

> > >c.2004 News Service

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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