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RE: Seeing pediatrician

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Hi Sharolyn,

My son also has very frequent urination. He has had this for a very long

time and we are not taking Zoloft, I wish I knew why this happens!

Seeing pediatrician

My son has been doing the protocol since May of this year and I haven't

seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see him now for a

possible infection. I am afraid he will be unsupportive when I tell

him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to date on his

medications. Has anyone else had this fear and what did you do about


Thanks, Sharolyn

PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight loss, diarrhea from

Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I thought it was from meds.

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My son had frequent and urgent urination along with

bed wetting. He was also very thin and we just

couldn't get wt. on him. After 3 1/2 years on the

program, he is no longer bed wetting (stopped or at

least, it is very infrequent, at about 13). he often

still urgently says he has to go, but it is much

better. i have heard this can be from strep, which we

are still battling with my son. aso titers started at

777 and are now 445 or so. just can't get them down

where they need to be. but he is much healthier

now--5'2 " and about 100 lbs.

he really doesn't eat that much more than he did, but

the wt. started going on finally. i think he just

became more healthy. he is now 15.

Our ped. gives us a hard time about the meds, also. I

really don't like going. I consider Dr. Goldberg our


--- golivo@... wrote:

> Hi Sharolyn,


> My son also has very frequent urination. He has had

> this for a very long

> time and we are not taking Zoloft, I wish I knew

> why this happens!



> Seeing pediatrician



> My son has been doing the protocol since May of

> this year and I haven't

> seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see

> him now for a

> possible infection. I am afraid he will be

> unsupportive when I tell

> him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to

> date on his

> medications. Has anyone else had this fear and

> what did you do about

> it.


> Thanks, Sharolyn

> PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight

> loss, diarrhea from

> Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I

> thought it was from meds.







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Barb Katsaros



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I didn't have your problem because our pediatrician was already impressed

with Dr. Goldberg (he had other patients who were also under Dr. Goldberg's

care and he had seen them improving).

Of course, with seizures and the many problems that come along with , we

have seen quite a few other doctors, and of those, they have either just

asked why our boys were on the meds and then just sort of raised an eyebrow

and moved on, or they have wanted to learn more and have themselves become

excited about what Dr. Goldberg is doing.

I think if you go in and are informed, having an explanation as to why your

son is on the meds, you may get " the raised eyebrow " , but hopefully nothing

more than that. Two of our sons' doctors ended up speaking to Dr. Goldberg

on the phone because they had questions, and they were satisfied with the

answers they got and happy to " meet " Dr. Goldberg. It literally took WEEKS

for our pediatrician and Dr. Goldberg to line up a conversation with each

other, because they are both overwhelmingly busy, but they did it.

Our pediatrician thinks Dr. Goldberg is the best in the world at what he is

doing. Dr. Goldberg is very conservative and careful with our kids. Our

local pediatric practice (big practice inside of a hospital) was using

Strattera for a year before Dr. Goldberg would touch it. He said he wanted

to watch it for a while to be sure it was safe.

Anyway, good luck. I hate confrontation and have sort of dreaded

explaining the thing to new doctors, but I have managed to " convert " a

few of them! It took over a year in one case. Just always be polite and

just state your case.


> From: sharolyn68 <Sharolyn68@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 04:23:43 +0000

> < >

> Subject: Seeing pediatrician


> My son has been doing the protocol since May of this year and I haven't

> seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see him now for a

> possible infection. I am afraid he will be unsupportive when I tell

> him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to date on his

> medications. Has anyone else had this fear and what did you do about

> it.


> Thanks, Sharolyn

> PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight loss, diarrhea from

> Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I thought it was from meds.

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It's good to bring an " infopacket " the first time you go to your local

pediatrician. Print from the web things like the diet, what is , etc, along

with a copy or two of recent lab results and such. Also good to make a list of

" symptoms " (autistic behaviors, learning problems, dark circles around eyes,

etc) that your son had BEFORE starting with Dr. G and a list of the improvements

thus far- which you could add on to every time.

Our local doctor was okay with us " going along with Dr. Goldberg " until we got

to the IMGG. Then she put her foot down saying that we were going to cause too

much trauma/pain. Since then we've agreed to disagree.

The doctor is in a large group and when my son is sick she usually isn't the one

to see him (and when the other doctors ask if he's on any medication they do

raise an eyebrow when I list them) but I make sure she gets to see him at least

once a year so she can see for herself how he is coming along.

We just had son #2 last November and at each check up she's closely looking for

signs of autism and comparing his skills to the older one at that age. She was

more than willing to alter the vaccine schedule and hasn't said a peep about the

low allergen diet.

So, I suppose she is semi-supportive; diffidently willing to work with us, but

not converted to .

- in Mobile, AL

Reality lies beyond the horizon...


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We're in Kokomo, Indiana (about an hour straight north of Indianapolis).


> From: <isoaa@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:58:49 -0400 (EDT)

> < >

> Subject: Re: Seeing pediatrician


> Caroline,


> May I ask where you reside? I am assuming in the states.


> Michele Cerruto.

> Greenville, SC


> " Ms. Michele "

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I have heard, on another list I'm on, that it *can be* caused by high

oxylates (Google " low oxylate diet " for info on foods that are high in



Seeing pediatrician

My son has been doing the protocol since May of this year and I haven't

seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see him now for a

possible infection. I am afraid he will be unsupportive when I tell

him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to date on his

medications. Has anyone else had this fear and what did you do about


Thanks, Sharolyn

PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight loss, diarrhea from

Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I thought it was from meds.

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My pediatrician at the time of seeing Dr G thought I

was nuts but he still had to defer to my decisions and

still ordered the labs for us. We had to agree to

disagree, he never believed the improvements, and was

not supportive, but was polite enough to speak his

opinion and not push me in my decision. We stayed a

long time with him, but I was happy to find another

guy eventually (because of vaccine struggles) who was

very supportive and even restarted Diflucan after

having to do a couple of rounds of antibiotics (we had

already been off the protocol by this time). Now

we've lost him because he went to the university he

worked as a geneticist for part-time, and he's gone on

to study protocols for Down's Syndrome, so he was

already inclined to believe that we don't know

everything yet. (Maybe being educated at Harvard and

Stanford mattered - I'd love to find someone out of

Hopkins locally when I get settled with a new ped.)

Just don't be intimidated. Going in feeling guilty is

already going to make you feel at a disadvantage if

you already have a subconcious idea that he's not

going to like what you're doing. Just sign a release

of info and suggest he can talk w/Dr G if he has

questions, state his hypothesis is being heavily

supported by research coming out of Hopkins and lots

of other mainstream medical research, and leave it at

that. Don't go in seeking approval, and don't worry

if the doctor isn't supportive. Over the long term,

you can always change and start fresh, although

usually you can still work fine w/someone who isn't

positive towards the protocol.

--- sharolyn68 <Sharolyn68@...> wrote:

> My son has been doing the protocol since May of this

> year and I haven't

> seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see

> him now for a

> possible infection. I am afraid he will be

> unsupportive when I tell

> him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to

> date on his

> medications. Has anyone else had this fear and what

> did you do about

> it.


> Thanks, Sharolyn

> PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight

> loss, diarrhea from

> Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I

> thought it was from meds.






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> > My son has been doing the protocol since May of this

> > year and I haven't

> > seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see

> > him now for a

> > possible infection. I am afraid he will be

> > unsupportive when I tell

> > him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to

> > date on his

> > medications. Has anyone else had this fear and what

> > did you do about

> > it.

> >

> > Thanks, Sharolyn

> > PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight

> > loss, diarrhea from

> > Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I

> > thought it was from meds.

> >






> >



> __________________________________________________


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> > My son has been doing the protocol since May of this

> > year and I haven't

> > seen our regular peds since then. He needs to see

> > him now for a

> > possible infection. I am afraid he will be

> > unsupportive when I tell

> > him the meds he is on, but I want him to be up to

> > date on his

> > medications. Has anyone else had this fear and what

> > did you do about

> > it.

> >

> > Thanks, Sharolyn

> > PS Anyone else see frequent urination and weight

> > loss, diarrhea from

> > Zoloft? Dr G wants his peds to see him. ??? I

> > thought it was from meds.

> >




> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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You mentioned that your doctor had left to study protocols for Down

Syndrome. Someone close to me has a child (in the south) affected by this.

Do you know what " protocol " he is studying? I am so curious about this

because I've heard little bits here and there that intrigue me... can you

tell me what university he left for?


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